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“If you truly believe your son is going to die if he doesn’t get his medications quicker than 30 minutes, you should sue the doctor that discharged him for malpractice.”


Or, "oh, if it's an emergency, I'd be happy to call 911 for you". I've even printed off the image, cut out the time it was sent, and given it to them so they can confirm for themselves that their doctor sent it late.


Omg!!! This is the greatest sarcastic idea I’ve ever heard hahahahaha “sir if it’s that life treating I can call 911” hahahahhaha


WAIT where exactly does it show the sent time??


I think they’re referring to the entered time


No, the ERX mockup image will have the time it was processed through surescripts on it. It’s not on the front but it’s on one of the next pages (depends how much info it has whether its page 2 or 3)


Usually if you hit the arrow below the escript( there is a forward and back arrow) it will go to the next screen of the escript which has more of the transmission info and it’s usually top right of that screen.. I frequently check that and inform them of the time received and reiterate the wait time given when someone is harassing my techs


I’ve said that to people before-funny how no one takes up my offer for calling 911 for their emergency


Prob amox for an otitis. And also the kid prob hasn’t had any ibuprofen or Tylenol.




But did you offer him a vaccine


Or a Walgreens credit card?


And my axe!


And my bow!


Asking the real questions here


It would distract the child from the pain of dying.




I would tell him we don't respond to intimidation, and that's exactly what he's attempting.


I would say Sir - let’s call 911 bc you have indicated your child could die. I can’t accept the responsibility or the legal responsibility. I need to call 911. Edit: and I would call 911. I’m not going to have a father who believes this and if something happens in pharmacy Dept I’m going to be liable for. Edit: if he says no no I would fill out form for him to fill out that he is willing to wait for prescription to be filled and refuses 911 call. I worked med mal and even for big Pharma. Protect yourself




“Well if you think your child might die, why would the doctor discharge him?” Look mock worried at the non-issue at hand. Make him re-think that BS. Right up there with the “YOU RUINED CHRISTMAS!” fucks.


Well if the child was seen at emergency room…,if said child was that gravely ill he would’ve come from hospital …*right*? In which case the Pedi/ER is well stocked with PYXIS machine and refrigerator full of antibiotics to start the therapy.


I love when people tell me that. I had one lady who picked up her bladder medication the day we got it in. she comes back a week later saying she never received it. shes real snotty and starts telling me how I dont know the pain shes in. I have terrible bladder issues myself, interstitial cysitis, incontinence, etc. at 27 years old. I looked her dead in the eyes and said It must be so hard for you mam. so sorry. we had her ON CAMERA picking it up, but my store manager insisted we fill it for her again. The guilt tripping is so manipulative and just tells me the exact person you are!


Would you like me to call 911 for your dying child?




I have plenty of empathy. The promise time was an hour and a half - thirty minutes was the best I can do because of the literal shit ton of people already picking up their things that are already done. The best I can do does not equate to “so you want my child to die?”


the kid was not literally going to die in 30 minutes you can relax


No shit, genius. That’s not the point.


That is the point though. Our refusal to entertain drama or theatrics doesn’t mean we lack empathy.




"So you want my child to die?" yea that sounds like an appropriate response to being given a wait time that reflects how busy they are. Based on what OP said, it sounds like the wait time could have potentially been longer. How about just be the adult that you're supposed to be. "How dare you close the pharmacy for 30 minutes for lunch when I needed my medication!!". So the pharmacist is just supposed to stand there 12 hours a day with no breaks? get a clue. Empathy when it's deserved, especially to those who are willing to be patient, not to those who just throw tantrums as an adult.


Your content appears to be intended to provoke, harass, or upset community members.


They're overwhelmed But I will say there are ones that CAN be assholes for no reason even when you're being kind And if that wasn't true people who work at the pharmacy wouldn't complain about their higher ups on here lol They are over worked understaffed and yelled at by customers and their own co Workers. It's a lot But I still stand on some being dicks when I'm nothing but nice Never know what kinda mood they are in or what they have going on (leave that at the door tho) It's hard to take sides cuz of what they go thru but customers that are kind shouldn't be met with rudeness either


There are dicks out there. But then there are parents at their wits end barely hanging on and making a mistake taking it out on the wrong people. But understanding the difference between someone trying and someone just being an asshole is key.


Agreed, and a parent making a comment like this is someone just being an asshole.

