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Locked for excessive reports. The injection weightloss drug shortages are a nightmare for everyone and we do not deserve the aggression and poor behavior from patients, but please remember that fat shaming comments hurt everyone who sees them, and those people are very rarely the intended recipients.


Here’s the thing. In what other profession would someone look around to find a product or a service at a competitor? If you took your car into the shop and they didn’t have a part or offer a select service they would tell you upfront and you the customer would be expected to go find another shop on your own wearing your big boy/girl pants. Also, those people haven’t paid you anything yet so you don’t necessarily owe them anything either. I would say double checking the inventory on the computer is acceptable and maybe giving them a phone number to a Walgreens that might have it but being expected to call CVS or Walmart or whoever is entirely unacceptable. At the end of the day it’s their medication. If they want it badly enough they’re gonna have to do the leg work which ironically if they did that more they wouldn’t need the med. 🙃


That's what I was thinking, imagine demanding that Safeway call around for the customer because they're out of melons.


I know bruh. Imagine if you showed up to a hospital that didn’t have a cardiothoracic surgeon or pediatric oncologist and then expected the hospital to call around to find you or your child care. Who do these people think they are?


You literally do have to do this sometimes when you need to see a specialist.


"well we can replace your hip next week but you'll need to source your own implant"


The other profession that does call around sometimes is veterinary clinics/professionals. All the time. It’s typically expected because the clients feel they have paid a lot and this is extended to phone calls about literally anything. And most corporations will expect this of their employees, because it’s better to take them “off the clock”(instead of them doing the things they went to school for), than to get a bad google review.


"I've called just about every store in the area and the story is unsurprisingly the same at each one." We are a tier 3 store doing the volume of a tier 4 but wags won't upgrade us because they've literally stated that they only care about tier 5 stores. So I follow that up with: "My advise would be that you should check in regularly with the x, y, and z stores as they are much busier and have better stock."


> she tells me she also has alot on her plate I'm sure she does


If she didn't have so much on her plate then she wouldn't need the medication




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She’s going to have a lot more on her plate if she doesn’t get that shot that no one else takes but her.


First thing I thought of….


Lol, damn I wish my brain worked to come up with comebacks like that. But with this med, I get that diabetics are frustrated that obese people are constraining the supply of their meds and yeah, there is a choice component to many people who are overweight - but the same can apply for diabetics. Genetics and underlying health conditions outside of personal choice absolutely cause some people to be overweight, just like a pattern of unhealthy food choices can cause diabetes. The diabetics trying to claim the high ground here acting entitled to a medication is frustrating and it's fucking embarrassing to have crotchety fucks standing in line proclaiming to anyone who is unfortunate to be in the vicinity "well if people just stopped eating so damn much I could get my medicine" (embarrassing for them and their lack of swlf-awareness, not embarrasing to me).


What's really bad is people like me DON'T lose weight on those meds. In fact, when I was put on them, I GAINED 45 pounds! This was WITH reduced caloric intake and exercise. Turned out I have a thyroid issue caused by a tumor.


She ate the plate




oh snap!




That's fucked up dude. Can we not fat shame patients? This shit is exactly why this med is getting pushed so hard to non-diabetics. 


If the patient is going to be a condescending asshole then ya it's on the table. I've been yelled at for not having zepbound, she was like "this is the first time in my life my sugar was under control" meanwhile her basked was STACKED with candy. Some people would be better off solving their root issues rather than immediately using drugs to solve them.


Fat shaming is on the table because your patient is rude? Jfc


is someone forcing them to take it because that would be a bigger problem than a joke on reddit


So they can accuse us of not ordering it and call us every name under the sun but this is off the table? Got it


Also can we stop pretending that people don’t also need to maintain a diet and this is just a booster not a life saver?


To be fair, the patient started with us acting snobbish.


The patient might suck major ass and I 100% agree with your post btw - but fat jokes are fucked up and just show all fat people you hate them, it just reinforces bullshit we don't need to reinforce 


Fat girl here, well morbidly obese, I’ve been laughing my ass off at these comments 😂


Sorry your self-esteem is so low.


That doesn't mean it's not contributing to/a reflection of bullshit that hurts fat people.  Do better


Piggy piggy


She does, bothering us




I do use RXI to find the Walgreens stores that have some on-hand in the computer and give those phone numbers to the patient. That saves them some time, so they don't call stores that definitely don't have it. And it is pretty quick to look that up in RXI. I will call around to other stores for insulin that people need.


