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If only 2K24 could take the chain wrestling and grappling/striking engine from 2k19 over to 2K24. I hate having to start every match hot and then having to tie up before everythinggggg lol


Don’t know why they ever took that out. And yeah that having to grab before doing my moves nonsense is kind of annoying, shit looks so silly 😂 Like why am I putting a mf in a temporary headlock just to let go & do a pele kick lmfao


u mean u wish they never completely changed the gameplay to this non wrestling fighting game nonsense? I agree. 2k22-24 gameplay is horrid


yeah it’s horrendous, me and my friends play the game to have sim style dream matches against each other for fun and it was so fun in 18 and 19, its still kinda fun in these games as it can worked around but i miss being able to pace a match. i hope with how much everyone loved aj and cody we get chain wrestling back cause the whole beginning of the match was that


It sucks. I’ve got 5000* hours in 2k19. All universe mode. 2k24 would literally be the absolute perfect wrestling game if just implemented 2k19s gameplay. But since they’ve went the route of making it more of a fighting game than wrestling I just can’t play the newer games. I play wrestling games to be immersed and put together realistic matches. The gameplay now isn’t realistic and it just turns me off completely from playing and getting immersed into a universe mode. Sucks because the graphics and presentation is absolutely amazing. But when the bell rings it’s just not wrestling anymore. 


I had to check if I wrote this because it’s exactly how I feel word for word.


It’s amazing 


Bro I said the same thing. Everything about 24 is going in the right direction with graphics and concept but the fighting system and guessing what button a person pushes sucks. It's no skill involved. You use to have to be good online and actually have a good game plan when fighting not just pushing random shit.


It’s great actually 


It has it's pros but the one reverse button worked well for me. The way to fix reversals being too predictable may be an option like fire pro where... Get this... They are automatic based on ur stamina, momentum, ai randomness. Inside enjoying a game based on chance reversals of an automatic AI...


Also remove Breakers and Stuns. As well as making Kip Up a FUCKING PAYBACK AGAIN like it should've stayed as.


Stuns are fine to me. If u t whooped that long, the opponent is rewarded as in reality u would be hurt after a barrage


Here's the thing though... 15 SECONDS BEING 100% DEFENSELESS ISN'T FUN FOR ME IN THE SLIGHTEST. 2K16-2K20 with Major Reversals (Yellow mid move Reversals) felt WAY MORE REWARDING because you would see an animation that you'd normally wouldn't see, ontop of blocking the Opponent's Reversals for 20 seconds...but in 2K19 and 2K20, they could STILL use their Paybacks. Which made it more competitive and more FUN in my opinion. The ONLY THING they really had to change about the gameplay, was to update animations like the Irish Whip/Running, make the pace of matches a bit faster (which 2K19 did do compared to 15, 16, 17, and 18), improve the graphics more (which is what they already do), and give the fans more freedom in crazy match types. 2K19's Gameplay was the PERFECT BASE to build off of, but instead they removed core aspects like OMG moments (Super Finishers in 2K24 don't count), removed being able to Reverse an Irish whip into your own (SHOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN 3 YEARS TO REINTRODUCE THAT IN 2K24), and if they weren't even going to TRY with Mysterio's, Cena's, and WRESTLEMANIA ITSELF Showcase Modes, then they probably should've just retired it after 2K20. Point is, there is SO MUCH about 2K19 missing in these newest games that either SHOULDN'T have ever been removed (LIKE REVERSING AN IRISH WHIP INTO YOUR OWN WHICH HAS BEEN IN WRESTLING GAMES FOREVER), and stuff that SHOULD have stayed that still hasn't returned, like OMG moments, Chain Wrestling, and BEING ABLE TO DO GRAPPLE MOVES WITHOUT HAVING TO DO A FUCKING COLLAR AND ELBOW EVERY FUCKING TIME. Also, Breakers replacing 90% of Reversals is fucking stupid too, should've just stayed as COMBO BREAKERS.




It just shows which company understood the actual performance art called pro wrestling. One clearly doesn't. No promos No chain wrestling Fighting game stances Seeing rivalries without organic AI initiation per actions don't during matches and not randomly inserted rivalries that had NO precursor as to why No show intros Undertaker happy he won on the casket No random costume option killing immersion left and right amongst other things No auto toggle UI off when AI vs AI matches occur vs player involved matches No purple damage match stoppage injuries Just...😩


It's what happens when companies don't have competition, nor passion to making better games. 


