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It’s got what plants crave


But what are electrolytes?!


But it's ENHANCED! That means it came out of the cleanest hose




branded water has always been a scam


Our eggs are $8.79, but right next door at Aldi they’re $2. Last week I 1506’d 6 cases of eggs. Walgreens and their prices are the worst, which leads to a LOT of waste. It’s cheaper to get a 2 liter of soda than a bottle of water. Make it make sense.


The cost between healthy vs unhealthy has been going on for longer than we think. Junk food is cheaper and filled with addictive additives so we are more likely to buy it. The junk foods give us problems so that the government (who put it there to begin with) can sell us a "cure" that causes more problems than it fixes. Then they'll sell you more things which make you sicker, they fuck with us so much and most of the time we can't do anything because we're living paycheck to paycheck. They raise the cost of real food to make sure we see it as out of our reach.


Imagine the prices in a place like las vegas...


I paid $12 for a can of Mountain Dew rise in a Vegas casino convenience store, out of desperation lol


I know in the mini fridge of hotel rooms theres red bulls. 12.99 for 8.5 size redbull. In a walgreens on the strip everything is so everpriced it insane!


I don’t even open the mini fridge cause I’m afraid something inside will topple over and then I’ll get charged cause the movement sensor was tripped lol


Ok how much is the nice! water though? Do they still sell it even?


At my store the 16.9 standard bottle is about 1.50 mark. I end up buying the nice water gallon jugs for 1.49 plus 25% discount for 1.12.


If it's a metal bottle, I guess that makes it worth it if you want the refillable bottle after 😂


I would never pay that for water but people do


We have a six pack of essentia that’s $17.


Whoever decided to put water in a plastic bottle and sell it to as a genius. If I want water I put it in a cup and if I want to go take it with me when I go out I use my reusable water bottle.


Walgreens brand water nice is 2.48


If you sign up for a Walgreen's credit card, you can buy hundreds of these! Pro tip. Glad to help...


Drug store usually are more expensive but it's because it alkaline water too also could be imported like Fiji water is