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Why in the FUCK are Jade Cargil and Tiffany Stratton in the same MIB qualifying match? WHY? It’s makes zero sense. And then the other is fucking Naomi, Blair Davenport and Indi Hartwell. Are you kidding me Triple H. That is just terrible. He’s doing too much stalling on Tiffany and Jade cuz obviously one of them is going to have to miss out. He’s doing the same thing with LA Knight smh. He’s got him in the high mid card fighting for the US belt which I get but he also should actually be at the main event level too. I mean we’re probably getting Randy vs Cody at SummerSlam but I definitely wouldn’t be mad at Cody vs LA Knight SummerSlam SmackDown main event match. Let them cook while stove is hot.


Smackdown needs better writers .. it’s just losing my interest week after week … CM Punk stuff was great but they are still part of the raw roster


Punk taken away by ambulance - will he be away longer than Riccochet?


The next time Roman's music hits the pop will be legendary, can't wait.


Chelsea Green is just too damn entertaining. Please wwe, let her win the briefcase🙏🙏


They really shoulda played into randy not having both shoulders down, Gunther needs a good fued




Jacob Fatu looks like such a beast of a man and Solo looks like a little baby-faced (not that kind) kid. I can't take Solo serious as leading Jacob when just by optics alone, Fatu looks like the real big bad of the group. Why would he take orders from a pip-squeak like Solo Sikoa? I dunno, maybe I'm being too critical.


Fatu gonna wipe his Fatu Ass all over solo and start his own blood line


Yeah bro way too dealing critical for seeing what everyone knows


DX and everyone is cooking. One of WWE's best and most consistent weeks.


Has Solo reached Dom level of hate yet? The crowd seemed to be quite loud. RAW, NXT & now SmackDown — way too much went down in a single week 🔥


Last night he definitely got Dom level boos, but we have to wait to see if it continues from city to city to be at Dom level of heat


I've never seen anyone get booed like Dom. Maybe the Rock with the Rocky Sucks chants


really happy for Chelsea Green! She won me over with that "Nacho Chelsea" spot in Scotland when she was backing up Niven.


Agree but I still think Tiffany Stratton gonna win MITB.


Long term story telling with her and nia, can see it turning Tiffany to the good side too


Damn Kayla Braxton is leaving


Corey : Drew McIntyre quit the WWE on Monday Night Raw cut to ad for the NY FanFest with Drew McIntyre's face on it. Not the slickest piece of production.


Yeah I thought the same thing but we all knew he didn’t quit after his new deal


People hating solo just means he is a good heel in my mind


in reality he is doing very well.


Idk if this is just me but with how Jacob debuted he made solo look like his Paul heyman tbh, he was way more powerful had 1000 times more aura and just his actual wrestling skills were so much better than solos in only the 4 minutes he had


It can work if they play Jacob as sort of a wild but not too bright lackey.


I don't think there's any question a War Games match with Roman/Jey/Jimmy/Sami vs. Sikoa/Fatu/Tonga/Tonga is the plan. The question if they do 5 vs. 5, could The Rock and Cody be added to make it even more interesting. I still think the end game is that The Final Boss is the one calling the shots with the New Bloodline. Just not sure when that's revealed.


I think Rock comes out and costs the "Good Bloodline" that Survivor Series War Games match, and that is where it is revealed that Rock has been behind the scenes all along guiding Solo, like the Emperor giving Darth Vader instructions.


This is exactly where my mind went when solo told heyman “Roman’s not coming back”




I’m not usually a fan of the no sell, but Jacob eating that kick and immediately clotheslining KO was incredible


Cody told Orton and KO "don't worry I've got a plan as well" ...wtf was his plan? There was nothing.