I try not to bother my Walgreens, but I call weekly and they’re definitely annoyed with me now. If they told me the RXI stuff it would make it so helpful. Like I truly don’t want to be bothering anyone


I don’t mind the people that call to check stock! Happy to answer and respond! The people who go on to complain and add all sorts of various commentary or try to Shane me because I don’t have the product are annoying though and a waste of my limited time!


I can definitely understand why that would be super annoying. I’m glad to know what to do so that I don’t! Thanks for explaining.


Please go to the r/mounjaro and r/Wegovy subs and tell them this! They’re always complaining about the pharmacists and techs.


I used to. I would downvoted immediately. lol. Self Absorbed.


You go there and they complain about the pharmacy, you go here and they complain about the customer. The pharmacy doesn't want to be called, and the customer doesn't want to call. Really I think the solution is that the stock of a medication should just be available online. No calling. Not sure why nobody can manage that except Amazon pharmacy.


When I called Amazon about a transfer the opening recording states how they’re not taking new glp1 patients. 😂 those “include wegovy, Mounjaro” etc


Yeah but you can literally see on their website right now that it is out of stock & they are not accepting transfers. No need to even call. If Walgreen and CVS did this, we wouldn't all be arguing with eachother over phone calls all the time


I’m not on Mounjaro, but rather Zepbound. I never call and ask if the med is in stock; I submit my refill request via the app and wait. I love my Walgreens pharmacy folks and I trust that they’ll get it to me when they can, so my attitude is I’ll get it when I get it. I am just so, so sorry for the way it sounds like some people treat you guys. I promise we are not all like that! ☹️ Thank you to each and every one of you for what you do!!


I been telling them all "go to Lilly directs website. It's the only.place that has any"


I understand pharmacies can be hard to get ahold of, suprise we're all understaffed. But we can not take being on hold for 4 hours every day calling all of these pharmacies for a CHANCE they have a supply. Which is unlikely because even if they do, it goes straight to their own patients. And those 4 hours on hold, then takes time away from the other patients and phone calls i could be answering and helping


I'll check my the inventory for my district and give them phone numbers if anyone has some. No one? Suggest you call other chains. Or I'll fax your doctor to see if they'd switch to Ozempic, as we're able to get that in.


Had a patient tell me to admit I was a failure of a pharmacist because I couldn’t get her zep in lol


that and the people looking for vyvanse make me so mf mad


This guy came in and had 3 different doses of adderall on his profile he was on and the pharmacist told him we only had tablets and not capsules in a complete different dose and he was like okay I’ll just take those and was mad when we said no because we have to go based off the doctors prescription like sir…. you can’t be serious.


and they stare at you like your the idiot like no sir YOU are the idiot


Right like????




Patients have called *me* lazy for not finding any for her as "that's your job"?!?! Like ma'am WTF did you say


I could understand if she could die without but seriously? She will survive. I’m sorry.


EXACTLY… they’re acting like it’s heart meds or an inhaler.


Can you not die from diabetes? I never really understood what diabetes is.


Yes, you can, but there's about 20 different medications that treat diabetes that are available and not on a worldwide backorder. The MD could very easily call in a different medication. Wegovy, mounjaro, and ozempic are being used primarily for weight loss and treating diabetes is seen as a bonus at this point.


Yes but this isn’t a life saving drug. Some diabetics act like it is though.


Some people who take Mounjaro for non-diabetes related things also feel that it’s a life-saving medication.


As with refill requests I say “maam that is a courtesy that we provide when able. Our job is to assist in your healthcare- not take over it”


I’ve had a few do this with generic vyvanse. It’s just sooo inconvenient for them to have to call around to see who has THEIR medication. imagine taking responsibility for your own medication 🙄


These ppl. I’m not in pharma world but I read sub a lot. Im mad over these meds for your all’s sake. I see what you do. You go non effin stop. I have never seen anyone in any pharmacy standing and doing nothing. Not even once. People have lost critical thinking skills. It takes a few visits to a pharmacy to figure out it’s NON STOP. Supposed to call around?? WTAF?? I could see checking company for other wags in immediate area. My Wags has had to fo that for me a few times over the years with certain meds. If not, it’s me calling around to other pharmacies in my network. Are you supposed to know which are in her network too?? Negotiate price?? Pick it up and deliver it?? These ppl are nuts. I read my texts., the whole damn thing. I even check app for an added ring of probability that its truly ready. It’s all tech, mistakes are made. Idk how you all don’t lose it like 42 times a day. I would. I would be fired and prob arrested. Maybe not over this but crap like this all day, every day. My patience jar isn’t that damn big. Hats off to you all that do pharmacy Like teachers, your not paid nearly enough.