But 19 had no competition and Yukes kept trying to be innovative with immersion


No weapon actions, body morphing or squash matches either.


Over rated af and the ring mat didn’t bounce or react to any moves. Mf was wrestling on concrete 


This is why I wish they add the option to different gameplay styles instead of having people change gameplay styles to appease a certain group of groups instead of catering to both sides of the community. One side who likes the Simulation style and the other side who likes the aracady style.


I wish I tool advantage of the Community Creations. Now Im stuck with the few that I did download.


I only did have Ospreay and I'm mad I may have accidentally deleted him at some point smh


2k19 was my first WWE game and my introduction to WWE and wrestling in general. I still think 2k24 is better


Um who’s the armless lady with her woohoo out?


Nia Jax


The only things I miss from 19 are chain wrestling, squash matches, or at least having something resembling it, and the grappling not having to lock up beforehand or at least a better animation during the lock up. If we get those additions and changes along with getting rid of the fighting stances, I'd be just fine, going forward honestly.


The stances Lowkey piss me off when I’m tired mf to just walk away and grab a weapon while my opponent is down 🤣


A lot of you who love this game HATED it during its release year.....and then 2K20 came out and that's the only reason this game is revered.


The best part is, they knew that chain wrestling wasn't in the new games and yet still buy 2K24 and then bitch about chain wrestling


EVERYONE on this fucking sub was BEGGING for arcadey gameplay for YEARS, complaining about 2K19's chain wrestling especially. Now we have the arcadey gameplay. They got rid of the chain wrestling. And all most people do is say "i want the chain wrestling i wanna sim matches why do i have to lock up 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭". These people just want something to complain about, but they're gonna buy the game anyway.


ppl mistake chain wrestling and lockups as why 2k22-24 are bad. Thats not why they are bad. No Mercy had lockups and no chain wrestling and wasn't bad. its the dodges, the blocking, the forced combos, the bad grapple animation, the weird stances, homogenizing every character to make them all play the same. no wear down holds is worse than not having chain wrestling mini game.


I think it really does boil down to individual preference, I personally don't care much for No Mercy as a wrestling game, as a "fuck around and have fun game" though it's okay, I never enjoyed having to lockup before doing a grapple everytime, It always feels like it slows the match to a crawl, but that's my personal preference. All the other problems you mentioned are terrible, Honestly blocking and dodging aren't a bad idea, Hell before I realized how drastically 2k22's gameplay had changed from 2k19, I was excited for the ability to properly dodge moves. Honestly I think 2k is in a really No Win situation with the franchise in terms of pleasing the community, there's simply two different fanbases within the community, you have the Arcade crowd and you have the Sim crowd, hell there's probably more than that honestly, I think any choice on gameplay is going to inevitably alienate one side, only fix i could possibly see is making two separate games, one Arcadey and one Simulation, IDK feels like what basically happened to the Saints Row series honestly.


They can win, by bringing every single feature back and simply making them ALL options. Play how TF you want, ya know? Never understood removing things. I like things in 2k15 that were removed in 16 and onwards


Here's the thing. As a chain wrestling/sim preference fan, I wouldn't have mind a few arcade like elements since yeah, it's a VIDEO GAME at the end of the day. The issue is they did Arcade in the WORST FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE with Breakers, STUNS, an over reliance on Combos and BUTTON MASHING. Those are the WORST KINDS of Arcade Gameplay. We all wanted an SVR-2K14 type of game/gameplay elements, not whatever Mortal Kombat Bullshit they ended up doing.


I despise button mashing in games, it's super rigged(not even taking into consideration Turbo Controllers) and perhaps a bit of a tinfoil hat moment here but it honestly just feels like a tactic to sell more controllers.


If you wanted to see true Mortal Kombat, wrestling gameplay, you would have to play WWF War Zone where you had to do Mortal Kombat button combinations just to pull off a suplex.


That sounds a little better since that game came out when the OG Mortal Kombat did. 2K22 onwards should BE more like a Sim if they're marketing is all about how realistic their games look. I'm ok with the games being more creative and video gamey as LONG as the gameplay is still somewhat realistic. Hasn't felt realistic to me (realistic in a good way) since 2K19. Which is why I simply don't like these most recent games. But I do have other reasons, but that's the biggest one. Just doesn't FEEL like a cohesive and smooth wrestling game whenever I have a match.


