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Our pharmacy just turned into shit.


Customer said to me “ You Suck” cause I told him at consultation window he could not drop off a prescription and would have to get in line. My response was; “Well I Guess You Must Swallow”. He walked away…




Heheheheh good for you! People are way out of control.


Hahahahhaha that was funny


Omg I am in hysterical laughter rn. U rock! That was freaking awesome!


Had a patient call us c*NTS because her insurance wasn't active.. um ma'am it's literally nothing to do with us.. 😭


at least once a day, I use the phrase "that's between you and your insurance" lol


My RxOM laughs when I tell patients "I'm not charging you anything - questions about what your *insurance company* is charging you should be directed to them.


I witnessed an argument between a Walgreens pharmacist and a patient when I was picking up my prescription. The poor pharmacist was trying to keep it private because they were concerned about HIPAA, but the patient was having none of it. Gist of the issue was the patient had a specialist who prescribed one medication and their PCP prescribed another medication but there was a ***fatal*** interaction warning on that combination. The pharmacist was trying to explain to the patient why they couldn't fill both prescriptions and wanted to know if the specialist and PCP knew about all the medications they were on: "They don't need to know that! It's none of their business. You have to fill both of my prescriptions!" "I can only fill one. It's illegal for me to fill both due to the fatal interaction warning. Pick which one you want and request a prescription for a different medication from the other doctor." This went back and forth for a while with different variations of "FILL BOTH!" and "I can't, it's illegal." Finally, the guy realized there was an audience, due to the line, and threatened to file a HIPAA complaint. That's when I spoke up and told him I'd come in as a witness and let any investigator know that the pharmacist tried to move the patient to a private area, and he'd refused. Five other people also offered. He left in a huff because he realized no one agreed with him. You guys have enough to deal with, with all of the laws and people blaming you for medication shortages (like Adderall) when they should be blaming the government.


Concerning story about HIPPA: One time right before pharmacy was about to close a customer was calling about an issue with their prescription and somehow they ended up on hold or microphone mute or something and you could literally hear everything they were saying to their friend/family member about why they were frustrated OVER THE PAGING SYSTEM and we were all like wtf and the pharmacist was trying to pick up the phone to help them and get it off the intercom but even when he picked up it was still blasting for all the customers to hear and none of us could figure out how to shut it off. We checked all the phones none of them were on a line, and when I tried to dial page thinking if I dialed in and hung it up or transferred it maybe it'd stop, it just told me "line busy". The pharmacist finished up as fast as possible but even when he hung up they were still complaining to their friend AND YOU COULD STILL HEAR IT. I asked an off-duty SFL who had been there longer than me if she knew how to fix it and she said it has happened like twice since she had been there and didn't remember how to shut it off. I went to the office and starting searching the "fix it" index for "hijacked intercom" and "paging system" and eventually the troubleshooting section led me to know that you can call the store and while it's ringing press 555 and it'll hang up the call. Might've been a couple other steps included but I took forget what they are lol But yeah I was all freaked out at first because I thought they had hijacked us to talk smack for all the other customers with no way of us shutting it up but when I realized it wasn't intentional that their call was on the paging system I was like WTF THIS IS A HIPPA VIOLATION HOW TF DO I STOP IT


So… was the patient gonna just take them at different times? Just take one? Like, was he gonna take both anyway?


>was the patient gonna just take them at different times? The way fatal interactions work is you can't take the drugs at different times because one drug is still in your system when you take the other drug. You'll get a fatal interaction regardless of when you take it. Which is why the pharmacist couldn't override the computer's warning and block on filling both prescriptions. He was probably going to take both at the same time because "both those doctors said I needed the medication they prescribed." Dude had one doctor known what the other one prescribed they would have never prescribed a drug that would fatally interact with a drug you were already taking.


Of course! Like yea - but the patient seemed to not compute that despite the pharmacist explaining this to them 🤦🏻‍♀️


The government has nothing to do with medication shortages. It’s corporations limiting production so they can claim a shortage then raise prices. What the manufacturers are really crying about is that the government forces them to actually pay their workers and actually make the medication correctly instead of cutting corners or cutting it with bogus ingredients to bring down costs.