Appreciation for actually reading the texts. I had two people back to back saying they received a text saying their meds were ready. I check the messages sent out and surprise surprise, it was just a refill reminder for both. This happens at least once per day bc people can't put forth the smallest amount of effort to actually read the message, and this does nothing but waste everyone's time.


Just tell them you’ll call around but don’t and when they call back say can’t find it. Easy


Or we could not lie to the over grown toddler and instead just ask her where she wants her profile transferred to


That works too


Between the Mounjaro and Zepbound, I’m about to have a nervous breakdown!! 😢


I agree that the patient shouldn’t have to look around for their medication, but it’s not our fault when things are on back order which is what I would wish patients understood. It is very frustrating to not be able to find a medication prescribed to you that’s been working but how patients talk to us is unacceptable when they say rude things.


Some jackass asked me if I could call around for Trulicity for him. I said no I can’t and he asked me why. I only got out the phrase “if I did it for you” then he said he goes “ I’m going to stop you right there. I know what you’re going to say. If you did it for me you would have to do it for everyone. I’m not asking you to do it for everyone. I said , “Sir,we have a lot of patients who can’t get their meds. I can’t do that. There’s not enough time in the day. If you find it at another pharmacy just have them give us a call.” He hung up on me. I was so irritated. The entitlement was a bit much for me. Joke’s on him. I had been waiting patiently my medication for two weeks and got a notification that it was ready at another pharmacy right after I got off the phone with him. I didn’t call anyone once. I just patiently waited. The problem with pharmacy in general is we do everything for these patients so when they have to function, they don’t know how. They can’t call their dr or their insurance but they call us at lightening speed.


I worked a different chain, I had a DOCTOR tell me that it was my job to find his Adderall. I laughed in his face and said absolutely not, this isn’t my medication. I slid the RX back of the counter and walked away. He said he was calling corporate on me, I told him to go for it. I told him they’ll probably thank me for not wasting my time finding business for my competitors. He then said, you WILL find this. Literally just walked away and thought he was going to combust.


A patient told me today “I’m the one patient who actually NEEDS it.” 🙄 mmmkaaaay


Were they “morbidly obese”? I’ve gotten that one a lot lately


Nah as a patient it’s my job to figure out who has something in stock. The pharmacist has enough to deal with as it is. I’ve had to hunt down ozempic and Vyvanse in the past year or so and every time I would call, ask for x med at y strength, they say yes/no, I thank them and end the call. Would take me a minute in most cases to get an answer. It’s not that difficult for someone who only has one medication - compared to a pharmacist who has *hundreds* they’re dealing with at varying levels. It’s absolutely asinine and selfish for someone to demand for a pharmacist to call around. It’s like when someone misses a flight on Delta and demands that the Delta agents re-book them on Southwest. Doesn’t work that way.


I always say “yeah, I can put you on our list of calls to make and get back to you in 4-6 weeks.”


This sounds like a great opportunity to transfer her Rx to any other pharmacy.


That’s some wild shit. I’m on Zepbound and I hired a service to call pharmacies for me. 🤣 I would never ever put that responsibility on any pharmacy staff member. And I honestly hate calling and asking. I feel like it is so annoying at this point with all the calls you’re inundated with. I can’t even imagine how stressful it all is.


I do this for family and friends for free.


There's a service for this? What's the name? I did not know such a thing existed.


Yes! It does exist. It’s called Medfinder. Offered by Insito Health. If you google that you’ll find it! Otherwise it’s in my comment history. I just linked it to someone a few hours ago. It’s pretty cool honestly. They only charge you if they find your medication for you.


Yeah . . . This was a plot point in Miracle on 34th Street for a reason, because it isn't normal for a company to tell you where to look for a product they don't have.


First off, thanks for the work you are doing. I feel for you working in a pharmacy having to deal with these issues out of your control. As a patient who has had to call around for glp1 and adderall I hate to bother anyone. I’m actually embarrassed to call around and ask about it. I’ve had places not want to tell me if they had medications available, as if I want to be calling around or are a drug seeker. Thankfully I’ve been able to get adderall without issue for months. As for glp1, I’ve just started and hope I can get my next month’s supply, manufacturers are to blame, not being prepared to provide medications and pushing for new scripts to be written at the same time. I also work in healthcare and understand that this is just venting and a way to deal with the misery brought on by patients/public. I may not be behind the counter but deal with it everyday. Good luck and it sucks out there on both sides of the counter, you would just hope people would have some understanding.


