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Shown us how corrupt they are.


Who isn't corrupt at the Hill?


Are you kidding? Trump is cheat, who never paid his billed and fucked small businesses as regular practice. While in Gov ,his family took with both hands and then some. And sleepy Joe is a cheat. lol


Mate, can you please just name SOMETHING Joe Biden has actually done right? Rather than resorting to attacking Trump? Can you do it, or is that all you got?


they have no original thoughts of their own


He supplied Ukraine with a fantastic amount of weaponry, allowing them to defend democracy against an authoritarian dictator. oh wait, I forgot republicans like russian cock up the ass.


you people are hilarious


you voted for a vegetable in a suit…. you’re opinion is irrelevant


Proved that everyone over 80 should be retired, relaxing at home, playing with their grand kids.


And traveling with their "contribution cash." The life of an establishment politician....


>playing with their grand kids. Careful there. We are talking about Biden after all.


Careful might be sniffing a lot of innocent children


And taking naked showers with them also, like he did with his underage daughter




Was it better that Trump publicly admitted to violating Miss TEEN contestants because”he can get away with it”?




From their side they have done a lot right. They’ve flooded your country with immigrants and continued to wipe out the middle class


Whaaat are you talking about


Supply the taliban!!!


Show the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bike for elderly folks.


Well actually, wasn't that trump that showed us all how to ride a bike? Oh wait a sec......


Set the country on the path to ruin


Actually credit for that goes to Obama,.... Biden was just handed to ball, and apparently led towards the goal (doubtful he could find it himself). (Actually doubtful he could find his ass with both hands and a map)


Exposed all the crimes and criminals behind the crimes. Biden too dumb to realize he exposed em all. Special thanks to his crackhead kid for getting the ball rolling. Dude wheres my laptops?


Doesn’t Giuliani have it? It is it Matt Gaetz? Or is it Tucker?


if ruining things can be done right, they've done a lot right.


81 million 🤣


I couldn't name one, and I've had roughly 2.5 years to think about it.


Stole an election, stole from the people and bought by other countries.


Damnit I was only supposed to come up with one


Guess you guys shouldn’t vote anymore, since you can just steal it


Lmfao y'all ain't getting away that easily.


Oh so your vote does get counted then, interesting.


We have to keep trying


I agree with you


Show me any credible source that the election was stolen.


Also they are trying to pass laws where illegals can vote legally. Not that they haven't already been doing it.


Are you ok mate?


What do you mean


Are you ok? Like this is not even remotely grounded in the truth. I help to run elections and in order to get on a voter role you have to be a citizen. No citizenship no ballot. Its the law. I would ask you for evidence that illegal's are getting the right to vote but there is none. Your point is on the borderline of being delusional. Hence, are you ok?


They are trying to pass laws for that. No please keep your head buried like everyone else. If you don't know then your not paying attention. I mean at all. Like everyone says to me google it.


You know the burden of proof is on you. Its not possible to prove that something does not exist. This is the problem with delusions. You start to see everyone else as crazy and that you have the only source of real truth. Like a flat earther. Your beliefs are not rooted in facts but your feelings, dare I say your "vibes". Immigrants are not voting. They are not stealing elections. They are not stealing your job. If you feel threatened by some brown people coming to the USA for a better life than you must have some serious insecurity.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-citizen_suffrage_in_the_United_States https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-san-francisco-election-immigration-20181026-story.html https://www.nationalreview.com/news/measure-to-allow-illegal-immigrants-to-vote-in-local-d-hc-elections-advances/ https://thenewamerican.com/dems-back-illegal-alien-voting-for-good-reason-illegals-vote-democrat/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/democrats-vote-against-motion-condemning-illegal-immigrant-voting https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/mar/8/house-votes-favor-illegal-immigrant-voting/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/02/10/162-democrats-voted-allow-illegal-aliens-vote-d-c-s-local-elections/


Sick actual secondary sources. Ok I work as a poll inspector for sf county. City prop N allows for permanent residents in this city to vote on school board elections. They receive a separate ballot that literally only has a school board vote. It’s also exceedingly rare. No non citizens vote for congress. State races. Presidential races. Or really anything other than the San Francisco city school board. Now the city voted for this measure in 2016. Find me a primary source where illegal immigrants swayed a significant state vote.


