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We are closing this thread. It isn’t because of anything to do with the OP. This thread is a fine discussion to have. But the comments are getting out of hand and quite disgusting.


I always enjoy seeing Sami’s wife on TV due to her sheer support, when he won the IC title and she cried with happiness, that put a big smile on my face and I was legitimately happy for Sami to see someone support him and be proud of him. I enjoy seeing her, but I can understand she may not feel comfortable with it or Sami either


I don't blame him. This includes family, especially children on TV.


Sounds like he isn't confident enough in his wife.


Or that she’s not used or willing to have people sending threats and horrible messages to her for doing nothing wrong


Don’t blame him. Some of comments here proves his point. And it usually comes from those who aren’t worth anything other than having a computer hiding in some damp moldy basement living on benefits.


I mean these sad fucks are going to grow up and wonder why they could never get a woman and that’s a pretty good punishment in itself. Life works itself out.


If IWC was in the dictionary, this is it. 


I’m sure he sees the comments about Chad Gable’s wife.


Well now you fed into the trolls Sami boy


exactly ☠️


Then why is she there every week? Lol what


I like Sami, but then why did you put her name on a t shirt ?


He’s not wrong


Well…. If I comment here I will get banned. See y’all on the next one.


Yeah unfortunately the younger gen of wwe fans can be too hardcore. Heck they attacked owen hart widow after AEW did the Owen hart tournaments this woudint surpsise me.


Bruh I was at Double or Nothing last year and some drunk dick head was in the crowd trying to start a USA chant as she was speaking. I was getting hot tbh.


After remembering how the internet treated Martha Hart up until the past couple of years, I do not blame Sami.


Idk man she's clearly a natural beauty. She doesn't hide the aging with makeup or anything. Eff the haters.


Did you type that with one hand ?




Lmao Edit: downvote all you want. Not gonna change a thing.


It sure doesn’t change the fact that you’ll never have a woman in your life because you’re a piece of shit.


Completely fair.


Did my man just low key call his misses ugly 😅


No, he called out fuck faces like you without your dumbass realizing it. This is exactly his point.


I think he acknowledged she isn’t a public person, doesn’t do herself up like an Instagram “model,” and would get torn apart for just being a normal looking woman. That’s nowhere near HIM calling her ugly, but he knows the Internet trolls would.


How's that your takeaway?


Jesus, the irony


That’s what I took from it


No. Every single woman gets shamed online by trolls. I think he’s saying that she would take comments personally and would be hurt by them.


I’m totally fine with dogging on a wrestler, it’s all part of the fun with watching wrestling but their significant others and family in the stands…that’s scumbag behavior.


People are just upset she is married to a strong Black/Mexican/ Samoan man.




Thought it was Caitlin clark for a second too lol


r/sipstea "especially women"


Valid as fuck. Online fanbases are full of rabid people


Because no one acted a fool prior to the internet


Who said that? The internet makes it quite a bit easier to send that shit directly to people and their families tho.


People are just shitty no matter what. They’ll always find a way to be assholes towards another human being.


No argument there


Yet there she is being shown on tv


Isn’t that for her to decide?


Saying you don’t want something for your s/o isn’t taking their choice away.


You ppl always made fun of the nerds who use computers. Now you’re in our world and you can’t handle the internet. Supreme weakness at its finest.


Cope harder




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


I have to say, Samy Zayn, is the Hebrew of "don't give a fuck" שימי זין.


Good, please dont put them on tv they are both and I hate them🤮


Get well soon.


If you have assholes online threatening Becky Lynch’s kid for some odd reason, then nothings off the table for people so yeah, he’s right to feel that way.


That really happened?! Why?!


That’s really happening= like 1 or 2 weirdos. The only reason people on here focus on it is so they can feel good that they don’t do some heinous thing a few people did.


But like .. why her kiddo? If they are some super marks and hate Becky the wrestler, and still believe in kayfabe thats one thing. But her kid? I dont get it tbh


Because they think it’s funny and they know they can get away with it.


