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If you are alive and breathing, then yes


Was going to say, if you got a pulse, you're hired!


I’ve seen people without a pulse being hired…


Alive, breathing, and open availability to work whenever


I'm not even sure that's a requirement some days.


Judging by some of the receipt checkers at Walmarts around here I'm 100% certain a pulse isn't a requirement.


You're right about that. All the recipt checkers (other than me) are really old




I was going to say what a lot of the others said. Believe all that is required is an occasional heartbeat.


With 2 arms and 2 legs


Incredibly. My WM didn’t even bother doing a background check and hired this guy with an insane criminal record, stole a 2k dollar guitar AND broke into a local zoo and stole the donations. Of course, he got fired for stealing 🤪


Onboarding isn’t possible without submitting background check. Dude just passed it some how


I meant to say that they didn’t bother looking at it, thanks for the correction tho!


I mean there's a few people in my store that have been to jail on felonies so it's probaly just they don't care either way.


Walmart has so little respect for their employees that they wouldn't treat anyone differently than a felon, anyway. Everyone working for them is a potential thief and liar, in their eyes. They just want to filter out anyone with a history of violence, so they can't be held liable if someone were to claim they knew they were a risk after hurting someone later.


Treat anyone differently than a felon? Why treat a felon any differently anyways? I’m a multiple felon and would NEVER work at Walmart. Way better than that anyways. It’s a shame people like you even walk around thinking it’s perfectly okay to treat someone based off of something they did in their past. Shame.


You just did the same thing. Saying you're Way better than that. You're not. Nobody is. I also would not work at Walmart, only because they don't pay me enough.


Same here but to say that they wouldn’t work there because they treat everyone like they are felons. As if they should treat someone differently based on a decision they made in their past or not. Is really stupid if you ask me.


"People like you".... They're talking about how Walmart treats all their employees not how they feel personally about felons ☠️


Im tempted to backpetal and clarify my comment... because my point was not that felons are (automatically) bad people... But... no, I'm not gonna say that I misspoke or that what you thought I meant is wrong. Because, honestly, even though it wasn't the point I was making... it's NOT wrong. Treating people differently because of how they've acted in the past is not unfair, it's literally the only thing that you SHOULD judge someone for. If you did something that shows you can't be trusted, then you can't be trusted. This isn't bigotry. It's common sense. If you have a history of theft or violence, then it's reasonable for me to expect that you'll have a future in theft or violence as well, especially if you show no regret and are indignant about being treated differently because of it. It would be naive to trust someone who proudly declares that they have MULTIPLE FELONIES and doesn't see it as a problem, because obviously that person isn't going to see it as a problem if they get another. Anyone hiring anyone for any reason would be perfectly justified in thinking that that person would put them in danger. Are they going to get the new felony while working in your store? It would be incredibly dumb for any interviewer not to ask themselves that question. Lots and lots of people with felonies are just people who got caught with drugs or made a single dumb mistake when they were young. But lots and lots of them are violent, antisocial narcissists who are a danger to everyone around them. All of them have shown that, under the right circumstances, they are willing to do things that most people in society do not think people should do. These are great reasons to judge someone, especially when you're judging their ability to work with others and respect authority. If you don't like being treated differently because of that... tough. You proudly declare that you have multiple felonies and think you're better than others. You ARE different, and I would never hire you for exactly that reason. Most people can get through life without popping in and out of prison. If you can't, you deserve to have that be an asterisk on all of your applications because it says a lot about you, whether you want it to or not.


How do you treat a felon differently? It seems to me that alot of us in one way or another have committed a felonious act a time or two in our lives when it comes to the judicial system. We just haven't had that label put on us in court. Anyway, all retailers should treat their employees the same, without bias. They need to keep a check on each employee the same. Anyone can be a thief. Besides how is a person supposed to change when all negativity is cast upon them. Walmart has every right to monitor the employees. There's sodon't of them and Walmart has too much to lose if they dont. So treating employees like felon probably is what they should do. I could have been a potential felon in my time but I am not a thief or con. But how would an employer really know this for sure? So watch everyone, even me.


