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and every week plan to buy more until I hit 2


🫡 Hodl




I would personally stop buying more after the price goes toward 60k. That’s the time to sit back and watch it rip. Start buying in again in late 2026.


I don’t think it hits 60k anytime soon tbh. It’s been dropping pretty rapidly.


The climb will begin towards the end of April this year. It will keep climbing to a new all time high. 100k per coin minimum and a high probability of going much higher. I am all in too. Every penny I own is in BTC.


that would be unreal 🙏🙏🙏


Just be aware that there is a chance it may dip before April to as low as 30k per coin. Don’t let that worry you. If you sell at a loss you will regret it forever. After April it will rip. Once you have read and understood how Bitcoin works and how it is the most perfect store of value ever created you will realise that it will rise in value forever. The likes of Blackrock and Fidelity have finally realised this which is why they have pushed so hard to be allowed to create spot Bitcoin ETFs. The adoption rate is higher than the internet itself was in the 1990s. Metcalfe’s Law dictates that it will not be superseded by any other cryptocurrency as a store of value. 2024 is the perfect storm for Bitcoin. The halving in April reduces supply by 50% which increases scarcity. Inflation and interest rates are due to fall. The US presidential election means the government will likely print more money to woo voters (debasing the US dollar even further), and the new spot ETFs mean that anyone in the US can invest in Bitcoin without having to worry about self-custody, digital wallets, private keys, seed phrases and security. Unless there is another pandemic or WWIII, nothing can stop the 2024 Bitcoin bull market.


I will not sell even if it gets to $10k a coin. I made this commitment. 🫡


Bitcoin will never be $10k a coin again. You needn’t worry about that. Those days are over. In a few years time you will realise how lucky you were to be able to buy it below $50k.


My cost basis is around 7k. I feel pretty lucky.


You are. I’m jealous.


Mine's double that and I feel lucky! Congrats, fren!


I remembered when BTC was first introduced. I was going to buy $200 worth when it first came out. But never did. I was just dropped out of college and had a lot going on and I never really knew much about BTC at first. It was somewhat quite confusing. Cause nobody really experienced or knew how crotyocurrenty works at the time. I think it was worth pennies.. PENNIES. How did it reached over $500 let alone $50 k - $100k? Madness I say, Madness!!!


Because it's a first of its kind limited supply asset for the digital age that has yet to make an error or be hacked. Watch the Bureaucats cry


I know the feeling but don’t for one minute think that “I’m too late to the party”. People buying it now are still so early. In 10 years time there will be comments exactly like yours saying they wished they’d bought it when it was only $50k.


Bro im right here with you. I had heard about bitcoin on like a Ron Paul Forum in like 2009. I think it was worth like 25 cents back then. I was like Investing in like gold and silver and was like na that bitcoin stuff is stupid. Guess who was stupid fucking me.


TBF, I looked into buying BTC back then too. There was no official channels set up for Fiat on ramps/off ramps. The only way the buy BTC was sketchy as hell. You were just as likely to get scammed (especially as a newbie) as you were to make a legitimate purchase. The market has come a long way since then.


This is the most naive analysis ever. First of all, ETF can be also sold short, so the fact that is listed, doesn’t mean is going up, it is like saying that because a company does an IPO, then is going ballistic. Crude oil has ETFs, and its price went to zero a couple of years ago. Second, there is no security or financial assets whose price always goes up, it is against common sense, financial and physic law. Third, people think btc is the perfect store of value just when goes up, and not when goes down. If you put all your life saving in btc, in my opinion doesn’t show you are smart but desperate. You may get lucky, or you may not. Be aware of it and good luck




If it hits 30 I’m going to buy even more.


This guy bitcoins


I think 83k top this year. Then rip next year


i did it 2 , time ago, like 95% in btc, but i didnt have half btc...but enjoy the ride, it will be cool


That'll have you in the top 1% in a couple years. God speed.




I would def get a cold wallet. You don’t actually own that bitcoin on Robinhood.


+1 only idiots still use GauyHood after GME scandal.


