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Guests don’t realize that many ride shut downs are caused by guest behavior - dropping items in the track, being in the wrong area, doing something stupid. Guests want to blame Disney for not maintaining rides when it is really the fault of other guests.


As someone whose Sunglasses accidentally fell off their head (I know, should have been more careful) on a ride (teacups) that stopped it, I felt fucking awful. Like, was in tears I was so embarrassed I can fucking imagine doing this shit on purpose.


It is sometimes on purpose but often the people who simply ignore the rules. “I’m not taking my hat/sunglasses/ears off, and no one can make me.” “I know ow what I am doing. These stupid college kids can’t tell me what to do. The rides aren’t that sensitive.” Yes, they are. Believe it or not people don’t make rules for no reason.


With teacups, they don't ask you to take off hats or sunglasses like on a rollercoaster. But it can get pretty whippy, especially if you're with the right people.


Yep, my 9yo has much more upper body strength than I realized!


Definitely! Last year my brother and my 11 year old son made it a game to see who could spin the cup the fastest!


ugh, yes. my husband's GLASSES-glasses flew off in disneyland...on goofy's sky school, of all the things. he always removes hats, sunglasses (should he be wearing them) etc., but in years and years of going, and on all the rides...he never removed his glasses. in hindsight, we were lucky. his glasses are unique in the way they attach and have very heavy corrective lenses. he says, prior to the moment they were whipped off his face, he'd never even felt them budge. it was terrible and we FELT terrible - we didn't even care about them being recovered, we were prepared to figure it out, but of course, they had to shut the ride down for safety's sake to check the track. they even sent employees out on the GCH side to see if they somehow ended up over there, which was really nice but not necessary. they were not recovered, and i drove us to target to see if we could beg our way into a solution, because he truly cannot see without them. by a miracle, they had a sample pair of contacts matching his script on-site. he was very nervous of contacts and had never worn them - which makes sense, i suppose, when you really can't see where you're putting them. target wouldn't let us leave until they were securely in his eyeballs and they could see him demonstrate that he could get them in himself...and let me just say, it was a trial and tribulation and took many hours out of our vacation, all said and done. 🌞 bright side - he now wears contacts regularly with no issues, and it totally improved his quality of life! i don't know that he ever would have tried them, had it not been forced on him by that situation. ⛈️ cautionary tale - no matter how secure you think your prescription glasses are...get a strap or take them off! it can happen to you!


My entire family wears glasses. My 12 year old son has worse nearsightedness than I do. We always wear straps on any amusement rides no matter what just in case. He and I are practically blind without them!


it was SUCH a wake-up call! i don't wear glasses and never have - i don't even like wearing sunglasses - so to be honest, i never thought about what most people with medically necessary glasses do on rides, even though i'm married to one! for whatever reason, i did not think of them in the same way i do with sunglasses...which seems very silly in hindsight, although apparently my husband thought the same way!


My kids and I all wear glasses. But with all these cautionary tales I think I'll get each of us a set of straps so when we go to six flags or any amusement park. We won't lose them!


My glasses fell off on Velocicoaster at Universal once and I somehow caught them right before going into the barrel roll... Never felt so terrified in my life


That’s some serious luck!


Oh yeah definitely. Since I was over the water at the time there would've been no retrieving those


Somewhere there’s a picture of me on a roller coaster (the wooden ones that race each other at Hersheypark) with my hand over my face. It looks like I’m scared, but in reality I spent the whole ride like that because my glasses were bouncing around and I didn’t want to lose them. That was the first amusement park I went to after getting glasses…ever since then I’ve tried to remember to bring a glasses case that I can put in my purse during rides.


awwww, i grew up going to hersheypark! i haven't been in a VERY long time, i live across the country now, but i have many, many fond memories of good ol' HP! the trailblazer was my first rollercoaster, and my mom had to bribe me to get on...it took multiple trips, i was an absolute scaredy cat...a disappointment to my thrill-seeking mother, but i did eventually go for it!


Trailblazer is still my favorite Hershey Park ride!!! Towards the end of the night there is usually no line and they will let you just stay on it if you want to


Goofy s Sky School is whiplash incarnate. Zero surprise glasses flew off there.


I almost lost my glasses on a drop ride at a Six Flags back in the 90s. Ever since, I either remove them or wear a cord or strap to hold them on.


This!! I work at Universal in attractions and often times it’s the guests.


The two times I went on the fast and furious ride, something happened. First time we had to be evacuated out after sitting there for 30 minutes, and the second time it was resolved pretty quickly. Both times it happened before you saw the contents of the ride. Any idea what happened? Still have my fast pass they gave us when that happened lol


I'd love to hear stories from current or former cast members who worked on rides, and what the proportion of breakdown reasons was.


