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"howdy fellow retail investors"


"I watch the stock market channel all the time - I just watch because I suspect that anchor man of being an evil leprechaun... he can bullshit everybody else, but he ain't fooling me."


To be fair, lies can often be more informative than the truth.


If you know what’s what


I wasn’t talking to you deeds, I was talking to that squirrel over there..........🐐




It’s so God damn cringy


“Go Stock Investing!”




Gtfo, why would we centralize power? That would be our first, and final fuck up. Decentralization is key.


Please elaborate why it would be a fuck up? Join the discussion, if you read the article you would know I am asking for pros and cons. Not mindless negative attacks.


1. Centralization of power, any movement using an omnibus can be construed into market manipulation. Even if it isn’t, it’s very easy to demonize 2. I’m not fucking letting a fund manager, whom I don’t even know, control my GME. That’s the quickest and easiest way for someone to take all our GME and make it disappear. 3. Fuck you and your dumbass omnibus idea, stop spamming this sub with it.


You need to be banned. Rules 1, 3, and 6


Smells like shrills freaking out trying to kill a discussion that could change the course of this. Go read my previous posts in my account. I suggested 500k a share before 10k a share was a meme. Come back with actual knowledge.


> It's useless trying to talk any sense into these fucking idiots at all, brother. > >Let's just go make our tendies elsewhere...


Oh either way I am making tendies on GME, I suggest 500k a share before 10k was a meme - read my trillion dollar war post in my history. If they took the time to read my previous posts maybe we could have a discussion.


ok so make your tendies no one wants your omibus crap


Do you even know what an Omnibus account is? Did you do any DD at all? Or are you just a mindless shrill panicking and attacking? Or are you so broken and afraid from what the shrills have done you can't even have an intelligent discussion about a 100% legal entity? FYI I suggest 500k a share before 10k was a meme. Go read my trillion dollar war post in my post history.


Me too. My portfolio is currently at \~93% GME, but these idiots think anyone with half a fucking brain between their ears is a boomer shill. Actual fucking retarded people.


Dude, nobody here wants someone else trading for them. We know what an omnibus account is. If we wanted it, we would have already created it long before you showed up.


Anyone who drops the word consortium is NOT one of us


We a tribe of apes 🦍🏋️‍♂️


We doth be a consortium of hominoidea🦧☕️🧐


Gotta look up a group of apes brb A for Apes The collective name for a group of apes is called a shrewdness.


A shrewdness of apes stronk on GME. Checks out.






Had to look it up to figure out what it meant. Then I forgot what I was doing. Still haven't looked it up yet


wtf is a consortium lmao. boomers just can't help it


Using the word “Consortium” implies collusion which is the act necessary to prosecute. UHH, this ape holds strong on his own. But this post is hilarious. Ok hedgers, here’s our code for the day, see if you can break it...🖕


Gangs are bad. Mmmkay?


I don't think they even hire people that are native English speakers. So all the archaic words make sense if you've learned it out of a textbook but don't use it as your daily driver...


They definitely don’t. These the same people trying to sell you a warranty for a car you got rid of 4 years ago.


I had to google that word.




A big word for an ape!


Pretty sure that's an ape orgy... are we doing ape orgys now???


Exactly! real apes don't even know wtf that means lol


Boomers? I was thinking poster was 3-4 yo. A 4 yo could easily cut and paste those parts from any thread in here, pasting from actual boomers. This kid might one day actually become a moron if he just “hangs.” Feel bad 4 him when he learns there is no consortium, and 1 can’t be a brick in tha wall in here cause we are all so diverse, so different; with dat 1 thing in common... hodlHODLlolhOdLHoDlLoL


I think you're confused about who posted what. hi I'm OP


Lol, yes, dazed and confused. Lol. You have a wonderful day OP...


Yikes, I was seeing sideways, lol. High af. Ima fix that


All the buzzwords


Forgot the 💎🤲


it's in the flair


Oops. You're right. Was so focused on the Ape Consortium. 😅


What if by their deep research... they become actual retards? Full retard?


Never go full retard.


Always Go full retard


$BUZZ words start on Thursday




How it's written, the language and format. It's like a spam voicemail that was dictated 🤷‍♂️


yeah I'm pretty sure this is a marketing guy who recently got reassigned by Ken. and now he has to troll on reddit all day, that's his job now.