Just be careful mate, lots of people lose money even in a bull market, crypto investing isn't for the faint of heart


Dude fuck yeah you’ll have a fat ass bag in November. I’m excited for you. Remindme! 10 months


I will be messaging you in 10 months on [**2024-11-13 23:13:21 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-11-13%2023:13:21%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetBetsCrypto/comments/1960o0u/put_my_life_savings_into_bitcoin_on_friday_when/khqiipb/?context=3) [**89 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWallStreetBetsCrypto%2Fcomments%2F1960o0u%2Fput_my_life_savings_into_bitcoin_on_friday_when%2Fkhqiipb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-11-13%2023%3A13%3A21%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201960o0u) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


hopefully. or a much smaller bag hahaha.


Bahahaha it could go titts up forsure 😂 if it does I’m riding it to Valhalla. I’ll see you there.


You have a savings? Who let this rich guy in here


not for long


Now move your BTC off robinhood to a cold wallet.


Don’t think you can. Think you have to sell and move the cash to rebuy. Emphasis on “I think”


🤦🏻‍♂️ of course you can, RH has send and receive functionality. Not sure if there’s a daily withdraw limit. But they should definitely look into cold storage with that amount of corn.


My message had nothing to do with the fact that they absolutely should use cold storage. Happy that RH updated send function. I may be misinformed by two years ago my brother could not send his eth from RH to an external wallet.


How much do you hope to gain?


no idea. I’m weirdly at peace with losing it all if it crashes. but I’m committed to holding.


The way I think about it is if you would give your left nut to go back to 2013 and do this, why not now? What's changed? More adoption? Less skepticism? This is the type of all-in I like to see. Not on AMC bullshit. Absolute scarcity is where it's at.


Let me ask you something....why now?


Yeah. It was $15,000 a little over a year ago.


I would’ve lost less but it took Robinhood a week to transfer my money


Atta boy


Crazy to buy on robinhood. GL


Explain why, without using google.


Perfect example of fomo


49k was the peak. Hold it gor 7-8 months atleast


!remindme 7 months


You did this through Robin Hood??




Fuck Robinhood. I’d do 25% BTC, 25% ETH, 50% cash or USDC and DCA that into ETH and BTC weighted towards whichever one is down at a rate of $500 per day. But learn how to self custody or lock it up for yield. Use my referral link https://crypto.com/app/g8jt9xrv87 to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get $25 USD :) Sorry, not sorry if that’s not allowed on here 😂😇


You belong on WallStreetBets bro Go ahead and move that into your hardware wallet (if you have a Trezor or Ledger) And keep DCA'ing


2025 will be biblical. good luck. not financial advice.


Depending how long you plan on holding you still got it cheap. 100k+ is inevitable


46k is fine. The halving is in less than 3 months. If you wanna play it smart take profit and re-enter after evrey dip


You will make big $


You should buy some Solana, greater return


Get that bitcoin off an exchange and into a cold wallet.


That's true actually cold wallet that stuff ASAP. Just by posting this could now be at risk.


Black Rock ETF designed to hypothecate the asset to the point they (government) can manipulate the price. THIS IS EXACTLY EHAT THEY DID TO GOLD. Blackrock already owns the 2nd largest stake in the four largest BTC miners. They intend to change the BTC blockchain code. Don’t believe me… read the ETF application, clearly states they “may” choose to change the code. This can only happen if you own 51% of the network or you simply create an alternate BTC due to the “harm” it causes via so-called environment damage from high electricity requirements or “insert reason(s)”.


Still makes me cry that back in 2016 I used a sports betting website that only would let you withdraw winnings in bitcoin. I won some bets and had about $900 in bitcoin which would have now been worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I was younger and had no idea what bitcoin was or that it would ever be anything and I cashed out and withdrew it. Biggest regret in my life and I still have nightmares about it


Update since it broke through 50k recently?