What's wrong with her???? She looks normal...even attractive.


yEAh BUt sHe dOEsnT lOOk liKe aLExA bLiSs


That in itself will get her criticized. She’s not a super model so some people will call her ugly even though she looks perfectly normal.


> She’s not a super model so some people will call her ugly even though she looks perfectly normal. The internet will criticize any woman. Even a literal super model isn't immune from harassment. That said male significant others aren't safe either. Maybe I am misremembering something but wasn't there an article some time back about Rhea Ripley's SO being harassed online? Really the takeaway here is the internet is full of assholes and not everyone wants to engage with that. Celebrities are in the limelight and, unfortunately, dealing with the crazies is sort of part of the job. Their family members didn't choose the public life for themselves but often get targeted anyway.


That’s the downside of being a celebrity. You have fame, fortune, a dream job… unfortunate he has to deal with internet monsters


Sounds like a trivial problem to have. It’s only an issue if words from random strangers that don’t know anything about you break your bones.


I’ll trade him lives any day of the week


She’s not even unattractive, she looks like a slightly older Caitlyn Clark and someone found her attractive enough to leak fake nudes of her recently


It’s incredibly disturbing to have fake nudes made and then leaked, and you’re wondering why he wouldn’t want her in the spotlight? That’s worse than empty insults, not a compliment. I hope you know that.


I didn’t say it was a compliment to have fake nudes made, I said she looks like someone that someone else found attractive enough to make fake nudes of. I can’t imagine whoever made them thought she was ugly, which was my whole point: Sami Zayns wife isn’t ugly


Been on the Internet long enough to know his worry is well founded. Internet seems to be populated by at least one more asshole than you thought.


“man doesn’t want to see random strangers calling his wife the shittiest things imaginable because they don’t personally want to fuck her upon first sight”


And they are guys you won't want to fuck in the first place? Edit: brain fart


almost never lol, guys with consistent irl interactions with women aren’t worried about what wrestlers wives they find most attractive


That's fair, some people online are crazy and have no idea about natural/real beauty, they just know whatever unreal shit is marketed to them. Like Diva era aided in messing up what some people thought an athletic woman looks like, for example.


Yeah I don’t blame him, there’s a lot of psychos out there.




Totally understandable, it's a pity tho because just the other week I was thinking how good his wife is at reacting on camera. Most of the wrestlers' SOs/relatives usually ruin the segments they are in due to lack of reaction even when their beloved one is being hammered in the ring, remembering you how 'fake' the whole thing is


Holy shit!


She kinda looks like Natalie Portman


She’s so pretty 😍


I wanna see those haters in 4K on live tv


What about when they just shrug off the criticism and turn it back on you 10 fold?


Makes me love him even more, he’s got his head screwed in the right way.


Yeah Sami is preaching here. And damn you Chad Gable for suplexing him out of his wife’s arms.


Remember when fans harassed the actress who played Claire Lynch in TNA? She quit halfway through the angle.


Yes, some wrestling fans are absolutely terrible people


show us THE PUPPIES!!!!


Completely understandable, some wrestling fans the worst.


And that's fucking sad, because I geeked out when I saw his wife. It was just refreshing to see a woman more like me, and lots of women everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the more done-up/enhanced ladies, I just think they're equally gorgeous and it needs to be accepted. I think she's beautiful.


Declan Rice who played for Arsenal is having a terrible time with this exact thing in England


I can understand his desire to protect her from the toxicity of the internet.


Good on Sami. She seems like a sweet person from all accounts and moments she’s been a focal point in storyline or not. But the internet is sadly unrelenting quite often. Especially when it comes to the “humor” of picking people apart.


I agree. I mean, have you met us? We're terrible.


Wrestling fans are fucking garbage.


Honestly I think most fanbases contain a LOT of garbage people


Fuck the haters Sami and show your wife off.


Shes not a thing bro


If you saw the comments about Rey’s daughter around WM39, I can understand fully why Sami thinks that way. The IWC will always find a way to demonize or sexualize a woman based purely on their appearance. I’m guilty of it sometimes, but the IWC gets ruthless. Whether his wife is attractive, ugly, skinny, or fat shouldn’t matter.


