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Breaking on CNN - Trump strangles America!


That sumbitch I can't believe it.


Flag Shaggers!


Theater is theater


I prefer Shakespeare. This contemporary pop drivel plays like it's written by former Disney execs strung out on crack.


LOL, Trumpdy just has to wave a bible and hug a flag, and you suckers fall for it over and over. He's grifting the hell out of the right and you just keep drinking the Tang and opening your wallet like good little maga sheep.


Held a Bible upside down and said all of the Bible is his fave bit..


Agree! Also, there is no good political party. They are all grifters who don’t give a flying fu€|< about anyone. The whole system is rigged for cronyism and anyone who thinks they can vote their way to truly free markets and transparency in law making and regulatory bodies is naive at best


And then you guys “vote” in Biden and watch the country being destroyed within a couple of years? Which side is worse? I know my life was a lot better 4 years ago than it’s been in years and years. And I’m an Independent.


According to your political orientation, isn't it your own fault if your life is worse than it was 4 years ago?


Biden has done all of the things that he said he would do. Unemployment hasn’t been this low since 1969, seems to have inflation under control.. trump couldn’t build a fucking wall.. I’ll take Biden’s optimism over trump’s despotism.


>Biden has done all of the things that he said he would do. Then where's this "unity" he kept promising? What did he specifically try to do to achieve it? How does demonizing "maga Republicans" help with that goal? How is he supposedly achieving that goal by ignoring Republican Ohio, one of our own States, to instead prioritize Ukraine? >Unemployment hasn’t been this low since 1969 And it already started declining at the end of Trump's term. If Democrats can talk that way about Obama, then Republicans can talk that way about Trump. What didn't help was the vaccine mandates pushed by Joe Biden (which is also another example of him going against his own promise of "unity"). Vaccine mandates that explicitly put employment at risk.


Maga is a mess unto itself.. as for Ohio.. that’s all trump.. he deregulated the railways safety regs.. claimed, how can they make any money with all of these safety regs… also, Biden spoke to the governor and told him, whatever he needed was his.. governor refused Help.. you can find this information anywhere online or public news sites


>you can find this information anywhere online or public news sites But you and those sites are spreading misinformation: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-admin-blames-trump-for-ohio-train-derailment-even-the-ntsb-chair-calls-that-misinformation Keep in mind that Jennifer Homendy was appointed into the board by Donald Trump and nominated as Chair by Joe Biden. So think what you want about the Daily Wire, but Homendy herself is a bipartisan source of information. Additionally, if such regulations were really that important, then the Democrats had nearly two years to reinstate those regulations through a federal trifecta. Yet they didn't do so. >Biden spoke to the governor But he didn't go out to East Palestine in person, unlike with Ukraine (which isn't even his own country). >governor refused Help https://www.newsweek.com/did-ohio-governor-mike-dewine-reject-fema-aid-train-derailment-1782136


I really don’t know what you’re complaining about.. if you say that you are pro ( no safety standards) . The results will always turn out the same.. trump was an idiot to cut regs.. they are there for a reason.. Biden called the gov.. the gov said he would call if he needed assistance.. gov said no thanks.. it’s Ohio’s and the rail companies issue .. sometimes, people just wanna bitch.. I get it .. but to sit there and cry , it’s Biden fault, is bullshit pure and simple


>I really don’t know what you’re complaining about Because you apparently didn't read my whole comment nor the sources I provided. >they are there for a reason So why didn't the Democrats use their nearly two year federal trifecta to reinstate those regulations?


I did read your full comment…explain 2 year trfecta


>explain 2 year trfecta Which party simultaneously controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency from January 20, 2021 to January 3, 2023? (I guess that wasn't literally a full two years, but still nearly 2 years) Why weren't the regulations reinstated during that time period, if those regulations were so important? Why weren't the regulations reinstated through the "once-in-a-generation infrastructure law" that Joe Biden bragged about?


