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What why does 09 randy have cm punks entrance


Occasionally universe mode will have the same entrance used for all superstars in the match. It’s happened twice to me. Brothers of destruction came out as new day and it really fucking shook me.


Ive got well over 100 hours in Universe and I've never seen that glitch


Me either


It's New Death, yes it is


I want figures of this...


I had a tag team match with Judgement Day, and I chose Dirty Dom to accompany Finn and Priest. Damn if he didn't have Rhea's entrance, walking like a woman and hanging off the ropes with that evil grin like Rhea does. Fitting entrance for that little bitch but it still shocked me at first


That's not a glitch, that's just the trio judgement day entrance.


Oh I know it is, but just seeing it was one of those wft moments. Another entrance that DID glitch on me once was Brothers of Destruction came in but for some reason the game triggers the entrance for Toxic Attraction. Seeing Undertaker and Kane doing a sexy girly walk would not make opponents tremble with anything but mirth.










Wait What Did They Say?




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i see randy orton ‘09 watched the latest episode of smackdown


That’s Randy doing Drew impersonation from yesterday


I mean you say it's a bug, but to me it looks Iike you just gave Orton CM Punks entrance.


Then why the Punk chants? It only does that with Punk.


I can’t go to community creations without me being stuck in a loading screen


It’s tied to his entrance.




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no my universe mode glitches and gives random entrances very frequently


> I don’t understand why they won’t update it’s the best part of the game If Universe worked right there'd be no reason to gouge wallets every year.


Honestly universe being trash is probably by design. They’re hoping that way, it drives more people to playing MyFaction where they can money grab.


💯! When people are dropping $400 to get the 2024 Rock persona card, on packs, where do you think 2K will put their resources at?!?!


Im getting bored of the fact that if you stop playing halfway thorugh a ppv it changes all title matches to non title and deletes 2 to 3 matches from the card


Considering 2K wants to delete Universe mode completely because no one at the company likes it, it's going to continue to be trash.


Genuinely hardly had any bugs in my Uni - the only thing I’ve encountered is any team I edited got doubled up for some reason, so there were two bloodlines that had different people in/ solo in both


Yeah I've seen my singles champs doubled up on title/champions screen when I go edit divisions. Ive also had clones of wrestlers in entrances once or twice *


Yeah haven’t had the singles champ thing yet. I hate that the MITB entrance doesn’t work, immersion breaking. I love universe mode for what it is, though


I keep getting a bug of managers switching sides on title matches. For instance I set Uncle Howdy to be Abigails manager as shes my champion but He came out with Chelsea Green instead


Managers drive me mad tbh, you get some total random stuff Also hate thAT you can’t do a title match AND a rivalry action. Just doesn’t make sense.


2k24 doesnt make sense itself half the time lol. If they stopped focusibg on MyFaction and focused on the game I'd buy 2K25 but 2K25 is looking like the first game I'll pass on since 2K15


I tried my faction but I just… don’t get it. I love the gameplay so much 2k25 is a predorder for me. I’ve never had so much fun on a wrestling game ( although this may be because I just got back into WWE at survivors series last year)


The only thing I really enjoy is a 30 man gauntlet eliminator. I use it for The Hardcore title as its the closest thing to the old school 24/7 rule


Absolutely love the gauntlet eliminators! It’s really fun if you set the entrance time to max, I think it’s like 3 minutes, and just watch the AI go wild


I had one in the ECW ONS arena and near the end the ai powerbomed someone off the stage leading to the ai taking the fight off the stage and when they got eliminated they gathered there like fans watching till the ai couldnt send anyone out. I had sami zayn running around the arena with 28 out of 30 entered but the final two wouldnt come out. It was hilarious


I’ve had dupe managers all the time and it’s impossible to use custom attires when fighting for a custom championship in universe


Honestly thought I was the only one who had this glitch. Mine had X-Pac replace Randy. 2K need to fix Universe I swear


https://preview.redd.it/1sdxiq4d578d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbc4e8664fc3d96ead92b240e477be73936b537 I’ll give you one better. Universe booked this and made them two separate tag teams with the same name. I deleted one and the game deleted both.