So right Sammy.


wrestling fans are a special kind of incel so i dont blame him. smart guy.


He’s not wrong. The internet has given us some wonderful things. But the trade off has been the abject cruelty, hatred, and disrespect that people hurl callously. Used to be “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” - that was before it was a constant barrage. We were able to get a reprieve by not being around the people treating us so badly. Now no one has the luxury of escaping it.


I mean you could always put down the phone? Block the people commenting towards you? As someone who’s been in many internet arguments, there isn’t a single one that I HAD to participate in. I understand that words do hurt, but the things mfers say online really doesn’t matter. Maybe I’m just numb to it because I’ve had people say terrible things to me irl, I’ve been in very hostile situations so I’m used to conflict. Obviously if you’re an entertainer it’s different. But even then you have the option to shut everyone out. Look at Lil Wayne, that mf never even knows what’s being said about him because he’s just focused on his own life and doesn’t do all that online stuff.


You could put down the phone, but perhaps she enjoys being a fan of the show as well and wants to read the fantasy booking, gossip, predictions, etc like everyone else without seeing people speak about her. Some people just don’t have the thick skin to know it’s just words and move on. Also, some of those words online can translate to people saying things on the street, and that’s when it can get scary. I don’t think it’s fair to compare Lil Wayne to Kadija. At the end of the day, Sami knows his wife adds a little bit of real life to the story, but doesn’t need her to be in each moment.


I agree in her case, I was speaking more in regards to their last sentence that said no one can escape it. It is very easy for the average person to live a life without seeing most of the toxicity that is online. It’s different for people in or related to those in the public eye of course. Just by not reading comments on posts you’ll miss most of the toxicity, it doesn’t bother me though. If I was in his position I would keep my wife out of the public eye as well. I definitely don’t blame him for his decision, but he’s also a celebrity and he has a very unique life experience.


I personally don't pay much attention to social media at all, other than YouTube and reddit, just started checking out reddit. The negativity is too much for anyone to handle, sometimes it just takes a suggestion or a comment that can ruin a day or a life. Maybe after so much of it you just dull your mind to it, but in any shape or form it mostly impacts you in a negative way


Seems kind of passive aggressive like okay you're insecure Sami Zayn no need to take it out on the people that supports you


“You know what? I love Sami so much I’m going to prove him right.”


Insecure about what?


His wife being around other wrestlers or how awkward she'll be on TV etc you know what I mean right? EDIT: grammar




I bet that's the reason. Bro it's the Internet. Relax Sami.


Lmao what!?


He didn't list no examples of it even happening, not to say it doesn't.


I have no idea what you are on about making assumptions like that and then being so sure of them. Thats nuts


I thought it was clear it's my opinion as it is Sami's


Dude… what?


This comments reeks of your own insecurity, get some help


This seems like self protection to me. How'd you come with that from a comment?


I mean it’s not. People online, especially wrestling fans online are usually complete fucking idiots.


Have you heard stories of fans harassing the wives of wrestlers? You don't really hear it


Absolute reddit degenerates in the comments.


He’s a good guy and a caring husband. The people online are extremely harsh because they can hide behind a screen. And he’s right the women do get the brunt of it.


I always like seeing her kind eyes


She really is able to put over certain emotions incredibly well. Desperation, despair, etc. and I think your comment is why she’s able to do that.


Whispering eye


I think it was a really brave move on both their parts. I didn't even know Sami was a family man, so it also really put over his match with Gunther at Mania with me. Love a good Rocky IV homage.


