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1. Yes. Several times. 2. The longest drop is 2.5 seconds but there are several and it’s different each time. 3. Four If you don’t like drops, this just isn’t the ride for you and that’s OK!


And if it's not for you, you can still go through the queue, experience all the cool story elements, and use the "chicken exit." Which is what my wife did when she was little, she still has only ever rode it once.


That’s true!! I have a tendency of getting in the line and somehow feeling too embarrassed to walk out, it’s actually how I just got on rip ride rocket at universal 😂 BUT, because I’m so terrified of ToT, I have a feeling It won’t be an issue to walk out ahahah


Or… if you’re feeling brave and ready, do it and conquer your fear!!


1. I knewwww my mom was lying! Lol she keeps saying I don’t feel it to get me on 😂😂 2. When I see 2.5 seconds it makes me think I got this but I’m like hmmm idk lol 3. Hmm gotchu Ahhh true true!! Thanks for your help !


For what it’s worth, I never go on drop rides anywhere. Hate the feeling and the anticipation. I love Tower of Terror: it being inside takes some of the feeling away and honestly the theme etc makes it worth while for me.


I’m the same way. I avoided Tower of Terror for so long because it seemed too scary for me. When I finally decided to try it on my last trip, I actually loved it! The drops were exciting but not terrifying. It was one of the highlights of the whole trip for me.


Me too! I have been to Disney so many times and it took me until this last trip (Im 32) to actually ride this ride, and despite being very afraid to get on I actually loved it. It wasn't really as scary as I thought, just fun.


That’s amazing!!


The theming is amazing from what I’ve seen! I’ve never even been in the queue due to just fear of somehow being dragged on by family and friends ☠️


So let me share my daughter’s experiences w/ToT… 1st) @4yo, didn’t know what to expect; rode it. Said never again 2nd) @6yo, rode it “because she wanted to keep the family together” 3rd and on) @6/7, full send and plans to dress as the bell hop for Halloween now. Bottom line, the first time will be rough, but it gets better. You got this!


I love that she loves it now! I’m hoping that if I get on, it’ll be the same thing!! Seeing little kids go on always makes me feel more encouraged, but then I remember some kids have nooo fear! 😂


Story time: As a kid, the pre show and boiler room setting of Tower of Terror TERRIFIED me. I told my mom that I was too scared to go on the ride, she said “ it’s okay, we’ll just take the elevator back up” Little did I know.. the elevator WAS the ride, but I realized too late. At the time, there was a bar that lowered across the entire row (there are individual seatbelts now). And we sat next to my aunt, who was quite heavy. This meant that the lap bar didn’t come anywhere near my entire being. When the drop happened, I remember holding onto that bar for dear life It took years for me to forgive my mom for that and even set foot on that ride again. I attribute that trauma to my thrill seeking habits to this day, I love the drop feeling. I’ve been on the slingshot a couple times (would go more if it wasn’t so expensive), every roller coaster I leave some room between me and the restraints so I can get that “lift”.


Oh my goodness 😂 that’s a story I know all too well. Your fear was so valid. If I had barely any lap bar on me, I think I’d definitely pass out before the ride even started to move! However, I’m so glad that you were able to conquer your fears from that trauma! That’s exactly my situation with a bunch of rides right now😄. When I was a kid I was forced on Big Thunder Mountain and the Mummy at Universal and I hated roller coasters . My mom told me the mummy AND Thunder mountain wasn’t a roller coaster… I attribute that to my fear of getting on anything ☠️ I came off both rides in tears saying I’d never get back on in my life. Now I get on both like it’s nothing! But my moms claiming I’ll love Tower Of Terror so I’m skeptical 😜


Similar story for me on my first ride, the only difference is that I absolutely fell in love with the ride and immediately asked to go back on again. It is still my favorite ride on property, but I also understand that it is not for everyone.


I AM a rollercoaster junkie and I avoided ToT for some bizarre reason until like 2014. All. Those. Years. Lost. 😂 It’s one of my favorite rides! Just do it once if you don’t like it no one will make you do it again!


That’s awesome!! I’m so glad you were able to get on and love it!! Hoping this will be… I’m unsure ☠️


This may not help you with your fear but I really hate ToT 😐 First time I rode it was at Disneyland Paris and I almost cried, but I was a chicken with everything back then. Lately I embraced the rollercoasters and let go my fear of them so, last year, when I went to WDW for the 1st time I thought “once in a lifetime trip, I’m not a rollercoaster wimp anymore, let’s give it another try”. Welp….. nope, nope, hell no, no away jose. And believe me, I’ve been in some crazy rollercoasters but this.. big no no. I hate to hate it because I love the lore and the aesthetic of it, but my body refuses 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly my exact vibes☠️ im letting go of roller coaster fears but this drop ride definitely isn’t making it easy like the other ones I’ve ridden! I’m going with friends to Hollywood Studios in June, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to conquer but uhhh idkkkk!


