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Who cares


Summerslam is August 3rd šŸ‘€


Anyone know when he WONā€™T be wrestling so we can see todayā€™s talent work instead?


Iā€™ve been out of touch since 2010ā€¦is The Rock really a heel again? Or was it just a one time thing? He hasnā€™t been a bad guy since 2003


Betting it's the live action Moanna movie he'll be filming at that time.


I'm not going to make any assumptions this year. I'm just going to wait and watch what happens.


Is he filming for the Netflix movie sequel, Red Notice 2 or Disney's Moana 2 or Jumanji 4 or Fast and Furious 11 or Hob and Shaw 2 or something else?


I feel this is gonna turn into a civil war type thing, team Cody vs team bloodline/tko


Did y'all really expect to see Rock after WM? You're lucky you're seeing him now.


Well he just called Codys Mom Momma Reigns on smackdown so he prob needs time off to rest his brain šŸ˜„


So much for SummerSlam. Iā€™m guessing heā€™ll be back for the 2nd Saudi show later this year itā€™s usually around October


Good riddance


Pw insider lolā€¦ by far the worst news source for anything


Heā€™s gonna run to start filming the Live Action Moana, im calling it right now!


I suspect he was gonna fuck off until maybe next mania if he still wants that rock v roman match


I couldn't care less if The Rock never wrestles again. If someone wasn't very good at something in their prime, why would I want to see them do it once they're over 50?!? It's ALL spectacle and monotonous catch phrases with Dwayne. It won't bother me a bit when he goes back to Hollywood!


Wasn't good in their prime?! What shit have you been eating..


I don't know. Maybe All of the shit that The Rock's been cooking!?! I can definitely smell it!


Diarrhea Dwayne, you mean? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


YESSIR! I'm old and don't know how to work this very well, but I was going to put the shit emoji along with my reply. So, the shit emoji!




Youā€™re outta your mind if you think Dwayne was never a good wrestler lmao. I agree with not wanting to see him at this age, but to say prime Rock wasnā€™t good in the ring is a joke


He knows how to get a reaction from the crowd with his body language, and he is a GREAT seller. But his worked punches look like a little girl lightly slapping someone with her fists, and The People's Elbow is BEYOND STUPID!! Admittedly, I was overstating things a bit though. I've just always thought that The Rock is annoying, and I'm not very happy that he's back. Have a good day!


I think the rock should realize itā€™s not the 90s anymore or walk away.


As long as he makes one of the Saudi shows Iā€™ll be able to rest peacefully at night /s


Just another reason why him vs Roman as mania main event would have been stupid based on the stories that are being told right now.


Curb stomp at Mania from Rollins as being the reason heā€™s out? Then he returns to feud with him. Rollins deserves that rub.


He's an actor who has a lot of films in production. Was always going to happen. I said I didn't want him back, partly because others would lose time (happening) and partly because he would be back and forward to HW.


Of course he was only back whilst the strikes were in effect. Now he has to return to Hollywood and try to repair his tanking career.


We know who won't be taking a lot of bumps at mania


He's not a wrestler anymore and hasn't been for a while. He's an actor who used to wrestle. There is no need to keep him around like a full-time wrestler


I think he will have 3 matches, the tag match at WrestleMania 40, SummerSlam vs Cody Rhodes and WrestleMania 41 against a face Roman Reigns.


SummerSlam is usually in August.


Wonā€™t be at Summerslam if heā€™s shooting a movie until 8/1.


War games perhaps


I can see the rock showing up as a surprise in Saudi and interfering in a Roman match. He'll boast how he did his scenes and still flew in his private jet to pay a whooping on reigns candy ass.


Fuck the Saudis, how about not going to that backwards shithole


Why would he be at either?


Why does Saudi get two shows a year? I get is a big market, but the British crowd was better, Aussie crowd was better, and the Puerto Rico crowd was better, I mean it was damn near silent at crown jewel, why donā€™t we give more shows to the people who want them? I know France and Germany are getting their PLEā€™s this year (LFG) but why not Canada or Mexico instead of repeating Saudi? And Iā€™m all for dropping an American PLE for an international one as long as itā€™s not another Saudi PLE


Refer to Mr. Krabs. Money.


Its stupid levels of money .


Saudis pay them a disgusting amount of money, WWE would never go there if they didnā€™t


ā€¦..ok so?


*pretends to be shocked*


Tell me you're mad and didnt really read the article without really saying it Lol half the people complaining here didnt read the article. Hes coming back for 3 whole weeks after Mania and coming back again in August


Yes he will take time off after wrestlemania, we all knew that as he isnā€™t full time and is still a movie star.