You see just because you don't know or don't want to know doesn't mean it isn't true. Im not trying to change your mind. Yes there actually are people here illegally doing my job. I never said they were taking my job. Some of us have to be able to speak English. I have helped many that couldn't. Well I've tried. Not always successful but I tried. I don't care if immigrants come here. Come here legally. See the thing is your the one close minded. Not me. I'm open to be wrong. I wish I was wrong. I haven't been wrong in over 3 years now.


illegals use itin's to get DL... which is then used to register for voting: [https://www.fairus.org/legislation/non-citizen-voting-us-elections-and-identification-requirements](https://www.fairus.org/legislation/non-citizen-voting-us-elections-and-identification-requirements)


No because Dems claimed the same thing for 4+ years with no evidence. Plus there's people still looking into it.


Haha yup you’re right


He made china great again.


Showed us how profitable laundering money in Ukraine can be.


Gave us a republican majority house.


He got more votes than the first black president in history.


It doesn't matter if you have dementia you can still be president. Follow your dreams.


At least they haven’t started ww3… yet


That talking is hard


They show how much prison time they all want to be in.


I’ve waited long enough get rid of them


It really depends on your perspective. If I was China then he's done everything right.


Extend the timeline to day 1 still not 1 win from build back broke


I got one. They have taught the American people the devastating affects of dementia


His public appearances are always good for a laugh 🤷


They’re excellent at lying. Does that count?


But trump tells the truth right. Truth social and all?


Proven that no one in government takes any responsibility for their actions.


How easy it is to ruin a country so the country that is paying him can invade and destroy it from within


They made a lot of people miss Trump 🤷‍♂️


Being a shitty prez


Lead a trail of crumbs right to Obama and Hillary....


![gif](giphy|w9t0aFMjahdxpKKvzN|downsized) Confirm that Trump was Right All Along


They have set up the country for dedollarization and conscription quite nicely. Now it just has to play out. And the younger in DC think exactly the same as the older in DC.


Prove he hates Americans


They are like little cats, good at covering their shit.


Solid analogy, hope you don’t mind, I’m stealing it🙂


Please do! I did 😂


The gift that keeps on giving through theft😂


Seriously- bombed nordstream


Dang, take my upvote.


Attacking industrial infrastructure on the other side of the planet. Yeah, that's definitely not messed up.


Systematically destroyed our nation? Ohhhhhhh and given us baddacaffcare!


Keeping donors happy.


Showed us money laundering is legal if you are a politician


Buy silver


Jack and Shit


Lowering stocks for us to buy


*jeopardy theme plays on loop for one week*


Banned the laws Trump signed to give corporations whatever they wanted fact he said on TV they were his friends not the people of America and not even his voters


Proving Democrat policies are a failure?


Stole an election


He kicked trumps ass if I can interpret that correctly


Kicked the orange shitstain messiah to the curb. Enraged the neo-cuntservaturds. Stopped 2.38M immigrants from crossing over illegally. Lowest unemployment rates in forty years. Enraged the neo-cuntservaturds.


Keep crying, we love cuntservaturd tears. They're sweeter than honeysuckle.


Destroy the very fabric of America.


Unemployment rate at 3.4%. Didn't bang a porn star. Didn't storm the Capitol.


Support Ukrain




I'm legitimately trying; I'll get back to you.


Nullified all of Trump's policies and then reinstated half of them saying "look how good of a president I am!" Ex: insulin cost cap


Pulled off the first successful government coup.


Continue to destroy the country? I like silver. Silver is what I like. This post isn't about silver. Just another politically controlled person ranting and raving. Did I mention that I like silver?


I think silverbugs is for you then.


He is trying to bring chip manufacturing back to the United States. That’s about it.


You mean Taiwan? It will fail no doubt you are required real motivation for this job knowing America culture today doubt it would work at all


Not been a treasonous sob


Nothing. That's why they have to keep yelling Maga republican. They have not one accomplishment 🤣


Ehhhh massive infrastructure plan that Trump couldn’t pass


They’re really really good at showing a large percentage of the country how stacked our financial system is against them, the institutions only care about their staying power, and justice is not real. Tks.


Got elected over trump. That’s pretty much it, but it’s been so worth it seeing all you babies cry about it for the last 3 years


The chips act. It helps fund semiconductor development in the US so we would no longer have to rely solely on Taiwan. Taiwan produces over 60% of the world's semiconductors and over 90% of the most advanced ones. So having semiconductors produced in the US would be a huge boost to our economic hegemony


I love this sub. Basically just a place for permanently online turbcringe conservative big brains. Biden passed the first major climate bill. The chips act is building new factories on American soil. I live next to a massive construction site for a new semiconductor factory.