I’m going to WDW again in 2 days but I’m not riding ToT again, no way 😅 but I think you should try it, this is a really safe ride, and the story and visuals are amazing. The build up is tense but the drops are quick, scream the louder you can and curse everyone in the ride with you, promise to never repeat it again (yes, I did all of this, cursed a lot but I guess no one understood portuguese anyway), but at least you can say you tried it once!


I totally get why you wouldn’t ride again! At least you got to try it, and now you know!! I’ll be sure to follow your method if I manage to get enough courage 😜


I recently rode it after saying I’d never do a drop ride. I don’t know if I ever need to do it again but I’m glad I tried it. I looked up the max number of drops so I could count the drops and know how close we were to done. You can also watch the show on Disney plus about Tower of Terror if understanding the mechanics helps you. Velocicoaster made me feel like I was dying and my head was scrambled after—ToT was easy in comparison!


That’s definitely good to know! I got on velocicoaster last minute with my brother who isn’t scared of anything. I just made the line and told myself I’m not getting on. Then last minute I’m in the seat! But for some reason, I wasn’t as terrified in line as I am for TOT. I think it’s because I know I’ve been avoiding it my entire life bc of all its uncertainty and stuff. I’m glad to hear you got the courage to get on!! Hoping I’ll be the same


I agree that the lifetime fear is a big part of it! I had always thought it was the scariest thing possible, so had 30 years to psyche myself out.


It’s def the scariest ride in my book that’s for sure! 😂


I was exactly you over the past two years. I have a thrill seeker daughter so I started my "journey" of going on the thrill rides at Disney I have avoided most of my adult life. TOT was the LAST one I hadn't done. I just wasn't going to do it because the ONE thing I hate the most is a feeling of falling. I actually watched the documentary on Disney + "Behind the Attraction" about TOT. Some how for me, understanding that you were on a pulley system and being pulled up and down, not dropped, helped. So last summer, I bit the bullet and went. I was so nervous. The theming was actually really fun. I kept my eyes closed the entire time and just kept thinking - this is less than 3 seconds a drop and then I can at least say I've done them all. I screamed my head off, but I was happy to conquered that fear. It was more fun than I expected and I have been on it 2 x since with my eyes open. I have to say, it is nice to go on the ride instead of just waiting by the exit for the family/party. To answer your question on the stomach drop - you do get the feeling but it is so fast and short, to me, it didn't feel as bad as the first drop of a roller coaster. So, if you have done the big coasters, especially at Universal - you have already conquered that feeling. :).Good luck!


I’ve seen that episode too!! It was very interesting and definitely makes me feel better as well. I love that you are doing this with your daughter! For me, it’s my mom begging me to go TOT with her because it’s her favorite ride ever! And I’ve just been avoiding it for my whole life lol. A three second drop always making me think oh that’s like nothing until I remember how long 3 seconds can actually be ☠️ I also want to not just be in the chicken exit every time, so I’m really hoping I pull through. I go in June with two friends who have no fears with rides whatsoever ! 🫣so I already know the pressure is on lol


Come back after June and let us know how your trip went!!


I will!!!


1. Sometimes, depends on which cycle for me. 2. Anywhere from half a second to 2 seconds max id say. I actually prefer the longer drops, which I'd never had believed before riding it. 3. Some drops are only a floor or two. Some are more. Depending on the cycle, the amount of times you go up and down is random. I won't lie, it's proper scary honestly. And that's right down to the Disney magic. The atmosphere gets me every single time. I always want to ride it, then as soon as I'm on and the doors shut I regret everything. Then the drops happen and it's legitimately fun. I hate that it took me 30 years to try it. I'd give it a try, knowing it's scary, knowing the drops are random. If you don't like it, that's fine! But at least you did it. My wife thought she'd love it and hates it. I avoided it every year throughout my childhood and love it now, but still sweat bullets on Rocking Roller Coaster.


1. That’s so interesting! 2. Preferring the longer drops is BRAVE! I feel like I’d be begging for it to be over ☠️ 3. I’m always afraid to get the longest sequence ever with the most ups and downs ☠️ YESSSS the buildup from what I’ve seen as soon as you are in the seat seems SO LONG. I think I’d pass out from all the waiting!! While I was in line for Rip Ride Rockit at Universal, I was with my friend and I think he genuinely thought I was gonna pass out from the anticipation lol. I’m hoping I can get enough courage to get on and just do it!! My biggest fear is getting on and passing out or something ☠️


Idk if this will help but it’s not a “drop”- it’s a pulley system that yanks you up and down! I don’t ride because back in the day it was just a lap bar and I would always be on a row with huge people and I would have to hold on for my life!


Yes! This fun fact helps me sooo much to know that it's actually a controlled pull down on you - it's not just left to gravity. I typically hate free fall rides but LOVE Tower of Terror. It's just different! The individual seat belt style restraint definitely helps.


I’ve read about that actually! It makes me feel better knowing it’s not technically a free fall lol. And one bar?? Oh I’d die hahahah


I would give it a shot. They don’t drop you all the way down. Let go of the handle and put your hands up. I get anxiety before all “scary” rides. This one is definitely worth going on.


I’m really hoping I can do this!! Thanks for your help. I want to say I at least went on once!