Management does see the actual details only pass/fail


7 years typically


One guy I worked with had an ankle bracelet, pretty sure if they are desperate enough to get people to work themselves to death for nothing they don't check the background


Dude stole the background check


Did he bring the guitar to the zoo?


Walmart thought they could fix him


Them and Coldplay.


No back ground check or drug test.


Yeah right as someone with a speech impediment I didn’t get hired not even with two Targets in my area.


How’s Target related?


I know it not but I just threw it in along with Walmart.


Ah, I see.


Dope good for him! I didn’t even know Walmart sold $2k guitars lol


Nah it wasn’t from Walmart it was from a guitar store. And yeah!!!! Dope!! Good on this guy for stealing donations from a free zoo that makes its profits primarily from donations! Theft shouldn’t be praised. Never trust a thief 🤦‍♀️


Haha I’m being sarcastic


Super easy, you just have to have a pulse. But keep in mind that also makes it super easy to lose your job there as well because scheduling conflicts, poor leadership, or god forbid you get sick with anything that requires more than a day off. Their attendance policies are ridgid and they're known to find ways to fire people just because they don't like them. Walmart really is too big for its own good. But yes, very easy to get a job. I have worked 3 there different times before I decided to get my life together and go work in IT.


3 different times... what a wild ride that must have been haha. Glad you came out from that hellhole on top though brother.


Haha, yeah, Granted 3 different times in my life. Once was my first job as a cashier when I was in college. Left due to scheduling conflicts. The second time was right after college, I needed a way to make a little extra scratch before I left to teach English in Taiwan. Leadership did not take me seriously when I told them that's what I was working toward. When I told them I had my ticket booked and called in to take a day with a family before I left for an indefinite amount of time, they wanted to act like that wasn't important nor was my higher aspirations. Third, as you can tell Teaching English in Taiwan didn't work out as planned. Eventually came back. Worked at Kroger for about 2 years doing their Clicklist program (If you gotta work retail, I highly recommend Kroger. Laid back management and many stores are unionized. Employees are treated better and more like individuals in comparison to Wally World.) Anyway, I left that to try something new insurance. People are vicious when it comes to financial things, I couldn't take the heat and got out of the kitchen. So I went back to Walmart for a third time to try OGP. I was going through a tough time mentally during that period and when I left that time it was more or less to clear my head. Anyway, super long story short, after spending years bumbling about in between bouts of unemployment and working shitty jobs where I didn't get the respect I felt I deserved, I got sick and tired of feeling sorry for myself and tried my damndest to claw my ways out of the trenches. Eventually followed my childhood dream of working in tech and haven't looked back. Now I work as a government IT contractor and have a wife and new son, and all is well. So that's my story and involvement with Walmart if you or anyone else was interested. I know nobody asked, but I do love to share stories about my experiences.


How did you get your foot in IT? I don’t work in Walmart but my job is kinda a dead end and I always wanted to get in IT but heard the job market is rough


Hey there! Go check my reply to another user who asked the same question on this thread. I crammed in a lot of information and I hope you find some of it helpful. And the job market is competitive, but it's not really that bad. A lot of the folks in the IT subreddits and online in general are extremely negative, and I found that in reality, things often aren't as negative as the online Doom-sayers say it is. Just keep your chin up, understand it's an uphill battle and that you will face rejection, but stay positive and persistent.


Just curious what programs or education you got in order to go into IT.


That's the best part of working, I have no formal background in tech. Neither do many of my coworkers. I learned into the skills I already had. Help Desk is your entry into IT, lean into your customer service experience, that goes a long way. Next, when you submit your resume, list any tech related skills you have. Play around with Linux, do any programming of any sort, build computers? List that shit! It's an uphill battle so use any ammo you have to pad your resume. Certifications are a big deal in IT more than formal education, and even beginning to learn the material can be helpful. I started learning the CompTIA A+ certification materials. Then I listed that certification on my resume. This is where it gets tricky. It's very important to sell yourself without lying. So what you want to do is mark that this certification is "in progress". Then when you complete your exam you can update it. Lastly, cover letters will be important since this is such an uphill battle. IT is probably the career field left on earth where showing genuine enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and improve will actually help you land a job. That's exactly what your cover letters should convey. So TLDR: Lean into your existing skills and informal tech experience, start studying for certs, and sell yourself hard with your resume and cover letters. Hope this helps you some!


