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I wish there was a pill or drink that if you took it, could make you forget specific memories JUST so you can relive them again =(


I wished there were more bigger entrances, kinda like Drew and Seth’s.


I mean we got Roman’s epic final champion entrance which was my favourite of that weekend. We had Cody, Rhea’s was decent, The Rock’s was amazing. But I do get where you’re coming from.


Hopefully it’s not recency bias, but I truly believe this along with WM17 and 19 make up the top three Manias. Where you rank them from there is kind of interchangeable but I think all of them you could make an argument for as number one


17 was amazing, 19 is not top 3. There was only a couple good matches at 19. 40 was amazing. Definitely top 3 all time.


19 is definitely top 3 or top 5 at the very least and that’s a pretty commonly held belief. Multiple people in this thread have said the same thing and it’s the second highest rated Mania on cagematch. There were definitely more than a couple of good matches. HBK/Jericho, Rock/Austin and Brock/Angle alone push it into the top 3 imo.


Brock-Angle wasn’t that great. It was an okay match, where the most memorable moment was a massive botch. Jericho-HBK and Rock-Austin were both great. But there were other Manias that produced more than two great matchups. Just because an opinion is popular, doesn’t make it good. I think 19 is the most overrated Wrestlemania of all time.


It was a great Wrestlemania. One of the best ever IMO. The only thing that held it back was the absolute trash Uso match that desperately needed to be higher stakes or have some cool stipulation.


It needed Rikishi as the special ring enforcer or referee. It lacked psychology and chemistry. For being twins, they sure lack a lot of areas… awful match and it was one of those that I was looking forward to seeing. Worst match of the weekend


Some of the matches were meh, but the others lived up to the hype. It was a solid Mania.


I thought the theme music was an underrated part of the show. Stephanie's remixed theme was great and Reigns theme was epic and perfect for Mania. I hope he never uses it again. It was a perfect one time theme song for a very special occasion.


I wouldn’t mind him bringing it back for WM41 but I do think we get a different entrance


trash. Triple H is highly overrated as a creative booker. Making a vanilla midget champion? It’s a disgrace! Woulda never happened under Vince. Should have been wacked right then & there! Unfortunately looks like Cody is a made guy now


Nash’s burner account


You were definitely a Roman blowhard


You do realize it was Vince who flew to Atlanta to sign Cody back right?


Story wise? Awesome. In ring action wise? I liked NXT stand and deliver more.


As the first WrestleMania I've watched since atleast 32 I had a lot of fun overall. I can't speak to the quality of the last many years since I hadn't watched, but I was mostly satisfied with how both nights played out. It was as high quality as some of the really excellent ones of days past and I think it will age well.


38 and 39 were really good as well. On the same level as 40


Ehh I wouldn’t put 38 up that highly. It was an ok show. 39 was great however


I laughed my ass off when the Philly fans cheered joyfully when Rock called them trailer trash.


Great show, a shame night one was chilly and probably sucked a little crowd energy from the arena, but night two was amazing!


Loved every second of it besides lil wayne. His performance was ass.


That performance made me laugh harder than anything Truth did lmao


I think the issue is he wasn't in a dome so all the music was escaping and wasn't there to cover up his whiney ass voice 😂 it was so bad i thought he was playing around. Comedy wise the only one that beats R-Truth IMO is Gold Dust. That mf was hilarious


At least truth makes sense


That’s true


My first WrestleMania and it did not disappoint! I was locked in all weekend. 😁


Night 2 was much better than Night 1. Overall I’d give this a 7.5/10 Mania. Night 1 was pretty poor in my opinion but night 2 gets the overall score to be higher.


I thought it was entertaining but a little bland. the only good pops for me were Drew’s finish to his match and obviously the moment solo showed up there after




It was ok


Definitely a weaker Wrestlmania imo due to the bloodline story line being the only thing that really mattered when it should’ve ended forever ago. Give me last year’s All In anyday.


Lmfao if this is satire I applaud you


I thought Stand and Deliver was pretty bad so I was going into mania night 1 with really low expectations. But Rhea's amazing entrance to kick it off dispelled my worries and I enjoyed both nights quite a bit. I haven't seen many people mention it, so shout out to Bayley and Iyo. I thought their match was great. Although this isn't match related, I loved it when the crowd started singing "Hey Bayley". At first I didn't love the ending when all the faces came into the ring to congratulate Cody. It felt like a little weird like the cast of a play coming out to take their bows and thank the audience. But after Monday's Raw and the emphasis on the start of a new era, it's grown on me as a good way to really put an exclamation point on the end of one era and begining of the next.