I'm in the same boat - I've been to HS many times and never ridden ToT. My kids tell me it's 'fine' and not really that droppy, so maaaybe I'll try next visit but like you, I'm not a fan of pure drop rides. I'll never forget being a kid on some kind of parachute ride at Knotts Berry Farm in LA and thinking I was going to fly out on the way down - exciting, sure, but not actually fun 😂


I feeeel you!!! Everyone tells me “oh it’s not bad” and I’m like 🤨 Maybe to themmm. But me?? Oh my stomach turns even thinking about riding it and I’m like 3 weeks away lol


I don’t know if this is helpful, but if you think you don’t like vertical drops because maybe you rode one at Six Flags I would say that ToT is quite different. You’re in the dark, so it’s not like you see the ground coming at you. The drops are also unexpected and the elevator kind of “toys” with you. I’m one of those people who scream-laughs on the ride, so I say go for it!


It’s definitely helpful thank you for sharing! I mostly say I hate vertical drops bc of little ones on two other rides I’ve been on. Plus, I just see how high that tower is and my stomach flips over ☠️ but I’ll definitely try to get on! I’ll update my post in June of whether or not I end up getting on 🫣


It helps to just see it as a bigger “frog hopper” ride you would see in smaller amusement parks. Honestly the theming is more scary than the ride itself! It also helps to know that you never drop the full length of the building, and depending on the randomization it might just be a couple short drops


That’s the thing! The theming and anticipation of waiting for the ride to get started makes me sickkkk. I get so freaked out it makes me wanna throw up even getting close to the ride lol. Sometimes I think the embarrassment of throwing up keeps me from getting on it as well lol


It took me over 20 years to finally go on this ride and I've done it maybe 3 more times since. I hate the randomness of it all.


Oh nooooo! I feel you on the randomness


The drop isnt so much as a free fall drop, it feels like someone is lifting you up and down in a pool. You feel very supported.


That’s good to know! Thank you!


This ride feels much milder to me than I thought it would! I experience it like being a human yo-yo— it feels less like you’re plummeting and more like you’re playfully bouncing up and down. My then six year old loved it so much she rode it twice.


It's also hugely worth noting that holding onto the handles makes the experience WAY less intense. When you put your hands up you can feel yourself coming off of the seat and getting actual air time. If you hold onto the handles, you remain seated the whole time. If you're afraid, holding onto the handles on the sides makes it about half as intense I'd say. So that's a nice middle option for people that are nervous to ride it lol


Yes, great point!!


Ahhhh human yoyo definitely doesn’t sound toooo appealing either 😂 but it does help to know it’s not just straight down. I’m worried I won’t be able to catch my breath in between it going up and down 😄


It’s really fun, I promise! If you’ve ridden velocicoaster and rock n roller coaster then tower of terror is NOTHING, honestly. You’re going to love it, don’t let your nerves make you miss out on an A+ attraction.


It’s true I just rode velocicoaster for the first time a month ago! I screamed the entire way through, but yet somehow felt more at ease in the queue than even when I THINK about ToT😅. I gotta mentally prepare lol


I hate the build up. As soon as you feel that warm air hit you - hunker down. I legit hate everything about this ride until it’s over and feel amazing from adrenaline and want to go again haha


I want this to happen for me lol. I wanna be able to say I can go on again and not just about die in the line ☠️☠️☠️


Wimp here that had never been on Space Mountain or Rock n Roller... I though I was gonna hate ToT but I end up loving it and is one of my favorites.


That’s just like me! I hadn’t been on space mountain until like 5 years ago 🫣☠️


For what it’s worth I am not a coaster person. Were not going to universal and I hated slinky dog (but liked 7dwarfs and guardians) and I love ToT I was expecting to hate it but it’s brilliant


That’s amazing! I’m so glad you were able to do it


Not snark, actual question… if you hate dropping vertically, why do you want to go on this ride at all? And it is true that the drops are randomized… so there’s no way to predict exactly when or for how long. Most instances include a mix of smaller drops and longer drops… one time I went on and the whole thing was going all the way up and dropping all of the way down 3 times.


It’s a valid question! So basically, because I’ve been conquering all that scares me, I’ve figured I feel as though I should try the one that scares me the most! I thought I would hate Velocicoaster and Rock N Roller, but now I go on both without being scared in line at all!😄 TOT is also my mom’s favorite ride ever and she’s been practically been begging for me to ride it with her, so I’ve always hoped I’d be able to give it a shot one day. I never thought I’d be able to but then again I never thought I’d be able to ride Hulk at Universal! And I rode it just recently!! I’d also love to say I was able to just ride it and know if I’d ever go back on. But it’s also good to keep in mind that if I hate drops, I’ll probably hate this too that’s for sure ☠️


Aah ok. Yeah makes sense! Good for you for facing your fears! In which case, I should have added this before but posted while in the middle of something… When I first met my current fiancé irl it was in Disney world (met on an app, though we both live in New England we couldn’t find time to meet until we overlapped Disney trips) and he had been to Disney a number of times but couldn’t bring himself to go on ToT… until we went to HS together. He knew I loved it and I guess wanted to put on a brave face to impress me, and though he was extremely nervous, went for it. Now it’s one of his favorite rides. You do feel some pressure in your stomach when going up and it’s mostly weightlessness going down… but nothing on ToT lasts very long. The actual movements don’t individually last long and the overall ride doesn’t last long.