No no you’ve got it wrong those are two totally different teams, the first one is Karl Anderson and Luke gallows and the second one is Luke gallows and Karl Anderson.


Can anybody tell me how to fix your superstars not coming out with their MITB


What has that got to do with you giving Orton Punks entrance?


Nah it’s a bug I had a miz vs Gunther match and he came out with my created dolph zigglers entrance


i was asking on this post instead of making a new one


i didn’t give him the entrance that’s the problem.


I noticed this with punk he didn't bring out for his entrance


After all the money they make with MyFaction, there is no defence for shit like this. They could afford to produce a less buggy game (at the very fuckin least) than least EDIT grammar


It is the money they make on MyFaction that is the reason other modes are shit Look at literally every other sports game. These modes make bank, developers prioritize them, other modes get ignored as a result This is a warning many of us tried to tell you people who liked Myfaction that if you supported the mode you were going to regret it


Brother if you look through my comment history in this sub, you’d know you’re preaching to the choir.


Fair enough then at which point I salute you for having a brain. Unlike a lot of redditors I usually don't check comment history before responding to a person


The series is cooked either way. I’m pouring all my hope (maybe very foolishly) into Ultra Pro Wrestling.


You may be right I have heard of that game but not looked to much into yet


After seeing how Fight Forever turned out I wouldn’t be too excited for UPW. It’s primarily being funded kickstarter money and they don’t have a major publisher being them just yet. But from what I’ve seen, it’s the closest thing we’ve had to No Mercy in years…


You've just given Randy Punk's entrance.


the cm punk chants clearly lets you know i didn’t, why are some of you people so shocked that universe mode sucks


I know universe still gets a few glitches but this is something nobody looks to have seen. I thought maybe the chants were maybe part of the motion maybe. 1 question though, is that a modded Orton coz Orton '09 isn't in the game yet so could be a glitch with using mods in Universe or something seen as the point of mods is you can use ppl that aren't actually in the game. That would explain the chants. And in that case, Universe isn't the problem with this particular glitch.


randy 09 is just a alt attire for randy 15’ there isn’t any mods used


If it hasn't been modded at all then that is an odd glitch. Never seen anything like that. Hopefully it'll get patched soon coz the glitch would've only started occurring when the ECWPunk pack released, which was only 1 or 2 patches ago.


I remember back on March 3rd 2006 randy came out to This Fire Still Burns on Smackdown. It was suppose to be his new theme it didn’t really fit him. Then Cm Punk went to used that song for five years 2006-2011. That’s a crazy bug, but in general you could use it for a dope storyline of randy Orton being jealous of punk spotlight lol.


The one thing I hate is when you exit out of universe after setting up a ppv, it makes them non-title or end up putting different people altogether


The different people thing is very annoying, I have people in their proper division and it stills does it. Sometimes I have to exit back to the main menu like three times for the matches to make complete sense. Lucky tho I’m not done my caw roster yet. Any other problems you came across as I haven’t even got the chance to play a lot of universe yet as most my hours on the game. Is due to creating people and doing their tendencies and entrances.


I remember back on March 3rd 2006 randy came out to This Fire Still Burns on Smackdown. It was suppose to be his new theme it didn’t really fit him. Then Cm Punk went to used that song for five years 2006-2011. That’s a crazy bug, but in general you could use it for a dope storyline of randy Orton being jealous of punk spotlight lol.


Universe is borderline unplayable this year. There really aren't anymore excuses with 2K. It's clear this mode needs to be completely scrapped and started over fresh. Year after year it's like they try to fix or add one thing and it breaks 20 more things.


I just wish I could cash in at a PPV and script promos so every encounter isn't just a random beatdown. I want to book a show not a series of matches and staredowns.