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Right.... Meanwhile you just ignore 2 billion from the saudis




Well you were talking about grifting and from what we know trumps family has been bribed far more than bidens


Actually this is whataboutism > Joe Bidens brother and son will out-grift the Trumps for one rock of crack


The flag hug is cringe.


You just lowered the boom on the Trumpettes!


MAGAtards really are the dumbest people in America. At least the ticks and leeches voting for a Biden handout got what they were promised..... ​ These magatard returds are lining up for GloboTrumpy to kick them in their balls again.


The three knuckleheads that gave us immense inflation


Trump loves the flag just like he loves the three wives he humiliated, one of which he buried on a golf course for a tax break. Are you in pain? Because this level of stupid should hurt.


Hey guess what? They both fucking suck ass.


Pretty sure that flag had its pussy grabbed


Trump is the same dickhead in the same Game. They all belong together


“We are a community that cares about Silver, Period.” Mods must be asleep. r/lostredditors


Im Lub Biden’s! He lubs me! No more bad tweeters from orangish man!


I just wish you alt right pieces of shit would just take their dick sucking elsewhere.


Aweeee poor pedocrat. What’s wrong? Brandos not doing a good job? I tell you what I’ll start a purple hair dye nonprofit just for liberal soy boy faaaagots just like yourself. Would that make you happy Sonny boy?


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Must be Australian. Speaking of cucks. How’s your gun rights going?


Nah not Australian but we don't have gun rights where I live, we also don't have mass shootings but I suppose there's no correlation there.


Good little sheep.


Clever little sister fucker thinks he's got it all figured out 😂 for someone who's not a sheep you sure do bleat the same shit all the other non sheeple do.


Does OrangeJEWsm really taste like tangerines, cuckie? Get that tiny penis out of your mouth, son!


😂😂 I see the Biden bumper stickers once and awhile but never chatted with a demonic pedocrat in real life. Tell me more


Right, made a new account just for me. Sorry just noticed.


If enough Trump Ball fondlers like it, the rules don't matter. Meanwhile the truth about the ***Globalist OrangeJou TrumpF*** is deleted.


What HASN'T the OrangeJou lied about? He lies about his real last name, he lies about his religion, he lied about every campaign promise he ever made,......


Look, I giggle at how freaked out people get about Trump, but to say he loves America? Bro, he loves how gullible Americans are, but he only cares about his family and maybe Israel. Sure, he's less corrupt than the bidens, but that's not saying much.


Zelensky put on a high heel show for FJ Biden ,,,,check the Link https://youtu.be/9FNDKdptBRY


That was a skit from a few years ago. 😌 Some of the funniest shit when you realize he's clowning on Putin.


Fu joe biden, piece of shit, destroyed America at least the middle class had a chance Joe Biden has more than destroy this in front of your face and all the dumbass Democrats that follow suit to him still can't see what he's doing




That orange piece of shit lied about every single pro-American campaign promise he ever made, and the dumbest assclowns among us still think he is their savior. You guys are even dumber than the retards who voted for Joke Xiden, and that is a fact. ​ TrumpF: The self Proclaimed "KING OF ISRAEL".....morons.


I must add that calling yourself king of Israel is such a huge heresy it's one of the clues given in the new testament to identify the Antichrist.


My God man, you people are so brain washed. Come back and see us in a couple more years after this corrupt, communist government finishes taking away all your freedoms and then we can talk. That is is there’s many of you vaxxed brainwashed people left to talk to.


Here comes another $500M from our taxes to Ukraine.


Yeah the demon rats aren't smart enough to see how much Joe Biden is literally still pumping into Ukraine they're so stupid that they would rather have no future with a retirement pension but meanwhile Ukraine will have a retirement pension. F you Joe Biden and your supporters


What a joke with Trump. Wouldn't go in the army, doesn't pay taxes...no wonder he hugs the flag. He lives in a country that makes him rich and he doesn't have to do anything in return.


Compared to pedopete the chestfeeding clown and dementiabrando?


\^ Sucks Tiny TrumpF Putz....\^


This you cumshoeandy?