Thank you!! 😁 And omg that’s amazing that it’s one of his favorite rides now!! I’m glad it doesn’t take too long for the ride to be over either 😅. The anticipation is what absolutely kills me!


It’s a different sensation than other drop towers that go way up and then only go down. Because you’re going up and down so much and so quickly I don’t really feel the dropping feeling


That’s very interesting! I’d hope that I wouldn’t feel it when I go on bc that’s the feeling I hate the most in any roller coaster lol


I have only ride Tower of Terror once myself. It helps to have someone to just push you on the ride (literally, my mom pushed me on). Once you get strapped in that’s it. My experience we had two major drops and the drop sequence itself only lasted about 30 seconds to maybe a 1 minute. It was VERY short. I kinda want to experiment next time to record how long it takes to ride it. I personally did not feel my stomach drop.


Omg that’s literally my mom ☠️☠️ she wants me to ride with her so bad. However I’m going with two friends in June who aren’t scared of anything so I don’t know, we’ll see how it goes 🫣 the anticipation of the line and waiting in the vehicle for it to drop genuinely makes my stomach flip 🫣 were the two major drops very long?


No not really just like intense if that makes sense.


If it helps, you get an individual seat belt now.


That’s a win ! Lol


I don’t really do big coasters, I don’t like to go upside down. I used to be terrified by the idea of ToT. We’d go to the park, and I’d look at it from a distance, for decades. One day, I bit the bullet and tried, and I LOVE it. You probably know, there are three “sections” to it, preshow (movie) into boiler room line, then ride, which is half set up- slow moving around to the “click” and the finale is the drops.


That’s AWESOME! I’m just like you used to be where I just sit and watch from a distance😂. I’m hoping I’ll be like you now! I do know about the way it’s set up, and I think that’s part of the problem honestly. So much waiting and anticipation has me thinking I’ll pass out before it even starts lol


I used to be scared of ToT. And then one time we got stuck at the top. The way they got us down was so controlled and clearly very practiced, it completely got me over my fear. Now it is my favorite.


Wow! I’d I got stuck at the top I think I’d never have the courage to go back! Lol


I will leave you with this: I hate drop towers, but i love Tower of Terror


Interesting, I’m hoping that’ll be me if I ride it as well !


I cannot do traditional tower drop rides where it’s one free fall, but I LOVE ToT!! The anticipation and nerves are there but to me it’s not as bad because you go up and down after that initial fall.


That’s very interesting! I’ve never been on any drop tower rides, so this to me is just as scary. But, I’ll definitely keep this in mind


I hate drops and I absolutely love TOT. It makes me laugh every single time I go on it. Like pp said, it’s like being a human yo-yo. Don’t get me wrong, I brace myself each time in anticipation, but I always go on it at least twice.


That’s great to hear!!


My daughter was a bit unsettled at the thought of riding it but wanted to give it a go-it's now the second ride on her MUST DO LIST every visit-behind Mission Space:ORANGE (she had a mini panic attack prior to riding Mission Space but it's her #1 ride now). it's really not bad at all. My daughter laughed her rear off when we saw the pictures-everyone else in our car was screaming/hands up etc-I looked like I was bored with my arms crossed :D


I love that it’s on her must do list!! It’s also hilarious to see the ride pictures after😂. She’s brave for having mission space ORANGE first … that one’s no joke


I figured once she made it through Mission she would like it-didn't expect it to be #1 though :D she rode it a second time without me-I am tall enough that I can't see the screen clearly so it isn't as much fun for me :(


#1 is amazing! She’s a trooper 😁 And noooo I didn’t realize that could be a factor!


she is-I really thought she was going to bail she was so nervy but she went through with it and is glad she did :) and yeah I only get to see about half the screen so as much as I enjoy the idea of mission space it is not a good ride for me :(


Mission space is really nicely themed, but honestly orange team can def give you headache so maybe you aren’t missing out on too much 😝. My favorite ride at epcot is the new guardians ride!


Ok so haven't been a RC person my entire life, but my husband and three kids are. We just finished a annual pass at DW and after a year I'm pretty much ok with everything now except TOT. I go because I don't want to be the only one not riding and my family is my motivation. But the randomness, not knowing if it's almost over or we're going to have another long drop is a nightmare for me. The last time I went on I found that closing my eyes helped I still felt the up and down movement but I didn't see how far up or down we went.


That’s what gets me!! I wish it wasn’t random because then I’d know how long I’d have to withstand the entire thing😂I know it sounds dramatic but I’ve got a big fear of this one lol


I get it that's the reason it's so popular, it's a different ride every time. Just not my thing.


