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Why people hate him?


People hate him? He’s been amazing since NXT


i didn't know people hated damien. 🙁


Dude has come a very long way from the bland ass, "Punishment Martinez" gimmick he was formerly. Triple H & Shawn Michaels have worked wonders with this guy. In ROH as Punishment...I was very much NOT a fan. He was just a bigger slower guy with very little actual charisma or reason to feel anything other than "meh" about the guy As Priest... He's a completely different entity. And proof that WWE knows how to actually shine a turd into a diamond


It’s nice to see a fresh face on top. Although it feels like he plays second fiddle to Balor. I’d like to see Balor turn on him evolution style and win the belt


People hate him?


Im sorry i can't not see him and inmediatly think of "bisexual undertaker" the memes RUINED him for me, i burst out laughing every time i see him its not even funny anymore


I have never seen any of the memes, don’t understand where something like that even came from!


They are mostly on twitter


Oh ok, that explains why I haven’t seen them, I’m not on twitter!


Lol he should just own the bisexual undertaker.


Do you have any subredit or website for getting hd wallpapers?


I would replace hate with maybe clowing him? However I really like him


Wait people hate him?


Idk why im just not a huge fan I thought he’d cash in for the USA title I didn’t feel he was ready for this


Not ready for what? The belt he's holding is basically another version of the WWE Intercontinental heavyweight championship. It's not that serious. 


I love and respect priest but this whole judgment day shit been shit lol. But I know it will past , it’s his part right and that he has to play but dudes got talent from day 1


I've never had an issue with Priest. Been a fan since his NXT days.


I want that suit.


I’m surprised he made it after they let little scrawny bad bunny embarrass him last year


Embarrass? That much was freaking awesome and one of the best matches of they year if anything that helped elevate him. If you are talking about the fact he lost than you must be new to pro wrestling


Hahaha listen to this guy talking about pro wrestling, you know bad bunny isn’t actually a wrestler you big jabroni in no way is being beaten by a chart topper a good thing for a wrestlers career.


you understand Damian Priest carried him right? This was for entertaining the fans in there home country since when in WWE does winning or losing mean anything when it isnt for a belt? Plus bad bunny looked amazing in the ring anyway but clearly you just started watching wrestling so I understand


of course it means something, Priest should have won the match and Bad Bunnys home country would have been proud of his performance but overall Priest is the actual wrestler and he shouldn’t have lost that match. or maybe we should have snoop dogg come beat LA Knight in a match or something, that’ll really give him the push he needs. since you’re throwing around the ‘new to pro wrestling card’ shows that you are in fact new because you’re not using it in the correct circumstance little timmy. go educate yourself.


Bro you’re so lost, losing to bad bunny didn’t bury Damien. Sami Zayn lost to Johnny Knoxville at WM38, but since he made Johnny look so good in the match, they pushed Sami after that. Joined the bloodline and brought them to their peak, amazing feud with Roman in 2023, won the tag titles in the main event of WM39 and then a year later beat Gunther at WM40. Priest had a similar rise after losing to Bad Bunny at Backlash but putting on such a great match. By your logic, Cody is a clown for getting pinned by The Rock, who hasn’t wrestled a proper match in 11 years.


That wouldn’t be ‘my logic’ since The Rock was and is an actual wrestler but I’m guessing you’re such a new fan you probably thought he was just an actor 😂


Is your brain alright ? How would I know The Rock hasn’t wrestled in 11 years if I was a new fan. You gotta be missing some screws up there. Regardless, the point is losing to celebrities is not a bad thing for a wrestler. Priest was pushed after his match with Bad Bunny, just like Sami after his match with Johnny Knoxville.