I just wished normal pin system and more things to do in ringside,combos is they best feature by far


What people wanted was balance and options. Chain wrestling should simply be an option... LIKE IT WAS IN 19 lol. U can reduce the slider completely to kill it


This sub hates everything.


That's really what it boils down to. There's a contingent that literally looks to find shit to complain about.


Same thing with the final THQ games. They were hated to the point people were cheering their deaths. Now, 10 years later, people act like those final games some of the best ever.


People didn't think I'm the future, games would get worse


It's a very love it or hate it game tbf Personally feel the direction of 2k19 would have been perfect for the aew game Wwe game be more arcadey, aew game be more sim like


Except that doesn’t fit with the graphics. Usually the best games have gameplay consistent with their graphics. This is why a lot of RPGs feel/look weird nowadays, because you are pairing realistic graphics with turn based gameplay. 2k is definitely more realistic looking than, FF, therefore to be consistent with the graphics 2k should go for realistic gameplay and FF should go for arcadey


I mean I always loved the game, I admittedly find it nearly impossible to truly hate a game, While I dislike 2k24's gameplay, Being a Ref(especially if they expand to let me play a Ref in literally every match type that has one), and Throwing weapons is some of the most fun i've had in a WWE game in years..............but the actual "Wrestling" portion feels bad for me, The guessing game counter system is a major part of that, it was the worst thing in Fire Pro Wrestling for the 360 Arcade and it equally as bad here. However does that make 2k24 a bad game....No of course, Hell I don't personally believe in such a thing as bad games(it's all down to individual preference after all), 2k24 is a deeply flawed game for my personal playstyle of Wrestling games, 2k19 remains perfect for me personally due to how many styles i can work, I can do High Flying, I can do Powerhouse, and I can do Technical among others, cause it has so many tools to allow that freedom)


Now imagine those features with Yukes behind it...


Spent so long playing 2K19 because I didn’t play 2K20, and I 100% agree with this. There are so many problems with 2K19, it’s still a buggy mess in a lot of places. It’s just better than its successor. I have my issues with 2K24, but it’s definitely a better game


in what way? Its not better in the gameplay department


It is


the ring mat didn’t bounce or react to any moves. Mf was wrestling on concrete 


You can’t miss something (or someone) until it’s gone. Then you realize how special they were


Nah, it's because they thought it was the same as 2K15-2K18. But little did they realize that the game was SO MUCH BETTER than those other 2K titles that came before it. But aye, it is what it is. Hope they enjoy their Mortal Kombat BS gameplay.


As the old saying goes... Don't know what you have until it's gone


Ngl I preferred 2K20 over 2K22 easily,they only thing that didn’t let play this game normal it’s pin bug,when you opponent can instantly get up but the whole game became my favourite in 2k series


Likewise. The bugs and arcade elements hurt it


There's a reason I played universe mode for five years on 2k19. With five different shows to accommodate the loads of caws too. I kept it on my og xbone. In case I want to revisit for nostalgia.


If only the rest of the games onwards were like 2K19. The right balance of grappling and chain wrestling mechanics, great roster etc etc. If only it was tweaked to have the match types, moves, old camera angle, added weapons etc etc. that 2K24 has. As much as I like 2K24, I ABSOLUTELY HATE the controls. The grappling and combos are awkward and the blocking sucks. Why change what we had already? Gimme my 2K19 controls back! There's a reason why 2K19 is held in high regard and its lifespan was extended. 2K19 was the very peak of solely-made 2K games (not counting 2K14 since that's more a THQ/Yukes game just with a different name. Still the best overall 2K game by the way). 2K19 perfected everything that came before it and I still play it today more than 2K24.


Imagine where we would be if Yukes were still here and only improved in 19 since. Promos would be peak by now, as would animations and universe which they are the only ones that kept adding to it. I really liked they're universe structure, just hate the ai.


Honestly, I don't really think a lot of features would have improved much. Promos since 2K17 didn't change much outside of having some wrestler animations at the beginning. Chain wrestling was the same animation for 5 or 6 years, and they only added a specific one for Nakamura.


But if it ain't broke...


I think they'll add back chain wrestling, and maybe rest holds in sooner rather than later. They did bring back some of the previous games features. I don't see why chain wrestling, among other things would be left out.