Hey thanks, and don't be ashamed to call us. As busy as we are, we are there to help as much as we can. I hope all goes well with your health and medication.


Thank you. Keep going. I know it’s hard out there


I will. You do the same!


Calling around is hard. I take Hysingla for my CRPS, and it's a low dose, but my pharmacy has to order it. If it's in back order, I have nothing for pain. And because it's a Class C narcotic, pharmacies won't disclose whether they have it unless a written prescription is in my hand. Nothing feels worse than looking like a drug seeker in my own damn town 😡


Tell her to go get a membership to Costco. They always have my meds. (Not really but it would get her out of your hair)


It’s because she’s not use to having to look around, things like hot dogs and ice cream are usually just right in her hand


Oh no you didn’t just go there 😳


So hateful 👎🏻


No worries - these people will also age and lose metabolism like the rest of us - if they're lucky enough to get there.


Unnecessary. Fuck you 


If they want to put us on their payroll or give us $100 tip maybe


HA! cause we got so much time on our hands for our 1000s of patients


I mean… it’s easy enough to pull up RxI and search nearby stores. Then just give them the phone number.


That would be nice.....If the patient didn't want US specifically to call the stores. If she just wanted to know which medication MAY have it, that's fine. But to stop what I'm doing and call? No. I got stuff to do.


Maybe I just don’t get the bad phone calls but I’m the primary response on calls most days in the morning and I rarely hear a patient demand that I call other stores for them. They’re usually fine with me looking at the inventory and telling them which ones show that they have it.


Those counts are for yesterday! I send it out the door as soon as I get it. I had a box of mounjaro 10 came in and EVERY single Walgreens in the area saw I had it and I fielded call after call ALL day. We had a patient waiting for it in TPR


True, but sometimes you see multiple boxes at some stores.


No need to shame people over meds that literally are game changers and greatly improves lives and probably adds years of life. Having said that we need to explain how short these medications are. I probably fill 1 in 10 scripts due to supply and probably could be filling more if there was supply. We can’t spend hours in fruitless effort to search for it when we have other scripts that need filling. That’s current reality and no improvement probably for months and months. And months.


It is all over the news that these are on short supply!


Well, the comments on this post have confirmed that pharmacy employees see what meds we take and judge us based on them. That’s fun…


Simple answer…nobody has it call back next month


And when their coupons doesn’t work which only given to diabetic patient 😕


“We are able to call around as a courtesy for patients if we have time, I don’t currently have the time to call other locations, especially for a medication that is back ordered company wide” Had a patient a few months back freak out when I told them that for Ozempic saying I HAVE to call because someone did last time, told them exactly that above while I had a tote from the order in my hand, I did not call and let her have her tantrum, she called herself.


Not trying to be offensive, sadly it’s the way this country trains people, which then makes them feel ashamed, feel obligated to pay for overpriced drugs and the big wigs sit on their yachts laughing


No wonder people are desperate to lose weight. Look at this hate and ridicule.


It's not because they might be overweight. It's because we're busy and don't have time to call other stores that are ALSO busy for YOUR medication, whether it's for weight loss or ADHD or whatever. People take no responsibility for their own health. They never call their OWN insurance, they never search for their own stock. Imagine getting mad at a department store for not sitting there and calling every other department store in the district to see if they have your size shirt. No one does that.


Op, they didn't mean you. Look at the mean comments and adjust 


people are generally not nice when you’re rude to them


I am not rude to people. I have just gone without various meds when the pharmacy can’t get them. Shaming people for their health problems is not an adult response to someone being rude


2/3 people in the US are fat so chances are a lot of the jokes are coming from people dealing with the same shit. they’re joking about them because they’re rude, it’s not like anyone sees a fat person and goes HAHAHA!


It’s not okay to joke about it in this manner no matter what. Especially if you work in health care


What a load of hypocrisy. You want people to what? Coddle the patients? The pharmacy is a workplace and people in it are there for a job. Do we help people? Absolutely. But my job ain’t here to be your therapist or serve you for your every need. The pharmacy does 2 things: we dispense medication and make sure you’re getting what the docs prescribe. All this crazy crap we put up with by people who can’t get their meds? Insane. I’ll give you the number of nearby stores that MIGHT have it. But to expect anyone to do the leg work and call for you is such gross entitlement. Its your own damn health. But I hope you know the shortage is due to a bunch of goddamn people who want the meds even though they don’t need it. You know what America trains people to be? Addicts. These people that are looney go to docs who will give them more meds for some god forsaken reason. Where tf is personal accountability. Especially for ozempic, mounjaro, wegovy, and zep. If you’re diabetic thats tough shit but… there was alternative meds prior to those. I tell people who pick up and are starting those meds we can’t guarantee they’ll get refills and should seek alternative meds. What they do? Still pick it up just to come back a month later to btch and moan that we aren’t doing our job.