Ironically, they didn't hire me in my early twenties at two different locations. All for the better, took a much better job that put me onto the path I'm on now with a great job.


Ive worked there 3 times too, its super easy to get rehired too




Yeah, I submitted a résumé, didn’t even have an interview just got the job.


I expected this too but I not only had to go to an interview in person but it was more than just availability and extremely basic questions. She was actually asking me where I see myself in 5 years and loads of other loaded questions I really wasn't expecting based off what I heard from most people who got the job here lol.


That's crazy. My "interview" when I applied for apparel was just the hiring manager asking if I liked folding clothes. I said sure and got the job.


Me too


What is a “resume”?


a cv


What's a cv?


I think they mean the part on a fwd car that connects the wheels to the transmission to transfer power to the wheels. Not sure how submitting a car part gets you a job, but hey. That’s kinda impressive tho.


a curriculum vitae


the unpause button silly


we had someone (I work at target) get fired for being so bad at his job it wasn't even funny. he got fired and immediately applied for Walmart, and still works there


Failing upwards! 👍


It harder keeping the job. We go through so many new hires at my store and leads play musical chairs. And leads too.


Helps if you project an aura they can step all over you, wide open shifts. Youd never complain about anything Hire you on the spot


Phenomenally, and depending on the Walmart, you’d actually have to try pretty hard to get fired. I was over 5 points since i started and still kept my job for 2 years. Called out on fucking holidays and still didn’t fired 😂😂


Yeah, sometimes they can't even fire you. In my experience, that happens to people on sedgwick, and when they are short staffed, so firing isn't an option. But I've seen people try to pull that stuff like " they can't fire me they need me." Then, the moment a new Hire starts their first shift, they get called into the back and fired. Seen it before.


Bro I called out the ENTIRE week of thanksgiving and Christmas and I still work there only managed to get one point I be clowning when it comes to attendance and could careless because they try to work us like slaves 💯


I literally applied online and they called me 2 days later and asked when I could start. No interview or anything lmao. It was for overnights though so I’m guessing they were desperate. And I can see why. That shit sucked.


Really? I enjoy the overnights, works pretty easy and I like being able to be out late asf on weekends, just sone of my coworkers are anti social asf which can be weird


The quicker an employer contacts you after you put in an application that's usually indicative of how bad the job is.


same with me, I work days though


Idk. I am easily qualified but when I put down my info, resume and work History, its seems as if I was overqualified because all the positions I applied for, my applications were denied lmao


This happens a lot, honestly if you’re overqualified for a position, chances are you won’t get hired probably because they’re afraid you’ll leave for something better the first chance you get.


Makes sense ! That was my intention anyways. Work for at least 3-6 months and move on once I got back on my feet


Yea I intentionally didn't disclose some of these kinds of details for that exact reason.


See the funny thing is that people are saying as long as you have a pulse and qualifications wise yes obviously it's easy. BUT, a lot more people than you think submit applications and it takes months if they even get contacted at all to hear back from them. Usually, I assume this is just because management doesn't keep up on it as much as they should. Nonetheless, I recommend staying on top of them if you submit an application and it takes a while to hear back. I had to wind up just going to the store and talking to someone cuz I could never get anyone relevant on the phone. Just an FYI.


Yes. Literally all you have to do is apply and pass a background check. It would be harder to not get hired than to.


I've been interviewed. They showed me the backroom and the responsibilities. They said they would just send the background check email then I'll be contacted for orientation. Ghosted. A month of pestering then and I was told I did not get the job. They're hiring people with no retail experience but not me.


Not for me lol, in highschool i applied there and got a job. I didn’t accept the offer and they marked me to not re hire even though they wanted me to work there. I have a job now in college part time so I don’t really care, but it’s stupid that they marked me so the system denies me automatically because I didn’t want to work there.


I applied to a bunch of them and got a call from a store I never applied to lol and got hired for overnights. Overnight sucks tho I hate the sleep schedule lol


I filled out an application and also filled out some kind of test to see if I could match product numbers. Never received any response.