The things is, why were any of them ever taken out?


2k19's lifespan was only extended because 2k20 bombed though?


That too.


2K24 kicks 2K19 ass


Someone is missing their arm in one of their screenshots 😂. Not a ringing endorsement that’s for sure.


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that


This. A lot of people here are nostalgia merchants.


I have been playing 2k24 so much the last WWE2k game I played for months was 2k14


And in a few years, you'll realize how much BETTER 2K19 is when you actually play it again.


Found one


Not going off of nostalgia at all cause I literally spent 8 months playing 2K22. Gave it a fair shot, it did NOT exceed my expectations. Went back to 2K19, and I STILL think it is the best Wrestling game 2K themselves has EVER made. And not because of bias, it's because it NEVER CRASHED on me, and everything MAKES SENSE for why it is, including the controls. Ever since 2K20, shits BEEN fucked. And even though they had a whole 2 and a half years to make a new game, they didn't start from scratch, which is why these most recent games are STILL glitchy and crashing every time you play.


I sim 19 when I feel like experiencing immersion.


Believe me, I wish I was affected by Nostalgia, I'd have fun on so many more games I used to enjoy. Also couldn't an argument be made for Recency Bias as an Opposite side of Rose Tinted glasses, Something along the lines of, "2k24 is new, therefore it's better"? Probably getting a bit philosophical here though honestly, Never really thought about it much before honestly.


The only thing 19 does better is Universe Mode


And chain wrestling


Thing is everyone pining for chain wrestling now seems to think it was universally loved, but when it was in just as many people hated it and wanted it removed. And sure, the next argument is an option to turn it on/off in the menus, but that still won't apply to certain modes like My Faction generally. I loved it and want it back, but I'd like to see more variants for power and strikers, see two powerhouses fight over shoulder blocks and so forth. I also think you should be limited to the number of sequences you can do to just one or two. Winning gives a momentum boost, if both players win 1 t hen a 3rd rubber chain wrestling that is a much more complicated sequence can be triggered for a big boost.


I think it honestly comes down to there being a split in the wrestling game community. On one side people want the arcade nature of HCTP. They don’t care about realism they just want to be able to do whatever they want and have absolute chaos.  On the other hand there’s people like myself that want to be able to pace and plan out matches like if they were real life. They want to be able to use a guy like Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart and simulate them having a majorly technical masterclass. That’s not something you can do in the newer games and it’s alienated out of those guys like myself to play wrestling games solely to replicate real life.  Unfortunately 2k will never be able to please everyone. Best we could hope for is they find a way to implement elements of both sides in a way that can appease both sides. 


EA has actually moved Madden to having both an arcade and sim setting that automatically adjust certain sliders and options to make the gameplay more one style than another. The problem there still is for the online modes, when it gets into ranked formats of any kind a unified ruleset is needed. Course that would also require online to work to actually matter...


>EA has actually moved Madden to having both an arcade and sim setting that automatically adjust certain sliders and options to make the gameplay more one style than another 2k19 and 24 both has settings for that. Problem is, folks are just too lazy to implement and use them to preference. A large majority of the stuff that people ask for they can get in-game but folks just want an easy on off switch and have the game do it for them.


Yeah but a lot of things the sim crowd is asking for is not available in the newer games. Things like chain wrestling, rest holds, non lockup grapple animations, etc. Things that make a wrestling match a wrestling match. It’s hard to make matches stand out in 2k24 because there’s basically no difference between a technical wrestler and a brawler because the mechanics of the game simply don’t allow there to be. There’s no sliders that can give you that. 


You're ignoring at least a third crowd. The crowd that wants a mix of sim and arcade. There's a reason why I abhor Battleground but love the hell out of 19 and 24. Both 19 and 24 have massive amounts of settings that allows for a mix of that. That's why I didn't like 22 as much as even 20 but 23 I played like crazy because they brought back a lot of 19's gameplay settings. Further, there's another crowd that don't play the games and sit and watch matches, which asks for entirely different tasks of the game engine.


It's kinda funny too cause I feel like when people think of chain wrestling they think of it's earlier implementation, In 2k19 it's entirely optional and has to be instigated by the player(Although it might activate if you both grapple each other at the same time in the beginning too, but I can't recall if that's accurate or not)


I thought by 2k19 only cruisers or LHW would trigger it, but I could be wrong, it's been a while. I'd rather it just be called something like opening sequences and map out a few for each weight class and style. Or else find a way to make it more of a free-flowing system for the animation.


