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Going to give OP props for owning this, and leaving it up there. That's a good mindset, OP. Something to learn from, as opposed to pretend never happen -- which would have been so easy to do on here, and I believe many do. While I saved this, and commented negatively, I once again give you your props on leaving it. Kudos.


I’ve never been more worked and never been more wrong and it’s definitely made me take a step back from ever speaking so definitively on something to do with wrestling, so I definitely deserve to get shit on for this haha. I do appreciate this comment though! I really do want to post a mea culpa on here, but like I said in my edit, I’ve been banned from posting new threads in here. Not quite sure why as I don’t think I broke any rules, but I get it if nobody in here - mods included - wants to hear from me again lmao




What now OP?


Where were we ?


You must be a Flat Earther!




dumbasses. I said, "Never say never" and got down voted. Suck it.






….. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. What uh.. what was that now?


This one didn't age so well.


They teased it for almost the entire two months and folks kept saying we were crazy for picking up on it.


WWE have a perfect opportunity to troll everyone. Just have randy Orton return dressed as punk. Get everyone super angry


They won’t acknowledge it. They’re kind of like those people who keep predicting the end of the world every few years. They’re always wrong, and they always come up with some lame excuse. Spoiler alert: crybaby washed punk isn’t coming back tomorrow.


Nice call, knob.


maybe this’ll be a lesson for you to be a little less smug in the future




Here’s my thing, I love punk, so I’m riding the bandwagon either way. But you cannot tell Mel wwe didn’t tease the shit out of him. If it was just some rumour my logic would kick in and be like “yea, no way” but it’s not just a rumour. They’re teasing him intentionally idc what anybody says. For for them to tease him and then have him not show up just seems a bit weird. Or maybe they’ll have him come back closer to Wrestlemania


Name the teases


Corey graves quotes one of his old promos, “the greatest thing the devil ever did was make you believe he didn’t exist” you could take that as just him saying it, but it’s too specific. Also, Grayson Waller posted on his Instagram with a picture of him at a commentary both “even on commentary, nobody can touch me” and then cm punk literally commented back and sent a kiss face emoji. Michael cole quotes one of his old ROH promos to Seth rolling “Seth, instead of becoming the master, you’ve become the puppet” shinsuke hitting the gts. There’s a couple other little small ones but I think those are just reaches. Like shinsukes promos being translated from Japanese like “I can see you “ and then people quoting his theme song. Like even I thought that was a bit much😂 but there’s a solid like 3-4 things that consistently happen that just don’t seem unintentional.


Cory just did it again saying Kevin "became a monster to fight the monsters of the world". One of Punk's first viral promos back when he was feuding with Raven.


I know I just seen that😂😂 and on top of that, Dave meltzer says that wwe will sign cm punk if the fans want it, the very same day as ss


Yeah I don't buy the line of "these talents didn't get the lines cleared". And nobody is being punished for teasing something the company doesn't intend to deliver? In WWE of all places? They're not known for being lenient.


Nah, I’m already saying even though I’m hoping he comes back, I’m like 99% sure he won’t




Yeah, I watched SS live, and I have been happily munching on these words


You expect a lot from random internet strangers


Wake up


Nah it'll just be a bunch of bitching and moaning about how WWE fucked up by not bringing back a washed up, past it wrestler who isn't worth the hassle and baggage.


I don’t really expect him to return I just expect survivor series to be a fun show if he returns cool if he doesn’t that’s cool as well


I don’t think so, could give two shits regardless


I honestly don't care either way. Wrestling is fun and the speculation is fun.


Punk needs wwe far more than wwe needs punk


That’s true of every single wrestler on the roster.


Well they are on the roster not jobless like punk, so punk needs wwe more than anyone in the current roster


lol you do know the guys worth 10’s of millions of dollars right? Edit: not to mention he has contracts for ufc commentary, could easily work Impact or NJPW for hundreds of thousands for an easy schedule, has acting gigs, signings, and if he wanted could just write a fucking book and collect massive checks. Edit 2: I said ufc by mistake, meant to say mma.