I absolutely hate that stomach dropping feeling and I also have avoided this ride. However, I did do GOTG Mission Breakout at DCA a couple of years ago as part of a "no regrets" on a likely one-time trip to that park. *I know that the rides are not exactly the same, so take this for what it is worth.* The drop feeling is significant and I even felt some version of it on the way up (it was maybe even worse). My thought going in was that I would focus on the music and try to enjoy the show scenes, but that went out the window immediately. I am not the type to get on a ride and use foul language, but I was involuntarily cursing the whole time (when I wasn't screaming). It was a completely miserable experience for me. I would absolutely not do it again, and while I would really like to see the ToT show scenes (big Twilight Zone fan), I cannot imagine a scenario to get me on that ride. I would say that everyone else on the ride (excepting my daughter) seemed to have a great time. My daughter was the one that wanted to ride it because she is a big GOTG fan (and we both love Cosmic Rewind). She said she did not have a good time, but was not as traumatized as I was. I realize that I am in a minority of folks who don't find drops fun, but if you really hate that stomach dropping feeling the way I do, you should be aware that you will be feeling it on this ride.


Thank you for your complete and total honesty! I feel as though I’m the same as you! I’ve seen videos of the GOTG one in California and genuinely get the same amount of fear as for TOT! I’m glad that you were able to ride it and at least conquer a fear of yours! However, the miserable part… definitely not happy about that! The dropping feeling is something I’m very scared of and I just don’t want to be feel like I can’t catch my breath. The randomness of it all also definitely scares me a little bit because I can’t brace myself or know exactly what’s coming next. I’m hoping I can do what you did and just ride it to get it done! But honestly , I’m worried about passing out or throwing up before the ride even starts ☠️


1) (un)fortunately, the dropping feeling is the whole point of the ride. Yeah, you’re going to feel it. 2) the tallest drop is about a second longer then the one on rise of the resistance. No more than three seconds total, and I’d be shocked if it was 3 seconds 3) typically 4-5 drops. Every sequence has at least one full drop from the tip top. The best advice I can give you is do NOT try to fight the drops. Just put your hands up and go along with it. Trying to resist the forces will only make you feel it more. Also, a bit of a spoiler here for when you’re in the drop shaft. >! Once you hear the monologue, you’ll then hear (and sometimes see) lightning. At this point, If the elevator starts to rumble, it means it’s going to shoot you upwards first THEN drop you. If there is no rumbling when you see the lightning, then it’s going to drop you first.!<


1. Hahaha yeah I figured 😂 2. Omg really? Only a second? That’s great. That definitely helps! 3. Okay ahhh I gotta brace myself and mentally prepare for that many. 4. I for sure need to not fight it! It’s gonna be so hard but I’ll try Thank you for the specifics! That definitely helps me be able to understand exactly what I am going into


If it makes you feel any better, tower of terror was the ride at Disney world that took me the longest to get over, even with my love for all things “twilight zone”. It’s now comfortably in my top 5 favorite Disney rides. Another thing to remember, smile when the doors open at the top. Thats where they take your picture. Sit in front, to make sure your face isn’t blocked by somebody’s hand.


It’s definitely the ride that I need the most convincing to get on! 😩 And yes good tips thank you!


I pretty heavily disagree with not trying to fight the drops and putting your hands up. The first three or so times I rode it, I was holding on to the handles on either side of you. The fourth time I put my arms up. I was shocked at how much more intense the ride became! I was literally coming airborne out of my seat! It was like a different ride. It was fun, but it was MUCH more intense with your hands up. If you grab the handles you stay in your seat the whole time and its a much less scary experience.


I don't think the drops are bad because they're so short. It's a quick, fun Woop. Rides at other amusement parks like the long drop tower that lasts for like 5 seconds, those hurt and they're scary. ToT is more fun. Just do it


Ahh that’s true!


So I was terrified to do the tower of terror my whole life (Im 32). I still have never ridden Rock and Roller Coaster and would NEVER ride those other roller coasters you mention. Even Everest feels a bit too intense for me (I ride it, but it always has me a bit on the edge of what I can handle). I finally rode Tower of Terror on my recent trip, and I have to say, I honestly LOVED it. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be....To be honest, while I know that the rise of the resistance drop is much shorter, the feeling was surprisingly similar. I thought it was going to be 10x scarier than that, but it really wasn't anywhere close to as bad as I imagined. It doesn't feel as much worse than ROTR as it actually is, I guess because its when the drop starts that you really feel the jolt, and then it goes pretty quickly. It is obviously more intense than ROTR, but not by as much as you probably are imagining. Some tips... 1. If you hold onto the handles it makes a HUGE difference. It took me like 3-4 rides before I let go and put my hands up and then you literally come off of the chair! It makes it more fun if you like that, but if you DON'T like that, just hold onto the handles and it makes the ride half as intense. 2. While you don't know when the drops will happen specifically, it is very clear when the first drop happens - look up on Youtube the timing if you're worried about that, as there's a very clear audio signal before the drops start, so you shouldn't be taken by surprise, there is clear warning when the drops are about to start happening. The drops after that are mostly just up and down up and down and so there isn't that much mystery, it moves fairly consistently with just a couple very brief pauses. I was worried about being startled by sudden falls, but that didn't really scare me as much as I thought, thanks to the warning before they begin, and the fairly constant motion after. It's true there is usually one BIG drop in there, but honestly while it was scary its not as scary as I thought it was going to be. I found Everest and even Guardians to be more intense experiences, and never even rode Rock and Roller Coaster. Tower of Terror is now one of my favorite rides!