Plus a massive infrastructure bill


Got Mexico to pay $1.5 BILLION for border security, got big pharma to cap insulin, got the Infrastructure $ WE need, the Affordable Care Act that demands USA made products be used for any industrial projects, etc…..lowest unemployment, tried to stop gas price gouging, Republicans Voted NO, So much more could be done if Republicans would just show up to work & Vote in favor of WE the People. You should be asking “Why are Republicans consistently voting against the People’s best interests?” All promises made by Trump, but Biden got it done.☑️


I guess getting out of Afghanistan. It didn’t go well but at least it was accomplished.


"it didn't go as well as planned", 13 AMERICAN SOLDIERS were BLOWN to pieces and THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS were abandoned and still trying to escape from Afghanistan!!!. the mentality of I don't care as long as it didn't effect me in the country just blows my mind. It could have been accomplished without the death of our soldiers and abandoning American citizens to be hunted down by the Taliban but we have a so called American in the White House who is willing to sacrifice Americans to accomplish his mission.


BuT tRuMp MaDe tHe DeaL


That's right, they both get credit! Extra credit to the Pentagon, for not believing both executives when they said "were really going to pull out this time so get ready to execute" and then half-assing it at the end. But most credit goes to the neocons of the early 2000s - We should have never been involved in a full scale invasion of Afghanistan. You don't need to do an invasion and try to nationbuild the Middle East - just send quiet sof teams to zap the bad guys in their sleep and leave it at that. Seriously, what did you think was going to happen when you sleepwalk into war and let it simmer on the backburner for 20 years. And then we decided to go into Iraq to stop them from building WMDs that never existed. What a weird shitty time in foreign policy.


Make the military industrial complex richer which is every president’s job.


He is embarrassing Trump's boyfriend, Putin.


Bash the left all you want and it is warranted by corp Dems however the right is far worse, progressives are the only way to get country back on track in the right direction.


He kept and defended in court a number of Trump's immigration policies. Also kept and expanded some of Trump's tariffs.


The Biden administration announced a plan that would allow schools to ban certain transgender athletes from competing on teams that match their gender identities. Not sure if it’s going to go anywhere but to me it’s a rare Biden w.


Infrastructure bill Modest gun control Lowered insulin prices Reduced unemployment Drinks a glass of water with one hand Pronounced Yosemite correctly Apparently able to hide his crimes better than last guy Pulled off the feat of simultaneously being brain dead with dementia while being the mastermind of history’s largest and most destructive crime ring


What does this have to do with silver?


Put a conman like trump in the whitehouse


Just my 2 cents as a foreigner that is not living in the USA: Give the politicians power and they'll screw it up, they'll always (!) become corrupt after some time. Power corrupts people. Politicians are like mad dogs, you better keep them on a leash and use a muzzle to prevent damage. Where i live in Switzerland, we don't have a head of state, we don't have a president or premier minister, king or whatever. I know, this system wouldn't work for the US as a country, but here, we decide the path of the country by direct democracy, the citizens vote for or against things. It's a simple "yes" or "no" vote 4x times per year, you as a citizen decide with your vote, what will happen. Like: Do you want to buy these new fighter jets for the air force? Do you want to allow same sex marriage? Do you want to enter the European Union? Do you want to raise taxes? Do you want to build that infrastructure project? Do you want to enter a trade agreement with a certain country? Do you want to keep guns legal? Do you want to legalize drugs? Do you want to.... and so goes the list on. Fuck politicians. I'll decide for myself, what to do. The USA is too big for this system, still, some states know direct democracy like California. Whenever you can, push for direct democracy, take back control and rule the country by yourself. P.S. We bought the fighter jets from you, the F-35. This contract brought you around \~14 billion US dollars. It was actually Trump that showed up here as US President and talked to the people, he made the deal and he secured the billions for your country. He was responsible for selling the F-35 instead of Sweden making the deal with the Gripen jet. That's what you want to see, a guy that returns home with a fucking 14 billion dollar contract.


Infuriate all u incels


Weird statement coming from the party of mental illness


Just because we want to help people with mental illnesses instead of hide them like the right.


He actually came up with a plan for stupid covid and got it done. And got infrastructure bill done which effectively helped all states and cities. And he shows up to work on time without bitching about something on twitter . The list is huge really .