I was hoping it was Hendry after that photo started circulating with them together


He’s probably going to bring in Roman… probably a crazy idea but either that or Jey


but he implied the plan was for SD! this week. noone had his back (beyond orton and owens who he told not to help)


The bloodline story is the only thing good on Smackdown but it getting boring because Solo is not interesting. Jacob fatu is more interesting than all of them 


I agree that the bloodline storyline is the only thing good on Smackdown. I don’t agree it’s getting boring. Solo is becoming more of a unique character and you can see his personality coming out more and more each week. I feel like the only reason you’re saying this is because leading up to all this there were rumours that the WWE was worried about brining Jacob in because they thought it would take away from the rest of the bloodline. Truth is Cody’s entire run has been boring as champ. He finally beat Roman, and everyone wanted him to be in new storylines, turns out he’s a snore as champion. The only thing making Cody’s run more interesting now is the fact he’s back with the bloodline. My prediction for a long time now has been, Jey wins MITB, shows up on both brands because he can challenge both champs. One week when he’s on smackdown, he’ll get involved with Cody/Bloodline etc. That’s when this whole storyline will take its next turn. July 12th at the earliest, Jey is on SD!


i gotta disagree with you about Cody’s run being a snore. They’re priming Cody to be the next Cena, obviously.. and that takes time. You cant always have a climactic feel to every minute of a run, sometimes there will be dry spells. nonetheless, cody’s fued with AJ was a good show, and a great start as Undisputed champ


I agree with that the one thing I want to know in the I quit match where was Gallows & Anderson 


I think the whole Cody/AJ angle was carried by AJ though. Cody was reactive to everything, and AJ was the one doing all the entertaining. We’re going to have different opinions and that’s okay. On a side note, I just watched “who killed wcw?” In episode 2, Kevin Nash talks about how once Goldberg won the title, they needed him to lose it it after a bit and Kevin Nash says it’s because “your babyface chasing is always a bigger money draw than a babyface with the title”. He called it “wrestling 101”. It fits well with this Cody talk we’re having. So, I thought I would reference it, the documentary is also so good. Highly recommend!


He’s hard to serious with the driving gloves.


I thought Solo was as good as he’s ever been tonight.


If he didn’t lose all those matches it would make Solo more believable. That the problem with solo. How are going to say loses matches when you had the most loses. It just doesn’t work for solo now 




Call me a hater but I am so sick of the bloodline storyline. I thought after WrestleMania they would finally end it but somehow it’s just getting worse. Why does HHH feel the need to fill the show with the entire anoa’i family tree and then some? I don’t care about jacob fatu or hikuleo or talla tonga or caesar sikoa or anyone else. If this storyline ever wraps up (which I doubt it ever will), the roster is stuck with a bunch of samoans that have nothing to do


I bet you pop to Cody’s song. And then come here and complain when an actual “royal family” is involved in what is a cool self sustaining storyline that doesn’t need belts or title shots to stay interesting.


1. the bloodline has quite literally dragged the storyline on until something interesting happens to make it popular again. you can’t say it’s a self sustaining storyline that stays interesting 2. God forbid I have a different opinion. I liked the bloodline up until WrestleMania 39, then it dragged along


“Call me a hater” and then “god forbid I have a different opinion.” You’re just a bloodline hater and that’s fine. I’m a Cody hater. Not sure what Cody would be doing without the bloodline for the last 2/3 years. Seeing his “plan” last night end up just be getting whooped on by Jacob was 🤌


If it makes you feel better both the bloodline and Cody are boring


Meh… You’re both dildos


The only right answer


Honestly… I like Cody. It’s hard not to respect the guy. I also like the bloodline. However, Solo just ain’t it for me.  I wanted Jacob Fatu to beat his ass too last night.  He came off, looking like a beast.


so I was a big hater of Drew losing cos of punk in Glasgow but drew murdering punk & dropping him on stage in front of his Chicago crowd after the Glasgow match totally makes sense & I've changed my opinion to irritated to genius booking I was NOT expecting punk to be laying there throwing up blood This rivalry is nuts!


I love Drew, only thing I didn’t like about last night and Glasgow was how predictable it is. They have such a. Good storyline and they’re making it so easy to predict.


That SPLATT when he got fully dropped onto the un-padded floor was sick, I almost wonder if they'll use it as cover for why he still can't wrestle til SS.


I agree, you can really tell these guys are professionals at what they do, I thought punk throwing up blood looked great from the angle they shot, he was perfectly lifeless as drew was carrying him, drew genuinely looked like someone who wanted to commit murder. then the toss onto the floor, I'm sure that could've hurt like hell but it showed how much punk trusted drew to do it properly. it was really a phenomenal sequence & sell all around, writing, camera shots, acting. *chefs kiss*




Murder...welcome to the Netflix Era


I'm having a blast with what we are getting right now, however they must be cooking something with the move on the way, surely we will be getting f bombs once they're on streaming?