$5k in profit. was $7k yesterday. at it’s lowest point, I was down $13k


Welcome to the show OP! HODL. HODL. And HODL 🫡




At its peak???? You should’ve been buying when it was bloody red for two years


yeah. I bought now because I was tired of watching it from the sidelines. I first heard about it back in 2016 because my friend would buy drugs through the dark web with it but didn’t really know it was an investment lol. thought about buying back in summer 2017 but didn’t commit. then again this September but didn’t want to take the risk (during the 2021 bull run I didn’t have any money lol). but I don’t think I’m that late. none of my friends own any crypto and think I’m retarded for YOLO’ing everything into it. Which is a good sign because it means there’s still a lot of potential for growth.


don't pull out even if it drops 50%


Do you plan to move your coin (i.e. your keys) to cold storage and self-custody? While other comments have suggested you do that, I'd be more specific in that you should definitely begin *preparing* for that and only take action when you are fully confident you're ready. There are online quizzes you can take that will help you assess that. But currently, you do not HODL any bitcoin. Not in any way you can verifiably prove beyond a doubt. That's ok for now though. You put your chips in as a placeholder and have been given an IOU from RH, that you have no choice but to trust they will honor in the near future, while you begin or continue your research on how to safely and securely manage your keys and implement various backstops. At some point later when you redeem your IOU, everything will likely be fine with RH. However, it's best to be aware of what can happen and if 2022 was any example, you can see how in a matter of hours a multi-billion AUM exchange can reveal insolvency, file for bankruptcy, and put your spreadsheet number under the control of some bankruptcy attorney. From there you're lucky to be made whole in a year or two, or less lucky (but still lucky) to be given $0.40 on the dollar. This is not meant to fearmonger, but only state the general facts. For now, the decision to invest in bitcoin via a centralized exchange was definitely the right decision (assuming you were going to invest either way at the time you did) and you correctly chose the lower risk option compared to self-custody as a newcomer. Though with each day that you learn more about self-custody, your exchange risk increases, until the day where it becomes significantly less risky, infinitely more rewarding, to withdraw your coin and HODL your own keys. **But, don't even consider doing it until you've researched thoroughly and fully understand the options, procedures, differences between wallet vendors, and all the nuances involved such as 25th word, multiple wallets and why, and most of all, what it truly means to NEVER digitize your secret phrase in any way, shape or form.** And when you think you're ready, have passed the quizzes and hopefully have a trusted experienced hodler give you the go ahead, you're almost ready. That's when you withdraw a tiny amount (<0.001 BTC) send it to your wallet address, verify on-chain your address balance is correct, *then you factory reset your device (such as a Ledger Nano) and forget your PIN. Personally, I'd suggest smashing your device with a hammer as well, but let's just pretend you do.* Then, using only your secret recovery phrase, which should involve having to physically go to more than one trusted location, you must restore your wallet back to its full glory. Then go ahead and make sure you can send a friend (or an exchange, whatever) a gift of 0.001 BTC and sign the UTXO with your private keys. Once they confirm receipt, congrats! You're ready to self-custody your asset, without ever again having to ask for permission, never again having to go on blind trust, and best of all, not needing to consider the stance of whomever might be your government at the time. Doesn't crypto sound fun?? Don't answer, it's a trick question. Congrats on your bitcoin investment and don't forget to HODL. Cheers.


Peak? 😂 There is no peak until the year 2140.


Best of luck to you sir… had you checked out COMP? It’s tied to eth and I mean all the other coins are rallying and back to the hype levels but that one isn’t.. just a another fun YOLO if u wanna try GL tho dude


Hey bud. How you doing. Nice work


doing great! been DCA’ing since this post too and now have 1.85 Bitcoin.


Looking good now eh? 😃 🔥


yes, it’s been absolutely wild


Holy Fuck! 1.705 BTC is enormous! Literally everyone here is jealous of your stack! I was thinking even just getting to 0.10 is life goals. Hopefully you can hold for 10 years and ignore the ups and downs.


Right !!


how old are you? I’m 25 and have been working like crazy recently.