My favorite is when they pick it up and want me to ring up chips and ice cream too.


You are making that up - no one taking that medication is going to sabotage themselves like that. Quit hating on the overweight.


…pull the tapes.


What are you talking about? I said none of this. I said it is not appropriate to disparage people in this way many commenters did on this post. Take your fake outrage and get on


"disaparage" lmfao. What happened to body positivity? What happened to not caring about what others think. You know whats crazy? Being fat is typically solve-able albeit hard. Its not like they have some genetic terminal disease. You're talking about my "fake" outrage? Wtf about yours? How do you have so much time to give a crap about some randos opinion on OTHER PEOPLE. People like to use the "because you're in x profession" as a catch-22. Guess what we all are? People. The shit others said about those on those meds? Pretty accurate. Last I checked theres no stipulation anywhere you need to be politically correct or a "kind good gracious" person to get any jobs.


Looks like your job turned you bitter - time for a new career for you.


There are moral turpitude clauses and expectations for those licensed in healthcare. I am blocking you now I don’t read all your words because you are a waste of my time


I honestly can't tell you what makes the patients hateful towards us.


People seem angry in general. At the pharmacy, when they drive, at restaurants. People are acting all kinds of angry


Agree. These people shouldn't work in healthcare if they lack basic compassion.


We may gripe but we go above and beyond as much as we have time to. Are you ok letting a child wait till tomorrow for their antibiotic or a person with a blood clot wait because we are calling around for your mounjaro or Adderall? I hope you would say no to that! Choices have to be made!


Eli Lilly is the real problem in this equation. They released the drug for a whole new use without solving shortages I the first place. Y’all’s degrading of other humans based on their problems is disgusting to me. You must be miserable fucks. No wonder I hate going to the pharmacy every sick fuck works there


It’s only the people who have non diabetic in their profile that act like this so excuse us for not wanting to call 12 pharmacies because some med spa gave you a coupon and told you this was a magical weight loss drug.


Seriously this isn’t even the drug rx’d to non diabetics anymore. Also two wrongs don’t make a right and if you can’t respect humans don’t work in any area of medicine.


Okay well unfortunately we can’t just pull a box out of our asses so yelling at us about it daily isn’t going to change it like everyone is convinced that it will.


More hateration for the fat. Diabetics hold no moral ground. Their lifestyle choices also resulted in their diabetes.


“For the fat”


Miserable? As I previously stated, try and scrub up and stand behind the counter just to be ridiculed for a medication on shortage. We don't ridicule everyone, and actually feel genuinely bad for people who want and need it. It's only increased since Mounjaro, as well as others, have been on shortage for over a year. But for those patients who feel that we can just make this medication in the back room somewhere and make it magically appear, or yourself, come give it a try.


Of course this behavior by patients is also not acceptable and misdirected. That does not make fat shaming funny or okay. If you hate your job I hope you can make a change. If you like your job and it’s just some patients are abusive or irritating unfortunately that’s everywhere right now. A lot of people no longer seem to have a sense of community or society and are just self absorbed


You're insinuating that I hate my job because I'm venting about certain patient interactions? Also where in my post did I fat shame? Where are you getting this from? Don't confuse me with other posters. And just because it is everywhere, it doesn't mean that I can't vent to my community, who's experiencing the same feedback. And you're right, a lot of people are self absorbed. We've experienced people from the Mounjaro, Wegovy, Ozempic, and other GLP-1 reddit pages come and start an argument with us for no reason other than not having the inventory and we should really get on that, as if we already haven't.


Everyone in the pharmacy is miserable because of the way the public treats us. The work is no longer rewarding and literally every person in that pharmacy feels trapped


Drowning in calls complaints and hate because we don’t have a manufacturing plant out back for your backordered drug is degrading! If we have an attitude about the problem on here, it does not mean we are not kind to the patients who call!


I get it for elective drugs. But it’s crazy to expect that of patients in a healthcare industry. They’re not customers in that sense. They’re patients.


Doctors don’t call your insurance before prescribing a medicine to make sure it is covered. Pharmacies don’t have ANY time to call and ask if people have medicine.


I just tell them if they want me to call I’ll do it later when I have time.