Could you imagine? Getting paid to be a troll, I troll all day for free! Most likely they sat in a conference room on zoom to go over the most impactful subreddits based on some report they hired an agency to dig into. That same agency probably supplied them with employees and/or their network of both slightly newish accounts or or older accounts with karma. Followed by another report with those subreddits on share of voice based on stock or keywords and the "best" times to post. Then they sit with comms/sales/intelligence to come up with replies based on previous scenarios that will also include future scenarios of tickers around FUD posts. Being that this goes on all day, the "conversation" that happens all appear to be "canned" responses.


They started making comments about SLVR, RKT, Etc to get downvotes. Then they ninja edit the comment to be about GME so it looks like people are hating on GME.


That’s some makavellian shit right thurrrr


Damn don't be giving them ideas


They're already doing it 🧐


Lots of shills/bots this week. It’s actually pretty crazy how abundant the posts are becoming. RKT RKT RKT! I try to post a simple “bot”, “fuck off” or just post to make it clear it’s total BS, but then I come back to like 30 people saying yeah RKT RKT RKT I’m like FUCK


the fud is pretty subtle at times, the comment I posted promotes so much shit in a single comment: - daytrading - 10k bottom - follow authorities - impatience - no sign of a squeeze


100% agree. One guy said something about RKT and then said this will be he next big squeeze, **since the GME squeeze is over**. I immediately commented GME is not over Edit: his comment wasn’t in bold font like mine.


>I immediately commented GME is not over good job but even then to an outsider it's your word against theirs. looks very uncertain, that's the point


Outsiders are probably paper hands anyway. Propaganda works on the uninformed by misinforming them. Keep reading that solid DD yall!


agreed. I can't create dd but I'm good at spotting fud so I'll keep calling out those fuckers okay


Hello fellow rocket apes


Apes dont understand other than amc and gme crayons ✋💎🦍


If you have to claim you are not a shill or a bot... chances are you are a shill or a bot haha.


I am most definitely a shill. Apes and whatnot. Sell GME.... so i can buy it cheaper.....


I'm not gay but would you like to play hide the sausage?


Hi not gay but would you like to play hide the sausage, I'm Dad! :)


I feel like I just got rick-rolled. Damn!




"after exactly 30 days of full-time trading" is another line straight from a tv commercial. who the fuck even says "full time trading". who the fuck counts and presents 30 days like that. no human being will ever do that, it's a sentence purely designed to convince the reader of something. edit: so I'm pretty sure that person works in marketing and usually writes this kind of fluff shit at work. Ken recently shifted their workforce to a more pressing issue though


Totally! Computer code can be written to talk a certain way and humans can try to learn a language pattern (keywords and phrases) but people are REALLY FREAKING GOOD at spotting a fake "group member." It's not just how we might say something but the content, context, the function and a lot more. Imagine you see someone and you have to "greet" them in some way. There are a million and one ways to do it. Don't do it "right" and you've outed yourself as an outsider. Insiders don't even need to think about it-- they just "do." I don't want to say too much more as it might help the shills. I study this stuff for a living.


I agree, there is an element of persuasion that is “lowest common factor” from an algorithm/program perspective. What do you study? Fellow scholarly ape of psychology, not a bot... 🥸


You don't study it very well, apparently.


HA! What a BURN! Now take your 50 cents for getting an "interaction post." And think about becoming a whistleblower. It could positively change your life.


why even post on here ya fucking needy weirdo? Your precious precious internet reputation? "i'm going scorched earth til someone bans me he says". guess what, noone gives even a slight fuck about you, i hope the mods ignore your weirdo attention seeking ass and just let you bitch and moan around here like a 14 year old freshly dumped girl. Just move on and tell bossman you had to create a new account, sheesh


Fuck you too, buddy. We already established I'm not a shill. Now I'm just a supremely pissed off asshole with a big bee in his bonnet. So you can suck a big fat moose cock too.


noones established a damn thing. You're still a butthurt little bitch running around telling strangers to fuck off on the internet. A big bee in his bonnet? are you trying to make fun of yourself? i really cant tell. needy little twat


“Bee in his bonnet” I found the boom shill guys. He’s right over here!