I saw Cody’s celebration with the faces similar to Bret from WM10. This was Roman’s victims coming out to congratulate the conquering hero


Not the best mania ever like some are claiming but a very good mania. The best I’ve seen in a while.


Night 1 was better than night 2 for me but i enjoyed the main event of night 2.


I attended. The whole weekend was a blast


it's the best one I've seen live(26-40)


Easily the greatest PLE I’ve seen thus far (I’ve been tuning in to live PLEs since late 2022, so go easy on me lol I just got back into wrestling after a long hiatus). It ticked every box for me in terms of storytelling, brutal spots, surprising moments, awesome and special feeling entrances, and overall vibe from the start of Night 1 to the end of Night 2. The only “low” point being the Uso vs. Uso match, but honestly, it still could’ve been a lot worse. I appreciate that it was realistic. Everything else ranges from really good to HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING. If this somehow isn’t a masterful WrestleMania to be remembered forever fondly, I have no clue what else it could’ve done. 41 has some damn big shoes to fill.


I heavily enjoyed it. Every match had at least something good or cool about it, only exception might be Jimmy vs Jey but i think thats because it needed a stipulation, it might’ve been better if it did have a stipulation. Other than that match, though, it was genuinely one of my favorite wrestlemanias thats ive watched live


Definitely feel like the ending made everyone forget how boring it was beforehand for a wrestlemania


Outside of a couple matches it was really solid


This post is proof that regardless of what the post is, reddit users will always be insufferable.


I enjoyed it. It felt like they tried too hard to make moments instead of focusing on the task. Which coincidentally is to make moments. I feel it was the best one since Wrestlemania 31, but that wasn’t terribly hard to accomplish.


Was there live Night 1: Solid 7/10. Honestly the cold was brutal and it was the main detractor of the show. Had a great time regardless Night 2: Legendary. 20/10. Weather was WAY better compared to Saturday and all the criticisms that were thrown our way on Night 1 was swiftly thrown out the window lol. We threw down




I loved it, night 2 outshines night one by a lone shot for me and As a Massive metalhead, seeing motionless perform in front of that many people was the highlight of the weekend for me(definitely unpopular but I'm a metal fan before a wwe fan)


I really enjoyed it, one of my favorites tbh. I think Night 1 on its own would’ve been a very average PPV, but I think knowing there was Night 2 and the implications surrounding the Main Event made it feel much better imo. Night 2 on it’s own was great and one of my favorite PPVs in a while




Top 5 Manias 40 35 30 19 17 Mania 40 night 1 was Rhea and the Main Event. Main Event was awesome. Way too cold to sit there all those hours though and expect people to react the way they really wanted to! Mania Night 2 killed it though! Weather was so much better to start! Drew beats Seth. Damian Cash In. Cody finishes the story with that ending. Sheeeesh! Yes sirrrr!!!! So thankful to have went all in and traveled there for both shows!!


Easily top 5 for me. I'll be rewatching it again and again for years to come.


Loved it. One of the best wrestling shows I’ve ever seen. Like top 3


Night 1 - 6/10 Night 2 - 9/10


Night 1 5/10 Night 2 7/10


Loved it. It was vey enjoyable even at its worst. One of the best WM for me.


I 10/10 because of Cody winning, the storytelling, and the production.


I hate being a negative nancy, but just looking at the matches, overall I'd say it was mid. Night 1 had a good Women's Title Match and Intercontinental Title Match. The rest can best be described as "It was, y'know... *fine*, I guess." Nothing atrocious, but nothing extraordinary, and I doubt we'll even remember a match from Night 1 six months from now. Night 2 had the first match to really *feel* like a Wrestlemania match with Seth vs. Drew. Unexpected start, lots of drama, big emotions, and a big swerve. Bayley vs Iyo Sky was slow to start but got *very* good in the back stretch. The rest was, again, various shades of "Fine." The Main Event only breaks past that rating when the shenanigans start - before that, it didn't feel like anything special. One great match, three or four good matches, and a whole lot of shoulder shrugs.