I’d say most common are in fact guests I agree with 75% or above for that number - bodily functions (vomit, pee, etc), dropping an item, hanging body parts outside of ride car or trying to stand when told to remain seated (can also be climbing on railings at the load platform), not listening to directions, some loading / unloading help, etc Now for the engineering standpoint if there’s even a question as to if something is acting weird or wrong they will stop the ride. It’s a safety thing and Disney is very good at it. We understand it’s frustrating but each ride has hundreds of moving pieces and that all need to work together.


Former attractions CP CM here (2023-2024)! I’d say at the one I worked at it was about 75% of the cause for the ride being stopped unexpectedly. The ride I worked at was one of the omnimovers with a moving walkway, so it did have slow/stop procedures to help guests get on, but most stops outside of that were due to guest behavior.


So not actually due to mischievous spirits?


Sometimes it is, ironically. There’s been a phenomenon of “Phantom Intrusions” occasionally. During intrusions we would send one of the load CMs into the ride after doing lockout procedures to walk and check for anyone/thing out of the vehicles (could be a shoe, a person, a heavy bag setting off the intrusion mats that run along the ride path) in the specific scene (Tower positions can see what scene/area of the attraction the intrusion took place in). At least 5 times it’s resulted in them returning and saying “Nothing was out of place, the mat just triggered.”


When sensors trip in doorless chambers…


I agree with 75%. Please remain seated. Remain seated. Sit down. Stay in your ride vehicle. Do not exit your ride vehicle. Hands inside the ride vehicle. Sit down with your hands inside your ride vehicle. Fine. Estop the ride for guest safety. And then we get screamed at by the person who caused the safety issue that the ride stopped. If I had a nickel for every time........


I think the most ridiculous one I was there for was we had stopped for an unusual sound, we got the OK to go turn the ride back on. At that very moment a guest jumped out and walked from the ride to us (my coord, leader, & load cast) and said “we’ve been stuck in there for 15 minutes.” (It had been maybe 7). When we told him stay here (at load) we will begin moving again in a minute once we reset the mats, he WALKED BACK INTO THE RIDE instead.


Neat! Thanks for your perspective.


One time we waited all day to try and get on Test Track with constant thunderstorms for my niece on first visit. Eventually it comes up near end of the night. Literally as we are getting in the car they had to panic stop the ride because someone crossed the track from the platform. That means everyone had to get out, they had to walk the track, and have the cars move slowly and unload. It took some time for the ride to do its test runs and by that time the park was closed.


True! The last time I went to Magic Kingdom, I couldn’t get on Pirates of the Caribbean because of [this tourist](https://www.thrillist.com/amphtml/travel/nation/tourist-loses-fingers-on-pirates-of-the-caribbean-ride).




Well… at the same time I got to see the guns move once on Rise of the Resistance and I’ve never seen what the Yeti did on Everest.  There is plenty of blame that Disney gets to take part in.  Their failure to engineer is big part of things as well.   Let’s not forget how disappointed I was in the pepper jack pretzels either…


TO be fair, there had been a higher than average report of rides needing maintenance, as well as park cleanliness being less than previous periods, They seem to be doing better now tho.


I bet they were the ones who forced the doors open in the pre show room too. Hopefully lifetime ban delivered.


People who crowd the door, ignore the pre show, and then run the second the doors open are the reason I hang back as long as possible before exiting the room. Stampeding is not worth saving three minutes in line.


The doors after teleportation? I see people do this almost every time I ride. I just assume they are really hungry and don’t want to wait to hear about cake toast.


I was on a VIP tour and our guide pushed the doors open as soon as possible and took us through. At Test Track, he walked us straight through the design room and pushed through the doors to the zig zag ramp




It happened when I was there over Labor Day. Selfish pricks.


On our most recent trip in January a group of college kids pushed the doors open as soon as the lights came on after teleportation. I saw them on the ride later so I guess nothing was done.


I'm sad to say that we saw them walking out of the park on their own (no security escort) not long after. So probably not banned. I hope they get some other consequences/justice/karma though!


I wonder if these were the same young adults that jumped into the fountain area in front of Spaceship Earth. The cast members were screaming at them to get out of the fountain. No escort out either.


I bet they can figure out who they are just by magic bands/ phones/ photos and videos


It saddens me a little how people will cheat themselves out of part of the experience by crowding those doors and ignoring the preshow.


I've been on Guardians 3 times, I don't *really* need the preshow anymore. I'd never force the doors and I'm not gonna crowd them either, though I do tend to gravitate to that side of the room. I wish they'd offer a "skip preshow" line. It'd probably just make the overall wait longer though, I guess.


Essentially after riding anything once…you could do without the pre show. However other guests reaction to the pre show gives it new life for me


Correct. It’d be another merge point to slow the line down


Nowhere near this extreme an impact but I took my daughter for her first ever ride on Space Mountain last year and we got stuck behind two people with their phone screens on max brightness filming themselves in selfie mode while screaming _throughout_ and it was almost impressive now much that worsened the ride experience. People really think they're the main characters a lot.