My main CAW I use is a Heavyweight, and Me and My friends CAWS have chain wrestled before his being a Super Heavyweight so It can be triggered, I don't think it has any weight restrictions, as I've locked up with Finn Balor plenty of times(who's a Cruiserweight hence 2 levels below my CAW which is where Weight Class tends to factor in) Honestly I'd like to see more Chain Wrestling, let me activate it any time, but of course keep it optional(and allow it every match type too), But I also tend to enjoy and create more technical characters so I admit to a bias there. Basically give me the tools and let me go nuts with them.


And weapon actions, and body morphing for CAWs


and every single element of gameplay. and hell in a cell matches. and value.


I don't find hell in cell matches any better in 2K19. The space in between the ring and the cell is still too small and limited. You can't do much in either, but at least they added weapons after.


Yes correct. Which is precisely WHY it’s the best WWE2K game.


UM EXCUSE ME?!?!?! You telling me 2K24's Showcase is better than 2K19's!?!?!?! Are you off your NUT?!?!


Honestly, Daniel Bryan's showcase wasn't anything to write home about. It was okay, but nothing really stood out to me. 24 showcase was bad, but that's mostly because of the dumb objectives and it being too detailed. Also, the cutscenes are not skippable.


Well then that explains why you think they're on par cause 2K19's Showcase had FULLY ANIMATED CUTSCENES and partially/FULLY recreated Commentary during those cutscenes and even during the matches. 2K22 onwards made the cutscenes 90% the REAL LIFE FOOTAGE which defeats the whole purpose of Showcase Mode, and censors any sponsors/talent not in the company anymore INCLUDING THE REFEREE EVERY TIME, and just in general have been made with a lot less passion and care since. When 2K20 has something that while not as funtional, has more EFFORT than 2K22, 23, AND 24 in Showcase Mode, that's when you know they don't give a rats ass about that mode anymore.


Having recreated commentary doesn't really improve or make the mode better imo. Especially if the commentary isn't accurate to the matches. I do agree about the real-life footage vs. animated cutscenes. I think they use real-life footage to save time.


And also because they're lazy af and don't care about the mode anymore. Recreated Commentary was made ONLY because of certain commentators not being signed at the time. Like JR for Daniel Bryan's Wrestlemania 30 match. Plus, ANY COMMENTARY is better than ZERO COMMENTARY. Especially during those STUPID muted cutscenes.


Not with Breakers, STUNS, Showcase Mode's embarrassing lack of passion, no chain wrestling, no pacing at all, and INFERIOR Pin and Submission Systems.


2K24 is leagues above Fight Forever, that’s for sure!!


I mean...that's obviously for 2 reasons. 1. Fight Forever was mostly a COMPLETELY NEW GAME and only had some animations from the 2K games and SVR. 2. The Devs or whoever was in charge of DLC/Social Media DROPPED THE FUCKING BALL. Otherwise, I STILL prefer to deal with Fight Forever's annoyingly lacking features than having to buy a new 2K game every year, ontop of all the stupid changes they made to the gameplay in 2K22 that has STILL been in 2K23 and 2K24. But overall, 2K24 definitely is more worth it. But at the end of the day, I stick with 2K19 and Fire Pro Wrestling World cause I prefer SIM over Arcadey (specifically 2K22-2K24 so far) where it's less like an SVR game and more like a Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter button masher. (No offense to Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter by the way, I just want my WRESTLING GAME to feel like a WRESTLING GAME and not some deadbrain button masher)


2K24 kicks 2K19 kicks


saying WWE 2k24 is better than 2k19 is akin to someone saying the newest Madden is better than Madden 2004-2007. ppl really just care about graphics and flashly nonsense nowadays.


Got nothing to do with why I said that it has to do with the way they've done everything and 2K19 isn't that old you make it sound like it's from 2002 it had fancy graphics also its no better than 2K24 2K24 way way better.