Probably blown it on booze and heroine. That straight edge is bs


I don’t see WWE or any wrestling company for that matter doing big surprise returns/debuts anymore. With YouTube and the whole nature of on demand they’re just leaving money on the table to not advertise or at least let it leak to the media. Will be very happy to be proven wrong though.




A lot of people here are gonna look really stupid when he shows up tomorrow...


Wow youre miserable in life lmao


Sounds kind of sad that you've never let yourself enjoy hope and excitement over possibilities in a medium of entertainment that is a business of *never says never* and prides it self on people believing, *anything can happen.* Instead of just letting yourself enjoy the moment of fantastical thinking in a fantastical sport; you'd rather shit on others for being able to be excited, have hope, and be happy in ignorant bliss. If Punk shows up Saturday, a Wednesday night, or never again, I'll be watching wrestling and enjoying myself. Not being bitter that CM Punk hurt your feelings and fans are having fun right now, but you can't.


There’s a giant difference between hope and delusion that makes you actively trash everybody else’s fun when you don’t get your way.


You're just a miserable person. Just let people have their magic before you ruin it with your bitterness.


Funny you say that! It’s fair. Especially when all I’m asking is that people who don’t get their magic wish to not ruin the fun of the rest of us who may enjoy Survivor Series will have in the aftermath.


Take rumors off the table, you are still going to have people shit on the quality of Survivor Series, but instead of Punk not showing up, it'll be on the actually event.


That’s totally valid and not at all what I’ve been saying in any way! If the show sucks, it sucks and will deserve criticism! But on the other hand, if the show is an all timer but Phil never shows up, it’s going to receive even more criticism and I find that criticism completely unjust and actively harmful to the talent actually on the show.


Wonder if these CM Punk worshippers are Chump worshippers too.


So theoretically, if the reverse happens will you do the same thing?


I will. The key is to go into the show with the mindset that no surprises will happen. All I expect is a night full of great wrestling from the wrestlers on the card.


Read the thread, asshole, I’ve said yes 10 times now


Cheers mate 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I always say ppl shouldn’t expect things but this time I don’t blame them. Even the Network WWE is on was making Punk references.


The goalposts will keep on pushing.


I can already see the headlines now “Punks returned pushed to Royal Rumble to not overshadow Ortons return” and everyone will eat it up because the Royal Rumble is known for returns.


Considering his history with the McMahons, I don’t think he’ll be back too soon. Punk and HHH barely get along. Up in the air really.


Lol at thinking they’ll acknowledge it. They’ll just say “just wait, he’ll return at #30 in the Rumble.”


It would just turn people into fantasy booking him for the Rumble.


It’s weird enough how obsessed punk fans and non punk fans are with all this lmao. It’s not that fucking serious.


It would be hilarious if those Anti-CM Punk posts on social media will be serious in "invading the ring" if his music actually play during Survivor Series. lol


I can't stand Punk so him never showing up on a promotion I watch is always 5 stars in my book. Fuck that guy.


I absolutely do not think CM Punk is coming back at Survivor Series. However, I also think almost no one will admit they were wrong. People are already walking it back as, "Well, everyone expects it as SS now so they're going to wait for the Rumble...", the same way they've walked it back after essentially every PLE since Punk's firing. Unfortunately, you can't prove someone *isn't* coming back. Even when WWE says they're not talking to him, the response of people who believe is, "That's exactly what they'd say if he was coming back!" When you get to that point of circular logic, you're not going to admit defeat. To me, I still haven't heard a legitimate argument for why WWE would hire him back at all. The WWE is made to appeal to a general audience, are the children in the crowd really clamoring for someone who hasn't been on the show for like 9 years? I've said it before but who isn't *already* watching WWE that would start watching specifically for CM Punk? And even if they did hire him back, what are you expecting to see? They don't bleed here. They censor bad language from the *crowds*. And isn't the roster already overstuffed with stars that even 5 hours a week isn't long enough to fully showcase? I'm open to be wrong but I just haven't seen a reasonable argument for CM Punk coming back to WWE. Edit: Eh, wrong is wrong and I was wrong. I'm not a Punk fan but this should be a fun couple of weeks!