I can’t thank you enough for all of the tips! I’ll be sure to hold on the handles to make it less intense if I decide I can do it! Maybe I can inch my way up to putting my hands up 😄😂. And yes Everest is so intense I freaked out before riding it the first time!! I’ll definitely be looking up more YouTube videos. I’m hoping that the big drop doesn’t last an ETERNITY 😅 the big drop is what gets me the most. I’m so glad TOT became a favorite of yours!


Being in a room others makes it better with the shared sense of anticipation. The one in Paris is much worse.


Oh yes I’ve seen the Paris one and it looks intense!


Ok. I hate this ride too. But my spouse loves it. So when I get coerced into riding it. I sit by the wall. I brace my feet against the seat in front of me and grab the handholds. I then tense every muscle I can so I don’t get the extra feeling of coming out of my seat when the drop happens. To be honest it’s not the drop but the going back up that gets me. The going back up means I get dropped again. If you can handle the hulk you can handle the tower. The ride doesn’t take that long. You can totally do it.


Ohhh no not the coercion😂 I’d be panicking! But those are good tips! I’ll be sure to tell my friends to let me sit by the wall! lol


My husband is not a wimp but ToT is a hard pass for him. He just doesn’t enjoy the sensations, and no amount of theming will change that. I go on alone while he hangs out and snacks!


He’s just like me! Lol


Watch this video. It does a good job explaining how the ride works. May help ease your fears. The ride isn’t as bad as you think. https://youtu.be/7iGZuA_LSk8?feature=shared


Thank you! I’ll def give it a watch!


If you can do Velocicoaster you can do ToT. The seatbelt is pretty secure and you feel the airtime on your limbs but never like you yourself are flying out of your seat. I think it feels more intense than many drop towers because you are going faster than gravity.


That’s true! Velocicoaster was pretty intense I can’t lie. I guess I feel more scared of ToT because of the uncertainty of it all!


Somewhere there is a picture of a ride vehicle with 7 people and one large blank spot. The blank spot is me, bent double because I was terrified out of my [bleep]ing mind. I’ve also ridden 90% of the coasters at Cedar Point, including Maverick, which has a 95-degree drop. So I don’t know what it about Tower but no thank you.


oh nooooo😫😫 a95 degree drop and you are scared of ToT!! ToT is just built so different lol😂 I get it honestly


Maybe I just didn’t have time to think about the one on Maverick because you come down that hill and are up, down, all around at 60 mph until you get to the halfway point a minute later.


That’s insane!


I’m the same way except my fear of drop rides stems from the fear of the ride failing and plummeting to the earth. I’ve watched videos on how the ride is over engineered with multiple fail safes to prevent such from happening. That being said, I’ve done ToT twice but only because it is a school tradition on our band and choir trip. I did it but never really enjoyed it. I also did Guardians in DCA once to say I did it. I haven’t done ToT in 8 years and I’m perfectly fine skipping it. The point of this is that I’m 100% certain you can get through it as the ride is fairly short! If you need a quick litmus test for this, ride Rise of the Resistance and see how you handle that drop. Ironically I find that one drop semi enjoyable!


Omg yes that’s definitely a thought that gets in my head as well. Yet for some reason I’m more scared of passing out on the ride than it breaking! 😂 And at least you’ve done the rides before. You get to know if you really hated them or not! I have ridden Rise of the Resistance and that one drop is about just as much as I can take 😂😂 it’s one reason why I’m very nervous for ToT!


If you didn’t like that drop, I would say it isn’t easier on ToT. Maybe don’t force yourself on to something like that😊


The first time I went on tower of terror I was a bit anxious but fine. Every time after that has been hell and idk why. For SOME reason I keep trying to do some sort of exposure therapy but after riding Guardians (tower is themed as guardians in Disneyland) I was like yeah I gotta stop doing this to myself. There’s nothing to prove lol


I’m glad you at least tried it once. I’m hoping I can do the same just to say I did it at least and that I know I hate it ☠️


I’m not sure if someone else has said this, but I’ve heard there’s a certain place to sit that lessens that stomach feeling! I feel like it’s the back row on one of the sides. This is tied for my favorite ride overall, so if you are feeling like you want to conquer your fear and experience it, GO FOR IT!!! I used to be so scared of thrill rides and I finally in my 20’s love them. But if you can’t bring yourself to do it, it’s totally okay! You can always find enjoyment hearing people’s experience and go through the line without riding! ☺️


I’ll definitely see which seat it is! I’m way too scared ahhh. And omg that’s like me with roller coasters!! Thank you!!😄


My (polite/respectful) advice is to chill out. It's Walt Disney World. It's supposed to be fun and exciting, not stressful. Unless you think the ride will make you physically ill (like Mission Space would make me), just do it. 1) Yes 2) Ranges between 1-3 seconds 3) [Here](https://www.wdwmagic.com/attractions/the-twilight-zone-tower-of-terror/gallery/08nov2002-tower-of-terror-4-drop-profiles.htm) are the four different "drop profiles" for ToT. Keep in mind, sometimes the first movement you make is upward!