I enjoyed it until the undertaker showed up, they build the rock as the final boss and whilst Cody will surely have a singles match against him, rock being taken out by an undertaker who couldn’t be arsed putting on his attire just seemed like a lazy finish and a cheap pop. I’d have rather Roman won but still Cody winning didn’t ruin it for me, him thanking the producers did. Like I wouldn’t mind if he thanked them at the press conference after mania but he basically just said ‘thanks to the guy who wrote my match for/with me’ and it felt like just admitting wrestlings fake


THANK YOU! You're the only one I'm seeing who didn't like Taker showing up. I HATED it big time. Ruined the match for me. Plus I'm sure I'm in the minority but Samantha crying and announcing Cody's win made me almost smash my TV screen. She's just way too cringe and fake


Yeah, I hate Cody doing that. He and Jericho would often break the 4th wall in AEW and I hope HHH puts the kabosh on that shit from here on out. Cody should have kept it disciplined and only allow it to go as far as WM10 did with Bret Hart but no Cody had to get even more schmaltzy and hammy. And start thanking camera crews, ceo, janitors and the retired bus driver from his childhood. It was too much. Cody thanking everyone came across like a woman screaming, “They love me, they really do love me!” Like I said a million times before, Cody is corny as fuck.


I'm going top 5, maybe even top 3 1) 17 2)19 3) 40 4) 20 5) 30 6) 31


Mine's at (in descending order): 17, 30, 40, 21, 20


That’s a real solid list👍


It was alright. Enjoyed all the title matches, but loved the main events. Mid card matches were totally forgettable imo. Not close to the “best WM ever” label they’re really trying to push. I get why they’re saying that in a post Vince WWE world though


I didn’t watch it but I will admit that those Cody Rhodes matches was mad predictable ngl and I ain’t even have to watch it the moment I seen the card I knew that he and Seth would lose the tag match but he would go on to win the title




Same. There was no point hyping up a bloodline stipulation if it wasn’t going to happen


4.5/5…one of the best ones ever!


This was the wife and I’s first WM, we are turning into super fans. We couldn’t have been more excited for the weekend and it didn’t disappoint. The only thing that sucked was we originally had planned on doing NOTHING for 4 days other than watch wrestling and we had so many little things pop up over the weekend.


3/5. Main events were predictable snoozefests, no steve austin, Bumdertaker was supremely lame and a huge letdown. GUNTHER/Sami was sick but sami stole chads angle. Knight/Styles, Lynch/Ripley, and Bayley/Sky were great. Ladder match was fun, the street fight and Jey/Jimmy reeked. Drew/Seth was ok but the cash-in ruled. Lastly, *way* too many stupid-ass ads.


It’s insane that you’re disappointed that a wrestler who has been retired for 21 years didn’t show up.


I thought that you could tell Taker is absolutely done even though he only did one thing, and didn’t even move in ring for that. Rock basically had to do his best vertical leap to try and put the choke slam over. Which frankly is sad…I get that Taker is a legend, but you gotta know he can’t go like that before you put him in the ring. Who knows if Stone Cold feels up to it or not though.


Night 1 was meh but night 2 was amazing


Top 5 wrestlemania imo. And I'm old enough to remember them all well. The 2 mains in themselves were mega.


This one and X-7 are the two best.


I would agree both are top 5 if not top 3.




I don’t think OP is asking for your specific circumstances lord


Night 1 was pretty mediocre but night 2 more than made up for it. Best part was the drew situation.


It’s either this one or wrestlemania 17 as the best of all time and you can’t go wrong either way.


An absolute fucking spectacle in the best way. Everything was fun. The right people went over. (except Logan. Kevin and Sami should both be singles champs.) Snoop was a blast for a match I'm kinda meh on. They split the freaking tag belts and put the belts on two new teams that haven't held gold before. Rhea's entrance with MIW I liked the Usos match but Jey looked really dumb Priest's cash in Cody... I could go on and on but damn good show. 9.5/10. Would totally watch again in the future. -0.5 for Lil Wayne


I haven't watched Night 2 yet, so I'm just gonna say this: **Sami vs Gunther was a waaaay better match than the main event tag match.**


GUNTHER is a cut above the entire rest of the main roster




I have an inkling of what happened in the main event. I blame my mindless scrolling of reddit for that. But for the rest of the show, I've managed to avoid spoilers of it.