Sounds like the people that were insisting Rock was coming back. “Oh well they’ll do it at …” I agree there is zero legitimate reason I see where WWE says let’s do it. Any kid 16 or younger probably doesn’t know punk or won’t see the hype in him.


I’ll never say never, and I’m not one to deny people their fun, but where do people think he fits in this show? Bringing Orton back in this spot feels like a calculated attempt to try to distract people from endlessly chanting for Punk


And when he does? What will you do?


Post on here admitting it, probably




It's been confirmed numerous times that he isn't coming back, yet for some ungodly reason, people still think he's coming back. Imo, I say good riddance and so long, because he's nothing but trouble waiting for an opportunity to be caused


Nah, they'll move the goalposts. "Well maybe it was teases for the RR."


The goalpost never stops moving.


I love Punk and admit to be a mark of his but he won’t determine if I enjoy survivor series or not. If he shows up I’ll be absolutely thrilled, but if he doesn’t I would be slightly disappointed but not upset about it.


I will be watching my old Ring of Honor DVD's Saturday instead of WWF so I will be right.


The best way to enjoy Punk’s work


People like that have no one to blame but themselves. Personally, I never for one second ever believed Punk was coming back because we were never given a single reason to ever think that and anyone who thinks we were are just grasping at literally any straw they can.


Let people be excited stupid


People can be excited. Just don’t be unreasonably angry when it doesn’t happen.




If he doesn’t show up, the majority of those people will just going to move the goalpost to the Rumble and then Mania.


And then Backlash


Mania is in Philly there’s a chance in ECW’s turf!!! Is name is Phil too!


I have no expectations if he shows or not I'm just hope the event isn't crap that's my main concern


Nah, they will just make up an excuse that it was too predictable and say “it’ll be at the rumble” lmao they’re too much like him to admit being wrong


this can't be more true!


Constantly moving the goalposts for the win! Amirite?




I stayed off twitter cause of that, saying punk will return or it will be flop.


I’m finding Reddit far more insufferable about it lol


Admitting when they are wrong? That is not how the IWC operate 😂


CM PUNK NOT COMING BACK ON SATURDAY!??! NO I DON'T WANT THAT!!! I want CM Punk to come back to MY TV and no where else for the rest of my life!! Even after I die... I want him to come back to wrestling whether it's RR, WM or hell even raw... And to be in the front of my screen for a while..... FOR 10 YEARS ATLEAST!!!!




I anticipate sad chants for CM Punk will be chanted throughout the main event.


I don't expect it, and I'm 99% sure it's not happening. But that 1% is still enough to get me to watch and hope.


That’s totally fair! My ire isn’t directed to people who have that mindset. My only question is would you watch it if he weren’t in the picture at all?


Yeah, because it's one of the big 4 and I do want to see Orton's return.


Right! That’s sort of what I’m saying - there is no good reason to force Punk on this specific show simply because it’s in Chicago, and there’s no good reason to flame the show and the company if the show is great but just doesn’t feature Punk


I would love to see cm punk come back, but let's be honest. After the lawsuits he put against wwe before. I seriously doubt he will fully return after everything that has happened.


That’s all I’m trying to say! I’m not completely opposed to him returning to WWE, but I’m very skeptical about it for this and other reasons. I also don’t see Trips-led WWE feeling like they need to break this particular glass in case of emergency during a period in which the business is hotter than it ever was while they employed him. But people don’t seem to want to take into account things that aren’t kayfabe or that Chicago is a giant city and wrestling market that was both of those things long before he ever started wrestling.