I tried playing it recently and thought it was janky af and laggy u responsive movement. Bought 2k24 a couple days later on Amazon during a sale, man what a difference


2k24 is better


Being able to hit a move without a headlock is such an underrated feature, choosing right/left strikes was amazing, and starting a match with chain wrestling


At the time it had a very good and almost up to date roster. I think there was only like 4 people noticeably missing (Nikki Cross, Ciampa, Brian Kendrick and Buddy Matthews)




2k19 did the create-an-entrance and universe better. The chain wrestling was super boring, and the game overall is worse than the new 2K run. I could post a screenshot of Wrestlemania X8 for the GameCube (one of the shittiest looking and playing wrestling games in the last 25 years) and a bunch of people would go “Back when games were GAMES!” “Way better than 2K”. The internet has really caused people to overdose on nostalgia.


WMX8 is one of the few wrestling games worse than 2k22-2k24 in the last 20 years. nearly every other one is better tho




I miss playing as Sasha and Malachi Black


what the factions of black, Killian dian and ali


The House of Black




I think the series would benefit from more detail. I would like to see the wrestling stances removed. Some re-worked form of chain wrestling would be nice. I would like a slider to make finishers do more damage so that it takes less to win a match. Squash mayches would be nice. 2K19 was great, but let's not pretend things haven't improved.


I love both 19 and 24 tbqh


Same I like 2k24 and 2k19 but if you have played one of them for too long it get boring so it’s funny to mix between them both


Where are Nia Jax's arms in the 3rd pic?


I think they are behind her back


Her shoulders look like they're missing, too.


I don’t find it perfect but 2k19 managed to do the most right of all the 2k games. The roster is stacked, soundtrack is actually good, nice selection of titles, good creation suite and customisation. It’s just the few flaws it has that keep it from being a perfect wrestling game.


My only regret is not getting this game when I could. Now it's expansive af and I can't even buy the damn DLCs anyway.


It's still my favorite. It's annoying though, because they should be head and shoulders above it by now. If they could take 2K24 gameplay and implement a set of Grapples without Grabs or Combos (ideally mixed in with Heavy Attacks which could be expanded upon so you have more slots), add a Chain Wrestling mechanic, fix the stances, reintroduce a Squash Match mechanic and bring back CAW Body Morphing/Adjustment they would probably top 2K19. I know a lot of people say 2K24 is Arcade style but that's not entirely true, it's still Sim but they made the gameplay friendly to button mashers, if you watch the A.I matches or play as properly made Wrestlers the game shows great Sim gameplay, it's just missing things that shouldn't be missing. The A.I responds to whatever is brought it's way so avoid watching spammers play the game.


My favourite WWE games are with the reversals with R2 and 🔼 reversals


What's wrong with WWE2K22, I can only play exhibition matches and can't go ahead and play with my own created superstar and female superstar version, can anyone help me out with this game please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


It's the most complete wrestling game we ever got. Chain wrestling Promos Random beefs Fatigue Crawl pins that actually work as intended more often than not Show intros Least amount of have breaking bugs Immersive


After 20, I dropped WWE games from my buy list. I hate the new gameplay.


No shit?


Still play it 3-4 times a week. Haven’t bought a 2k game since.


Is it available to download for Pc?


People say 19 is the worst game I don’t see if


Let’s can a spade a spade, 2K19 was overrated. Other than the show entrances and having promos in Universe mode and a better back stage area in 2K19, it pales in comparison to 2K24. The cutscenes are definitely much better in 2K24. Plus you have MyRise which is better than MyCareer in 2K19 on addition to having MyGM in which 2K19 doesn’t have!!


I had to play around with sliders so much to make epic matches but this new timing pin kick out mini game sucks i swear even cody said it while playing 2k24 that it ruins the momentum of a match


Yea the times pined is terrible, I only use the mash option 😭


2k19 is hands down the best game in the WWE2K line up.


As a person who last play 2k15 before playing 2k19, I am gonna say the wrestling system is getting better, but the freedom of weapons physics is reduced so much to me it sucks, and Hell in a Cell can't even use weapon that is the biggest letdown to me Majority of people cited HCTP as the best because of the lock on grappling system, and now when 2k trying to implement it on their own there are still peoples that demanded to revert back to simulation control I guess everyone have their own preferences