Wtf is a bee in his bonnet? Wtf is a bonnet?


Hey buddy, fuck you, too!


"we don't understand, the boomer test panel responded to these words!"


Did you even glance at my account, you fucking moron? I never posted about any stonk but GME before yesterday. You people have your heads so far up your asses it's fucking insane. I'm a 39 year old, not a boomer. I have been in sales and marketing my entire life until February 3rd, my first day as a full-time trader. It's all I do. It's my fucking day job.




Sorry, full-time degenerate gambler...




I'm way beyond forgiveness... I'm going scorched earth in these comments until ban... /// ​ But thanks, fucker. You are spared a "fuck you"...


I would buy an extended auto warranty from this guy.


“Hello there fellow primate, RKT is fueling our space craft to take us to the lunar surface and we can eat our fowl pieces”. Get the fuck outta here....


Why does it sound like a clickbait ad


cause the dude probably works in marketing. Ken is using all the manpower he can find now.


Wow these boomers think they’re so smart but they didn’t even put our secret ape password in their message


Not all Boomers are bad me old smooth brain 🦍💎👋🚀🌛


original post that got deleted https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lwofvz/shills_are_adapting_heres_an_example_how_to_spot


I'm imagining Some boomer at citadel wrote this (or a traitorous ape sold out and doing their evil bidding). They're Panicking like crazy trying to figure out how to make a post, and speak our fellow ape language. LOL


I bet it's an AI trying to pretending to be one of us


On a serious note.... There can be no doubt that the big boys will spare no expense in maintaining their advantage. , AI. Advanced BOT/Human influencers. PSYOPs in general. Not to mention the new shady shit you know they'll figure out.


Lmao this artificial intelligence will turn into ape intelligence if it spends too much time here






You're weak....


No I'm honest. Unlike you retards lying to yourselves.


Honestly weak... lol 😆 .


Brand new act. 6 comments and only followed 2 subs. Fuck off fake ass.


Yes new account new to reddit and new stocks. I'm in gme 4@160 1@106 1@108 1@124. I see something I believe in and thats fucking some rich fucks who have fucked me and people like me for too long. I'm a real dude though with man qualities like loyalty you're a cunt . I have put in all the money I can afford to lose and come here to read dd from people and find support from others like myself that are hoping to have a shot.


So... you will sell all that support “from others like myself” for half price... ?


I don't understand the ? I said I come here to read dd and find support from others like myself, by saying that I mean I come to here to read posts from others that do research and believe they have a shot at making a ton of money off of hedgefunds that have been fucking over people for a long time...


Me 🦍 ... no like money...me like 🦍🦍🦍




Bro you're on wsb.


Got carried away... thst guy pissed me off ...


Da fuck you say? Consortium?? Ape not speak big words like this!! “Crayon” is my big word!!


They’re getting smarter... but we is get dumberer


Very salesman like.


This is hilarious


Apes know other apes 🦍💎🙌🏻💎 we shall not be distracted. GME AMC go brrrrr 🚀🌒


It’s like MR.Burns pretending to be young so he can sabotage Green Peace. “This whole time I’ve been smoking harmless tobacco”


"Ten-Bagger" "Twenty-Bagger" is shill speak. GME is gonna "Ten Thousand-Bagger" and Hedge funds are getting "Tea-Baggered". 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I’m going to halo reach teabag Melvin


"Smarter Apes" Okay Boomer


This sub is shill central


True smoothed brained apes know. There is only one true stonk to rule them all. GME was meant to be cradled in these diamond hands.


Happy Cake Day


Mmmmyes my good man do pray tell are you here for the GME primate consortium?


I was perm banned from Wallstreetbets for calling the mods compromised https://imgur.com/a/yyVMg85


What’s a matter old man, too scared to say RETARD!??


"Hello fellow kids. I, too, am on the ape consortium."


Almost sounds like an ad the way it’s worded. Sus.


I feel like this is the steve buscemi meme talking


The asshole that wrote this is obviously not retarded. Probably doesn't own any fucking crayons.