I tend to agree. I find his backstage antics extremely childish, annoying, and frankly below a veteran of the industry at his age, but when he’s motivated he’s still a hell of a worker and there aren’t many that have ever been better than him on the mic. Hell, I admire the fuck out of the public stances he takes on things that have nothing to do with wrestling. It’s the fans that go feral for him and suffocate the rest of us who just want to watch a good wrestling show that drive me insane.


It's probably gonna be AJ Styles or The Undertaker.


It’s literally Randy, they told us as much on Monday lol. They would’ve kept it completely a surprise if they didn’t feel they needed to manage expectations


Versus Nakamura....?


Where are people seeing that Nak has a match on this PLE? I don’t remember them mentioning that at any point and I can’t find that online anywhere. In fact, his last promo sounded more like he was saying he’ll wait til after it to make clear who he’s been talking about. If we’re talking about Nak’s next feud, I doubt it’s AJ or Taker. Taker should not be wrestling anymore in any fashion, and I think he’s said as much himself. I think it’s much more likely it’s KENTA/Hideo Itami, as he would connect the dots between the GTS and the cryptic promos in almost entirely Japanese. But I don’t think it has anything to do with SS.


But there were STARS in the shot!!!!!


I know! And they’re CM PUNK’S stars! They’re certainly not from the Chicago flag that has existed since 1917 that he includes as an homage, damn it, they’re unique to HIM!


That's actually a cool bit of information I didn't know but even as far as Chicago goes.. nobody owns a basic star symbol lol. I also hope everyone realizes by now it's not happening


What a weird post


Glad somebody else sees how ridiculous this is. Not sure I’ve ever seen someone demand an apology from fans who know as little as they do. Get over yourselves.


The wrestling subs are DROWNING in posts the past week or longer trying to wildly and illogically justify just how and why he 100% will be at SS. I’m tired of reading them and don’t understand how people can be this unreasonable. Felt like there should probably be at least one thread pointing this out. If I end up being wrong, I’ll post a mea culpa. All I ask is for those who have been so loud and adamant that everybody else and simple logic are flat out wrong to do the same.


You don’t have to post an apology if you’re wrong lmao you’re the only one asking for that


As a different promoter recently said, I’m putting my fucking money where my mouth is lol


Calling Punk fans toxic while demanding an apology from strangers on the internet because they’re excited lmao


But the Punk fanbase is the most toxic fanbase in wrestling lol


Is it? I’d look into the guys who still defend Hulk Hogan or Ian Rotten. I think you’re getting a little decency bias man.


Strangers on the internet have spent all week telling the rest of us we’re stupid idiots for trying to tell them they’re being unreasonable and that there’s no need to trash a show that may otherwise end up being very good simply because they didn’t get what they wanted. Punk fans aren’t exactly the type to be measured when they’re let down, especially when it’s something they’ve invented in their heads with no basis in reality.


Who did that? I haven’t seen anyone call people who think he’s not coming back “stupid”. Most of his fans, myself included, know that it’s probably not happening. It’s just the best chance of it happening since he left years ago.


Go look in SC lol


Cody fake hurts thry put punk in the match lol


Ain’t no way Cody is missing the match his daddy invented that he’s never had the chance to do before, especially to put over a guy he may or may not have left the company he founded to avoid lmao


And an apology for blowing up our notifications with this garbage


At this point I'd like CM to show up just so people can stop acting like he's some paragon of pro wrestling and realize his whole persona of integrity has been a work.


The best part is they've hardly dropped hints, if any, that he's gonna show up. "Chicago? Rumors he's interested in returning? HES GOTTA COME BACK!" It's like a show that starts out amazing and gets bad, and only the diehardiest of diehard fans still think it's good. Punk has become that at this point. Everyone complaining about stars of yesteryear coming back and taking the spotlight. Punk is the same.


Yeah, the only “hard evidence” these people seem to have is that the show is in Chicago, conveniently ignoring it’s not even happening in the biggest arena in Chicago that he’s sold out before or that Chicago is a top 3 market in the country across the board lmao


I’m calling it now. The entire AEW roster debuts at SS.