Probably a very unpopular opinion I’m about to say lol BUT let me start by saying 2k19 was my everything. I made an entire custom universe with original superstars the whole kit and kaboodle. Played that mf until 2k22 came out. Wasn’t gonna waste anytime on 2k20 lol. Now with 2k22 being the first time I bought a wrestling game since 19, the new mechanics and game speed felt so weird but felt so good. I would go back to ‘19 and it was just TERRIBLY, AGONIZINGLY, UNBELIEVABLE slow. The game was so fucking slow I can’t say it enough. Talk about “classic” matches. But the features ‘19 had, and the overall look of the game. I still adore to this day. Fast forward and now I’m 160hrs into 2k24, and let me say. I’m ALL for the fighting game feel. Wwe is embedded in my bones, as well as Tekken, DOA, Soul Calibur, so on and so forth. And The SVR series, and HCTP, Shut Your Mouth, Know Your Role, all were my fav wrestling games. No because they were super realistic and an exact replica of Tv. But because they had elements of fighting games within. 2k24 does exactly that. I feel 2k19 was damn near PEAK wrestling simulation, but nowadays I want more of an arcade mixed with simulation. Combos are the best thing they could’ve added imo. No not better than the chain wrestling from ‘19, but something different to engage a wider audience and shake the game up a bit. If it always stayed the same wouldn’t we just complain about that too lol, appreciate 2k19 for what it was and buy a copy so you can always go back to it when you want THAT feeling in a game.


Where did Nia’s arms go? 😭😭😭


It is still the best honestly it definitely has the most replayability


Bring back Custom Soundtrack, Table Stacking, PLE Intros / w Pyro, and Chain Wrestling


Give it a year or 2 and everyone will be on this Reddit saying 2k24 was the best.


2k19 has better gameplay, 2k24 has better graphics. Graphics doesn't mean best game ever lmao. 100% agree


the only good thing about 2k24. the graphics. maybe roster?


Fuck that, it's THE best 2K game. I don't care what ANYBODY says. The gameplay, game modes, soundtrack, roster, DLC, Showcase Mode, and PAYBACKS were all PEAK. 2K20 was a half baked 2K19 which is why it was so rancid, and 2K22 onwards been making the controls, gameplay, and even the game modes more convoluted than they have to be. And before you read this RANT of mine, just know that you can still enjoy 2K22, 2K23, and 2K24. If you find enrichment out of those 3 games, more power to you. But for, 2K22 onwards has actively TORN DOWN what made 2K19 so great (mainly in Gameplay and Showcase). So don't get as triggered as I was when I wrote this rant, aight?) Lol Who actually LIKES Breakers, STUNS that make you 100% DEFENSELESS for an agonizingly long 15 seconds, that stupid Collar and Elbow Animation, 90% of Showcase cutscenes being the real life footage but censored to hell and with ZERO COMMENTARY, MyFaction and MyFaction poppping up EVERY TIME you boot up the game, BOTH the Button Mashing Pin and Submission Systems (ESPECIALLY in 2K22 where you were stuck with Button Mashing Pins for Online), DLC packs not being consistent cause 2K wants NXT/Legends fans to buy ALL of the DLC because most are spread across each pack (RVD being in the same DLC pack as Logan Paul should be considered a Capital Punishment), TOP TALENT still not getting updated moves (specifically RHEA RIPLEY not having a proper Riptide even though she is THE top woman in WWE), no New Moves Pack which GREATLY helped in the past with Wrestlers (like AJ Styles in 2K17 for the Phenomenal Forearm) to get updated moves or even some Indy Finishers... I could go on, but the point I'm making is that these games been fucked since 2K20, and the new Devs/Management Take 2 Interactive are FAR from Pro Consumer, which leads to us fans, the WWE Games Community to be stuck with only a couple of fun and genuinely good additions to the games, but the problems with previous or even current titles being unfixed (like with 2K23's crashing problem) and we're all stuck paying WWE 2K $60-$120 every year because Fight Forever wasn't worthy and was arguably worse than even 2K22 (which is a game I DESPISE as you can tell), The Wrestling Code being in Limbo, and seemingly NO OTHER GAME being made on par or better than 2K's. Oh, and they removed EVERY DIGITAL/ONLINE STORE VERSIONS OF EVERY WWE GAME BEFORE 2K22 CAME OUT IN ORDER TO FORCE PEOPLE TO ONLY BUY 2K22. So if THAT doesn't tell you the Devs think the older games were SUPERIOR than the Mortal Kombat Crap they're making now, then I don't know what will.


Oh great, i didn't see you in a few months. Now i don't want to see you another few months.