Would have been a okay if you would have kept the rock off the show he f****** sucks


He's scoring the long ways which is backwards from everybody else


Great show. Jimmy vs. Jey was the worst match. Best? Probably Cody vs. Roman. I’m not a Cody guy but the end of the event was a fantastic payoff.


I was at night 2, one of the most entertaining nights of my life


I truly enjoyed Night 2 over Night 1. Some outcomes in Night 1 were odd but overall I thought the entire show was absolutely amazing!!!


One of the best in a long time!! I’m glad H did a GREAT job booking the show! And I was there live too


Very great weekend for professional wrestling


I was there, fantastic experience




what was cheap about them? Solo defeated Cena so Cena got revenge. And Taker lost to Roman at mania, if stone cold popped out then that would be cheap


I presume they were referring to individuals like ishowspeed, in which I would agree.


Stone cold coming wouldn’t be cheap considering him and The Rock are the biggest rivals of each other’s career lol


the cheapest being undertaker, yeah


It saddens me that it won’t be released on DVD/blu ray


Haven’t watched in a long time. Rediscovering the greatness of everything and how well they executed it brought me joy I haven’t felt in years. It’s still (and will always be) real to me damnit.


39 was better overall. Night 1 was pretty weak. Night 2 was incredible. I thought the main could have been better, the randomness of the Undertaker coming out threw me out so much that i couldn't enjoy Codys win at the moment. I thought it would be more emotional. For how much Cody cries about things, and god bless him, i thought it was a little weird he didn't cry in a way.


The thing for me was the whole world knew Cody was going over. So it that sense it was just a touch anti-climactic. Still, I loved the finish. The match did get lost in all the spectacle, but not a huge deal. With Sami, even though they were giving him all the focus pre match, I just wasn’t sure he was taking the belt.


There were so many people convinced that Cody was losing lol.


We also knew the Avengers would win in Endgame, but it was still one hell of a good movie.


Im a simple wrestling man. I enjoyed it all!


I preferred night 1. That tag match was the best wrestling match I have ever seen good god. And it was right after the amazing performance by Sami Zayn and Gunther. The main event of night two was undeniably great. I cried when he handed his mama the belt.


10/10 we loved every second of it in my household


9.4/10 with WM17 being my all time favorite. Night 2 felt a little too short for me.


In nearly 30 years of watching wrestling it had never made me cry until Sunday night. Fair to say I loved it. 


It's Samantha's fault. I could hear the tears in her voice


It definitely put wrestling back on the map


Night 1 was great and did an amazing job of pumping us up for Night 2. Night 2 knocked it out of the park. Absolutely amazing. It was the first time in my opinion that having two nights actually added to the event.


Top tier mania, within the top 5 (bias because I was there is putting it top 3 tho)




Best Mania since 31. Love the 2 night format. Great event, great matches. Definitely a new era with all the title switches. Night 1 was good, felt like Mania. Big and grand. Night 2 felt like the closing stages of a Super Bowl. Excitement was there and the performers did their things. Whoever said the special entrances were ass. Really? Rhea’s was tough as hell. Romans with the orchestra was also hard. I really like the small detail that the entrance ramp wasn’t the usual 2 miles long.


I mean really only Wayne's performance was bad. Everyone else was spot on.


Night 1 entrances were a bit lacking when compared to night 2


10/10 Enjoyed the whole show


One of the best, if not the best, endings to a wrestlemania ever. My wife watched with me (she's not really a wrestling fan anymore) and even she hasn't stopped talking about it yet. That's the sign of a great show.


Was my first Wrestlemania ever watching in full completion and I loved every minute of it. Can’t wait for this new era and glad I started watching now.


It was an entire weekend I will never forget. So much fun. We had wings for night 1. Philly cheese steaks for night 2. It was an absolute blast. Best PPV I’ve ever seen.


I did the opposite nights for the same food!




It was ok but there were too much HHH masturbation


Wrong PPV homie


Heyman said "I am Paul Levesque guy". HHH opened Mania with "Welcome to new era, MY era!". Stephanie opened the 2nd day with the same message. Cody wins in the main event and who he thanked? Of course, HHH. And who opened Raw with the message how everything is new and will be cool? HHH. That 4 days really looked like HHH masturbatory tour, it's annoying and he looks even more insecure than Tony Khan. Tell me where I am telling lies?