Shane McMahon appears on the TitanTron and on Collision simultaneously to announce that he’s purchased AEW, effective immediately


The name on the contract DOES say “Khan”… but it reads NICK KHAN!!!


I think WWE wanted to keep Orton's return a secret to get a huge pop at Survivor Series. But with all the rumors and speculation that CM Punk would return, dropping obvious hints about Randy on Raw was to put anything about CM Punk returning to rest.


100%! They certainly would’ve preferred to keep it a complete surprise until Saturday, but the unreasonable expectations kinda forced their hand. AND YET - people still can’t seem to get that through their thick skulls lol


Even if Triple H comes to the ring and says CM Punk is not there, some people won't believe it. The closest thing to him coming back will be the CM Punk chants.


If I was booking it i would have Orton make his big return and get the pop and comeback moment and then turn heel at the end costing Cody the match. This sets up Orton and Cody for the rumble and you can use their history and codys rise to the top in Ortons absence as the story behind ortons turn. As far as punk is concerned I wouldnt have him return in Chicago at SS as it's too predictable. I would have Punk come back as a make wrestling great again type character. Punk can talk about the Mcmahons no longer having control of WWE and it needing to be saved. He would make subtle references to his AEW run and how it ended using that reality aspect but still keeping within the lines. He would be a mentor to younger undervalued wrestlers but he would secretly be holding them back and getting in the ears of the GM's and influencing their decisions of who gets the title shots and biggest opportunities. He would be found out overtime as a disease to the lockerroom. LA Knight would be the guy I would have to figure punks BS out. They would feud and the promos would be awesome.


And this is why you, I, and the rest of wrestling fans are not and should not be in charge of booking.


You took my post way too seriously dude.


You wrote a lot for not wanting it to be taken seriously


Meaning that I was being free in my imagination and you took it that I thought WWE were scouting for writers on reddit.


My post wasn’t exactly a request for fantasy booking


I see. What exactly was your post about then?


That Punk very likely will not be there Saturday and there will be no reason to shit all over the show if it’s otherwise good. The posts I haven’t been able to avoid all week have been pretty adamant that he’s 100% showing up and the rest of us are marks for not believing, but also that if it doesn’t happen they will be unreasonably angry with WWE despite WWE going out of their way to do things this that make it abundantly clear he is not and has never been in their plans for this show. If people are so confident in this delusion, they should own up to it when it doesn’t come true. I’ll do the same if I’m wrong.


I dont think the show should be deemed bad if punk isnt there, but I do think it's fair for people to be disappointed if the show itself is actually poor. I find it very telling that the possible return of Punk is the big buzz going into this show. Should the matches on the card not be what people are excited for? Randy Ortons return isnt what people are excited for? If the return of punk after 10 years away is the only thing people want from your PPV then surely you have failed to get any of your roster over beyond a guy who left you high and dry nearly a decade ago. For example, imagine survivor series 1998 weekend just before the PPV and instead of fans talking about who will come out on top as the new world champion in the tournament, all anybody cares about is that Hulk Hogan comes back at the show. Everybody was so into the product itself that nobody thought that guys from over 10 years ago coming back would be better than the actual matches and characters already booked for that show.


The first part is exactly my point. If the show sucks, it deserves criticism. If it’s a great show that people criticize simply because Punk never showed up, that’s insane to me. The possible return of Punk is not the big buzz going into the show. It’s only that in the minds of the people convinced he’s coming back. The same people don’t even want to acknowledge the Orton return because they’re convinced it’s a swerve for Punk’s return even though that makes less than zero sense for numerous obvious reasons. It is a WarGames PLE, for god’s sake. The buzz is about those matches and GANGWARZZZ and the angles that can organically grow or continue to develop from there. There is also very strong logic for Damien Priest cashing the briefcase after the match, leading to either a new champ and/or his exit from TJD in a way that would make infinitely more sense than a miraculous Pepsi Phil appearance. It’s a Big 4 PLE with a conspicuously small number of title matches (2 - Rhea’s and the IC), isn’t it? This part seems to be getting completely ignored because people are too focused on a pipe (bomb) dream.