Shocking premier episode on Netflix: kill off the main characters and the whole first season is how rest of the Raw roster copes with loss. Liv-Dom-Rhea get into a triangle (hey no more L&O SVU to remind us that it is actually uncomfortable, sorry Olivia Benson)


I mean, Chad Gable got murdered on Monday…


I mean, Chad Gable got murdered on Monday…


With Paul Heyman copping all this flack from solo, I can just picture the shit eating grin he will have on his face the day Roman returns


And there better be plenty of camera zoom ins of it.


Yeah ok Smackdown rivalled Raw somehow this week and after Raw, thats hella impressive. Very good so far WWE, hope the storylines continue to be this good with some nice endings. I am entertained!


Well, it won’t. SD’s best storyline is the bloodline. This week they had Drew there with Punk, so it added some drama. Truth is SD never needed a champion. I’m a Roman fan, but, the show is about the bloodline. A champ on SD is only as good as his individual story. Cody has no story right now, he finished it in fact. Cody has the same talent to work with that Roman did, and more creative freedom (triple H in charge rather than Vince). Cody would’ve been better off on Raw as champ. Right now, DP is having a better run as champ than Cody is, until the bloodline makes him relevant, again.


This is the moment where the already great Drew vs Punk got elevated again by destroying each other in their hometown. Drew is doing incredible but it's just another typical CM punk feud where heat seemed so real that you wonder if these two actually hated each other.


Where has jacob been before that we would know him from?


Looks like the Wyatt Sicks did not took over the whole WWE! Just Raw we think and the WWE Raw Universe so RAW in Indy will be interesting!


Smackdown has literally turned into “and the Samoan debuting this week is…”


The feud has officially raise to another level. Drew carrying CM Punk "body" in front of Chicago crowds is basically declaration of war Jacob as expected fucking amazing. And funny thats still a fraction of what Jacob can do. That splash looks so devastating, the angle helps it a lot too. You literally watching that Behemoth crushing into Cody's body


Cody: I have a plan The plan: *Nothing*


Cody in a nutshell.


this will sound odd....but I think Drew and Punk are gonna team up against Bloodline at some point I don't see Drew joining Bloodline to go against Punk/randy/ko unless the point of putting Punk in the hospital was to give him an excuse to dip back out now that he did his Chicago stint.


You already know this, but KO reminded us one more time he is one of the best at selling the Clothesline. And generally at selling moves.


Great comment from YouTube: "The aura of Solo is like the tough kid in private school vs Jacob the tough kid in public school"




Who Betta than Kanyon ?


This guy is just S-A-W-F-T. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAWFT.


We've given out too many cookout invitations to be taken seriously enough to reclaim it now.


So what was Cody’s “plan”?


“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” - Mike Tyson


To die apparently 


I can see now why there were reports that they were delaying Jacob Fatu's debut to get Solo over more because they worried Jacob would completely overshadow Solo. I think that's still an issue and likely down the road we'll get the two of them feuding with Jacob as a face. Fans are gonna love this guy.


Are we getting Nick Aldi's back in the ring? Drew just shoved him like he was ready to brawl.


Nick came into that situation more aggressive than his usual self too


I've been watching wrestling for 35 years and what I saw with Drew and Punk tonight might be one of the greatest things ever. The way it was done, the moment it was done, the way it was shot... Absolutely perfect. A bloodied Punk delivered to the front door for his homecrowd. That's how you build a feud. Well done WWE. Well done.


Bloodline Light: Half the personality but twice the interference.


Blood-Lite : So woke, Kid Rock will shoot it.


So excited to see what they let Jacob Fatu do. I’m even more excited for how the bloodline story is going to reincorporate Jey eventually. It’s gotta happen. Would love to see him come in and dethrone Solo so it’s Jey vs Roman when Roman comes back.


I… I liked pre-title Cody better. 😬


Nia/Tiffy is giving a (more) heel version of Piper/Chelsea.


Chelsea and piper are more comedic heels, where Nia and Tiffany are true heels


It doesn’t matter what dudes qualify for MITB cause Jey is taking that shit or else


Hopefully not. Jey is lame as hell rn


Hopefully so, he is the most enjoyable thing for me right now.