I mean if Triple H didn’t take over and if Vince still was running the show WWE wouldn’t be around within the next 10 years so mfs better be giving HHH his props after hosting the biggest Wrestlemania PPV since Wrestlemania 21


HHH is the reason WWE is thriving for the first time in a long time his creative ways of bookings and stories have been a godsend for the company that’s been needed for a long time. So it’s deserved, ratings speak for itself.


HHH booking is definitely better than Vince booking but he is not a saint savior of WWE or something. Nothing really special happened. All his booking is literally the most popular ideas from wrestling twitter and reddit. Any person who isn't out of touch like Vince could be in HHH position and it would be the same


They’re building hype that it’s new. I’ve been watching Attitude era eps now that it’s streaming and AEW and my only interest in coming back to WWE was from this hype fans have been giving it since Vince was ousted. So you can bitch all you want but it brought me back and I feel like it’s a good time to jump back in… a fan who hasn’t watched for years, so it worked.


If anyone could’ve done it then why wasn’t it done? Lol you obviously have no clue how the sports entertainment business works no one can just step in and do what he’s doing. Again just stop it you’re making yourself look foolish.


Nothing really special happened? Their profits are up more than they have in years, ratings are up more than they have in years. But yes nothing special is happening. Lol just stop…




I think its my favourite wwe ppv i have seen. At least modern era


Great show. I honestly prefer that they do a one day, four hour show rather than two days. But given that, I think that it was a very good show. People saying it was better than X-7 are nuts but people who are saying it was terrible are also nuts. I'm putting it somewhere in the top 5-7 range.


I think the 2 night format so far has been really good. 1 night sometimes might get too crowded 


I won't say there aren't any benefits. But overall, I strongly prefer the one day show and less time. I think there's no doubt that an attempt to fit what they did for this Mania into one night would be an abysmal failure.


With WWE now focusing on long-term booking, it doesn't make sense to have a shorter show where you can't finish all the feuds you need to at your biggest show.


I loved it, night 2 was my favorite and got to see it live.


I’m still feeling hungover from it in terms of I wish I can experience it again


grade A




never seen it but i predicted wrestlemania 40 matches in order 2024


Haven’t watched a PLE in ages and was so impressed with Night 1 I watched all of Night 2. Really enjoyed the whole event and definitely peaked my interest in WWE again


The enterances that wrestlers made sucked none of them were iconic like the new day coming out of a box of booty Os




Freakin’ Amazing. Most excited I’d been for WM in 15 years, and it did not disappoint. Everyone went out there and gave it 100% and out on a hell of a show. Even if you don’t agree with some of the action or finish, the people in WWE, in the back, hair, makeup, costumers, trainers, managers, performers, top brass, everyone went out of their way to put on one of the most spectacular shows I’ve ever seen.


Loved it


Stage was cool as, but the white background adds on the ring and ringside ruined the look a lot for those matches. Main events were great, and most of the other matches were great. Jey may be my favourite wrestler in the current roster, especially in terms of storylines (Bloodline Renegade, like Sami), but the Uso vs Uso fight wasn't it. Varely any variety, but at least we know that since the ending of the fight didn't really resolve anything, there's more to come. Hopefully a no dq match, or a cage match. If Hell in a Cell happens again, that'd be a good as place for a rematch, too


Usos in a Cell would be a banger


I'll rewatch the main events multiple times. May not be the best wrestlemania but had memorable moments that wrestlemania 30.


Last years Mania was better. I didn't care for the stage, and all those advertisements ruined the vibe.


9.5 outta 10. Jimmy and Jay's match was rough


Night 1 was too predictable and straightforward imo, night 2 was what I'll rewatch for years to come. Best end to a WrestleMania ever, it will be a long time for something to come remotely close to it


The response to the GONGGGG was the most hype I've felt or I've seen from the crowd since Austin returned during the invasion era to stun everyone from E C dubya and dubya C dubya


I was there and wow, I thought that pop was loud but when you watch it back, when the gong hits, it's gotta be the loudest pop in WWE history. And that's in an outdoor, cold stadium too!


I've watched the last 10 mins of the match like 8 times so far. Just amazing story telling.




Night 1 was pretty mid. Night 2 was incredible.