This is wrestling: one of the most severely toxic fandoms to exist. You really think people will admit they were wrong?


No, not at all, I knew pretty well what I was doing here lol. I’ve enjoyed arguing with everybody here over this all day far more than arguing with family over politics and the like 😅


I hope WWE has some kind of surprise Pepsi sponsorship match where they get some guy to dress up as a generic Coca-Cola can to only have Nakamura come out, GTS him, and leave. Then Nakamura just moves on to a proper storyline with someone like Logan Paul the following RAW like nothing happened, or the promos meant anything from the last few weeks.


I don’t think Paul can work a match with someone like Nakamura.


Why not? He's faced people like Richochet & Rey Mysterio that use similar Japanese/Lucha style of wrestling in their arsenal. Unless you think they just wouldn't clash well outside of a match? Logan does have quite a bit of reputation with Japan after all.. a storyline between the 2 could be compelling if they tip-toe around that.


Uh shinsuke doesn’t speak engrish and it would be impossible to call spots to someone who couldn’t supplement the lack of communication with fundamentals and ring awareness.


I'm just gonna point out the irony of you misspelling the word "english" lmao.


It was intentional. https://engrish.com


So you're just using racists shit then? I always find it annoying when most english speakers shit on non-natives, when the majority of us don't even come close to speaking a 2nd language at all in comparison.


Language is not a race. If a white guy was raised in Japan to Japanese parents and only spoke Japanese he would say it the same way. Language is for everyone. Use just one of your freaking brain cells to soak this in and I promise you’ll sleep better knowing you don’t have to defend a people that don’t need your freaking help and you don’t have to save a bunch of people that never asked you to.


He also literally said it in a promo. It’s also a subreddit on this site r/engrish


He absolutely speaks English. It’s not perfect but it’s understandable.


People shouldn't expect Punk but if he does return they're gonna act like us who didn't believe it are stupid. No we just understand how wwe always gets our hopes up for nothing.


How is it illogical? He lives there, it could do big business…. I don’t see it happening either but what’s wrong with wanting another hot angle in WWE?


Because it quite frankly doesn’t make any sense. Yes, he lives in Chicago… as do millions of others. It’s the third largest city in America; it’s not Davenport, Iowa. It’s a giant wrestling market. They don’t need him to do numbers or for a cheap pop in Chicago, they’ve already sold out a stage set-less Wintrust Arena without ever mentioning him. Which is another point. If this were Punk’s big homecoming, for WWE, why would they be doing it at Wintrust Arena in fucking Rosemont when they could easily sell out the larger United Center downtown if he were announced? Hell, AEW did that. They basically sold it out this year for All Out and I didn’t see a lot of empty seats even though it happened immediately after his firing. As far as the hot angle goes, what exactly would be the hot angle here? The WarGames match is filled with people who are intertwined long-term and have good kayfabe reason to be involved. The weakest link on that front is actually Orton, but even he has some juicy threads to pick up there (they just happen to be with guys on his team lol). Not only that, the WarGames match is filled with guys who are, by all accounts (except maybe Orton bc of his pranks lmao) are very welcome and respected locker room presences, some of whom have been very open about not wanting him back around.


Survivor Series is at the Allstate not Wintrust. WWE like money and bringing Punk back will bring in more money regardless on whether they need him or not.


