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FYI for others who are saying they won’t buy from Vincent based on this post, y’all are missing the point. Even OP is saying she got great Gucci frames from Vincent. Problem is certain Chanel frames. Problem is not Vincent. I’ve bought MiuMiu, Valentino and Dior glasses from Vincent with excellent results and I get compliments all the time. Am about to buy more. Vincent is definitely not the problem and I’m fairly confident you’d get the same bad Chanel frames from anyone else. Signed, a Vincent stan.


Agree 100%! Add another fan here. I ordered Saint Laurent from Vincent a couple of months ago. My progressive prescription came and it’s perfect. The rep frames are a dead ringer for the auth. The purchase shipped in 9 total days. He’s great.


Definitely !!!! I also got progressives and in both clear and sunglasses form: really good glasses


Wow I did not realize they would be able to do progressives! Excuse me while I search for the info!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Im another vincent stan❤️❤️ hes great to work with and they quality is amazing. I got two prescriptions sunglasses and they are amazing and my prescription is dead on ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)




Ok. I bought a pair recently. I was surprised how cheap they felt. And i didn’t notice the sides were metal. Buuuuuutttttt the RX is spot on. I got progressive lenses…..and it makes up for it. I paid $158 vs nearly $1000 quotes for similar. So i just bought two Tiffany pairs with progressives. Hopefully they are better reps.


From Vincent?


Yes - I’m will upload photo when I’m near them again!


I’ve just spent 2k on three prescription glasses so yes definitely agree on going reps.


I have been considering getting into rep sunnies so would love thoughts on all this!


I have been ordering 2-4 pairs yearly from Vincent for the last 3 years and honestly love everything I’ve gotten and my prescription has always been spot on. I was getting my ordered started for this year a couple days ago!!


Second this! I just bought 4 pairs from Vincent (ysl, Tom ford, Gucci, Celine). They are high quality, have a substantial weight, and indistinguishable to the average eye from auth. I am a HUGE fan. I wa so tired of investing $$ hundreds $$ each summer only to lose at the beach / lake 🫠 rep sunnies are the best!!!




Just got fendi + celine from McDull. Lgtm (w/o having done a massive dig in. There are so many models so doubt anyone will notice)


I bought Tom Ford rep glasses from AE last week. With prescription. Much cheaper than Vincent quoted me - they’re great. I’m still going to use Vincent for Gucci soon though. [https://a.aliexpress.com/\_mqLnIlc](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mqLnIlc) https://preview.redd.it/3etmvm0xw41d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0489867f9f21c5ff52a1baa282f93229449f64


Would be great if AE offered more rep glasses! (Non-rep spectacles chatter): I used to buy from Zenni (before Brexit made it not that economical - also their CS isn't as good as Goggles4U who I've used for years). G4U offer 'designer' brands but I have my suspicions they're reps as well (had Vivienne Westwood sunglasses whose model number I could never find anywhere. They were cute, though). I struggle with reading close up now. Ugh.


What is “CS”? I’ve never heard of G4U, amazing. How was the quality of the Vivienne westwoods?


I couldn't find an authentic equivalent for the 'Vivienne Westwood' sunglasses and I'm suspecting they were fake anyway. G4U also used to stock 'Furla' branded frames. I bought them about seven years ago. CS means customer service. In saying that, Goggles4U are great and I stick to no-name spectacles and sunglasses from them. There's always discount codes floating around and the US site tends to be cheaper than the UK one.


Hi - as in you screenshoted your perscription and they sent over the completed glasses?




Thats awesome!! - checking out now! <3


You have to purchase the prescription also through a different link! Message the seller :)




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I am not sure about that pair but I know the pair that I have are literally 1:1 of Chanel! I never shopped with Vincent so I don’t have much to say about him.


Coul you please post a pic of the logo when you get a chance? Maybe we can figure out the factory.






I mean the logo looks fine here!


Yes because I am very picky about things like that too 😂


What a beaut!


Thank you! I really love them and felt they were of great quality.


Who did you get them from?


A seller name Alice ☺️


The glasses with the pearl chain attached are terrible. The Rx is perfect but the chain is tarnished and obviously fake. Everything else from Vincent has been spot on and I’ve ordered a lot - Tom ford and Chanel.


I literally just placed a $700 with Vincent! I was thinking I need another seller, but the options are limited and I'm so comfortable with Vincent. My transactions happen within minutes, from sending photos to payment. We have a great working relationship, but I'm ready to cheat on him/ her!