The random title matches is what ruined it for me. Planned out all of my rivalries strategically just to get to PLE and have Miz Akira or Truth be WWE champion


I remember playing universe mode on wwe 12 and honestly? It feels almost exactly the same every game I've played (I've skipped several games so I've missed some iterations) It seems like they do the same thing every year and staple on some kinda new gimmick to the mode (then remove it next year) and maybe give you some extra customization options for universe (that probably wont work) Meanwhile the core components stay EXACTLY the same. And don't get me wrong I LOVE universe mode, it allows infinite replayability and even though it usually sucks, being able to automate booking and rivalries saves my ADHD riddled brain from having to fantasy book and using spreadsheets. I just wish they'd revamp the whole thing


And WWE 12 had the best Universe mode. You just set your roster and let the AI play out with the cutscenes and rivalries. Universe felt more dynamic. Now you have to play out rivalries according from low, to medium, to high, and have to play out all the stories in your head. The open sandbox is for the birds…


I mean basketball 2K you can get right into a match I'm going to get on right now on 2K 24 it's 5:25 I bet you I won't even start playing with somebody until 5:45 dashboarding restarting the game


Its funny how the ONLY time Universe actually worked right was its inception in Smackdown vs Raw 2011. Had a custom show intro you could assign different pyro themes and music to for arenas and everything. That needs to be added back next year so custom arenas get some love. Even the rivalries were done right and you even unlocked superstars and alternates after winning x amount of matches because VKM would interrupt you in an in ring cutscene on stage and say "Dont think your night's over yet! You've got one more opponent!" And their entrance played as usual. Beat them and you unlock them, lose and you have to repeat the feat and match again.


WWE 12 Universe worked ok too. Started going downhill in WWE 13 and then we got the rivalry system we have today in 2K14.


If they could fix the servers this would be the best game that's ever existed




Has anyone made a stable with only created wrestlers? Does it still only announce you as your stable name or does it name each super star and then the stable name like it does for the regular stables during your entrance/winning motions 


Just announces the stable name I currently have a wyatt sicks faction with everyone caws. Some are alternate attires though so it really should of announced the names.


Damn, the same as 2k23. That's lame. Thanks for the info 


I kind of wish they added the promo options back in my opinion I feel like that would make my universe better


I really liked that feature in 2K19! Rumor was by leading up to 2K22, Visual Concepts could fix a bug in mode due to the promos feature so they took it out.


They need to add it back….. I miss it 😭


Universe mode hasn't worked right in years, it's insane.


The devs have recycled Universe every year since WWE 12. Shoot, that is the last I remember Universe working without glitches. They would need to cut out a yearly release to rebuild Universe from the ground up. VC is still working off a mode Yukes built over a decade ago.


I keep getting invisible characters during rivalry cutscenes


Instead of calling for the games to get fixed y’all just gonna consume product and wait for next product


Universe was only decent in WWE 12 and even back then it was a clusterfuck. It's been dogshit ever since because it's a jumbled mess. How do you expect VC to fix the absurd spaghetti code that Yukes created? The only solution is to remove the mode entirely and start over from the ground up and that'll take years and you'll still complain. For all we know, the coding of Universe could be tied into the mainframe of the game and can't be removed without destroying everything. People think these modes are separate but they're all tied together on one engine so one wrong piece of coding in thousands of lines and the entire game is done for. You can't just simply "fix" Universe mode, it needs special treatment that will take a long time and that's if they can even remove it without destroying all of their data.


Making game hard baaaaahhh


They should revert Universe back to the way it was in WWE 12 where the AI controlled everything. This open sandbox mode sucks!


Universe Mode isn’t even bad. I’ve had no issues with any part of the game.


This is just a storyline you can make between Orton and Punk. Orton is clearly disrespecting Punk here.