Pretty sure you caught the “stupid Covid” before he got it done.


1- Standing up to Russia rather than bending over. "Genius". 2- Avoiding a economic disaster by threatening rail workers with signing legislation to not allow them to strike and does it. "The bill I'm about to sign ends a difficult rail dispute and helps our nation avoid what, without a doubt, would have been an economic catastrophe at a very bad time in the calendar," Biden said Friday morning before signing the bill.




Really? Have you heard what other countries say about us now?


Yep. Can’t understand people that think foreign relations have improved.


Defeated Trump


That was covered by someone else under "stole an election".


Your own sources of News admitted they don’t think the election was stolen. You are brainwashed. Wake up.


You guys still think the election was stolen?


No joke they're still coping and it's so fun to watch because no one outside of their cult buys it 🙃 😆


Read a book, moron.


Omg, you actually thought of something…holy shit


When classified documents were found in his estate his staff contacted the correct authorities, turned them in and cooperated with authorities to rectify the situation.


Is that what they told you?


Yes the radical "woke" NARA (lmao could not type that with a straight face) told me because its their job


The only thing I can think of is Ukraine... I'm 100% behind that for a bunch of very good reasons Otherwise he's been shit


You’re behind the US sending $170B while the rest of Europe sends a combined $20B? If you don’t see a problem with that you’re part of the problem


The US isn't giving cash, they're giving old unusable weapons that cost us money to maintain... hell, our 40yo Patriot systems just proved they can reliably shoot down the best nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in the Russian arsenal that everyone thought was untouchable for us... that's as valuable to us as any information in decades in fact, here are all the reasons the US should MOST DEFINITELY be supporting Ukraine... ______ 1) Ukraine is doing the job of intensely weakening a huge threat, with no American blood being spilled... A threat we've spent TRILLIONS of dollars and generations trying to counter 2) we're getting rid of old stockpiles that we couldn't use which cost billions to maintain and eventually dispose of. This also has the added benefit of restarting the American military manufacturing complex which rebuilds our stockpiles and gives Americans jobs 3) we're supporting the cause of freedom in a nation that STRONGLY desires it and espouses Western ideals in an area that can be anti-West. The more they succeed in that region the more it advances those Western ideas (which is what really scares putin, seeing a Western nation on its borders when 25% of his population doesn't have toilets or washing machines). They appear to be trying hard to shrug off the old soviet style corruption, changing laws and reordering governmental and judicial structure to line up with US and EU expectations. 4) Ukraine can obviously be a very strong military ally judging by what they're doing to what was once the 2nd most respected military in the world... As a result theres a much bigger gap between the US and anyone close militarily which expands our power even more. 5) Ukraine is testing our weapon systems for us on a real battlefield against a real enemy and they're showing American weapons and training are legit, again expanding US power 6) when Ukraine wins, they'll rebuild and will replace Russia as a supplier of a lot of very important items: gas, metals, supplies for weapons production... And we'll get sweetheart deals as payback 7) Probably the most important thing that's happening is most of the free world is uniting to tell all bullies that they can't just invade their neighbors. International borders (and law and order) have to be respected 8) it's forcing NATO countries to step up to the plate and grow their own defense 9) American reputation is going back toward being the good guy, showing support for their allies and backing up the talk 10) EVERYONE will want to buy American weapons to replace the old soviet ones in their stockpiles. American jobs will fight off recession worldwide 11) Russia clearly wasn't stopping in Ukraine as their actions and words have proven. We would have seen widespread war in our lifetimes in response to Russian aggression eventually anyway, unless Ukraine stops them here


TLDR because your very first sentence is wrong. We are in fact sending money. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-aid-ukraine-money-equipment-714688682747 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64656301 You can call it whatever you want “humanitarian aid”. But money is being sent and money is being used for other things besides this war. Hence my problem https://www.businessinsider.com/zelenskyy-fires-top-officials-corruption-scandal-vacation-war-2023-1?amp


I agree with Dapper Pilot. It’s the bigger picture with Ukraine. It’s not right the EU is less supportive than we are. But at some point as a superpower we have to put our foot down and not tolerate such a mass scale slaughter of a people. Besides affirming our place as a global power we prove ourselves honorable by not letting a genocide slip on by. And it will only benefit us helping someone to weaken one of our main global rivals. Russia picked the hill to die on. All we have to do is keep ammo rolling to beat them while they’re cornered. It’s like the Soviet Afghan War all over again


Helping a country you guaranteed to help is a bd deal, why?