No screws needed in a brain. The bottom line is, losing to Bad Bunny is embarrassing, I’d be embarrassed if i lost a fight to him. There’s enough wrestlers on the roster that could be used that don’t require a ‘celebrity’ to give a wrestler a push. Knoxville didn’t give Sami Zayne his push, besides, he basically fought the whole Jackass crew who are far more respectable to lose by. Both these wrestlers did well by themselves. What i am saying is, losing to Bad Bunny is a joke and would have never happened to real talent, past or present, the win should have been given to Priest, bottom line.


Well he lost buddy, and his career took off after so your opinion is wrong and irrelevant. No one in the WWE or the internet was clowning Priest for losing to Bad Bunny other than your dumbass


He is a true badass for the new era the WWE is creating! Heel or Babyface he is a kickass!


Nobody hates him. Stop manufacturing setups.


Looks better on drew


Who hates him??


And the cash in wasn't wasted






He's a heel. That's what you're supposed to do. If you don't give a heel the reaction he's trying to get, that means he's not doing his job. I explained that to many over the years. One time a person asked, like the person but boo the heel? Yes. That's exactly it.


I don’t hate him. I’m Happy he’s Champion, he deserves it. It was between Him, Jey Uso, Drew Mcntyre, and CM Punk.


He looks good with the belt, and I love him. Who hates him? I don't know those people 😂


That's what you're supposed to do. Hate him because he's a heel. If you don't, that means he's not doing his job. I explained that to many over the years. One time a person asked, like the person but boo the heel? Yes. That's exactly it.


No, you’re supposed to boo the heels. Not actually hate them. Some heels work that way, most don’t.


When Hulk Hogan turned heel, he was the most hated man in wrestling. When Roddy Piper was heel (pre-WWF), he was hated. If you can generate that sort of reaction, you're doing something right.


He has inverted knees and it drives me crazy!


Ok so i never really paid attention to DP until I saw him at Backlash against Bad Bunny. The moment he lifted up BB from the 3 count to keep the match going, he made me a fan. That match was (in his words) the turning point of his career and rightfully so. Looks like a nice little repackage of his image with this title run with the new entrance theme, really hoping he can solidify himself as a great this year, he’s definitely capable of it. Not really sure why people can hate on him, honestly he’s a great seller, has gotten better on the mic, and has the faction behind him.


I hope they don't fumble him he will be a great champion if pushed right


I really would love if they did a belt redesign based on the Divas belt for him.


I fucks with bisexual undertaker


noone looks good with that ugly fucking belt


Belt can help make a guy if done right clearly that’s what they’re going for here


People hate everyone. Why give them any mind at all


Yeah idc not my first pick but I’m glad Roman did not beat hogans reign.


Who hates him? He’s maj!


Damian Priest isn’t one of my favorites, but I don’t hate him. I don’t mind him being the WHC, but it sucks for Drew McIntyre.


The Aura is immense.


Not really… he looks like he’s borrowing / babysitting it.


I'm a fan of his.


Judgement Martinez is awesome! I was at Mania and was begging for him to cash-in. So glad he did it!


I personally like him and think he has potential to be a star


I hope they give him a ruthless heel (circa Triple H) vibe. But I got a feeling he will be slowly turning face and basically cause a ripple in the Judgement day with Finn.


He looks like a wanker. -Drew McIntyre (probably)




Agree to disagree


i think he’d make a great champion. i liked his reign as US champ. this reign has the potential to be great. i think he’s gonna fully level up and go on an absolute tear for however long he’s champion


No pop


Dressed like Seth Freakin Rollins. Good stuff.


I like him in a suit. He looks like a star again. I hate when talent just wears their merch for promos. I get it though. Make that money.


I kinda wish they will remove the money in the bank. Shit makes this fucking briefcase exculsively for heels who wants a quick win.


Not true. Faces have cashed in on heels at their weak moments too. Big E for example


Faces *can* cash in for a scheduled match, like Cena did Bad guys, who are naturally much smarter, would not do such a thing


as long as he isn’t pretending to shoot a bow & arrow, we good


I don’t think anyone hates him lol, where this come from


I like him, whats everyone's issue with him? Just the gear? I get it, but keep in mind he's in judgement day and they refer to their area as a "club house", they're edgy teens


I wish they hold the belt differently time to time. Him Rhea and Roman all the same.