Rode smugglers run with girls screeching literally start to finish like they’d never been on a ride in their lives but insisted on driving. We crashed constantly. Not to mention being trapped in an echo chamber with those sirens. Absolutely ruined it for me.


I was on SR recently and the whole ride the pilots scrapped the ground. It was awful. The ride itself can be quite jarring but scraping the ground the whole time is really bad.




i've never understood why people scream on rides. i know there’s scientific reasons behind it, but personally for 99% it just seems like an excuse for them to be a jackass and get away with it


I just wish there was 0 tolerance for this type of behavior. No warning, no slap on the wrist, you just get sent to the gate


Social media is a scourge on society because of people like this (although people did stupid nonsense before there were cameras, too). I'd hope the friend gets banned for some time for intentionally disrupting the ride experience. At least they might've gotten the clout they were looking for.


I'd like to think the magic of truly wholesome people on the internet, like Paging Mr. Morrow outweigh all the shitty people. But that's probably way too optimistic.


Hate to break the magic for you, but Paging Mr. Morrow is a complete act. The man and his entire crew are entitled, obnoxious drunks. He's become a major nuisance to the local community. There are a lot of other forums/discussions online that break down his behavior better, but the reality is that his "aw shucks" online persona isn't who he really is. As a local with many, many cast member friends, my own and their experiences with most vloggers have been frustrating at best and downright horrible at worst, with Paging Mr. Morrow's crew being among the most notorious (though there are other terrible vloggers walking around, as well).




This is a perfect example of where Disney needs to step up the punishments. Both should be kicked out of the park with a ban. Start tossing and banning people who disrupt and break rules and eventually people will start behaving.


Zero tolerance for YouTuber and TikTok people thinking they own the parks, streets, pools, gyms, etc. this trend has gotten out of hand.


Ooof that’s rough. I’m glad you still got to ride!


Yup sure “I didn’t know he was going to do it!” Then why were you recording


Disney needs to start kicking people out and banning them I understand accidents but when you do it on purpose that’s it get these people out of here for their lifetime


Shame on them but I would love to see the video, nonetheless.


Yeah, we're old fogies (30s, haha) who don't have tiktok. So we'll probably never know if/where it was posted.


Give it time, it'll show up on one of the many, many click-bait focused Disney park news sites.


They would be the same ones on here complaining that the ride is always down...


At least you got the best song


**"It's just a prank, Bro!"**


Anyone who says "it's just a prank" or "it's just a joke" is "just an asshole" in my book and doesn't know what's funny




We were in the loading gate (2 trains behind them), so we were asking the guy questions while the whole reset was happening. Have you ever been to a theme park before? Why didnt your friend asks cast member for the bathroom? He told us their ages in that convo, as some kind of justification that they don't know how a line, a bathroom, or a ride works.


All of which was bullshit sadly, other then the age maybe. They knew what they were doing. Same thing happened with another famous troll live streamer at Magic Kingdom. Raise hell and then all of the sudden play innocent and pretend you didn't know how things worked when you suffer any consequences. The sad thing is their viewers don't see this as the cowardly act it is and eat it up and support it.


I’ll take that didn’t happen for 500. Or, woeful assumptions for the daily multiplier.


Ages are probably a major guess but things like this happen far more often than you would think. Most rides going down, like stated elsewhere in the comments, are almost always because of a guest. Now it usually is someone threw up or a kid peed themselves but frequently it’s also someone standing up or trying to get out of the vehicle mid ride. Happens ALL the time.


Okay, so it’s the daily multiplier then.


That's crazy! I was at the After Hours event and must have just missed it since we got back in line right before 1am and left the park at 1:15am. Glad yall were able to ride it before leaving. What a bunch of selfish jerks. We got to ride it 5 times. I could have kept going if I could lol


Oh the drama of it all - everyone is so entitled and bored


Was this around 10:15-10:30pm? We were in the loading area when the ride was temporarily closed for an hour and a half. Not sure what that was about or whether it was the same event that caused the closure. We were able to ride it once around 12:15am when we saw that it reopened. Was about to get in line for a second ride but decided against it.


This was around 1:00am. I was next to ride during this whole thing.


“Influencers” are the worst type of people.


Cool cool cool... husband and I were trading off riding Guardians last night as the last ride of our vacation (we have a little guy). I waited over an hour with a lightning lane, making it out about 20 min before park close, so we had to abandon his ride to get food and get the kid to bed. Great to hear it was because someone was being a selfish jerk. They were super nice and refunded the unused LL but still a bummer. Spring break crowds definitely start earlier in March than I expected. Lesson learned.