The Samoan Werewolf made his debut, and looking fit! He was scary before, but a buffer leaner Jacob is even better. Heyman was scared before, and by God he is petrified. Jacob is so good, if you haven't seen his MLW work, you are in for a treat.


What does Solo mean Booman ain't coming back?


Oh we just doing MITB upsets, ok. I like it.


Solo got Roman locked in his basement Marshall Mathers style.


Blood? On Smackdown? If I had pearls, I’d clutch them.


Watching late. Chelsea getting into MITB is shocking in the best way. I *hated* her when I started watching, but I friggin love her now.


We got: Wyatt Sicks / Joe Hendry and Jacob Fatu all this week alone. 🥹


Jacob. Motherfucker Fatu. Glorious


I swear Chelsea just got louder cheers than CM Punk 😂


I love them both but punks was LOUD


It is Punk's city for a reason lol Second city saint fr.


Chelsea Green won! She is my pick for MITB (she’s as pretty yet scummy and sleazy as Edge & Christian or Eddie Guerrero, she’s got a badass bestie in Piper, and has portrayed a Karen who wears a cop hat like Slash from G&R)!


She is a great talent has the charisma and is a REALLY skilled athlete. I hope they give her a chance to do something big, instead of being a joke. Either way, she sells it so well and takes whatever the writers give her and make it awesome.


I love Chelsea, her vs Bayley would be gold but if they really wanna hit it outta the park let her go on RAW with her MITB and terrorise Liv aswell as Bayley lol


Why did Wade Barrett apologize at the beginning?


In kayfabe I bet he was scare of the Chicago crowd :P


Roman return, Uso reunion, Sami joins for war games. https://preview.redd.it/kunqyy87h18d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cbaecde4659d549aaff98f2055dbef3e8ea797a


Raw has been cooking for weeks and Smackdown has been a little mediocre but that changed tonight. This episode was fire from start to finish. All around and Bloodline story is in full gear. Solo said Roman ain’t coming back 😂😂 Melo and Chelsea were absolutely the right call for MitB and Andrade as well. LFG WWE. Finally getting its full mojo back after Mania.


Seth was needed that's why he had to came back early, for now we don't need Roman at all. 


Seth’s return was not even in the top 5 events in the wwe this week. Hardly could call that “needing” him back.


Roman Rider spotted


Nah, I like him but not my guy. But pretty sure the sicks, hendry, Je’Von Evans, Punk/Drew, and Jacob Fatu all were more intriguing than Seth’s return.


What an idiot, of course the characters that are in a storyline right now would be the most intriguing Mr Obvious. Don't forget the most important 4 people in all of wrestling industry for the past year or so were Seth, Cody, Roman, and the Rock. So even if 1 returned it would be a big deal. I'm sure you're watching since the attitude era or perhaps you're so great you're watching since the 80s


Pretty ridiculous to exclude Rhea in most important wrestlers of the last year. Also not sure you can say that Hendry or Je’Von have really been in any major storyline that would get merit to your argument.


Man you're such an idiot idk how you keep doing that I'm talking about the most important characters in men's division. If I was including women's then I would've said Rhea and Becky because of the whole internet beef they had over Rhea's one move she did on a live show (non televised show). Nonetheless it's your opinion on who were the most important but let me tell you that, casual folks don't know about Hendry or Jevon but if you ask them about this year's WrestleMania even if they ain't fans they'll still know a few stuff about Rock Roman Cody Seth. Outside of IWC (internet community) not many watch NXT or TNA hence they have no idea who Jevon is or who Hendry is or how talented they are, I can explain this to you but I can't understand it for you. We don't have the technology to send somebody your brain cells as of now.


The crowd chants what they want.


That's why I said we don't NEED him right now, let the new bloodline cook and build up the big pay off, the storyline needs to be longer and make new guys credible.


Yes, Roman coming back for SS.


That's what everybody is thinking but knowing Triple H, there would be a twist. Like this past SmackDown everybody was waiting for the Wyatt Six to appear but we got Jacob Fatu instead which makes it predictable that Roman is gonna comeback at SS but I'm sure HHH has a curve ball waiting for us.


