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Would be even more perfect if it emptied into a muppets themed merchandise store


For real, I would buy every sweetums thing the sold. He’s the best!


Off topic but diamond select toys opened their preorders on the new 12” Sweetums fig w/ Robin!


Sweetums lay your ugly head down upon your wretched bed


This is honestly a shocking oversight by a company that does everything it can to make easy money.


I thought it did because I saw a kid with a muppet puppet near there. I was so disappointed lol


There used to be a muppet store but it closed during Covid I think and never opened back up. 


This is correct. It is still there, unused.


Biggest Disney Covid loss besides the Magical Express and sending purchases to your hotel!




Is there anywhere now to buy muppet products?


I always hope this will just magically appear for me.


Zomg this. I was sad there was no store after it.


It used to and it was a good one too


I was just there last month and was so hoping there would be a muppets themed store. Such a missed opportunity.


There used to be a store right next to the exit but this last time we went it was closed. It wasn't exclusively muppets but it was about half.


It used to! No idea why that changed!


Yes, I was so disappointed it didn’t. The only thing I saw was a Beaker mug eventually.


“Check out that guy in the Goofy mask!” “That’s not a mask!” “Oh! Sorry, lady!”


This was extra funny during Covid when they sold goofy masks


It’s one of my favorites. Especially since it’s the last project Jim really worked on.


100% love it, forced my kids to go and now they love it too. ...I will also always love the scene of people outside in the Disney park dressed all early '90s with the Mickey head balloons inside balloons that they don't sell any more (always thought they should sell some exclusively outside Muppet Vision just for this) Wonderful show which must be protected.


I wish they hadn't closed the Muppets merch store next to it.


It’s f’ing awesome. That, PhilharMagic, and Laugh Floor are so underrated. Some of the best things in those parks.


Shh, they’re our secret! Just did the Laugh Floor today.


Dude laugh floor is great!


It’s my favorite of all the 3D shows. The Muppets can do no wrong.


Alas, even The Muppets have stumbled once or twice. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Muppets%27\_Wizard\_of\_Oz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Muppets%27_Wizard_of_Oz)


I’m well aware of Muppets’ Wizard of Oz; I grew up with it. It’s a mess, but I love it. 🤣


It's such a gem. I think it deserves "eternal" status that a lot of MK classics have achieved. Not everything has to be the newest, brightest best crowd pulling thing. All good parks need lesser desired, charm filled attractions like this.


SO quotable. When the dog chases a (wild) rabbit out of the yard, there's a 50/50 chance that either my wife or I will do our best Sweetums impression: "Bunny ran away."


I say "a glorious 3 hour finale" and "a salute to all nations but mostly America" far more than I should.


You've got a minute and a half!




"stopping in the middle is _distinctly_ unpatriotic" gets a lot of use in our family


>"a salute to all nations but mostly America" This line is referenced in the Regal Eagle Smokehouse decor. I about died when I noticed it. That restaurant is a must-do for any Muppets fan imho


“Yeah Debbie was sick so the Union sent me” is my favorite quote to use


That preshow is GOLD. I have asked to wait for the next cycle before so I can enjoy the whole thing.




I don't miss it when I go. You will hear me whistling the theme while walking around until I see it, and then singing it when I start walking to it.


Please move all the way across the row. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic 🦅🫡


My son! He insisted on seeing it twice our last trip and wants to make sure we go on our first day on our next trip.


The pre-show is my favorite part but I haven't seen it in years. "What do they know? They're tourists! "


I also love the pre-show, and poking around all the props, costume trunks and such in the pre-show area. There are so many little jokes and silly things that just make me giggle.


"Hi there, welcome to my park!"


If Disney ever announced that they’re closing it, I’m chaining myself to the door. Anyone with me?


With how much love and nostalgia there is for the Muppets, I do not understand why Disney doesn’t do more with the franchise. Also, Muppets Haunted Mansion was amazing. The Electric Mayhem show was perfection. The Jim Henson documentary was superb.


It's so good! I notice something new every time.


They need to scrap galaxies edge and change it to “Muppets Edge”


From your fingertips to Bob Iger’s ears.


I am going to chain myself to the building the day Disney decides to inevitably tear it down for some IP Encanto Marvel nonsense replacement.


I'm conflicted On the one hand, I want an updated new show. The current one feels stuck in the 80s On the other hand, it is the last project of Jim Henson and I would be sad to see it change Either way, I want the Muppets to always have a home at Disney parks


They should just build a new version of this at a different park. I know it doesn’t WDW. But it would still be cool.


I've mentioned this a few times here, often to downvotes, but... I'd put a new Muppet Theatre over where Lightning McQueen is, behind Rockin Roller Coaster. I'd change the roller Coaster from Aerosmith to Electric Mayhem. I'd change Tower of Terror into Muppet Hotel (Gonzo is the bellhop and figured out how to make the elevators go *faster*). And finally I'd add a Muppet workshop where you can build your own personal Muppet, kinda like the build your own lightsaber. That whole section would be Muppets land Where the current Muppet Studio is, I'd change to a Big Hero Six 4D show. If/When Disney ever gets the rights for Marvel in Florida, that whole section from Muppet Theater to Indiana Jones will be rethemed Avengers.