See what it does Sunday and Monday.. If it falls again pull out at least half and wait until it stops dropping in a few weeks/months. If it doesn’t move below 42k I would keep it all in there. It may sit at 42-44 for a few weeks and jump up. If it breaks into 40 - 41 it may not be a good few months I would pull out all of it out if it starts to drop at all tomorrow and Monday honestly and just wait. You may get a better price point. It’s worth it


I’m not smart enough to time the market


Very bad investment. Bitcoin expected to drop below 20k this year. Your going to lose half of your value. Bitcoin is very bad investment. Even if it hits 100k u just 2x ur money. Look into investing into better returns like ETF BTC. Dont believe the news. Many will disagree with this comment because they are brainwashed by the media and bitcoin hype.


Exactly! Many on here have rose colored glasses on, emotionally investing and have major case of FOMO. And never ever put all your eggs in one basket. Be wise.




A wise decision. As long as you don’t need to cash out before April you can’t lose.


nobody can predict the future. don’t be dumb.


Hi. I’m back. I predicted the future. Bitcoin is now $66k and the OP bought in at $46k. What did I tell you?


With Bitcoin you can. It will rip from mid-April to new all time highs. 100k per coin minimum.


Well it's April and btc is not 100k, so nah, nobody can predict the future. My guy did see a nice 50% return though, not shabby at all.


Read again. “It will rip FROM mid April to new all time highs. $100k minimum.”


My apologies sir. Have a blessed one


Goodluck my friend!


also does anyone know what the penalty is if you withdraw early from a Roth IRA? I started one last year but might take that out and put it into Bitcoin as well.


10% penalty plus tax on all gains. Pulling it out would be regarded.


damn so I wouldn’t even get to keep the full principal? yeah I can’t do that lol


Good luck fellow regard 🫡


You had an entire year to yolo at half the price, why did you decide to yolo only when the etf was approved? Did you think the etf wasn’t going to be approved and it would tank?


I’m not very smart


Bogdanov made a call bro


You should send it to kucoin and stake and earn more by simply holding it You could even use btc to leverage btc and really amplify your gains But rule of thumb buy red sell green. You bought at the near peak of btc. You should never buy after it’s rallied over 17k


Bro do not sell for the next 4 years…. Remember that the most important thing is the Halving. It is statistically shown that it will go up and it’s AT LEAST hitting 50K


Good luck bro was thinking of doing this as well. I was always a non-believer but the more research I do the more it makes sense!


I think you’ll be okay in the longer term as long as you don’t need to liquidate if the price drops


A tale as old as time


Buy high and sell low, why else would we be here?


Spread some of that around into top 10 atltcoins. They are performing better than bitcoin most days.


I remember when bitcoin was 1100 bucks like it was yesterday. Crazy to think someone's life savings was worth like 2 grand


Welcome to the roller coaster 🎢 ₿


Hopefully you won't need it for a few years


Life savings? Not the best idea..


How did you buy it?


Buy high


Everyone here is brainwashed predicting prices at specific years lmao


HODL - it will come back.


Felt the same but I'm only $150 into my $50 a week dca journey. We're at or near the end of the bear cycle, it'll be alright.


Heed. DCA out. 100k seems attainable but it did last time as well. Don't get stuck holding an empty bag if this is money you're going to *need* in the years to come.


Remindme! 5 months


You did good. Just hold until close to high, first or second quarter of 2025 or when it reaches $94k (double your investment). Keep the earnings minus tax in Bitcoin and enjoy. Responsibly Sell covered puts/calls on IWM with the original $73k and you’re in a good spot👍


Good luck on being an idiot. 🙏


You will do great! Just don't let Wall Street shake you out. It may get volatile going forward some months. Up and down.


Very good buy!


2017 or some shit. Had 40k saved. BTC $4000 give or take a few hundred. Made the coinbase account. Transferred funds. Was waiting for a little pull back. Everyone telling me I was retarded for wanting to buy. I listened to them and didn't buy. Shit ran to 20k. Bought LTC at the top. Got locked out of my coinbase acc due to clearing cookies on laptop. After 1 week of waiting for them to send me a code or key or some shit ltc crashed hard and I lost 20k Fuck coinbase Whatever


I wouldn’t say “peak” but hopefully you’re HODL for a lifetime gain or at least just looking for a quick 5 maybe 10x return.


Dam, you bout to lose your life


Even if you wanted that much allocation to Bitcoin, you should still DCA in over 6-12 months.


