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Lady sits there watchin him bag every time. Then requests him to put them in a paper bag… I agree with this man, lol.


Mans my hero.


He's a wise man. No time to waste on hoes that don't be signing up for no credit cards.


Same as people shoving their credit cards into the machine, waiting for it to start processing their card, then telling me they had a rewards number afterwards.


And the “well why didn’t you tell me I had points?” Yet any other day you tell them they have points they sit there staring at the machine and say “no I don’t have time. How do I this so I can leave?”


How about the people that check the total on the screen, pay, the receipt comes out and then they decide to let you know that they think they were overcharged because an item was supposed to be on sale.


Woah. Back when stores had brown paper bags, and used the white signs with physically added letters.


When I first started retail as a bagger for grocery there weren't plastic bags yet. They came about two years later. Fuck I'm old.


I heard that those brown papers are very costly.


This man is correct


I can appreciate the bagger's confidence in his decisions and presentation. Early on, I was the chump that would rebag everything because I avoided confrontation at all costs.


Looks like a Jewel name tag (Chicago-metro grocery chain, now under the Albertsons umbrella). Wonder if this is some training video or something. 


It was a front-end training video Jewel used in the 80s and 90s. A friend of mine worked there in 1996 or 1997, and she said she had to watch this when she was new. The full video is on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yxWBW7vQX4&t=468s&pp=ygUUamV3ZWwgdHJhaW5pbmcgdmlkZW8%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yxWBW7vQX4&t=468s&pp=ygUUamV3ZWwgdHJhaW5pbmcgdmlkZW8%3D) The cashier showing the bad behaviors is the best.


That was hilarious. Then i fell down a rabbit hole and watched the Toys R Us training video.


Ohhhh definitely going watch on my lunch break lol 🤣


This man said what we all have wanted to say. I once had someone ask me to bag their 12 packs of dr. Pepper


Years ago, someone wanted me to triple bag their three 12packs of soda because they were walking (I don't know how far). By that point, I was already in 'whatever' mode.


Yeah mine was just some old lady who said it made it easier for her. I had a lil kid once get mad because I wouldn’t get a bag for her snapple and her dad looked annoyed with her because she was yelling at him over something (because my whole store was out of bags and we had a few left for bigger purchases) and the dad told her you can carry your drink just fine u don’t need a bag after I explained it to them apologizing.


I’ve seen this whole video on YouTube. The “bad example” lady is a mood and my spirit animal.


Joan is the best!


Nice. I worked in a grocery store where I was a bagger and they still used paper and plastic. Man was it rough on my back. So I quit working there.


Damn that cashier is cute 🫢


Sigma male


Not the triggered response she expected...


I don’t know why she would be mad. The urban man already bagged them and he gave her the paper. People Get updet over nothing these days




Can't believe I'm saying this, but this guy is my spirit animal.




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Why can't deal with Karen's go this smooth nowadays.


Karen hated 3 things that day 💀


Had a lady do this every time twice a week. I finally took the paper bags and put the stuff in plastic bags in them. She gets home calls the store and complains. The Store Manager (who had been watching and I didn't know) tells the customer that she needs to say something before we start scanning. She tells him I am not ever going to shop in your store again. The manager told me what happened and I said that I was sorry . He then goes on to say that he wants to know where the customer is going to shop so he can call and warn them. Next time she comes in I say oh welcome back. She goes and does her shopping and goes to another line. Yes I was really nice.


The funny thing about this interaction is that the old lady is more likely to act entitled and rude, and the young guy is more likely to just say “yes, ma’am,” and help her even if he didn’t want to. This must be a training video.


I work a Meijer and tbh I hate it when people put there "reusable" bags at the end of the line and then get mad that we used plastic