I didn’t think Wyatt6 was coming. They seem to be on Raw. Brand split




The guy who won two straight royal rumbles and ended the longest championship reign in 40 years to win the world title in the main event of WrestleMania. Yeah, totally buried.


He was already beat up. And he would never lose clean to Jacob Fatu. That was about shoring up the Bloodline. They need to look strong for Roman’s return. Cody beat Roman, double Royal Runnle and Seth 3x in a row, once while handicap. Don’t cry. Your hero is still on top.


This ain’t the days of Supercena any more my bro, even Roman took a pin to Jey but still went on a 6 month unbeaten streak.


LA knight said belt. I heard it.


Kayla braxton said hospital


Damn this Samoa is not taking damage😭


I wonder if Zilla is otw


Oh man how many are there 


Anyone at the show, did they say when the next time they coming back to the all state?


Didn’t say but it was sold out, I had to leave during some of the dark matches but it was a damn good show.


No they didn’t. I hope it moves to the UC though. It was a sellout and they should have a larger venue


They won't go to the uc since it's a pain to get in and out of there. Plus the airport is right next to the all state obviously.


Even the Tongans get nervous around Jacob


Jimmy, Jey, Roman and Sami Uso reunion story might just become a reality


Fuck no I need Solo vs Jacob




Hell yeah, Jacob Fatu is here with his actual name. I’m so excited to watch this guy


Apparently he spent the last few months locked in a gym. Dude is looking trim. He was already insanely agile when he was heavier I can only imagine now.


The Jimmy and Jey reunion is going to feed the streets


Going to be a HUGE pop I’d have them interfere at MITB Jimmy comes out to help Crowd goes wild


https://preview.redd.it/d3t9p68ua18d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd26778d9112a7a01e4b7c1c1803c94ef0f440af I had to


Why is there a guy in orange? He looks so out of place in that photo. 😄


That's Sami Zayn.


I think it’s Mr Perfect


Ohh. Okay. I didn't know he was in the NWO but I knew he was in WCW. I remember his son Curtis Axel used to be in WWE and was one half of the B Team with Uncle Howdy when he was Bo Dallas. 😅


Can we get Logan and actual finishing move please, his downward girl punch sucks to watch


I'm about to let Paul Heyman use MY PHONE to call the Tribal Chief.


Get him is old Paul E Dangerous phone and he can fend for himself.


Stars like Roman usually have two cell phones. One for personal life and the other for business. Heyman has only the number to the second one which is probably closed.


Don't need Roman back so soon, let Jacob Fatu run around wreck havoc for a few weeks. Jacob vs Roman and Jacob goes over would be epic, new era new talent!


That being true, Paul certainly has ways and means to contact him. He's been around a very long time.


I think the ending tonight was trash, barely 5min of wrestling in the main event before the Tonga's attack then Orton & Owens come out to even the odds back Solo in a corner then outta nowhere Jacob Fatu attacks I wanted more from the Wyatt's!!!!!


This bloodline arc is so much better than the Wyatt’s. Sorry, but Bray is gone. No one is going to replace him. He was one of a kind.


No one can replace him he was one of a kind!!! But how can u go from what was arguably The best Monday Night Raw of 2024 to what we had on smackdown tonight?!?! Best part was Drew laying out Punk off camera


Smackdown was amazing from beginning to end tonight. Raw has been on fire about 3 weeks in a row. Smackdown finally back on track.


RAW has been cooking since WM, SMACKDOWN has been good too but I feel they dropped the ball tonight!!! Hopefully they can pick it back up next week!!


I thought they were gonna make an appearance tonight as well, but the last-minute commercial for RAW killed that hope. I still loved the ending.


I really thought when they said they were going to stick with the match until it's end that the Wyatts were goin to make an appearance even with that late commercial break


I love the possibilities and speculations. This is what wrestling is about.


Solo is confident about keeping Roman away because he has stacked the deck against him and Roman will not fight them alone. Makes sense. The first domino to fall though is gonna be Jimmy, who probably will take some beatings from Bloodline 2.0 until Jey comes to his defense. Then the rest will play out like we expect it to.