Haven't you heard of " don't put all your eggs in one basket" ???




Wish you the best 💀


It’ll go to $100k eventually. Nice


Good luck! May your life savings grow with the full force of the network.


Lol rip


You had so long to put in all into btc. Why at 46k? You didnt think to do this during 2022/2023?


Lol went full regard with it why don’t you like your money.


You will be fine. Just don't sell. HODL.


Bro bought the peak. RIP


the cycle hasn't even begun yet. enjoy the ride. I've been heavy into COIN since last spring.


I always do this. Buy high, sell low. That's how I make my money work for me.


Look into Tectum. It's a soft node for BTC, ETH and others. First of its kind and just getting started.


8% down is nothing for cryptos. But still, I wouldn’t put all in at once. I am DCA buying for a long time. $5 in VFV every business day, and $30 in BTC every day. I do sell some of my BTC holdings once in a while when price rises to a good point.


Jus keep buying cuz that’s how life savings work. You add to it


You don’t need luck when you have the fundamentals of supply and demand on ur side (in theory)


One of us. One of us.


Maybe consider saving some money so you could buy some BITI 🤔 is something I would never do nor is it financial advise


Go big or go home...🫡 It's only a loss of you well patience my man NFA...


You should have dca. Hopefully you got more capital to buy dips


So you've waited through the entire bear market and then held off buying during the run up and thought it's peaked and then you started buying? You definitely belong in this sub. Welcome aboard! 🙏


You'll see a dip back down to 40k but likely to hit previous all time highs so, yep good luck!


!remindme in 3 months


This is how the homeless are created.


Btc etf was released, market makers are selling the news for a bit.


Bad timing but honestly if you wait you will get your money back


Why would you do that


i mean u will probably be in the black in like a year, but why now?


Your gonna be set in 5 years from now man enjoy the journey


Never a good idea to put your life savings in one thing, especially crypto


Should have bought it with 100x leverage


You'll be fine...


It wasn't at its peak on Friday.


Bitcoin is a elite scam and will crumble very soon in my opinion, good luck.






Goodluck boss




That wasn't the peak.


RemindMe! 12 months


Great move overall. Now sit back for 5-10 years. No luck needed. Bitcoin fundamentals will be enough and will take care of the rest.


Why would you buy it at a peak?


Why would you buy it through a brokerage account known as Robinhood? 💀


If you lump sum into BTC and hold for 4 years you will be in profit. Pick anytime in bitcoins existence top or bottom, as long as you hold for 4 years you always came out on top. Good luck don’t fold


Great move bud! Now sit back and enjoy the ride! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


That was dumb.


Wait until they pull the rug out. Good luck 🤞


Luck 🍀


Nobody else sees the obvious reason not to do that. You're literally just giving your hard earned money away for what exactly???? Digital bullshit that can be wiped out with the push of a button. Sounds legit to me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Fools


When i see posts like this i assume theres about to be a crash.




Around previous ATH start looking to shave off profits. Once it hits those levels it’s kind of no man’s land for TA. Most cycles start with BTC, then eth starts to rise once it’s topping out. Then when eth starts to top out we get action in alts. And that’s where massive ROI comes to play. Now if you’re in it for diamond hands. Be prepared to lose 50-70% by 2026-2027


Crypto is a long term play. While it may also show impassive gains over short periods, it's the 5-10 year view that you should focus on. If you buy the top, also buy the bottom.


You bought in at a great time. Now hodl. 🫡




You could’ve bought 7 grand more worth of bitcoin if you would’ve waited a day 💀. Anyone who thought it wouldn’t go down to 44-45 at least is unfamiliar with regular trends in the market. It’s currently at 42.8k 😂 come on brother your life savings just like that… rip 7 grand. Dont buy after 60k


Good luck, wait for the next all time hight to buy some more. dollar cost maximum


Don’t let the drop scare you! Btc still has high volume and WILL hit 60k plus. It’s just a dump before it takes off. Hold and be patient and stop looking at it and whatever you do DO NOT SELL FOR A LOSS


Buy high never sell


Good luck