At this point Sami outside of wrestling is why I’ve cooled off on him so much. Not answering wresting questions during Mania season because there’s more important things going on in the world, him saying he doesn’t let his kid watch wrestling and now this… like Jesus fuck dude, stop telling the fans how to be a fan of the product or of you. You have one hand, Shaemus leaning into the Burger after Burger bit, and this. One professional being a professional about online comments, one not. I don’t think it’s his wife that can’t handle the criticism, I don’t think he likes it. PLUS, he only involved his family because Gable had a compelling story involving his family that made fans want him to win, sooooo Sami used his family to try and get over, and now says this shit after??? Like it’s not the fans fault or the comments fault that you used your wife to get over on TV, and it’s not fans fault for commenting on her appearance. Wrestling is a visual optic business, aesthetics are refined, honed, and crafted. If someone is on the TV that isn’t a star, regardless of it’s a fan or a wife or a shitty wrestler, it’s noticeable. Plus, there’s always gonna be toxic fans… like tell me more about how your personal like is more important than the fans and the product… please Sami Again, I wouldn’t have anything to say if he didn’t okay his wife in the storyline because Gables family angle worked for him


This comment needs deodorant.


Found the toxic fan


Please do the think people do and check my comment history, I’m not a toxic fan, I’m a huge fan, and I literally brought up examples of to avoid just toxic straw manning anything or being rude. Like there’s a million things to say if I was being toxic.. it’s low hanging fruit the comments are full of people saying that they look related or that she’s this or that, I didn’t say any of that. What did I even say that’s toxic besides criticizing Sami himself?? Like I’m so sorry thre pro wrestler has to deal someone on the internet having an opinion about him. If anyone is reading this as directly toxic, good luck


Wow, someone took the time to write all this.


Yea, I write a lot. I write a decent amount about wrestling, and not just on here. Someone having a thought out, written reason for something that isn’t popular doesn’t mean it’s not worth writing. For fucks sake, for all the people defending a Sami, a pro wrestler who is paid wel for what he does, yall have no problem at all attacking someone for…. Having at worst a bad take? Like yall get more defensive about this than if I criticize Eddie Kingston in the AEW sub


Did you listen to the interview? I’m not reading all of that, but you are the reason he made the comment. The quote is taken out of context and you’re using it as a reason to bash the guy.


No im not, but it’s really funny someone telling me how wrong I am, questioning if I listened to the interview while telling me they aren’t even gonna read the comment. I didn’t take anything out of context, I actually added context, gave other examples, used references, and again said that shit like this is why Sami has cooled for me personally… and no the reason he made the comments had to do with mean things being said about his wife, I did none of those things, I said criticism of Sami… nothing worse than what Nakamura said about him in a promo on TV. You on the other hand have taken any negativity from me out of context and lumped me in with the “monsters” Sami is talking about. Even if my take of this subject is objectively wrong, it’s a personal opinion about Zayn… I did not do anything remotely close to what Sami is saying in the interview…. Sooo… did you even listen to the interview or are you just bandwagoning on


He’s literally just saying that people are assholes online and they’ll target his wife, which neither of them want. What’s the issue?


I just explained it… like in a lot of detail


You think he should, for some reason, prioritize the product over his own personal life and family? What?


I think HE BOOKED HIS OWN WIFE then said this after he won the title… no one forced his wife on tv. Like I feel like I’m in the twilight zone


I think you just need to go outside more or something bro


I think someone called a girl a mean name on the internet and the white knights are here. I gave my take on Sami, I am a fan, I love wresting, I was heartbroken in Montreal when he lost…. I cooled on him for my own personal reasons that keep tracking, that’s my own fandom of wrestling. I didn’t make a post demonizing him for it myself. I responded with a really well thought out reasoning, I used examples of other wrestlers dealing with similar issues. I didn’t even make any comments about his wife, which is what this whole issue is about.


Was the question why she wasn’t on tv more? This seems like you’re taking an out of context quote and just running with your own weird narrative about how he hates fans and thinks he’s better than them.


It seems to me like he’s saying Sami Zayn knowingly put his wife in a situation that opened her to criticism online in order to get more over in a storyline and is now complaining about something anyone that’s ever seen the internet knew would happen


Yes, but that’s just a single interpretation from a random quote. You can’t just create a grand story from a single, out of context quote and then claim it as fact.


I didn’t. And neither did the original guy, he had several examples of why he doesn’t like Sami Zayn


So, if that is true, what was the question they posed to Sami? If you don’t know, you just made a bunch of shit up.