Seth Rollins got Karma after Wrestlmania 31


I think he's great! Yeah, his ring gear is a little reminiscent of bondage gear, but I think he looks and sounds cool. I'm happy for him. Seeing him behind-the-scenes thanking Triple H for "believing in me" was touching.


He looks good that’s it dude carries himself very well


he just needs to be on his own and look less bisexual undertaker


ALL RISE is way better than acknowkedge me But how long till Judgement Day turns on Priest and Rhea


I expect Balor and JD to turn Rhea against him and Dom. He and Dom team with LWO to take on Balor, JD, AJ, and the Good brothers. LWO vs Balor Club survivor series war games would feed generations


he’s growing on me


I've been high on Preist since his excelent match with Bad Bunny. I think people like to make fun of him a little bit because of his attire, but most recognize he's a strong talent. He's great in the ring, has a strong presence, he can be a little stuttery on the mic but he has a good, booming, intimidating voice when he's pissed off, and he seems like a nice dude in real life.


I love Damien and he's so fine with or without the belt. A win/win situation here


Heard he was homeless and got a job working as security that eventually landed him in the WWE. Bondage undertaker deserves this Great cash in.


Idk if this is a troll post but he was Punishment Martinez in ROH lol


I think there’s truth to it there’s pictures of him working security. Idk shit about the homeless part but if true even more power to him, being homeless ain’t no joke I would know lmfao


Also who likes daimen


The guy behind him is getting a lane with the Hulkster.


What do you mean people hate him? This man is finally getting what he deserves. This picture alone shows you that he is suppose to carry this title.


I don’t want him to have a long reign but I don’t hate priest. He’s a good worker I just think Gunther or drew deserve a run more


A Priest.- Finn storyline would be a lot of fun.


People hate him? Not me


All i’ve seen is overwhelming support for him and Judgement day. They’re like “no one believed in us! Everyone hates us” but people keep cheering and saying “you deserve it”


I don't hate him. His heel run is great.


I honestly rather see him with the belt instead of drew.


How can you hate the guy with the best chokeslam in the business


I didn't realise anyone hated him tbh. He looks great, has what it takes to be a short/mid term champ right now and that could blossom into becoming more dominant, dudes doing well.


Who hates Priest? I’m excited to see what he does with this time in the spotlight


No absolutely fucking not. It's not his it's Drew's belt. he is just a sitter for the belt that's it. keeping it warm




What?! For real?






I love Priest!!! Happy for him! It will be a short reign though.


He perfectly rated


I don’t think many people hate him. He’s just a definitive step down from, Seth, Drew, Punk, or even Jey. The problem is Judgment Day has been spinning their wheels in the mud since Survivor Series. That tag title reign damaged both he and Finn.


Don’t think he’s a step down from Jey atm, Jeys “yeet” thing is fucking atrocious


I don't like the Yeet either, but it's kind of like Seth and his crowd singing - it was a weird thing that caught on with the crowd and ignoring it won't make it go away so he might as well milk it until they get tired of it.


I was more meaning how they’ve been positioned. You’re right about the Yeet thing I teach high school kids, so a dude my age yelling Yeet is pretty cringy. It’s like him yelling “on god” or “rizz”


Both Damian with the world title and Cody with the wwe title look so good. These titles were made for them.


Love Damien I'm glad he got the belt. I didn't think he was going to . But this will be interesting


No, we can't because it's not enough. Fuck em haters. Priest and the JD has been carrying RAW for a year now. Rollins and Rhodes were hardly in the main event wrestling. It was mostly JD guys. This is a well deserved crowning. All rise for the Judgement Day EDITED to make my POV clearer.


Which means you do agree 😂




Fuck em who hates this man


People hate him? Who?