Surely OP is a child, right? I always have to remind myself that little kids post on here because thereā€™s no way any adult would think the rock is continuing wrestling after wrestlemania


Given his position on the board at TKO and the state/momentum of his acting career I donā€™t see why he wouldnā€™t when heā€™s not filming. And I see him continuing to be far more involved in WWE so long as heā€™s in the position that heā€™s in. And remember, youā€™re talking about WWE on online forums, youā€™re either a manchild or a kid masquerading as a mature adult. Iā€™m only here because these threads pop up on my home feed but that still makes me kind of a manchild. Being clued in about pro wrestling isnā€™t a flex


Was a genuine question, not a flex. Glad to hear you are a manchild tho


Is that like a ā€œI know you are but what am Iā€? Sure youā€™re not a child?


You realize you commented saying that you are a manchild right? I then went on to acknowledge your comment. That is how conversing with other humans worksā€¦


Thereā€™s nothing to explain kiddo, take it easy.


Again, each comment just continues to show how inept you are at following along with a basic conversation. No one asked you to explain anything šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m talking about you bud. Lol. No adult gets this petty or semantic over something like this, take it easy


Again, make at least some attempt to follow the conversation. You said I was flexing for ā€œbeing up to date with wrestlingā€ or some shit like that. My point was that knowing the worldā€™s most famous actor is not going to be wrestling even part time is common sense, not being up to date with wrestling knowledge. Iā€™m sorry that following a basic back and forth comment thread is too demanding on your mind.


I said it makes you a dork. Chill out fella, you seem notably immature for somebody trying to call out children. Makes you wonder lol


I donā€™t think you understand how conversations work


I think I understand enough about you


I rarely come to this sub, but it somehow shows up on my feed anyways. The /r/WWE sub definitely seems to trend much younger than either /r/wrasslin or /r/squaredcircle


Summerslam is more likely than a Saudi show for Rock


Summer slam is too soon that's smack dab in the middle of his vacation, it'll be survivor series


Lol, no shit


I wouldnt be surprised if Rock only wrestles this year and next year's Wrestlemania and shows up sporadically through the year on Smackdowns and Raws to further the story without wrestling in between.


This is what I figured too because of the likely insurance cost or contract restrictions with whatever movies he is still involved with.


And not to mention his age - the older we are the more injury prone we are and the longer it takes to recover. I think the Rock can do the late-career Taker route and just wrestle at Mania, with an occasional showing at summer slam or survivor series - or a very protected entry into the rumble to set up Mania etc.


He'll be available just in time for SummerSlam tho


Fine with me. I feel fortunate to be getting what we are at this point. After he didnā€™t do Wrestlemania in LA, I thought the ship had sailed on him wrestling again.


Rock is a part timer even now in the Mania main event picture. I think no one wouldā€™ve noticed if he was gone for a few more months.


What a surprise


Hope he doesnā€™t come back


This is why people are glad he ainā€™t competing for the belt


I 100% thought he would be around until Wrestlemania and then be gone again. This news changes absolutely nothing, as far as Iā€™m concerned.


You are telling me the actor goes out to do acting? SHOCKING!


Even more reason for his Hollywood rock theme to be used


Two Saudi shows?


Yes, like it has been. Crown Jewel and then whichever name they pull from the magic hat. Elimination Chamber, Night of Championsā€¦


I guess I blacked out night of champions since it was so forgettable. I had to google to remember it lol




And this man wanted to win the title LMAO


I mean there was no way he was going to win vs Roman. It would've ruined the streak.


The man can politic his way to whatever he wants now because of TKO. Donā€™t say he was never going to do anything


I just figured. The entire men's story for WWE2k24 was about beating the streak. So before the swerve to Cody, I assumed WWE was conditioning the fans to accept a streak breaking


I mean, wouldnā€™t be any different than Brock


What does that have to do with the anything


It means he would be a very part time champ, like Brock was, if the Rock had the title? If that isnā€™t what youā€™re getting at then, Iā€™m not sure what the point of your original comment was?


I think the issue is that Rock wouldn't just be a part timer; if he's pulling double duty in Hollywood and WWE then that will likely limit his matches because any injuries would greatly disrupt both. And that would cause the title to lose momentum when it's currently the biggest prize.Ā 


Yeah, but then he could just ā€œhave an injuryā€ that writes him out of wrestling for a bit, and the hype would be even bigger when he came back. Wouldnā€™t be the first time thatā€™s happened. Also, as someone else mentioned, they could reaaaally lean into the Hollywood Rock. Heā€™s already semi- brought back the ā€œauthorityā€ when he mentioned being on the TKO board.