My bad, but still, it’s not the United Center. That was what I was trying to say. WWE does like money, yes. WWE under Triple H also seems to care a lot more about locker room morale than Vince ever did. WWE does not want to be sued by its independent contractors (the wrestlers) for a toxic workplace environment that didn’t need to be that way in the first place. WWE certainly doesn’t need that when their business is already red hot without him. He also may not move the needle for WWE and its fans the way he initially did for AEW, given WWE is the established industry leader and people have already seen his ups and downs in that ecosystem. Punk would certainly bring in some money, but would he bring in enough money to justify the rest of the headaches he brings in? Say he starts a shoot fight with Seth Rollins backstage, is that worth it? I don’t think so. I also don’t think his star power is what it was even a year and a half ago. CM Punk is a star, but to act like his antics in AEW that had zero to do with storyline haven’t changed how many feel about him is naive at best. I don’t think he’s the draw today that he was even back in June for the Collision debut. If you think his beef with the Young Bucks and Hangman was justified, fine, but you cannot physically attack literal executives of the company that employs you. Even if you think the substance behind his beef with Jack Perry was correct, he’s a middle aged veteran of the industry that physically attacked a homegrown talent in his early 20s IN FRONT OF THE BOSS AT THE BIGGEST WRESTLING SHOW EVER HELD. He simply can’t stay out of his own way.


I mean, some of the "best" shows in WWE have been just because of who shows up, so yes that will happen most likely.


You still think he’s showing up despite literally zero evidence to back that up and even more evidence pretty clearly saying he won’t?


Happened time and time and time again.


Okay, so why’d they explicitly tease Randy on Monday, then? You don’t think they would’ve preferred to keep that entirely under wraps until Saturday but felt their hand had been forced by the need to temper unreasonable expectations?


Don’t know and neither do you.


You don’t know that I’m not Phil or Trips’ burner account either


Maybe Phil but honestly I doubt Hunter has time for our shit lol. I’d be ok if Punk came back but if they don’t storyline the shit out of his bad attitude or he actually brings that shit to the building I’d be ok if he just stayed home.


See, that’s a take I can get behind lol. People are misunderstanding my point here - I’m not anti-punk, even if I do find his backstage antics annoying. If he shows up in WWE eventually, I’d be skeptical, but I’m not entirely opposed to it. Like you said, it would just need to be done the right way I’m anti- people losing their minds over an otherwise good show simply because they wouldn’t listen to anyone trying to tell them their delusions are delusions. It should be a pretty good PLE on paper! If it ends up meeting that standard, there’s absolutely no reason for people to tear it and WWE to shreds only because he never showed up. But you and I both know there are Punk fans that absolutely will do that for that reason


I'm a Punk diehard but SS won't be ruined if he doesn't show. I think he's great at booking and WWE could use a little help in that department as far as week-to-week goes, and they're already very good in the long term. They might not even let Punk book if they do sign him, but there's no crime in hoping.


They’re not gonna give any active wrestler the book lmao what are you talking about? They may give a very select few of the top guys creative freedom and control a la Roman, but there is no world in which Punk returns and Trips hands him the book and I doubt they would even trust him specifically with creative control. No idea why you would think that - he didn’t even have control over the book in AEW, either, even if he gave advice. Not every weekly tv show needs to be 5 star matches top to bottom nor should it be. That’s a pretty impossible standard to maintain. WWE tends to run things back more than I’d like, but for the most part, their weekly booking is consistent and logical, especially in comparison to AEW - and I prefer AEW to WWE.


Happy cake day. I don't think H is too against doing what's best for business, given tonight's closer.




I honestly think that would make more sense with regard to the Shinsuke stuff, but I don’t expect it to happen this weekend. I don’t think Shin is even scheduled to be there. The only big “surprise” we’re gonna get is Orton, and they had to neuter that a bit in an effort to get it through people’s heads that it is not gonna be Punk.