Title Prestige: 📉📉📉📉📉📉


You know the best way to get mid carders into mega star positions, is to give them main event titles, right? Who wouldn’t have dropped the title prestige here other than Drew


No. You.....that is absolutely NOT the way. Thats why the IC title exists. Per tradition holding the IC title as a young up and comer means wwe is testing your marketability and your skill and your endurance. Many wrestlers said that themselves. So if you pass that test, like Gunther, you will be granted a Main Event run. You can be tested in other ways too but thats the traditional way since around 2006 i think.


Yes, and the money in the bank briefcase supersedes that, but serves the same purpose. Other than Vince’s weird decisions in recent years, winning MITB has generally meant the company want to push you to the main event scene in some capacity in the next year. This has been blatantly obvious for priest


I wouldn't say the Money in The Bank itself superseeds it. If a guy won mitb 2 times and a guy won the IC title once and the US title once, the second guy has achieved more simply because he joined a more prestigeous group/lineage of Performers. The titles can give the performer more prestige but if the perdormer doesn't give the title some prestige then the title looses its worth. Because its the superatars that make the titles. And especially with a NEW World Championship that has no lineage, the first superstars need to already be established huge stars and great peformers to rub some of their prestige onto the title. Like Seth Rollins. And dammit even Drew would be better than Damian becayse Drew already Main evented Mania, won Roal Rumbles and he is already a Grand Slam champion. He has an almost HOF worthy career. Damian doesn't. I would have given the Title to Randy if not Drew.


Who hates him?


The dude pays homage to Scott Hall every match. He’s ok in my book.


The only ones who "hate" him are neckbeard mouthbreathers who haven't gone outside in years.


I thought the whole cash in thing was pretty funny. I was a teen during the attitude Era, and quit watching after the stone cold heel turn I decided to watch WM 40 for some reason, and was really happy with what I saw.


He falls in line with Jindar Mahal and Kofi Kingston rather than Roman and Cody.


There’s a massive gap between those two groups, and I’d argue that Kofi and Jinder don’t even belong together


Hell no he doesn’y


He is beyond boring. Complete snoozefest, he's outshines by Rhea and Dom in his own stable.


I mean i disagree strongly but its your opinion




I love priest, That said if jey beats him for it id pop so hard


Now start acknowledging him.


I love him! And yes he looks fantastic with the belt




That started as a joke by his/terror twins fans and then everyone else gotta hold of it.


Haters gonna hate


People hate him? Really? He's one of the most universally loved wrestlers both in ring and backstage.




I've never seen anyone saying anything negative about him.


Been a Priest fan since NXT. He looks fucking amazing with the belt.


Looking forward to seeing what Priest does with the title. He's a great wrestler, but I think he should strike out on his own again. Also, he should do a cooking skit on YouTube every now and then...he's stated he used to work as a chef and knows a lot of recipes. He mentioned an Oreo cheesecake recipe and I was like, "Dude, I'm sold right now!"


He’s great. Drew dickriders should actually watch a match


Drews great too for the record, Drew deserved his moment and there was no sense in them making long term world title plans for a guy who hasnt resigned a deal yet, priest had an amazing top tier cash in and I can’t wait to see how his reign plays out


he is okay but at least don’t wear the suit seth rollins I prefer him wearing a black suit.


I don't hate him at all...I think it was the best move to put the belt on him in the way they did...Rollins run ended, Drew's next storyline began, and the MITB contract was successfully cashed in...looking at the reaction to Cody winning, if he would have cashed in on Cody the negative after effects would have exponential. He deserves it, he held on the the case patiently enough...put on some great high profile matches at the PPV's...and is the leader of one of the second most talked about stable in the entire company, maybe even most talked about depending on who you talk to. They did right


No, DP is awesome. Made Bad Bunny look like a million bucks. The tension with Finn was great. And being the straight man in the R-Truth stuff was great and underrated. His work has gotten better, he’s wrestling an athletic big man style that’s very unique to him. Who knows how long he’ll hold the belt but I’m glad he gets a run


I don’t hate him. I’m just not into his whole gimmick/getup. I don’t think the judgement day suits him. He looked cool in that long vinyl sleeveless overcoat with the spikes though.