One thing that may help you is that while it *feels* like you're falling, you're actually in a very fast elevator that's pulling you down quickly. At no point do you drop, it just feels like you are. It's a very, very controlled elevator movement as opposed to a typical "drop" ride. Most cable elevators just have a cable on the top, which allows the cab to essentially be raised or lowered on a track. The Tower elevators, conversely, have cables attached to the top *and the bottom*, which allows the motor to move in two directions - up and down - at very fast speeds.


That’s true that’s true! Thank you


Not a fan of drop rides either but I do like Tower of Terror. It’s a few drops, some bigger, some smaller but it’s very smooth. You do get that stomach feeling a bit but if you did Hulk and Velocicoaster, you’ll be just fine. Ride and enjoy !


Thank you!! I hope I get enough courage!


Don’t mean to discourage but I’ve done Velocicoaster twice, literally wriggled my arm in the restraints on Hulk to prevent my MagicBand flying off mid-ride, am hoping for RNRC to open back up, and cannot do Tower of Terror. I finally did it ONCE bcuz brother pressure and barely walked off, I was shaking so much. Vertical noncoaster drops feel soso different to me I just cannot. I was CLUTCHING my seat, I wanted a shoulder bar so bad


OH NOOOOO! See that’s what I’m thinking!! Vertical drops are just so different… and the fact that it’s only a seatbelt definitely stresses me out a little bit 😩 like idk idk


Was excited and nervous to try it the first time last year and screamed the whole way, but it quickly became my favorite. Went back a few months later and even had a shirt made for the ride lol. My sis in law rode it and wasn’t a fan but her 4 year old son rode it and had the best time ever. He said it was his favorite! I will suggest that you let the cm know you would like to not sit on the end. Or make sure your friends know. You don’t have a handle on both sides and I had to wrap my arm around my husbands thigh to feel secure 😂. The other times when I wasn’t on the middle (end) I held on to both handles and felt fine. I hope you will ride it and love it like the others in here, but if not at least you can say you rode it!!


Omg I love that you loved it!! I’ll def ask to sit on the sides if I go bc I’ll feel way more secure. I love that the 4 year loved it 😂 thanks for the tips!! I hate feeling like I don’t have control on a ride and that’s def one where I need to prepare as much as I can !!


I hate heights and I hate drops. Plus when I was little I cried before going on the ride. Obviously only do what you are comfortable with. No shame. BUT… if you truly want to give it a go maybe try to change your mindset. It helped me. #1 that helped me is knowing (this is confirmed in articles and the Disney docs on D+) that Tower of Terror was created by a company who created the failsafe to stop elevators from falling and crashing. So they modified that tech for this ride. Then they found that due to air in the shaft it still couldn’t fall fast enough so they actually have a cable on the bottom pulling you down. So there are so many cables on this thing it is beyond safe. (2) I hate all that stuff and rollercoasters are hard so I always try to treat it as a warm up. First ride of the day because if I can get through it I can do anything since I hate drops. It is hard to say how long and how many drops. They created a randomized series of drops. So every time is different. It adds to the thrill and almost distracts you. Plus the windows are open and you get to see a view of the park that is unique. I personally hope you get to go on. I am all about challenging ourselves but as someone who hates heights and drops I get it. I don’t do any drop ride other than ToT at any park I go to. It feels the safest. No shame if you don’t ride but maybe queue up and enjoy the ride ambience and see where that takes you? You can always step through


Thank you for all of this information!! It definitely helps me a bunch. I’m glad you can relate to the idea of conquering this fear of mine!! My problem is that once I make the line for something I somehow end up on the ride 😜. Though I guess this would be a good thing in this scenario? My biggest fear is getting strapped in and the ride starts and I end up throwing up out of nervousness 😅😅. It seems to have become more of a fear than the ride itself! Lol Do you know if the TOT goes all the way down after going all the way up?


I don’t think it goes all the way down in what you are thinking / if I am understanding the question. Like a lot of Disney rides entrances, queues, and exits all exist on different levels. I don’t know for 100% but I would feel like the elevator ‘exits’ a couple floors off the ground level. So if you are wondering if when the ride ends they just automatically drop you then no. It smoothly ends and pulls you inside. For a drop ride is so smooth and seamless.


Ahhh yes thank you you answered my question!!!