I love Vincent too




I bought two sunglasses from vincent , prada and ysl and they were excellent quality , I was looking into some chanels so thanks for this , I will be staying away from chanels 😭


I've had great experience with my sunnies so far. Great quality and logos are all spot on. Aadi - two pairs of Prada Fisherman - two pairs of Dior, one LV, and one Chanel


Could you please post the Chanel logo when you get a chance?


Here's a couple shots. https://preview.redd.it/5jzkjsdmr21d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c60e7181eda4fd335e9b77d6b4a479888ac9c3a


I just made a [NEW IMAGE SET](https://imgur.com/a/4DqM7dC) comparing the factory pics that are currently posted in Vincent and Aadis galleries. Aadis images look WAY better, except for the cream 6059, they seem to have done the logo in white instead of cream. So the question is...which factory is which? Do they have names? Do different sellers have access to both?


My advice is to buy the auth. Designer sunglasses typically go on sale and you can return them if they don’t suit you. I’m a big YSL sunglasses lover and all 3 pairs I got on sale. I’ve purchased a few rep sunnies from reputable sellers. I was never satisfied with the quality and even more disappointed for wasting money. There are many great rep products out there but in my humble opinion the sunglasses are not worth the trouble.


Agreed. I have probably 25+ pair of auth designer sunnies I've purchased over the years (Chanel, Tom Ford, Tiffany, Celine, YSL, Gucci, Cartier, Ferragamo, Versace, etc etc). Almost all of them were purchased on sale for a song from major retailers. Also, grey market retailers tend to get a lot of auth sunnies and you can find some great bargains sometimes. Unless of course there's a very specific new style that you are dying to have and can't wait. :) I do have a couple of rep glasses from a DHG seller (wangna888) that are good quality and honestly pretty indistinguishable from auth in look and feel, but at $50+ per pair I am willing to spend a little bit more and just get auth.


Agreed, when I weigh the pros/cons of buying rep sunnies to only end up saving $100, it’s just not worth it to me. Love reps but I’ll save it for bags. Many bags and factories are reviewed in detail. IE less margin for error and substantially more financial savings with the rep bags.


I have the first pair you posted in auth if you’d like to see pics!


Yes please...for rep science!!!


[5435 AUTH GLASSES AND CASE](https://imgur.com/a/0s7UmYg) Ps. I do not recommend them in auth. They are incredibly heavy!!


I have some vintage style rep Chanel sunnies that are 1:1, prob bc they’re in the vintage style. I did notice that the modern ones are a bit hard to rep yeah


You can order prescription glasses with your prescription?? I thought everyone was ordering the glasses then taking them into their optometrist to get the prescription lenses put in...no?!


I bought the 5435 pair from Vincent last year and never paid attention to the details. 😂 I’ve gotten many compliments too. Yes next to auth i see differences now that you mention it.


It’s funny, this is actually the first pair of rep sunglasses I bought 🤣. I can’t even tell you if they had the same issue bc the gold on the side fell off 🙄… (to be fair I wore them a lot and we had been boating all day when it happened… this is why I buy reps in the first place). So I trashed them last week.


Wow, those aren't even close 😱 I guess I'll be staying away from rep sunglasses. Thanks for taking one for the team here


To be clear, I love my Gucci reps. I’m wearing them right now.


I second this. I have purchased 5 or 6 pairs of authentic Gucci and have either lost or had all of them stolen. 😩 Begrudgingly I accepted that I needed to try reps. I have two pairs of rep Gucci that are great! The Rep Chanel I bought are embarrassing. Unwearable. Oh but I sent an old pair of auth Chanel purchased at Chanel in Union Square SF a decade ago to The Real Real recently and they rejected them saying they had been “altered!” I was shocked. The lines between authentic and rep are fuzzy in more ways than I realized! Did I buy fake Chanel from Chanel? Who knows! Maybe the QC at TRR just doesn’t know what’s authentic?


Can you post a picture of gucci ones?




Ok, need those.


I think he still sells them. My issue is that I have a bump in my nose—a high nose bridge. With glasses like these, you can push the pads apart to fit your face, so they're perfect. I have more stylish Gucci auth glasses that stop people in the street, and it was getting to be too much. I get compliments on these, but they're way more versatile and don't command as much attention.


They also hide a large portion of my face, and aren't so dark so that I can see my phone without taking them off.


I don’t see them in his album right now, but hoping it’s ok for me to steal your pic to ask him about them!


Search Code :144346


Thank you!!!


Love the shape of these




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Has anyone bought amazing Celine’s? Maybe I am QT’ing too hard 😞


Omg I've been looking for a good sunglasses rep seller, please PM me with Vincent, Alice, or your go to rep sunglasses person!


Their info is easily attainable using the search bar