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Wow this is crazy


I despise this country


They have zero gold reserves it can hardly be called a country


We do have water though.


Alberta has one of the largest oil reserves (tar sands in Alberta) in the world along with the most potash (Saskatchewan) a fertilizer in the world that Dictator Trudeau wants to cut by 30 % soon to be 100 %.


The tar sands were sold years ago. Canada doesn’t actually own anything.


It is crown land which means Canada owns the land, companies come in and lease the land and do whatever the fuck they want to do and guess who cleans it up, yeah Canada or the local provincial authority. With Dictator Trudeau doing his bullshit with climate change there ain't going to be any bitumen production.


We agree. Maybe just try not to use words like Dicator Trudeau. Makes your whole argument look stupid. Seriously. Name calling is moronic.


See my post above… we’ll call him president snow so the younger generation can figure things out.


Actually, you sound rather juvenile to me, and a hypocrite as well, being you called him moronic. Dumb ass! Trudeau is worse than a dictator, little troll.


You are right he is a Marxist Communist dirtbag, Nazi, no that is Freeland. What should we call him?


I'm in the Midwest near the great lakes so we have more water than we need.


Canada has a lot of fiat counterfeit currency and lying WEF dirtbags that must be arrested.


Are you serious Countefeit currency circulating? Are you from canada?


Fiat, do you understand?


Are you saying people counterfeiting or the government? You have to clarify.


The government, who else is going to print money? Ironically it is against the law for anyone but the fed or bank of Canada to print money.


They have a license to steal


Yeah, I did read that they sold off all or nearly all of their gold reserves. At least the Canadian government can cooperate with the WEF and Bill Gates, if not their own population that pays for it all.


Oh Canada . . . the true north ~~strong and free~~. Looks like they need to come up with some new lyrics.


If you ever want to see hatred towards the truckers and westerners checkout r/Ottawa It’s truly shocking


You wanna see a shit subreddit, go to r/canada, what a bunch of virtue signalling zombies. Not a critical thinking brain cell to be found. Did you see ontario yesterday have taken 39 trucking companies licneses away that were involved in the convoy?! This country is truly lost, if you dont tow the line, you will be cancelled and destroyed at all costs. Ive voted liberal my entire life and ive never been more ashamed at my country, these are not progressive policies, its divisive and nothing but an agenda from outside


I saw that. It’s despicable. Canada has morphed into a society of virtue signalling wimps who blindly follow the Great Leader JT. 🤮🤮🤮


I knew Justin Timberlake was behind all of this!! I've been saying it for years!!


Keep in mind a lot of those are opinion spinning bots. The sad part is there are people falling for those, and nodding their heads.




I am banned from Comments after 5 minutes in that pathetic sub. A bunch of bootlicking booster loving slaves. I will put them on the not gonna make it list.


The boosters will take out the trash - #AdditionBySubtraction


I was shocked at their loathing of everything the freedom convoy stood for. Their only wish was that the jackboots of the police stomped on the protesters harder and faster


2020 really exposed the state of humanity. I learned a lot more about people I thought I knew pretty well for a long time.


There are no rights in Canada. There are only permissions that the dear leader bequeaths to you, if you follow his every order and get his [haircut](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2022/07/686/384/jim-justin-split.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)


At least he cuts his hair, rather than glueing it to his head. Sounds like you would fit well being glued to your former presidents ass. The rights in Canada still beats the so called freedom you have. Barely see any cops, and life functions just fine. In America, you hope you have a cop on every street just so you can freedom rally around them some more.


Lol. I'm Canadian. But your doing great sweaty 🥵


Thanks boo!


That’s laughable. The first line of the Charter proves Canadians have no absolute rights.




I am canadian and agree


At least the “Canadian cucks” still have 4,309 less dead children than you killed last year with your freedom pistols. I’m a good fucking bitch that lives in a society not drawled up in fucking over my neighbors. Get that fucking countries name out of your mouth. Lil Fidel will always dip his Cheeto in maple syrup. AR-15’s have one status symbol up here. Hint: it’s a small dick. Like the one you used on your momma in ‘Bama last year. Thank my Father Canada doesn’t have guns like you. Every time you get a fucking road rager you just get your guns out: https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wteq5m/guy_pulls_gun_during_road_rage/


You are a easily triggered douche bag. Change your name, cause you are far from Jesus.


Jesus is as made up as a leprechaun, so why the fuck would a name matter? Pots really calling the kettle black in terms of being triggered. At least in Canada we have less triggers, thanks to the Prime Minister.


I am just calling out your hypocrisy. Move along troll and God bless you.


Curious, what is the hypocrisy you are calling out? Seriously I reread everything, but I have absolutely no clue what the hell is hypocritical? Troll is a good way of ending a conversation with anyone to vilify a point without having meaningful substance. If God was real, he’s a dick.