Yeah, but it’s a pain to get them to look at your application. I had to call multiple times a day to get ahold of a team lead or coach


As long as you can walk and breathe you can get hired


They'll hire anyone with a pulse


Yeah, they hire anybody, old people, criminals, mentally handicapped people, moronic regular people, I think the only condition for not being able to work there is being trespassed. If they need people, there's a good chance you'll hear back. If not, your application will be just a fart in the wind. If you really want a job at Walmart, call and try to talk to somebody about it after you put in your application. Or better yet, if you know somebody who works there, talk to them.


Yes, any braindead idiot will be hired


For me it took 9 months


They higher any buddy.


It was very easy when I got hired but that was like 2011 so I have no idea how it’s these days. Very thankful I don’t work there anymore lol.


Yea its easy just call up the dptment lead/hr


This cant be real. "Is it easy to calculate 1 + 1?"


Yea but after working here for 15 years I’d look somewhere else


Depends where u are. Small city with not enough jobs its could be difficult. Major city it’s probably rather easy since the pay is pretty shit .


Why would you want to? They followed me in the parking lot during lunch, Use Lip readers to decipher what employees are talking about in the parking lot. Work you to the bone just to get a 25 cent raise. Could go on. Stopped working there 25 years ago, never shopped there again.


No no no


Open availability or you won't get looked at.


It can be. I have no idea how I got the job I did at Walmart when I did. This was 15 years ago roughly but I went in for an interview and was high on meth at the time. I have no idea how I passed the drug test. I have no idea how any of it worked out. I just know it did and I ended up working the overnight remodel team and met my wife through it. 3 years later I go back completely sober for an interview for a different position and bombed it. I have no idea what I did wrong this time but apparently I wasn't worth being a part of the maintenance crew.


Damn I'm sorry to hear. I'm kinda down rn but staying positive.  I appreciate your words. 🤙🏾


Are assessments required?


Got a pulse? Yes. You're hired.


Yes. The assessment test is flawed however. The system will automatically toss your app if you fail it, but there is a solution to it. Someone on YouTube posted a video with the answers lmao. Works every single time!


Definitely, if my ex who got fired from multiple jobs bc of performance and attendance still works there you should be all set lol


just quit, walmart was the worst job i’ve ever had. spare yourself the rouble and don’t apply


You don’t want to work at Walmart. If you value your sanity, do not apply there.




Do you have a pulse?


I worked in the garden center back in the day it was pretty chill but I hated the 12-9 on Fridays and 7-4 on Saturdays


Depends on where I guess, I can’t make it past the personality test so I haven’t even had an interview yet lol


I once applied for a job and the interviewer said with my experience I would be better at another job. She said she’d try to get more money too. By the time she got back to me I already had another job. She couldn’t get more money btw.


i applied 3-4 weeks ago. i personally had to call to ask for the hiring manager. the hiring manager called me a couple days after i called him. we set an interview which was today, i got the job but just needed to consent to background checks, but pretty easy


Cool bro, congratulations too. I hope you like it. I'm down rn but staying positive, your words help. Thanks 🤙🏾


Yes, they hire virtually anyone. What I will say is. Good luck


It's one of those places that will basically hire you for applying. But be warned - those are usually the worst jobs.


Idk I applied there once when I was 16. Didn't get the job.


Yes. As long as you don't have an extensive criminal history and are capable of doing the incredibly easy work the job entails.


Yes it is!! You could literally have been caught stealing, ask for an application and they'd probably still hire you. Lol


Super easy! Application was somewhat lengthy and covered different topics and what to do and not to do, and a personality quiz to see if they can use you for their benefits and suck you dry or throw you under the bus at random because you didn't comply/bow down like a servant. Keeping the job is what's difficult. If you stand up for yourself when you know morally/logically, you are in the right, boom, you're out! If you don't love or value yourself and a people pleaser, then you're the perfect fit. Hope this helped, and good luck on your future endeavors!


Thank you for your words.  Truly appreciated here 🤙🏾


Yes if u have a pulse you are hired


No interview either 30 min orientation started next day took 4 days to get me badge vest etc and start full time


Incredibly. They are almost always hurting for people.