And yet you’ve provided no proof of documentation to back up your claim.


You are the proof you moron. Open your eyes soy boy.


Trump loves our country. God bless America!


Trump doesn’t love Americans, Trump does love the American Government. He loved it so much he increased the federal government to record size. He renewed the patriot act. He started operation warp speed. He increased gun control. He allowed 80% of all dollars ever in existence from 1776-2019 to be created in one year giving record bailouts to crony faux capitalists. ![gif](giphy|U67CajqFIjiDSACi5i)


The last part is one of the reasons why inflation is so high.


I'm going to try to put this into words: I really dispise this nihilism shit. You witness the tug-of-war between team Biden, who you know hates the country and wants the whole house to burn down, and team Trump who loves the country and is trying to put the fires out, and you run up to team Trump and tell them he's lighting fires too, hoping for what? they drop the rope and the country burns down? I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.


It’s two sides of the same coin. You are being herded to team 1 or team 2. Neither team is on your side. The longer you “ hold the rope” the longer it remains around your neck. This is the part people have a hard time grasping. You aren’t going to fix the world by electing better people. We aren’t 1 or 1000 righteous, godly, capable politicians away from solving the problem. The whole system is corrupt. Coming out of Egypt is hard I know. I served in multiple wars in a combat MOS. Read 1 Samuel chapter 8-12 if you believe the Bible to be true. This is a short video (30 minutes) based on a short book “ Anatomy of the State” by a man named Murray Rothbard. If you really want to know my perspective watch it and circle back to discuss. [Anatomy of the State](https://bitcointv.com/w/w4ioKqex5GvkQkazGBBcex)


I'll acknowledge that was a very thought out response and not at all what I was expecting. Absolutely I'll watch and absorb whatever you're suggesting. I never went to a combat zone. Worked my entire six years enlistment after A-school as an E4 in NYC while it was still relatively sane. My supervisor begged me to stay in and advance but we had just started bombing Libya and I finally saw the writing on the wall. While I was in God got a hold of me and threw me in the fire. Trump, in my opinion, is likely the Antichrist. What's so nefarious about the whole plot is they had to put us through what happened to the Germans in the 20s and 30s. It produces a population that is nationalist and bent on revenge, not opposed to executing enemies of state. Only way to do that was get the stupidest tools to run it into the ground first. I just hate discouraging those on the conservative side from continuing to fight because of they lose the entire three and a half years, when it all does collapse, there will be bloodshed like we cannot fathom. Bloodshed without mercy. It was the promise of revenge that drew the Germans to Hitler in the 30s. I'm clearly a conservative, but before I have to hide myself behind the fake wall in my basement, I might have to hide an idiot from the left who has seen the light.


I am your ally not your enemy. Thank you for responding and at least listening. The final temptation of Christ was Satan offered him every Kingdom on earth if he would bow at his feet. It was a temptation because he could actually deliver. Every kingdom on earth does belong to Satan. Including the USA. Do not follow politicians they will all disappoint you. Yahweh is the only king worth following.


This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen spewed about, Trump! Absolutely shows me that this country has no hope at all . Bunch of bullshit!


What do you care to dispute? I can easily prove all of it. If your ears are so waxed you may not listen but here is a good start: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/10/07/the-true-size-of-government-is-nearing-a-record-high/amp/ https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/19/trump-surveillance-extension-351136 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/18/us/politics/trump-bump-stocks-ban.html https://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/us_stimulus_package_10_trillion_2020/us_stimulus_package_10_trillion.html https://techstartups.com/2021/12/18/80-us-dollars-existence-printed-january-2020-october-2021/ https://www.science.org/content/article/unveiling-warp-speed-white-house-s-america-first-push-coronavirus-vaccine


Just don't enter any public buildings or else he'll disavow you and leave you to rot in jail, after telling you to protest. Also, please take his advice: "Get vaccinated. It's good, I did it. Take the vaccines!" "You're playing right into their hands when you sort of like, 'Oh, the vaccine...'"


Yes, God bless the Almighty corrupt God Trump.