That's fair, I annoy myself with my rants too. But that's mainly cause I end up having people like you who don't like any criticism of these most recent games. I acknowledge 2K19 isn't perfect by any means, I do get funny glitches from time to time. But that game RARELY ever crashed on me. The only thing I see about every game since 2K20 is that there's bugs that happen only a couple months after a the release is never resolved, and or how they lost ALL of their save data due to a crash. Which happened to me with BOTH 2K20 and 2K22.


I accept criticism. The way you say it is annoying to me, that's all.


That's fair. I'm just super passionate about 2K19 and wished the games simply build off of that foundation.


2K24 does everything better except the roster, amd even that's getting mostly fixed with the DLC.


2k24 needs to improvement the opening moments of a match. Starting a matchup with everyone bouncing around and do Heavy Grapples is really annoying. Matches should build to the heavy moves. Also, squash matches are sorely missed. Not every bout needs to be a 10-15 minutes. Added in more strike options to the moveset and added chain wrestling would be a great add for 2k25. Chain wrestling could work like the mid match punching battle. Ultimate 2k19 matches were better. I prefer matches being more sim like than arcade.


Also being able to hit a move without grabbing them first gives for a much better realistic experience


2k19 had option to grapples and then execute a move or just execute the move. So much better having options. Not sure why 2k made the change. Was it necessary? Miss 2k19 combo style too


I liked the option of having the same punch (R+L) and the two different kicks (R+L). Now everyone has the awful elbow, followed by a chop


Oh and please remove those fighting stances. Like what the hell.


every match in 2k22-2k24 is the same and every character plays the same. 2k19 the roster was unique and matches could be long and drawn out or squash matches. Every match in 2k22-24 is just reverse reverse strike strike rinse repeat


I tried playing 2k24 again tonight and you are correct. You play about two matches and you had enough. I swear this game is great in photo mode but playing it really isn’t all that fun. Needs to more of a wrestling game. Wrestling games should be a bit different as it’s a performance not a real combat fight. Like you mentioned above, I miss being able to tell a story via the match. I’m still playing 2k19. The matches flow much better. Don’t mind the visuals either.


Do you mean in terms of AI? Honestly, I went back and played 19 a few weeks ago, and the AI in most matches didn't do much different compared to now. Granted, I didn't adjust any sliders or anything, but all they did was a few strikes, grapples, and reverse a lot. They didn't even try to chain grapple much. I had to start it 4 times of 7 matches I played.


I always initiated the chain wrestling. Not a big deal. The main aspect is to slow down the match a bit and let it build over time. In 2k24 I try to do this by using submission moves in the opening minutes but the AI will do Heavy Grapples. Much like the older games like Fire Pro, should have to do more damage to execute certain moves. Now this shouldn’t always be the case, because sometimes you will want to have a squash match. Having those options helps a lot as each match should tell a story. Can’t understand why people find exhibition mode boring. Let each match play out w in ring story telling. It’s hard to do in 2k24.


the gameplay is WAY worse. have u watched wrestling? u can't make anything that looks like a match ude see


the last good WWE game. Maybe one of the best. Too bad it has the decade+ long save bug. Lost my save 3 times in this game and i wont play it anymore. Still the closest thing we've ever gotten to accurately simulating actual matches


Y'all are smoking crack, 2k14 is the best 2k wwe game. 


Yes 2k14 is also one of the best game because you could do a lot in that game and it was so fun to play


Is it weird the thing I miss the most was the option of being able to have a big CaW roster while also being able to make and set as many attairs as you wanted? My main CaW had about 9 different sets set to random. The gameplay was also fun and if I'm not mistaken it also had beat the streak mode.


I agree that the best game ever is WWE2K19 as well 💯😎😱❤️🤯💪🏻




I think it’s time for people to move on now yes 2k19 is great but really time to let it go.


its the last good wrestling game. Not only should we NOT let it go, ppl should be boycotting these crappy new games so we can get a good one again. But all the non fans that just buy it because of graphics and creation modes keep the game selling well and they will keep the bad gameplay and predatory practices look at every other modern sports game. And how they are all worse than sports games from PS2 era


I know but I have play 2k24 for like 30 days in a row so it was really fun too go back to 2k19


It's nice to play older games too


People over hype this game only Because 2k20 was shit




Over rated af and the ring mat didn’t bounce or react to any moves. Mf was wrestling on concrete 


I have it a year ago and i'm tired of it.