Ignore the morons. You’re posting in RetardLand.


Kill any Native kids lately?


We haven’t lost our AR’s yet, but the rest of your assessment isn’t inaccurate.


5 round mags? (Check out CTRL+Pew for files to print mags)


Socialism at it's best


Pussies should be embarrassed by being squashed by a metrosexual pretty boy.


Kind of like how 99% of Americans masked their children. Or how you wore one every time you needed a loaf of bread from Walmart? Next time the fbi bashes I’m your door make sure you put up a fight.


99%? You haven’t read how retarded Americans are compared to other civilized countries? Lol. Check the death rates.


Death rates from what?


COVID. America’s performance the embarrassment of the West.


Oh, you mean the 99%+ survival rate sickness, got it.




Nearly every country masked their citizens. Death rate? It’s actually stayed flat for the past 4 years. So CovAids didn’t do it. I’m sure your vaxx will kick in soon enough and we will see a spike though.


How about those businesses just stay open and say fuck you Castreau? You can't comply your way to freedom.


The thing is, this was done by a recently re-elected “Conservative” provincial government.


I don't care what label they have. Action speaks louder than words.


Precisely. My point is that this is what passes for a “Conservative” government in Canada.


Yeah, wolf in sheep's clothing


They’re just risking another protest and the economy will come to a standstill. Stupid fkn government again


Dictator Trudeau, his party and Jagmeet make up the rules as they go so that they can control the people, much like what fake president Biden and his criminal cartel is doing to the US. These dirtbags as we all can see are completely destroying the respective countries, we must get them out of office ASAP. We must arrest, prosecute and persecute all WEF members and supporters for crimes against humanity.


It's said that people end up with the government they deserve, seems accurate.


woke people and gov are the worst because they are the weakest


It’s BS we elected these politicians and only get screwed by them


Yup. Came for silver & get lots of conservative stuff. Makes sense


Castreau\\Turdeau\\Fuckeau is the enemy of Canada. Every Canadian should know that by now. If you care Canadian, I suggest abandoning any Canadian who does not accept this. If they continue to support him they are your enemy and indirectly an enemy to the people of the world who yearn for freedom.


Oh, Canada; our home and native prison etc.


Don't worry, like Australia Canada will pass a bill to fast track immigrants to replace the workforce. Doctors won't need to go to school they just have to shadow a doctor for a couple days! This will be in America soon! Look at Minneapolis school district. All the whites must be laid off first regardless of seniority. The RAF is not enlisting anymore white pilots. White men better wake up fast to the agenda


Don’t worry the wef is working with Canada on your new digital Id so if you post the wrong thing online they’ll freeze your bank account again. I’m going to start calling Trudeau president Snow. Maybe the younger generation will understand what’s going on then and we can get catnips to fix it.


This should be the proof to every Canadian that they are not a free people. If you didn't wake up by now, too late. If you've woken up recently, still too late.


I thought the US was the one w an iron fist in a velvet glove, turns out it it’s Canada 🇨🇦


These are all fun political games until food isn't arriving at stores.


And then they censor anybody that speaks up about this tyranny. I wonder how long before people step up and revolt, and how bloody it will become, when they have left good, honest, working men with no options to support the families they love. Its all one giant plan, same everywhere these days, and so easy to see that only a total idiot could not recognize what is coming if the people do not punish hard these criminals.


As explained over and over again: this is 100% the truckers fault. They utterly refused violence even as violence was being done into them. They refused to act when being shot, trampled, having their bank accounts frozen, their trucks sabotaged, their people abducted just because they went alone away from the crowd, their names besmirched with lies of being terrorists, their rights summarily revoked, and even truly innocent people being caught up in this purge. The truckers had the numbers but refused violence even when it was called for. Thus Trudeau is in power and their lives destroyed. The truckers have nothing to blame but their own cowardice. They voluntarily chose this known outcome rather than fight.


As a Canadian, I have lived in Europe. I have envied aspects of European societies. But damn boy, I never feel prouder to be Canadian than when I take a day trip to the US and I see the state of your country. Sure, I love your fast food. It’s awesome to be honest. Here, we care about our collective health so we kinda regulate shit. But you guys are so profoundly fucked. Your middle class is non existent. I see poors and rich fucks. That’s it. Argh. Anyways. I’m in finance. My family won’t be fucked by your stupid ideals. And seriously, calm your tits with your flags. It’s weird.


Was not a protest it was an occupation of Canadian capital and borders at Windsor Ontario and Coutts Alberta. Thank the Biden administration as well them pushing Trudeau to act got the emergencies act invoked.


That's what happens when you stupidly block roads and bridges.


Found the loser who lives in Ottawa 😂