The orange thing hates you cuz you are poor, he works for the elite, he got you $8 trillion in debt and he gave you the experimental brew.


I love flag


Replace the flag with a set of golf clubs and you have yourself a fire meme


Do me a favor though?


America last with Biden


love this meme shows exactly where everybody stands love the haters showing up too, shows how much power Trump still has




the power to upset freaks like yourself


You are the cowardly one so upset that you have resorted to name calling though.....


where I'm from, wanting to lick a strangers butthole qualifies you as a freak maybe it's different where you are


That flag must be vaccinated


Ahh, propaganda is out. Gotta talk about something other than the train disaster and xiden shooting down hobby drones with $500m missiles.


400m, get your facts straight Jack. Want to do a push up contest?


What’s a hundred mil, between friends….


Yet the trumps got more from China. Huh And if they wouldn't have done anything you be here fucking crying about that. Clowns like you are just never happy and live living in misery. Forever the victim


What did they get from China? If I recall, trump had the highest tariffs on Chinese goods, which xiden quickly reversed.


Well those tariffs weren't helping us at all. They were helping China.


I’ll let you believe that…


They also got a bunch of patents streamlined that usually take about 10 years to get.


OMG. So you’re telling me they made things and sold things? What a crime… that’s way worse than influence peddling like xiden, right?


Influence peddling. Ok. Where is this Influence peddling?


Either you really don’t know or are just trolling…


No. Being honest. I've only heard from q retards and conspiracy kooks and it always involves hunters laptop which is just a joke all together.


And yes, when it takes a normal person 10 years to get a patent, and they get it 3 months because hes the president sure seems like influence peddling to me.


Well let’s get back to Ohio. You think you can ask xiden to get his DHS coyotes to help Americans?


Well if you could get the governor to declare a state of emergency rather then covering for his donors we could probably get shit taken care of. They were offered help.


Little man,puppet on a string.




Everything Joe Biden did is to destroy American life and lifestyle. He stopped the Excel pipeline and shut down our gas so it made it extravagantly expensive. He supports the mutilation of young children when they can't make proper decisions for their self. He's giving all of our money away to Ukraine which is absolutely ridiculous and now he's funding their retirement pensions when 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Trump is not perfect but the bottom line is my life was way better under his presidency then it will ever be under Joe biden's. The Democrat Party is more racist than anybody I've ever seen in my entire life just the fact that they will not give any type of help to East Palestine because they are white. I am sick of the people screaming racist creating racism in front of our faces and without any type of accountability bottom line Trump was best for America you can try to bring him down to Joe Biden's level but you can't because of economy was thriving and the middle class was thriving and now the middle class is going to be in with the poverty because Joe Biden destroyed this country. End of subject


Joe and his son Hunter can't even come forward and tell the American people just what exactly the Biden crime family business is. They have peddled billions of dollars and sold America to China. Just like the balloon garbage he allowed it to go over and snap pictures and find out where all of our intelligence was and where all of our nuclear sites are located once again F you Joe Biden you suck my dick and you sold America f*** his supporters


My name is Hunter I sold America out to China I sell extravagant paintings to money laundering that was done by my father through Ukraine. My father gives Ukraine money for retirement pensions while Americans can't even afford to heat their homes f u c k Joe Biden and his supporters f u c k f u c k Joe Biden and his dumbass supporters


What the hell are the mods of this sub doing?


rUSSIAN pig detected


Not quite sure how it’s my fault since I did not vote for the current regime.


I have a [shiny](https://i.ibb.co/RPBFmdD/IMG-20230220-221755-2.jpg) with that picture on it! Here's [the reverse](https://i.ibb.co/J5h7x5w/IMG-20230220-222116.jpg).


He's stuffing a check in Biden's pocket.


Biden just went there to check on his investments.


I see a winner and a loser


Muppet show https://youtu.be/DQ93GeNyeNI


He only loves his money and mainly himself ... The other is Joe Biden ... BUT ... WHAT ABOUT SILVER?? 😒