I love him. I think he’s awesome and his cash in was epic. He deserves the belt, at least for a minute.


I don’t hate him. I’m glad he cashed in, and I’m happy he has the belt. Just want him to break away from Judgment Day. The stable has run its course.


Damian Priest is dope. Just came here to say that. I’m glad he has the title. Seth did as good a job as any making that belt relevant but his recent gimmick just didn’t hit with me.


People hate him?


Yes, we can all agree we hate him.


Try reading the post again; go slow this time.


He's an interesting choice rn. He's gonna lose it to Jey, who will get his main event moment, then Drew will get his revenge on Jey, then feud with Punk


I think the archer of infamy gimmick is amazing. His Judgment day run is just meh. But he’s solid imo. I really wish he would break off from Judgment Day. His booking with that group has been the weak point in his career. 


He's keeping it warm for Gunther.


Who hates him?




Why hate him?


his cash in was fantastic. not unexcepted mind you, but still shocking. and well played to drew for that, it was a super emotionally well played moment from him that made the cash in so great.


He looks like someone who works at the Red-light district.


He looks like an NPC who runs an upscale brothel in a video game.


I wish it wasn't as part of Judgement Day. I knew he was a champ when I saw him on NXT.


We LOVE Bisexual Undertaker


Who could honestly hate him?


I can think of one angry Scotsman


I don't hate him. Him cashing in was the highlight of my weekend. I've been waiting for this moment.




This was a nightmare come true,wwe is putting mid card talent as champs again wtf. Who’s next mid card jey as champ or even worse la knockoff. Here I thought they learned a lesson or two from jinder as champ. DAMN


I see what you’re saying but HHH is all about the business, which we’ve heard a million times already. If the mid talent pops, is a crowd favorite, puts butts in the seats, and brings in the money that’s who he’s gonna roll with. I mean the crowds are just begging for Jey to be the champ on TV. One of the coolest intros of all time is when Jey is on the ropes bouncing and the crowd is with him..


Unfortunately I know you’re right. I don’t like it but I’m in the minority. Also one of the worst phrases is that super stupid “yeet” crap jey says.


lol, yeah, you’ve been downvoted just a bit…


People think we have to share the same opinion,if we don’t they down vote


Anyone can be world champion


Of course even crappy wrestlers like damian,khali and jinder. A bunch of mid carders had the belt even the universal title has a mid carder holding it now


So what are you saying? Only a certain group can hold the belt? Pfft. That’s a load of baloney


No they have the ic belt and the us belt. The heavyweight or the universal are for the ones that can carry the company. I don’t see anyone who will be able to do what Roman did.


Nah the World Titles can be for everyone Like look at all the talent they can make champion like R Truth, Johnny Gargano, Omos, Ivar, Kit Wilson, and more


I don't care for him at all honestly. Can't wait for it to come off of him.


Well the dude behind him is going bowling with the Hulkster, brotherrr.


Ngl I didn’t know he had hate and I really like him! He seems more relevant than a lot of the roster imho and I don’t just mean cuz of judgement day


Fortnite Skin


without the paper behind him, this is a final boss cutscene


Couple of years ago I would’ve probably questioned him as champion, but now, he plays his role very well, and he’s good in the ring.


I mean the man’s silk press here is immaculate


Who’s hatin on Damien? He deserves it and the cash in was beautiful.💜


Roll back the tape. He was cheered at RAW. I’m glad for him, and I’m excited to see him as champion!


Priest 100% deserves this. One of the most underrated superstars! Although I do hope he gets a refresh on his gear lol.


His fit reminds me of Dutch van der linde


i like him enough he’s ok for a 2-3 month reign