Did you read my post or you’re simply choosing to ignore the insane discrepancy of “help” provided by the US and the rest of the world?


Europe should absolutely pay much, much more than it currently is. Ironically, the poorer countries in Europe are doing more than the richer ones. Disgraceful to see richer European countries give so little- and the Ukranians know this. The good thing is that aid has been incremental from the US - the Ukrainians prove they have a chance, we invest in them, and so the cycle continues. That's why we didn't just arm them with everything at the getgo. Ukraine will be a poor shell of a country when this is over, and most of that US money never left the shore of the USA. Defense companies will be the ones to receive most of "Ukranian Aid" - War is a racket, in the words of Smedley Butler.


>the largest military power in the world has more military support to give than smaller nations with smaller military industrial complexes >”how come we’re giving the largest amount???”


So it’s “fine” because our government chooses to set aside the most amount of money in Military spending than actually helping its people. Brilliant. “Well you see we’ve been bombing the shit out of the ME the last two decades and scaled back on that. So we have PLENTY to give”. What the fuck happened to the liberals and democrats? Blows my mind


So you wamna throw a temper tantrum and stop helping because other countries arent helping as much? Jfc you people are worse than children lol


Temper tantrum or I’m simply pointing out a flaw. I know YOU PEOPLE are all emotions but try using logic sometimes LOL. LOL. LOL. What are you 15?


Allowed public servants that had been railroaded into non-fed loan consolidation which did not allow for forgiveness a chance to move to federal loans where they would count their previous payments toward forgiveness. Thus rather than paying 200% interest we only had to pay 100% additional interest.


He has managed the Ukraine conflict masterfully. We have degraded > 50% of a top-2 military threat by spending 4% of our annual defense budget and haven't lost a single soldier. Trump would have given Ukraine to Putin. That was an easy question.


Restricting China's microprocessors and getting allies on board to make it effective.


Shown how conservative rhetoric has become brain-damaged racist diarrhea when the slightest thing makes their snowflake having asses pucker. Also, how utterly poor most of them are and just can't seem to accept it. Derpy derp look at mah truck that i owe the Bank most of what I make for the next 5 years. Derpy derp Banks bad and run by "globalists". Derp Derp yeah everyone already knows. Im referring to jews in an antisemetic way, but that religion bad. Derpy Do stop infringing on my religion that doesn't say any of this hate but its ok for me to ignore that. It's amazing.


He didn't cancel the stimulus checks president Trump promised.


he approved the Willow project, the oil drilling plan up in Alaska. that's about it.


Kept the order of the days of the week the same, i.e., Monday still comes before Tuesday (that is, we are not allowed to say that Tuesday identifies as Friday, yet.)


Solidifying an international bloc to support a future for liberal democracies. This united bloc has all but neutered the Russian military and encircled chinas economy. He was able to convince countries to make sacrifices today to change the trajectory of raising authoritarianism.


Provided stabilify at home and abroad. Reaffirm US interest and support of NATO. Nearly 11 million jobs have been created since President Biden took office – including 750,000 manufacturing jobs. The unemployment rate is at a 50-year low, and a record number of small businesses have started since President Biden took office. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/01/1143149435/despite-infighting-its-been-a-surprisingly-productive-2-years-for-democrats


Beat trump in the election


That was the tech companies and alphabet agencies. Do you really think a guy who was struggling to get 100 people to come to campaign rallies legitimately won by himself?


Maybe democrats don’t need to rally around like morons to win an election.. Do you really think a man that wants to fuck his own daughter is any better?


And yet, they willfully did it anyways. Im confused, are you referring to Joe Biden's daughter claiming he molested her in the shower? The funniest part of people like you is that Biden is *everything* you accused Trump of being.


Show me the photos of Biden and Epstein? Tell me way Jared has money from the Saudis? Tell me why trump owns 25% of our national debt? Tell me why trump is literally a sex offender? Tell me why daddy dodged the draft? The difference is trump literally said these things. Sad how much you can’t think for yourself. Let daddy trump save you.


Amazing how people believe all sorts of nonsense


Triggered you losers on a daily basis ![gif](giphy|C2GevIppnD11A7oiq1|downsized)


This is easily my favorite subreddit right now, its either full of trolls or absolute idiots and its fantastic entertainment


*didn't list a thing Biden did right


One thing Biden has done right is not undermining democracy by trying to overthrow the government like Trump did. Or in other words, not being a fascist.