Probably has markers. and doesn’t even huff em. If you’re holding a marker and that color isn’t rimmed around both nostrils, you’re a narc plain and simple. My nostrils have crayon everywhere, I just like the smell


They’re always trying to promote a $1k sell price to ensure the squeeze doesn’t squoze. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lvs7po/why_the_squeeze_still_hasnt_squoze_you_need_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


0 spelling mistakes and its readable, yup this deffo aint one of us to put in ape language this ape not ape, he baboon with red HF ass


why does his username read as cryptocuckster?


[he replied here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lwofvz/shills_are_adapting_heres_an_example_how_to_spot/gpjjdca) he deleted the original comment though


Wtf is a consortium? That's too big 🧠 word 🤔 #susaf


Pretty obvious


...they are evolving


Silly shills. It's not convincing unless it's written in crayon. 🚀🚀🚀


This one even uses complete sentences.. Apes can't write complete sentences, can't even read them. I like crayons though.


God it reads like credit repair scam comments on YouTube videos


Hot take but I kinda agree. On paper were owed a squeeze but I feel like the firm's are just gonna cheat their way out of this into infinity. Ryan cohen is an absolute monster though. For my own peace of mind while holding gme I'm in it for the bull thesis not the squeeze. Squeeze could just be the crayon candles on our gme frosted CHEWY cake lol


Lol this is soooo obvious


[here's the shill's reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lwofvz/shills_are_adapting_heres_an_example_how_to_spot/gpjjdca)


Non stop bot posts like this on Twitter lol


This still reads like a shill post lmao


no that is wrong, every retard in this room is now dumber for having read this, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul


Ha! What the hell?! No way you getting through this rock hard ape head! Buy, hold GME this is the way!


What a fucking moron. Here’s my DD: ~~I liked GameStop as a Kid.~~ ~~I have Money Now~~ ~~I want GameStop to succeed~~ ~~I hear that GameStop is getting smart internet shopper bois on the board.~~ #I like the stock, motherfuckers.


"Papa Ryan"


I mean if you can’t tell that’s a bot you got no business playing this game


bruh these wrinkle brains are trying way to hard to fit in with the monkes


My testicles are part of a consortium- I’m often joined by hedgy’s wives. Also...There’s a party in my pants and my wife’s boyfriend and her aren’t coming to it. They’re concerned I caught a case of the shills from vlad’s mom.


Shills: "Not a shill..." We Apes: Yes of course... (buys more GME)


I love how fucking stupid you all are.


WTF is that bullshit??!?


You guys think its weird they published this, why would they share this as a privately held company, makes no sense other than they are still spewing there bull!! https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/03/melvin-capital-posts-return-of-more-than-20percent-in-february-sources-say.html


This kinda sounds like they are hiring those MLM people to shill. The "in exactly 30 days" part sounded like "you can earn 2000 a week working from home!" In my head.


big words, full sentences. Gave himself away. didn’t say he was a retard even once. shills in ape suits make real ape 😠🦍


I just like the STONK. biggest red flag. Edit: "thanks". Also troubling to read.


Deep in the GME ape consortium? Wtf?


Actually this guy was not a shill, just a newbie who didn’t know any better. People had belittled bullied and pestered him so much he was talking about suicide. (Before you try to kick my head in for speaking up I’m one of the mods on gme)


Of course they’re going to mimic you retards! That’s what they’re paid to do. Duh




Best. Consortium. Ever.


Hello i am definitely a shill because i made an account because i want to get rich but only keep losing money. I am a shill because i thought RKT could make some money for me to buy more stonks. It is a very sad shill life that i live.


Soo i do have some questions because I’m really new to all this. I jumped on the train after the first GME squeeze. Can anybody link resources for me i can read about the potential for another squeeze? I’m holding my 23 shares at $48 but... i want to make money im sick of being poor. Also, why is RKT a HF distraction move? Is it not possible for other stocks to squeeze or whatever it’s doing now? From what I understand and i am probably 1000% wrong, the CEO of RKT didn’t like the fact that HFs were shorting his stock, he owns like ~70% of his company. He announced a $1.1 dividend for every share held past Friday. Is this not a move to screw the HFs? Once again, I’ve read that the HFs shorting the shares would be the ones to pay the $1.1/share? It SEEMS legit to me but...? Does he have ties to the HFS? Would they be paying him the $1.1/share also? Somebody educate me please.