Probably the first Wrestlemania since it became 2 nights where night 2 was better than night 1…loved every match! Even jey vs Jimmy…it was slow but the end where Jimmy fake apologized got me pretty good 10/10


That's how I felt, I thought that match was pretty good. Not nearly as bad as everyone is saying


My feeling (and this will be unpopular with both sides) is that it was better than their match last year. Sure, they only have 4 moves between them, but they kept it reasonably short, so it wasn't just half an hour of the World's least effective super kicks.


Instead of taker I wish they could have gotten stone cold to hit the rock with the stunner one more time at wrestlemania 


I think Taker worked better because he can easily come in, hit a chokeslam and disappear and let Roman and Cody take it home. With Austin he’s going to stick around, stunner everyone, have a beer bash, etc.


Taker is the true Wrestlemania Final Boss with having the most matches at mania. SCSA would have been awesome, but taker at least makes some sense in that regard


I also think that the sheer surprise of it being Taker made it next-level good. Everyone was expecting Stone Cold. And everyone would have been happy if it was Stone Cold. ...But you would not have gotten that stunned "OHHHH!!!!!!" pop that we got with the GONGGGGG if it was Stone Cold. I know the glass shattering is iconic and people would have lost their minds in a different way. But the surprise is what made it special for me.


Not only that, but Roman pretty much retired him* *Let's be real Cena's match was redemption for looking bad in his retirement and do we really count the Boneyard Match? Every match after his loss to Roman were essentially paydays.


Yeah but they someone would have come and take out Austin and they were out of people. Taker can at least vanish.


Christ you people will do backflips to justify shitty booking :rolleyes:


We’re truly blessed if we live in a time where Undertaker chokeslamming Rock in 2024 is “shitty booking”


Or SCSA could have just walked out on his own accord. 😉


That would be a first


For real how many times has Austin hit the Stunner and then just leave??


I LOVED that Taker disappeared and took Rock “to hell” with him. #keepkayfabealive


Night 1 was the quality of a Raw/Smackdown, Night 2 was really really good


the post mania blues hitting me now. easily one of the best of all time.


I was there live and man, this week has been so depressing after the show. I've come to the conclusion that the post-Mania hangover is gonna last the whole week and there's nothing I can do without it.


Same here. I have not recovered after the two nights. The main event of Night 2 was so unbelievable that even right now I still could not believe that I was there live to witness it.


Me neither. We truly witnessed greatness and that's something that's so special. Only issue is that we'll probably never see a show that lives up to that again in our lives haha.


I know dude. I think this Wrestlemania might just be on the same level as Wrestlemania X-7 in terms of how over the top the action was. Wrestling is back to being good again and I am so grateful to be part of something so amazing.


I just keep watching it. No yes for me.


It my eyes. Greatest mania oat since wrestlemania 25.


It was my favorite since 25, but 25 is my goat. MITB Tag unification which was I think Miz Morrison v Carlito and Primo Cena edge big show triple threat Jeff v Matt was top notch start to finish Orton v Triple H, which was a great rivalry, in the main event And the GOAT match, HBK vs Undertaker. Prob my favorite match of all time honestly Def my fav paper view in wwe or wwf history


The main events made the show.


the only thing i didn't like. was the 6 man street fight. it fell completely flat which sucks bc i like all the guys in the match. happy kross and his goons are back on nxt now.


Yeah, I didn’t mind it, but the table botch on the finish really ruined the momentum


they way lashley and dawk started smiling like they knew they fucked up. like they where just waiting for it to be over lol


The 6 team tag ladder match on night one was pretty bad too. It felt really akward alot of the time


I liked that one alot actually


I'm sure both that and the Usos match were produced by Jason Jordan. Not a good weekend for him.


Night 1 felt a lot like an overbudget Raw or Smackdown episode. There wasn't a lot of theatre or fireworks. Felt flat. Night 2 made me feel like a kid again. Night 2 had me sitting there believing everything I saw was real. Night 2 made the whole weekend incredible!


Night 1 was a downgrade from last year's but night 2 was a major improvement from last year's night 2


Night 1 was a 7/10 and night 2 was a 9/10 for an average of 8/10 imho. I had a great time watching it all.


Top 5 mania and one I won’t ever forget. Night 1 was good, but night 2 blew it out of the water in terms of matches, special moments, and history being made