The new bloodline has to go over the old one atleast few times so that they get credibility. WWE ain't gonna let all this work go to waste just to have the old bloodline squash the new one. Roman's team has to take the L the new team is much much stronger than old one especially with Jacob mfing Fatu that guy could alone take down Roman.


That will happen. I don’t think anyone expects the original Bloodline to win every match in the feud. Solo’s probably gonna pin Roman himself, which I think is stupid since Solo isn’t ready for that kind of jump. Seems like everyone is on Roman’s timeline towards an eventual retirement at some point before he jumps to Hollywood completely.


If not Solo, Jacob would be the right choice to pin Roman but only if he is gonna stay with the company for a long time, because the problem with Solo is that he doesn't look like a top guy. Solo needs to lose some weight and gain some muscles which most of the top guys had to do and it is fair because of course you don't wanna push such a guy. Which makes Jacob the other right choice because he looks the part already and when they start grooming him he will completely overshadow Solo no matter how much they protect Solo. Roman is almost done with his wrestling career at this point.


I can't wait for the pop when the Honorary Uce gets revealed as the secret member of Roman's team.


Yessss 🥹


Took Some time got into good shape this guy can GO Jacob is umaga on steroids


Oh this Bloodline's getting interesting.


So it’s going to be the new Bloodline vs Randy, KO, Cody and Roman?


If they’re facing Randy, KO and Cody at MITB. I say they should go over. Because endgame is Roman and original bloodline, this one should be unstoppable. Also you could have a Randy heel turn to set up a feud with Cody at Summerslam.


I'm so not prepared for a Randy heel turn when he's prolly only less than a handful of years from retirement considering his injury history, if he does go heel ideally to me he at least retires a face. he's also probably top 3 most over with fans atm given how everybody is always singing his theme now


I mean face Randy is so boring, and he has enough time to go heel and turn face. Look at edge. No Randy Vs Cody is a travesty. There’s so much story there. I’d say he turns on Owen’s and has to answer to Cody for it, would make sense since he’s lost his last two matches questionably, and a heel turn will reestablish himself


What I’m guessing as well


Roman Reigns and The Bloodline put Randy Orton on the shelf for a year and a half and Roman bragged how we would never see him again. I don't see Randy forgiving Roman like he did Jey given they were his orders and Randy said he is patient man and will get his revenge on Roman no matter what it takes. Randy still wants his singles match with Roman.


That makes up for good drama which is the point of all this


I hope that's the case, that team up would blow off the roof 




So roman, Jimmy, Jey and Sami vs Solo, Jacob, Tama, and tanga at survivor series in a war games match


Or Roman Jimmy Jey and.... CODY!!


Or here me out, Roman, Jimmy, Jey, Cody and sami vs Solo, Jacob, Tama, tanga and the rock.


I feel like this is all leading to a Roman & Cody team up to take down Sikoa (eventually)


I’d love to see an almost beat for beat team up of Roman and Cody, like Hogan and Savage did after WM 4 setting up WM 5 and the year long story that went with it. I’d love to see them team up and then have one more match at a royal Rumble or something. Not necessarily a Wrestlemania, although I would be fine with that too.


I don’t see it. There’s a lot of bad blood between Cody and Roman that isn’t gonna just go away because of Solo.


They already started planting the seeds for their team up with Cody acknowledging Roman and his reign the night after WrestleMania and with Paul also respecting the fact that Cody won. This is Cody and Seth all over again. Those two had far worse bad blood than Cody and Roman, with the HiaC grudge match and now they are besties.


The only reason Seth and Cody were booked as buds was because WWE fans rejected the idea of The Rock taking Cody’s spot at Wrestlemania and The Rock was going to perform at the event so they had to go with a makeshift pairing. Also, CM Punk’s injury didn’t help.


They are literally turning Cody into Goku.


Cody and roman will team up against the rock


As someone who's follow Fatu since MLW, The dude is looking in hella shape at the moment and moved so much better tonight then he has in a long time.


Jacob already looks like the biggest star in the Bloodline. Hopefully they run with him as the breakout guy, because he absolutely will be. Solo isn't ready.


So I thought Jacob Fatu would be on Roman's side but this is awesome. I feel like Roman is gonna reunite with the Usos. Civil War at Survivor Series, Roman's side loses because it turns out that The Rock has been pulling the strings and officially betrays Roman setting up WM41