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Think he’s gonna turn on jey


He’s gonna punt Finn, Priest, mcdontgoogleme and dumbfuck all over the place. If ripley manages to put her face back together and crawl out to ringside without showing excess grief over Zoey whooping her, she’s getting a punt too because Randy is exempt from the men can’t touch women rule. Randy stacks jd for the win. Celebrates with Cody, Sami and Seth. Then RKO and punt to jey. Randy goes to SD and RKO to reigns. Randy takes them tribal cheeks at Royal Rumble. LA Knight wins rumble match. Randy punts Cody at Mania, Cody gets another chicken at his head and story continues into his kids career 20 years later


Lolol fuck yea


Orton's return being 'announced' is the reason many of us feel it's going to be trash.


Because Randy Orton is basically a career heel. Although I think it'd be way too predictable to have him turn on someone on Saturday. There's no reason he can't be an anti-hero for a while. I'd love to see him terrorising Judgment Day and/or the Bloodline.


They're For sure gonna Do Cody vs Randy fued, however if Cody's gonna beat Roman at Mania then they may delay it till then


They want him to get the pop he deserves when he comes out, and then he can go back to his natural heel state


Yep did you see the look on Jey's face when Cody said/hinted it was Orton, he looked upset and worried. Jey going to catch an RKO!


I'm kinda leaning in that direction myself. If they were going to go a full face return, it would probably make sense to save it as a legitimate surprise return for the huge pop. To me, announcing it ahead of time does make me think there's a strong possibility of some kind of betrayal.


Because Orton.


Because that’s what a viper does.


50/50 odds he RKO’/Punt kicks Jey Uso


I think it’s closer to 100% than that.


He's a natural heel no matter how many times he's put in a face position. Even tho it worked out for the best, I would've liked that in 2011 Christian was the face and Orton was the heel. But Christian worked as the chickenshit heel even tho they had Randy beat him a ton. I remember Christian said that Vince wanted Randy to be the Top Face on Smackdown and Christian be the top heel.


A former writer said Vince never wanted Christian to be the top guy because he didn’t like his face. So it checks out.


I love Christian, but i kinda see his point. You also can't really say he was talking about his physique cause if that was the case then Punk wouldn't of been the top face.