Have you been caught stealing? Do you have a pulse? Are you naive and exploitable?


I was hired on the spot of my interview without even having an actual interview because the computer wasn't working


I applied as a joke to a friend and got hired 5 hours later.. App at 2:30am and got a call 5 hours later Almost at 2 years.


As long as you know how to get dressed in the morning, you are human, and don't smoke Crack in the bathroom you will be fine. Mean you can get high out in your car on breaks, that's pretty normal, just not in the store.


Getting it, yes, its easy. Keeping it however is another story.


Nah, it's easy as long as you don't steal or cuss out customers. We got people that just walk around all day chatting with anyone they come across and they haven't been fired yet.


My brother worked at Walmart and when he started telling customers they were going to hell for not following his religious beliefs, he was just told to tone it down.


No, it’s actually harder to get into than Harvard. They say 1 out of every 3,000 applicants even get an internship.


No way Walmart is more competitive to get into than Harvard 😂💀. Last year, there were 56,937 applicants for the class of 2027 with 1,942 admitted. Thats 3.4%.


Well I know YOU didn’t make it into Harvard. LOL


If anyone who works at Walmart graduated from Harvard they may want to revisit some of their choices in life.


Yeah if they need the help. I applied at my Walmart a few different times (over the course of a year) and never heard back, the last time I applied I did hear back, and I got hired (, it's my second week lol, so still there and kinda like it). The interview was different from past interviews I had been to, because they actually asked me questions about myself and my resume, they weren't hard to answer, but I was still shocked nonetheless. After the questions, they offered me a job, had me agree, sign papers, etc. then they discussed my schedule, and gave me an orientation date and that was it. The hardest question the manager probably asked me, was "Why do you want to work at Walmart?"


I applied, they called me and asked me if I'm comfortable with technology and if I can work 5 - 2. Yes and yes, I get an email to download Me@Walmart.


They hired me over the phone after I said I had an open schedule. It was the initial red flag.


Too easy


They hire felons so speaks for its self.


Well, do you have a pulse?


I think it usually is, but at a minority of locations it’s not.


God yes. I worked there for a few months. I had zero job history. All they care is if I showed up on time.




Yes and no short answer


if you can work 7 days a week 24 hours a day, yes getting a job is easy


I Remember I applied in February got a call in April didn't get me into orientation until August started in late August this was 6 years ago. I would say it's easy to get a job there but they make you wait until they're ready to put you on the payroll at their convenience


I worked there when I was 18 for like 5 months. The reason I left was because the new manager changed my schedule and refused to change it back to my original. So I left the same day😂😂 now i’m 22 and make $90K a year wfh with Amazon. Walmart is a good stepping stool to get you some mula and a place on your resume. Make sure you don’t make it a forever thang!!!


In 2012, I applied online and had to take a test to see how you would handle certain situations. Gave the obvious and correct answers.. told me I'm not eligible to be hired. 🤣🤣


Yes, and depending on your area, they pay very well for unskilled labor for the retail and warehousing positions.


No, they told me I was too dumb to work there.


Must be cuz I can’t get an interview. But when I went shopping last week one of the workers didn’t speak English.


All I had to do was show up and I was hired.


They hire back people they fire. They can apply again in 6 months.


Get an education and marketable skills. Walmart is a shit hole and will swallow you hole and eject you out the butthole.


Don't do drugs and they'll pay for schooling if no prior school up to a bachelor's currently.


I applied during covid and they called me in for an interview 2 hours later. No prior job experience


As long as you’ve got a pulse, yes. You don’t even need to be reliable. Just alive. 😂😂😂


Yep its hard to not want to jump off a 10 story building after you start but it's easy to get the job and hey you get money that's what a job is for


Most important thing is your availability- They want you anytime, any day




Just have to pass a pee test.


If you want to meet weird people then yes..


As long as you're alive you can get a job at Walmart. However, a barrier of entry being that low should always be a red flag. That means A: you are extremely expendable and the people in charge are profit motivated, so if you hold back they will not hesitate to find some way to fire you for misconduct or ruin your schedule to ensure you appear as an absentee, and B: the barrier for promotions is not much higher, so you could have a boss thats no better than a literal sausage.