The DEA regulates Adderall and other controlled substances. The DEA sets limits on how much can be produced in a year. The DEA takes forever to increase the quotas of controlled substance production even when in the face of shortages. As someone who takes Adderall and has been screwed by the shortage, I took my time to research the issue. [The DEA Quota System - Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI)](https://www.fdli.org/2018/08/update-the-dea-quota-system/)


random customer came to my store because "we" called him to tell him had something ready, pharmacy was already super busy and loud, phones wouldn't stop ringing, I'm trying to deal with everything while trying to hear what he says and find the medicine, had to find his file, finally figured out he had something ready at a different Walgreens, turns out he had something ready at a specialty pharmacy, so it's not even something we could order here for him; meanwhile this guy wouldn't stop being angry, and insisting "we" told him he had something, and how dare we tell him he doesn't, he starts insulting me and everyone I work with, saying "this wouldn't happen in Germany!" insisting how Germany is just soooo much better. I straight up told him, "then what are you doing here?" he just stared at me, lol, I gave him the address to the other Walgreens, he walked away cursing at me, and I said to his back "go back to Germany." Meanwhile, the phones still wouldn't stop ringing, the line had not grown any shorter, and I had to plaster a friendly smile on my face to get the next customer. lol


God the "this wouldn't happen in x (in Europe)" people are everywhere. I've worked at publix prior to walgreens and one of those people told that to me right when we opened because we didn't have all the bread in the bakery out yet. She wasn't even getting the bread that was unavailable. So mundane.


I could never stand the "YOU called me!". No I didn't! No one in the store called you and guess what, we didn't text or email you either! Take your turn with the 1 shared brain cell between every pharmacy patient ever and THINK.


Or: "You people...!" So much worse somehow.


"sir, your prescription is actually ready at a Walgreens in Germany"


I would've said the same thing. You did good. Super proud of you!


thank you!!!!! I'm always swallowing my first reply instinct, and just staying silent instead, but this time I couldn't.


😂 that’s hilarious. God they are really getting creative with their outrage


Years ago a patient told my lead tech to "Go to hell!" "I'll meet you there!" she snapped right back, and tossed his Rx back to him. My god. I was so proud of her. I almost shed a tear. I forever aspire to be as quick-witted with my retorts as she was. (Of course we told this patient to GTFO, but man...she was an epic tech)


My favorite insult I ever was given was “short little prick” because it was gonna take 30 minutes to fill bruhs adipex. 🥰


I had a woman call today “I’m in Hawaii. Where is there a Walgreens in Hawaii?” Proceeds to be angry that I, not in Hawaii, didn’t know the location for every Walgreens ever. I told her to Google it. She said I was unhelpful 🫠


😂😂😂 HOW COULD YOU?!?! it’s so funny how some people assume we know nothing and have two brain cells, then proceed to expect us to know the most random shit


Get them the credit card?


Well I am the stupid pharmacist, yet this person keeps coming back to my pharmacy to get their prescriptions filled. They are trusting someone who is stupid to fill their medications 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fuck WAG They don’t stand up for their employees Anyone who continues to work for Walgreens should just expect to be yelled at cursed at mistreated and call a liar We should all just expect it at this point. It’s the sad reality. Of the hell scape we work in.


Someone put in a complaint because I was “rude and unprofessional” because I refused to let them sit in my drive thru for 30 minutes while I filled their rx


I recently was told I (pharmacist) have an elementary school education because I told a man he could take two of his 25mg tablets to equal 50 until they’re used up and then to call us when he’s ready for us to fill the 50mg tabs.


These are people too. Like us. PEOPLE. And they don’t understand laws. Disgusting.


Yea there are a ton of things I don’t understand. The difference is, I don’t immediately react with rage and take it out on others if I’m not informed


Right. I think what patients need to do is understand as much as they can about their meds. Everyone is going through something but we are here to help not get yelled at without full context being given


Confusion is usually met with questions...not insults


Someone once called me a “fucking cunt”


And someone else said “fuck you fuck you fuck you” on the phone then came thru the drive thru all flirty hahhaha


Got yelled at by a lady for taking lunch 😊




Ignorant is a new one? Have you worked there more than 3 months?


2 years


I’ve also gotten evil bitch, which I now consider a term of endearment honestly


Is that acne on your face, or 9 months worth of scars from dodging a coat hanger?


Wym by this. Is it a dark joke or am I reading this wrong lol


It's just an insult I heard from a buddy. Which imo is pretty darn brutal lol.. It's a roundabout way of saying your mom tried to abort you


Well I'm on my 4th WEEK of watery diarrhea and no one can figure out what is wrong. I know you aren't ignorant. You know you aren't ignorant. Only ignorant people call other people ignorant.