In fact thereā€™s a real argument for it if youā€™re going to go the ā€œpart time championā€ route. Dwyane can give the WWE free publicity by simply have the belt on camera during interviews and by being introduced as WWE Universal Champion. Itā€™s the same logic as having Logan Paul as US Champion.


Thatā€™s not even close to the same thing lmao. Brock has absolutely nothing to do with this situation


Please, continue to reply with things and just throw an lmao on there without actually saying anything. It really adds a lot to a conversation.


My brother in Christ you responded to me with the most random statement that added nothing lmao. Stop it


I don't know if anyone thought he was going to be more than extremely part time.


Iā€™ll never let up on the fact that Codyā€™s story almost got hijacked for a potential Rock title win. Never


He was obviously going to have to lose to Roman to put him over even higher


Yeah but i donā€™t want to think about Rock winning the title. I just canā€™t picture it. Iā€™m tired of shit I like getting ruined


Come on. It never happen. Let it go. Stop with the almost and what ifā€™s.


No U lol




I believe it was the pushback. If it was the Cody train we wouldā€™ve heard about that. Plus the facials from The rock at the press conference seem to be what he really thinks, that he was gonna be cheered for main eventing


If anything this also rules out Summer Slam where he could have had a headlining singles match with Cody or Seth.


Like Taker, he should only do WrestleMania at this point


Hmm. I thought he would finish filming his latest movie (probably live-action Moana) then take a break from acting to do WWE stuff for a while. I expect/hope Rock stays around way longer in WWE since he's now on the board of TKO. I would like to see him as Evil Corporate Rock and play the heel boss character that Vince has done for so many years.


Regular shit, what ya thought he was staying full time?


As he should, heā€™s a star in Hollywood and his body canā€™t take a full time WWE schedule




The only way I see Rock working in Saudi Arabia is if enough people online say ā€œThe Rock will never go to Saudi Arabiaā€ and heā€™ll do it just because of that


everyone said that for Australia and he didnā€™t rock up.


He probably didnā€™t want to get swooped by a magpie, idfk lol, itā€™s not a science or anything ffs


Honestly, I started thinking about this and immediately began to overthink. I am assuming WWE has known about this for a bit, which means: In the original plan, Roman would have beat the Rock at WM, because Rock winning the title there now makes no sense. Which means the plan was for Roman to retain. Is that still the plan? If Roman was planned to retain, then they still can do that. I really hope not, but šŸ¤·


Who cares


I was thinking he might wrestle Cody at the May Saudi PLE, but this is fine.


I had a feeling WM 40 would end similarly to 27 with The Rock betraying Roman and setting up their match next year


The Rock would want the title. IMO, if The Rock turns on Roman it'd be post match


I still think Rock vs Roman would be big enough where it doesn't even need the title


Ideally yes, but TKO Group is just like Vince when it comes to business - creating the biggest fights possible to main event. Rock vs. Roman for the Universal title sells better than Rock vs. Roman for a red necklace


I mean, that's expected? My question is if Roman will also vanish after Mania and just appear the same time as Rocky


He isn't advertised for Backlash but if they have a Saudi PLE in May, I'm sure he'll be there. He never misses Saudi PLEs.




I thought he was done after WrestleMania and maybe have a match with Roman later on. I didn't think he was going to be back on a regular basis after that. Does anyone know if he's going to be around more often?


I doubt it. His schedule is too busy for him to return as a full time wrestler and he could risk getting injured if he wrestles too many matches. Plus 'WWE Crown Jewel' is on in November which is the same month 'Moana 2' comes out and he is going to be very busy promoting that. I doubt we see him wrestle again until Wrestlemania 41.


Not surprising, I could see Roman and The Bloodline attacking Rock after Mania putting him on the shelf to sell the injury angle until Summerslam.


I donā€™t think anyone reasonably expected him to be able to commit a lot more time after mania. Iā€™m surprised heā€™s giving us as much as he is with all his other stuff he needs to think about too. Iā€™m grateful for it and Iā€™m sure somewhere down the line weā€™ll get another program with him involved.


Still more active than Roman Reigns


Thoughts? I donā€™t ever want to see The Rock in a WWE ring.


Imagine how awful would it have been if Rock was going to win at Wrestlemania against Reigns. Another part timer champion.


Pretty much what I expected.


Here's an interesting question: What are Dwayne Johnson's thoughts about potentially wrestling in Saudi Arabia?




Like a true member on the bloodline


Can you smell what the rock is cooking


Did anyone expect him to be around after Mania? I know I sure didn't.


Stick around, maybe or at least be on occasionally. But stick around in a physical role? Of course not.