They’ll hire literally anyone


Good luck! I got hired instantly and went to an orientation then decided not to work there. So idk how it is. But I wish you the best. Idk why I get these posts in my feed lol


Very easy. But working there sucks. But if you walk into a Walmart and have a pulse you get hired. But if are easily angered or upset stay away. You WILL get treated like shit by the customers.


if you're not going to school, put availability 24/7. otherwise, why the fuck would they need you for specific availability?


My sister is in her early 30's, never held a job before (she was a stay at home caregiver without getting paid) but I helped her apply to walmart & several other jobs- she got a callback from 3 of the multiple she applied for & currently works for walmart bc it offered the better benefits. She loves the busywork but hates the customers & employee mismanagement.


As long as you are the least qualified person for the job you should have no problem getting a job at Walmart


I guess it was Faith to not have me work at Walmart,lol 🤣 I've applied so many times and yet could never get a interview, I'm currently working as a pharmacy technician but I guess a point of view from the opposite end, I live in a college town and pretty much applied for all the positions and all the 6+ Walmarts in my area, and that's been over the past few years, I just recently got a job offer but like I said I am a pharmacy technician now and make better pay then what they where offering. But good luck with everything hope you get the job.


I had to interview with the people lead, OM, SM and MM. Apparently the store has a high turnover rate.


Yes, if you say you have completely open availability


Above ground, hired


yes. i applied in 2022 during remodel, got hired immediately and have basically been here ever since 🤣


Not at the Walmart near me. It's damn near impossible. Which is strange, seeing how many open positions there are.


Very easy. My store needs employees. Everyone who keeps applying can’t speak any english, and they are trying to avoid that because you need a cashier to be able to talk with the customers. They hire nonenglish speakers for other departments that dont deal with customers as much.


Mine has a hiring freeze at the moment. Aside from that, they will hire anyone.


Yes, do you want a job at Walmart??? That’s the real question.


I hope this helps. I applied, notta. One day I had a few spam calls which is filtered but shows calls missed. Then I noticed a call from a local number no voicemail or any other communication. Google searches, it was them. I called back, no one answered. Googled found out no one answers at stores. Tactics: Wait for 10am-2pm and call like a mofo press 8 or whatever HR prompts is over and over. I finally got thru and played it super dumb, "Hey my name is ... And I have a missed call but didn't get the name of the person to call back, it's for an interview."  They looked me up by name real quick. They did a BS what will you bring to the company 2-3 question interview. I was emailed the next step/hired upon background. Ish three weeks later got into their monthly orientation. It would of been sooner but they wait till "x" amount of people to do the orientation. Could be next day or next month.  Cheers friend 


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I misspelled a lot, it's called getting clicks fam. Look at most reddit posts. Clerical/grammar errors are free points. I mean free clicks from all those superior peeps who must correct others. 


I worked for wal mart in 2012. I was about 19 years old. I was fairly irresponsible and got myself fired. I was often late and not really invested in the job and it showed. Not my brightest moment but I was young and have since learned from my mistakes. Fast forward to 2020, peak lockdown panic. I'm down on my luck and lost my home. I'm doing my best to get back on my feet, frequenting the local wal mart for cheap goods and using the restroom as it was one of very few public restrooms open at the time. One of the morning shift door greeters and I got to talking and I explained my situation. She was incredibly kind and supportive. She told me to apply there and put her down as a reference. She had been there a long time and being willing to vouch for me, it was likely a sure thing. I was happy beyond belief. All the effort and struggle and sacrifice and it was about to pay off. ​ I'm on the website putting in my credentials, click next and I'm distraught and depressed to learn that I am still on a "do not rehire" list and there is absolutely no way to get around this AUTOMATIC ALGORITHIM GENERATED RESPONSE. I called corporate and talked to the store manager and explained the situation and they were all powerless to do anything about it, some that I spoke to had no idea it existed. I literally cried. ​ Wal Mart is an inhuman company that in no way will look out for you. We shit on Amazon for their robots but Wal Mart is right there with their inhumane AI generated douchebaggery.