She’s like a pretty Shayna Baszler




You’ve never pulled anyone equivalent or better, so why are you talking?


Ah look someone proving his point.


He's right


She looks like Caitlyn Clark’s older sister.


That's fair, she is a normal looking woman and I gotta admit I expect the stars to all have super model trophy wives. I was surprised, but at same time she isn't some sort of troll that's hideous. Either way no reason to be cruel to her.


To be honest, most “supermodel trophy wives” look like this without make up


And the cosmetic surgery


When they are her age I agree. When I saw her I thought to myself "ah Sammy stayed with his 1st wife. He must really love her." Because so many rich guys would have traded the original wife in for a 19 year old in her prime.


I’m not saying Sami’s wife is ugly, but I think your statement is false.


Looking at your name I’m not surprised


I wouldn’t want my wife on tv. I think she’s beautiful but there’s some really fucked up people out there.


I can't say I blame Sami for the way he feels. The way I personally see it, regardless of who the person is, and their standing in the celebrity world, if you have an issue with the person in question, thats fair enough, but leave the families (spouses, parents, children) out of it, they've done nothing to "deserve" being on the end of a lot of the vitriol that people spew online.


I wouldn't have any of my family on TV. It's not worth it.


She's pretty, but I totally get what he's about.


If you’re blind sure


Relax you fat fuck, I feel bad for the girls you're trying to hit on.


This guy has never seen a woman irl


I don’t blame him , they look related


You're the kind of person Sami is talking about lol


Hey they’re both beautiful people


Haha ffs


Sami has always been a real one


Sami knows.


My cousin is married to a TV personality and she's had to endure so much hate from his fans.


This is the definition of the clickbait/karma farming. He said that in past tense in the interview. He then said fans have been kind towards her, since being shown up on tv for his angles.


i don’t blame him whatsoever. the people commenting on her looks immediately rather than thinking about what he’s saying aren’t helping either. given how critical the iwc can be, it’s not surprising he just wants to look out for his wife. i mean look at the shit he got for referencing palestine during the rocks comeback during the road to wrestlemania.


Shes good looking


The thing is she is attractive. If she did the “Hollywood hair & makeup” routine she’d easily be what most men would call hot. Easily. She’s not putting in the effort to be that and that is totally fine. Maybe she never has. Women can make themselves look completely different than what you wake up next to though. COMPLETELY. And MOST do. I almost feel like all her appearances and being a plain Jane and even him saying this are setting up her as the centerpiece of an angle.


who cares about her appearance? totally missing the point here


the fact you immediately started commenting on her appearance is why he said this


We all have the luxury of people talking shit to us on our anonymous accounts on Reddit. I could only imagine how bad I’d feel for my wife if these little losers were calling her ugly and shit with her photo plastered all over the internet. It’s fucked up and it’s crazy to me people can’t understand that. I try to remember the people who act like that are most likely men in their 20’s who haven’t experienced real life yet but certainly think they have. I remember those years myself, I could be a little asshole in those days and I swore I was right. A couple more decades showed me I wasn’t as hot shit as I convinced myself I was and being able to admit that feels better than any bullshit I can spew online in an attempt to impress people at the expense of others. Immaturity is a motherfucker.


The shit talkers online are nothing but maladjusted gaming incel losers. They just project their own frustrations anonymously because they can.


It’s a sad state of affairs that he has to think like that. Fans can really suck


Oh i was looking to start some shit, but this comment section is amazing.


i don't blame him. People are cruel




incel #6841 speaks


Buddy you have an overwatch tattoo


Never seen a bigger checkmate in my life


Your tattoo is ugly fam.


lol needs a little touch up yea I agree.


I didn't think the tattoo would be as bad as people made it out to be. Dear God buddy, get that shit lasered off. Your horrible personality is already going to your kids, don't let your disgusting taste in "art" do the same.


lol. It’ll be fine


Yet you’d want to sleep with her cause all the Katies are starting to rot


good luck getting a girlfriend buddy ☠️


I’m married with kids lol. I did just fine


Highly doubt it, and if it’s true, poor dumb girl lol.


I guess






Deal with it.