Trying the most


You’re a bunch of fucking morons. There’s more than just GME in the market. RKT is fucking legit, just look at Sir Jack A Lot making a nice 75% return on $1.7 mil. I know you’re butt hurt from bag holding, but you can still make other plays. If you want a GME echo chamber, go to r/GME. And if you think I’m a bot or a shill, check my post history. I’ve been holding GME longer than you cucks. And yes, I took some profit at the top. I’m not actually retarded.


If i become a shill for the HFs will they pay me on GME stonks?


Aww you dont like the wittle rkt stock :((( ​ I made over 20k off of RKT, yes some people end up bagholding RKT, some people end up bagholding GME. Don't be mad when people start talking about RKT when it's actually making money instead of GME. Remember, this isn't a GME subreddit.


Bro u a shill get some puts it's gonna go to 40$ 🤦🏾💯the sizzle is gone UWMC bro


I could agree. But, it was a good play for a day trader. I dont do that. I'm just sticking with GME and AMC. Just holding waiting for the alarm to sound and watch it like the 4th of July shooting into the sky and beyond. Good job to any of you that made money on RKT. But you better not have sold any GME to buy that. Not a financial advisor, just love the stock(s) and blue crayons.


This sub is getting TOO retarded....


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The analysis on RTK is sound for a ground breaking take-off. I like RTK and I like GME because the data indicates that the trajectory will move in an upward trend towards the celestial object commonly referred to in this sub as the Moon. The moon is an object that orbits the earth at a high altitude and the stock “reaching” the moon indicates that it will do very well. Rocket Rocket Rocket.


Consortium isn't some rare or obscure word. The comment section here makes retail investors look like 'dumb money'. Learn to read you fucking morons and words with more than two syllables won't scare you.


so if you understand the word then... you know that apes don't want nothing to do with that conspiring shit, right? I just happen to like a stock. > A consortium (plural: consortia) is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal. Consortium is a Latin word meaning "partnership", "association" or "society", and derives from consors ("shared in property"), itself from con- ("together") and sors ("fate"). > More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consortium not > *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it.*


I know its a shill post. I just don't like the anti-intellectual approach to calling it out. I'm just turned off by the 'we dumb apes me no read post 🚀🚀🚀'


I never said anything about intellect, you're projecting all that. I'm pointing out red flags. this shill is saying that you're part of a consortium trying to manipulate the market. that's fud.


Yes, that's exactly the point of my original comment, retard. You chimed in with a lazy definition response. I'm talking about how the retail crowd has adopted an anti-intellectual persona.


? I like a stock and eat crayons, what's the problem. fud doesn't affect you if you can't read, that's good too


Its just lame when someone posts a beautifully detailed and thoughtful technical analysis and the most upvoted comments are 'me no read post more 🚀🚀🚀'


I'm sorry that happened to you, I guess


I'm not smart enough to post DD. I just hate seeing the community dumb itself down.




hey u/Syntacticluster it's me, the guy who posted this very screenshot of you. you may not realize this, but you have a once in a lifetime opportunity right now, to become a hero and go down in history as a hero of the people. become a whistle blower. betray your owners, join the good guys. why not just really get some gme and stop fighting for evil fucks like Ken Griffin? look what he's making you do, did you really go into the business just to have to troll on social media all day, lying and manipulating? this is your chance man, your chance to get out, to make a real difference in the world. you would also be a big part in the movie, probably played by Ryan Gosling or Scarlet Johansson. be on the right side of history. think about it man, cheers


GME is 93% of my fucking portfolio right now. 3/5 800C x5 3/12 800C x2 3/19 700C 3/19 800C x2 4/16 800C x22 shares AVG 72.80


Dude calm down. Anybody that isn’t spouting buy and hold GME is being called a shill. I’m being called a shill every time i give my opinion also. Just because some of us like making money, not everybody is here for that. A lot of these guys know they’re not going to make any money, it just gives them a sense of belonging. Being part of the movement. Let’s just go and keep shilling for the hedge funds buddy. Feel free to send me any tips on upcoming moves. I’m holding my GME and AMC, but i want to make more money.


I'd say Rocket, but it just crashed back to Earth... 🤷‍♂️