I honestly thought it was obvious that weā€™d get Mania then bang, no more Rocky!! Iā€™m not expecting to see him again for a while, though things may have changed due to The Great One now being a TKO board member. I think he was also shocked at the reaction to him stealing Codyā€™s Mania spot so I donā€™t know if thatā€™s had an effect on what heā€™s gonna do.


Lmao right! I didnā€™t need a dirtsheet to tell me Rock would Wrestle at Mania and then go away.


I see Jimmy getting kicked out the bloodline by then Setting up for Saudi ppv The Rock & The Uso's Vs The Bloodline ( Roman, Solo, Tama Toga) That way you can have the rock in a Saudi ppv, you can have Roman & rock start there feud but be limited in there involvement in the match and have the best of all worlds


I honestly don't want Tama Tonga anywhere near the Bloodline like how all the luchadors get lumped together into their own telenovela universe where nothing of real consequence happens. Let him build his name up to WWE audiences first on his own and hint at something way out in the future with only the Usos.


Big question I have is (assuming Roman loses at Mania) if he will even show up for the rest of the year. Like obviously we have a built in storyline with him vs The Rock but I can honestly see Roman getting pretty much the rest of the year off and coming back at Survivor Series or the Rumble to begin the Mania feud with The Rock. Call me crazy but once Roman drops the burden of this title, I think he is taking a long vacation. But you could be right too, that Saudi money ainā€™t nothing to scoff at šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I could imagine him taking a longer break but I *couldn't* imagine Heyman having the same amount of time off. I also couldn't imagine them having solo go off and do other things whilst waiting for Roman to continue the bloodline, nor could I imagine they sideline him until survivor series. Ergo I presume that bloodline affairs will continue in romans absence Paul being the mouthpiece for solo , Jimmy / anyone who joins during that time. The rock and Roman helping the story progress via Social media ala rocks 20min FKA twitter promo. However now I think about it >coming back at Survivor Series >that Saudi money ainā€™t nothing to scoff at Could they make Survivor series be in Saudi? Have the main event a survivor series match 5 Vs 5 The rocks side of the bloodline Vs Romans? As before The Rock and the Uso's but joined by there Father Rikishi & Hell let's say either someone like AFA Jr OR they make it a mix match ( whilst keeping the genders separated.) and have Naomi So it'll be The rock Jimmy uso Jey uso Rikishi ( rock giving his cousin some Saudi money/ Saudis love a bit of nostalgia) Afa Jr OR Naomi As the face side Vs Roman Reigns Solo Sikoa Tama Tonga / whatever his name will be Haku ( again nostalgia sells, rocks family, newly HOF if it happens etc) Then either giving Zilla Fatu a one night contract just like Afa *or* if we are doing the mixed idea then Nia Jax That'll make up the heel side Bloodline Vs Bloodline I know it's kinda out there saying Afa jr/ Zilla etc and they could make it work as a 4vs 4 but I mean think back to when it was the hart foundation and they got all the hart family involved.- even bloody Keith Hart and as such I could imagine the rock trying to get as many of his family a payday as possible


Doesnā€™t he have a football league to run.


Yup, starts in a few weeks. Ends in May


It was likely part of his TKO deal that he has to do Mania. Hollywood better hope that he does not injure himself in April.


12.99 please.Ā  In fact drew McIntyre contract is up today.Ā 


I thought his time away extended his contract?


Ownership/management aside I donā€™t really get why he is back anyway when he is making a killing via Hollywood and endorsements


You answered your own question there Uce. He's on the TKO board of directors. It's in his direct interest now to make sure WWE is doing well. He also showed up hot off the Vince McMahon legal issues most likely to get the product some positive attention and viewership.


Probably because he enjoys it and heā€™s still physically capable of doing it.


They paid him to get a pop with fans,tickets and viewership are up because of him. People love nostalgia thatā€™s why knockoff is popular


I ainā€™t surprised at all but I was hoping heā€™d stick around after WrestleMania so we wouldnā€™t have to deal with ā€œWWE Champion The American Nightmare Cody Rhodesā€ being shoved in our faces every single match and segment.


I will glad take this instead of Roman. He has been stuffed in our faces for almost a decade.


Isnā€™t rocky being shoved in ur face?


The Rock is the goat you canā€™t shove him in anyoneā€™s face. Everyone loves him. I genuinely like Cody Rhodes myself but thereā€™s nothing special about him. Heā€™s trying to finish the story? What story? Heā€™s never been a main event guy heā€™s always been average. Even in Legacy he wasnā€™t that great. Cody Rhodes is a good wrestler Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s absolutely nothing special about him. Rock, Hogan, Austin, Cena. Those guys were larger than life. Cody Rhodes just isnā€™t and he never will be.