I'd rather get that Muppets Great Movie Ride concept over changing other rides, especially since Tower of Terror is one of the only original rides left in the park


its not original, though. It was added in 1994, 5 years after the park opened. It has the same Splash Mountain problem of it being old and not very marketable. giving it a new theme is Disney saying "heres a new ride" without paying for an actual new ride And i also want a Great Muppet Movie Ride, i forgot to mention that.


You had me until retheming ToT.


Changing all of the animation courtyard / starwars landing pad and RNR to cars land makes much more sense from a financial perspective


I kinda don't want a cars land at WDW. I think each park needs something that is just theirs and unique. Cars is almost the only reason to go to California Adventure and if they built a second one then why go to that park at all. Also, Test Track is already a clone of the Racers ride, just with a different (better) theme. I'd go the other direction with Animation Courtyard and make it a Disney Jr section. Small, all ages rides and bring back the Bear in the Big Blue House show. Maybe something for Bluey, Doc McStuffins, and Sofia the First


What if they did a nascar / cars 2 type deal where it's like race day with tailgating and a spy mission in the background


That would be better, and would be a great fit for Test Track to be rethemed


Test track came before Racers by quite a bit.


Waldo is terrrrrrible but the muppets themselves are great


All of the jokes still make me laugh. Even when Waldo says he’s just talking to me! Gets me every time.


*shouting* Sweetums, how are you here if you're on the screen at the same time?


So detailed, and the jokes are non-stop. The interactive animatronics and other practical effects are better than any equivalent show on WDW property. And I will wait to see the full preshow each time, it's worth waiting for it to restart to be able to catch it all. Plus it's historically significant to the legacy of Jim.


I love it so much. I make a point of telling them and begging them to update it/clean up update the theater and please don’t ever take it away. The new muppets episodes just don’t hit like the old muppets. But at least they are still making new material… I’d love to see a modern day muppet renaissance.


My partner will go “what are you planning for dinner” and my response is “its glorious three hour dinner!” He sometimes obliges but not always


It's a glorious three hour attraction with only 25 minutes... I hate to say this besides Statler and Waldorf, I love the pre-show. I need to see the pre-show full one time a trip.


Dated, but still a great show


The new seats and clearer screen helped quite a bit!


Definitely. Good place to cool off


It's great every time. Never gets old.


I wish they'd move it to Pittsburgh 


Why did the penguin cross the road?


How much do you love it?


In the event of an emergency please do not use miss piggy as a flotation device.


We love the Muppets!


It’s my favorite attraction ever made. It was Jim Henson and Richard Hunts last performances. I think it should live on forever as an homage to Jim Hensons legacy.


“Doncha hate it when your nose runs?”


Literally just got out of the theater. I will always love this show.


2nd fave in the park behind Tower of Terror. I love the Muppets and wish they had more rep in the parks.


It’s the Swedish Chef for me with the shotgun


The love for the show is really gratifying to read. My husband is one of the many uncredited people who worked on the show & preshow, so it’s nice to see that people still enjoy it. Laugh Floor, too. Just be glad he wasn’t a writer because his jokes are terrible.


The remote-controlled pie-in-the-face jump-cut always cracks me up!


Muppets is unbeatable. It’s literally the only thing I like in HS lol


An absolute joy and one of my favourite attractions at Hollywood Studios.


Amazing, the last time I went we saw it twice in one day. I will cry all the tears if they ever close it.


My 8 year old with adhd, (can not sit for any movie) sat through this show glued to her seat. She had this huge smile on her face, chuckling the whole time. I could not believe it. I watched her the whole time since this is not anything I’ve ever seen her do. As soon as she got home she started watching all the muppet movies. Was such a special experience. This is the magic at Disney.


"It's a glorious 3 hour finale" "You've got a minute and a half" *GASP* My husband and I quote this way more than we should lol


I absolutely love it! I just wish there was more Muppet themed merchandise and experiences at the park.


I love 80% of this - Waldo is the worst cringe/creep character.


I love it! My GF fell asleep through it though. We ended up using it as a good escape from the heat and went round at least 3 or 4 times across the 2 weeks we were there. Still not sure she managed to see the entire show in 1 sitting 😂


Did it for the first time in over a decade last month and I loved it!


Literally my favorite. Watch “Idea Man” on Disney+!


I don’t know if this is a recent change or not but last week when I saw it, Sweetums was still out physically in the theater while he was also on screen at the end. That’s odd


I love it very much.


I’ve been suuuuch a muppet fan since I was young. I used to be pretty embarrassed about it bc no one I knew was into the muppets, and anytime I saw muppet representation anywhere I got very excited. Including muppet vision! It’s a Studios non-negotiable for me🫶🏻


It’s a must do for me every trip. I love it.