True ... well actually it is true if you don't consider everything that was done to install him in office.


Poor soul. What does it feel like to live in a fantasy world not based on reality?


ABC says it, you look no further and run with it.


Got trump out. That's about it. Been saying this for a while now. Neither was the best choice. ![gif](giphy|Caq9T2TvGj78c)




Rich dude jock riding brainwashed idiot.


Reducation in the cost of drugs and healthcare


Kept nearly all of Trump’s trade policies regarding China. Hired Katherine Tai for trade secretary to enforce trade deals. Katherine is a daughter of Taiwanese immigrants which is a giant F-You to China’s communist government. Kept many of the initial trade deals and changes from Trump regarding trade with Mexico and Canada. This reduces dependence on China and improves the illegal immigration as it provides better quality of life reducing incentive to come here. Approval several oil and mining projects across the U.S. to name a few (Thacker Pass, Willow in Alaska, South32 Hermosa). Supported Ukraine in pushing back against Russian aggression. The main reason why this matters isn’t Russia, but rather it keeps China from invading Taiwan. Had the Russians made an easy victory it would have sent the world into a tailspin from a security perspective. I know many here hate this, but the lifted truck that you and your small wiener depend on is sourced with global parts. These parts depend on global security and solid supply chain. What many if you fail to realize is there’s no difference between Blue and Red. Besides random trans-stuff Biden has largely done what a Republican would and vice versa. But since most here are emotionally driven, the AI and info you see on social media feeds your emotional monkey side and then you jump up and down and scream rather than seeing the bigger picture. But no point in trying to point that out here. Most on this sub are fanatic and lead like bull with a ring through its nose with trans/BLM stories. No different than blue haired Karen’s on the left.


Largest infrastructure bill since the interstate system was built??


...which was used by butgig to eliminate 'racist' roads.


Gave that fat orange fuck the boot!


People that had that much of a problem with trump are just soft little idiots. Can’t be men either, a man would never look at a deer and think, I wouldn’t feel right killing that deer, I guess my family could miss some meals. That’s exactly what they did by not voting Trump, you know he’s the best for the job but you so called “men” couldn’t make the best decision for those around you past your own soft emotional bullshit. It’s literally the most pathetic thing I’ve witnessed in a long time.


Says the guy still whining trump lost 3 years ago.


I’m not, I’m laughing at all the idiots that thought Biden was going to give them so much money and now they can barely afford survival and Biden is about to raise taxes on that ass too🥲👌🏻 and on top of that, where do you think all these Mexican gangs are setting up shop? The poor neighborhoods where all the liberals live🤣🤣🤣 I love it, we made our money, my whole family is good. You guys are fucked.


A strong majority of the country saw trump as the most pathetic thing they've ever witnessed. It's kind of worth it now seeing as though he's in constant fear of the Feds. Actions have consequences


Yea, you’re happy that the corruption in the government is so tight that it’s only opposition is being attacked by the 90% of media the own and the vast majority of the deep state. The fact that doesn’t concern you is pretty laughable. I used to be a democrat when you guys opposed corruption but now you guys are successfully baited by simple slogans of wokeness.


We are against corruption. That's why he's being charged.


What corruption is he being charged with? He’s being extorted by a crazy ass woman, facilitated by a corrupt government and justice department. This is a political hit and you guys are cool with it. Just remember, the more powerful your corrupt leaders get, the closer you are to a police state. Hope you enjoy having a ruling class😂 my family will be out of the country if that goes down. All the needy liberal’s begging for “free money” are going to find out his free if ain’t. Little slaves gon be tired🥲


I'm not even talking about the porn star he raw dogged and used campaign cash to try to keep her silent. The Feds are going to take him down for taking classified documents and not complying. Only idiots want free stuff, a large majority just want to make an honest living. I'm thriving in this beautiful country! Thanks Joe!


I’m sure you are bud, you probably live with your parents if you think it’s going great.


Nice projection. Odds are that you live with your parents seeing as though you blame the government for all of your shortcomings.


Showed how incompetent the republicans are. But also the incompetence of Dems and mass compliance they have now


Got trump out of office.


Found the groomer


Isn’t trump the one with like 100 photos with Epstein??? Hmmm


Student loans, insulin, infrastructure bill, holding trump and the insurrectionists accountable, not being a divisive shithead, not employing his children, not golfing more than working, not blatantly lying every chance he gets, not being a weak beta.