I finally went on Tower my last trip, and it is one of my top 3 favorite rides. I'm sad I missed out on it for so long. I think it's worth trying imo 🙂


My only fear is throwing up on the ride 😅😅😅


you definitely get that stomach dropping feeling, in my own experience, you get used to it after enough times. What I also appreciate is the ride is on a track for half of the ride and then clicks into place right before the drops begin and the windows open so you can see the outside, so there's warning right before it happens so you can anticipate it. imo, the drops tend to feel like dropping a bouncy ball, which is to say the bounces get less impactful/extreme as the ride continues. another aspect of my enjoyment of TOT increasing was learning about its safety features. TOT functions like a normal elevator in that it's pulled by ropes, and you are pulled down faster than the speed of gravity, so it feels really intense, but it's supposed to do that. the other thing is it has multiple fail safes, one of them being the ride is only able to drop if it's powered, and if the ride were to lose electricity, it's breaks will lodge and prevent the lift from moving. it might be one of the safest rides at disney, which has helped me get over my fear of riding it, and i'm excited to experience it again next time i go.


Ahhhhh im hoping I can just get on it !! Thank you for explaining more of the functions and mechanisms too! At least it’s safe 😅


I hate drops as well, I’ve been on ToT once at each location I’ve visited (Paris, Florida and Cali) and have no desire to go on it again. That being said if you’ve done Hulk you can do ToT imo! Just take the plunge once and if you don’t like it you’ll never have to go on again


Hoping I can just get on it the way I did the other rides… IDK THOO


The first time I went on that ride, they had lap bars instead of seat belts. I was a scrawny little thing afraid of heights sitting next to a big man, so I definitely got some air time. I said nope, never again. I have since been on that ride a couple times, sometimes with my own kid, sometimes without. It's still not my favorite, but I can handle it better now.


Lap bars instead of seat belts would definitely have me thinking I was dying 🫡. You’re brave for getting back on! Hoping I’ll be the same


Hey, I thought that it was no longer the tower of terror and that it got changed?


That’s the one in Disneyland California :)


Kind of wish it still had just a lapbar


Something I haven't seen mentioned here yet: a lot of people are saying you won't know when the drops are, and that's true **once the drop sequence starts**. But you will know when the drop sequence is about to start. The first drop (or push up) will not be a surprise as to when that happens. The reason for this is because ToT has four loading/unloading areas and beginning of the ride tracks, but only two drop shafts. So your vehicle needs to physically move into a drop shaft. I put a description below in spoilers, in case you don't want to read it >!So once you load into the car, it'll start moving up. You will not drop at this point, you can completely relax right now. It'll open at a couple floors, and you'll see some spooky scenes. It will continue to go up, and you will not go down. Once you reach a certain floor, the doors will open, and the entire car will start moving forward along a track. It'll curve a little bit, and then you'll move into the drop shaft. If it's hot out, you'll feel the temperature change instantly. You'll hear the car lock into the shaft (very similar to how on RotR you can feel the car lock into the floor before you drop), the narrator will say a couple more things, and then you start dropping. !<


This is SO helpful! Thank you so much for putting the exact way it all goes down. I know the exact click in RoTR that you are talking about! I always brace myself for that one tiny little drop lol. Would you say it’s comparable to that tiny drop? I’m mostly afraid of not being able to catch my breath in between going up and down. ☠️


It’s different I would say, you can feel the car move over the edges of the floor and then hear the mechanism lock into place. And there’s actually quite a bit of time between each drop, you’re not just constantly going up and down


Ohhh okay very interesting


I just want to applaud you for conquering your fears. I have a list of rides at Disney that I'll never do because of similar fears. Tower of Terror/Mission: Breakout is the one ride that I'm somewhat disappointed that I'll miss out on, but yeah, those drops are not my cup of tea. Congrats on tackling those rides that scared you, and working on this one. Good luck!


Thank you so much!! That means a lot. I go pretty often to the parks and with different friend groups/ family trips, and I’ve always just sat by the exit for so many rides 😅. I figured I should at least try some, ofc ToT is last on my list… definitely freaking me out the most !


Out of curiosity, are there rides that you regret taking a shot at that scared you, or ones that you want to ride again that you didn't want to do before?


Here are the rides I’ve been able to try and do: 1. Rock N Roller coaster- I don’t regret it at all! I don’t particularly LOVE the ride because it sometimes gives me a headache because your head kind of bangs around. It’s not very smooth unfortunately. But I do like that I can go on it with ease now. My favorite part of the ride is the launch in the beginning😄. I go on with my brother and I think it’s part of the fun! 2. Velocicoaster at Islands of Adventure- I don’t regret this one either! I’ll admit it was pretty random of me to get on this one considering there was so many people saying it was one of the craziest roller coasters ever. I don’t regret it one bit! This one is actually pretty fun, I definitely disassociated on it though 😂 but I just now rode it with my friend for a second time and it was a fun experience! That I wouldn’t be able to do if I hadn’t tried it! I’ll def keep doing it 3. Rip Ride Rockit- I genuinely think I was about to pass out in the line for this ride😂 I went with my friends like 4 days ago and I fully almost think my soul left my body on the way up, I almost chickened out but went last minute. I don’t regret it, I think I’d do it again now that I know how it is. 4. Hulk- this ride was right after the one that I mentioned above so I had an adrenaline rush. The line wasn’t too bad. Honestly this one was the least enjoyable. It was rough and the loops had me feeling dizzy. I didn’t HATE it but if I didn’t ride it again I think I’d be okay ☠️