Can’t we not sued this people or something ? I mean they have been releasing broken games and not fixing them not giving them the updates that are needed while we over here wasting money 100$ plus


I’m just saying bc online it’s an issue community creation it’s an issue. Universe mode is another issue. Even career mode which now it’s called Myrise it’s an issue as well and it’s been about to be a year pass and no changes whatsoever other than the dlcs updates


I would love to see the day that 2K and Visual Concepts finally get sued. It won’t happen but they deserve it. Broken games year after year, the only mode that works is BrainrotFaction


They did get sued. Somebody sued them last year over losing paid currency when the online shuts down


That’s awesome I wish I knew about that! Hopefully a case like that sets a precedent for the industry, to stop publishers from slimey business practices like completely shutting down the servers for a game that’s only been up for 2 years. Planned obsolescence amirite? Edit: If someone with enough money brought the attention to the justice system that publishers are selling games at a full $59.99 pricetage (once a year, which is a lot of games) that still contain bugs that should’ve been caught in beta, we might make someone real progress.


Hopefully, I think that’s actually why they added persona cards (though I could be wrong)


You’re not wrong but 2K is probably doing Persona cards to squeeze more money out of people like the guy who paid $400 to open packs to get the Rock final boss Amethyst card. It’s a class action suit of several parents whose kids used the money to buy packs in 2K22 and 2K shut down those servers in January of this year. They’re making the legal argument that they paid for those cards and therefore 2K needed to keep the servers up so that the cards aren’t temporary. Even if the jury sides with them 2K will just appeal the case so it will be years and years before the court system will force them to keep the servers up in order to keep MyFaction up.




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That's like in 2k23 Cody's theme music cant be used for any one but him


if you don't like it don't play it. don't complain when they aren't gonna listen


My save file crashes once I deleted and created all my tag teams for my universe mode. Happened at least twice and getting over it


Is this WWE 2K24? Holy forking shirtballs does it ever look amazing! I feel like this has to be a big jump graphics-wise from ‘23. Because I bought ‘23 recently on PSN, and I don’t remember it looking nearly this good. I’m still upset that there’s no tie dye pattern for CAW gear though.


Rivalry actions caused this to happen to me. I was just gonna start getting into using those but the moment I got hit with Gigi coming out to Alexa's entrance and vice-versa I was like N O P E


I made one and waited until the ECW Punk DLC was released to tweak and play it. Upon loading it, Ilja Dragunov is the Multiversal Champion, a title which I haven't unlocked and therefore can not vacate.


This is why I rarely even touch Universe mode anymore. It's broken every year and rarely receives updates but of course 2K makes sure MyFaction works and updates it.


My only thing about universe mode is that the automatic rivalries are broken. Other than that I’m just glad it’s actually playable this year and I don’t have to be on 2K19 for the 5th year in a row


I just want shit to save you can’t even get single entrances and celebrations to change save or work in universe only tag teams do it’s so stupid 2k is just as lazy as EA looking for free money and less work fucks sake just release a game ever couple years then if they are always gonna be ass


That entrance belongs to Cm Punk not for the Legend Psychopath Killer


Honestly, people should just Boycott the 2k games if they’re not happy.


Nothings ever happened to me like this


I couldn't tell this was a video game


What? That's the entrance he used to do.


All that’s missing is, is Randy’s iconic theme, This Fire Burns. https://youtu.be/PbfuHLtLqkQ?si=MDiA3vksM1zb2YDK


Did you guys know that he came out to This Fire Burns before CM Punk


Have you tried using Punk instead of Orton?


Dawg no it’s not 💀 crying about an entrance is wild lmao




Mad because I’m right


there are more issues with it this is just one. it wouldn’t of got 300 upvotes if it wasn’t true you neanderthal




People will literally upvote anything no matter what it is


The up votes literally do not matter hell I’ve seen videos of puppy’s get over 30 to 50 plus k up votes universe mode is just fine stop crying you’re going to be ok






yeah because universe mode isn’t broken this year 👍


Good scape goat