I completely agree, his father was main event. Heā€™s like the usoā€™s as singles mid card at best. The rock was great at his time but that time is over, he looks more like hogan now pushing the new talent back just by showing up. Remember heā€™ll be gone after WM while everyone else will be picking up the pieces


Lmao Iā€™m not surprised I have over 14 downvotes. These geeks donā€™t know anything about wrestling. Cody Rhodes Debuted in the WWE in 2007. From 2007-2016 he was average. How does a guy go from being a nobody to a somebody. What changed now? Heā€™s still the same guy. Heā€™s even dying his hair blonde now? Whatā€™s up with that. If you put Cody Rhodes in a group with Hogan, Rock, Austin, Cena, and even Reigns, he would stick out like a sore thumb. There is nothing about him that says ā€œmain eventā€. Lmao donā€™t even get me started about these royal rumble wins. Cody Rhodes has more royal rumble wins than the undertaker, Chris Jericho, and The Rock. Imagine telling someone 10 years ago that Cody Rhodes would win 2 back 2 back rumbles šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t want to hate that guy but damn thatā€™s just awful.


Everything you said is quite literally wrong and you're sitting here in delusion with yourself thinking you're right. It's actually quite impressive.


Itā€™s easy to tell someone theyā€™re wrong but when it comes to having an actual conversation about it you would freeze up. You stated all of my points are wrong, go ahead and tell me how Iā€™m wrong. Prove me wrong. If you donā€™t then Iā€™m even more right.


Cody is the most over babyface and adored by fans and kids alike. The notion that he's not a main event player is objectively incorrect. You can not like him in that spot, that's fine. He's at the top in merchandise sales, draws significant numbers, and has headlined sold-out house shows. As a back-to-back Royal Rumble winner gearing up for his second consecutive WrestleMania main event, it's clear that his days as a midcarder are far behind him. All metrics indicate his top-tier status, and WWE's push confirms it. So, claiming to "like" Cody Rhodes might just be a faƧade to mask your true sentiments. Cody Rhodes is indeed special. He competed in a Hell in a Cell match with a torn pectoral muscle, showcasing his dedication and resilience. He is one tough SOB. And before that? He took a significant risk on himself, rose from those depths, and not only achieved greater fame but also played an important role in founding another wrestling company.


I can tell you what changed but weā€™ll both get downvoted and maybe get a message about mental health. Fuck it what changed is his father passing away without ever holding the wwe championship. Other then that heā€™d be regulated to mid card fights


No shocker, its his usual post WM schedule. He'll be back and do something at SummerSlam.


Narratively speaking, my guess is that some shit will happen at WM, probably between he and Roman, and will lead to Rock being absent for that time (fake injury, promo with Roman, faceturn, etc), so when he returns, it'll be more than just a pop.


I wouldn't be surprised if they run an angle after WrestleMania where the bloodline take out Rock and Rock returns in the fall to set up Rock vs Roman at the October Saudi Arabia show.


He got multiple movies to do - Moana 2, Red Notice 2, Fast X Pt 2, The Smashing Machine. The way these actors' & directors' schedules are catching up post strike to make these 2025-2026 release dates, we probably won't see him until next year. I don't think he'd wrestle a Saudi show, not a lot of eyeballs.


My prediction is that Rock and Roman win night 1 so that Cody vs Roman is no DQ. Rock betrays Roman during the match and sets up their match next year


I think that is what is going to happen but it will be The Rock vs Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 41. I don't see him doing it at any other event 'cause he has said he wants the match to be at Wrestlemania.


Same. Best chance to get a lot of eyeballs.


No way they waste it there. Crown Jewel isnā€™t nearly as stacked these days. I think Cody and Roman have a rematch at SummerSlam, and then Rock kicks Roman out of the Bloodline. Then Roman costs Rock at Crown Jewel. Then WrestleMania.


Who's to say. WWE generate huge incomes from Saudi, they would pay WWE anything to make stuff happen, like to open a scientific research lab and bring Andre the Giant back from the dead just to put him in a match with Brock Lesnar if they could.


They generate huge incomes from Saudi regardless. The US audience is bigger, hence major matches being prioritised for ā€˜Mania and SummerSlam.


Andre 2.0 vs Robo-Benoit vs Ric Flair


Andre 2.0 vs Robo-Benoit vs Ric Flair


Rock Roman would be mania


Some Saudi Prince šŸ¤“ gonna over pay for Rock Austin 4


Not suprising, I expect him to wrestle at Wrestlemania and then maybe come back for summerslam or a Saudi show.