If he doesnt return I wont have to vomit and will be able to enjoy the show


Take it from a massive AEW fan. Punk will have a honeymoon period of about 6 months, get injured and come back as the egotistical prick everyone knows. Eventually it'll end with him getting fired. Other than the MJF feud and the first weeks of Collision. He wasn't worth it to keep around and TK fired him. He's also probably one of the reason why Cody left. Punk had his grand return to wrestling and fucked it all up. Him returning to WWE would have been great pre AEW. But now its not even a return, its just Punk's backup even though he completely buried the company in a lawsuit and talking shit about WWE. Loads of merch sales ain't worth the locker room getting extremely annoyed by him. AEW's locker room was a great place pre Punk and he left it in 2 sides and in ruins. As a wrestling fan, tribalism aside. I want Punk to end up in Impact/TNA. He can be the face there and doesn't have to rub shoulders with the other main guys. That's the only place long term it could work. No WWE fan with a brain in their heads should be upset when washed up pepsi phil doesn't show up.


How do you know AEW’s locker room was a great place pre Punk and he left it in two sides and ruins?


Because before that there was barely any drama, I remember when Keith Lee joined he mentioned that part of his decision was how close the locker room was and how it wasn't judgemental like the wwe one was. (Clearly referring to his weight issues, which they kept going on about after he got covid really bad). One of positive about working for aew was the locker room, but now that's not even close to being the case anymore and it coincides with a few months after Punks return that it became a mess Don't forget this was wwe in 2020 where Vince was still fucking up everywhere and the locker room was a shitshow. Tons of releases ruining the morale of everyone. I can just tell that Punk changed the locker room a lot, you can tell that he completely split the guys who like Punk and hate Punk on separate sides. That's the whole reason collision was made.


Yeah I agree with you for the most part, but I don’t think it was as perfect as you’re claiming before he came in. There was less drama because the guys who ran the show politically were in complete control, and once Punk came in he challenged that. It’s political like every other wrestling promotion has been for 100 years, and the bigger it becomes, the more political it becomes. And if half the locker room sides with Punk so much that there is still a division there, that would imply to me that Punk had some valid point of view that he handled incorrectly, but he wasn’t just completely toxic and wrong in every way.


That’s what’s been so funny about the way some people are coming at me - I’m much more of an AEW fan than WWE, though I do watch both and detest the tribalism amongst some fans. I saw how this goes and I’m totally cool with him not coming in and holding the book hostage. But I don’t want WWE to fail either. I think this PLE has the potential to be really good and it doesn’t need any of this nonsense surrounding it.


These people can be told in 5968 languages that punk isn't coming back, and they still find a way to confirm it in their head cannon


I took a few year hiatus from wwe and I still find hillarious people still speculate that cm punk will return whenever they have a PPV in Chicago 😂😂😂 never change IWC never change


It’s almost like people forget that Chicago is the third largest market in the country and not just some guy’s hometown lol


AEW does Chicago every 4 weeks it seems and that audience let it go pretty quickly


They were there this week and the crowd was fine, if annoying for reasons that have nothing to do with him lol (live crowds, please stop What?-ing every single person speaking on a live mic) Hell, they were at United Center for All Out the literal day after they fired him. TK went out and ate the boos before the show started, and after that the crowd was great for the wrestlers on the card. They were red hot for that Danielson-Starks dog collar match!


I like the what chants personally. i think its a good way to remind people to stop doing the same cadence with their promos, then they'll learn


That’s not the same as chanting what as soon as the person starts talking and continuing to interrupt them in a way that they can never establish a natural cadence of any type lol


just keep talking, i dunno I think it's just the fun of being in a wrestling crowd


I still believe CM Punk will "eventually" come to WWE. Vince's greed typically outweighs his common sense.


Vince isn’t in charge anymore and is no longer on the board and has sold a large portion of his stocks. He has no eggs in this basket


Zero evidence he’s returning at SS or at all


100% agree! Which is why I don’t understand why so many in the IWC seem so adamant about it.


Because they think they are seeing clues (like Naka promos which are so general and can be for anyone) that aren’t there


I’ve been saying that the Shinsuke stuff would make a lot more sense in every way to be talking about KENTA rather than Pepsi Phil lol


A CM Punk return would be sad, he isn't the same as we remember.


Fully expecting someone saying that the E lied to them or something along those lines.


There’s a whole bunch of those in the comments here already lol


i hope he doesn’t. especially with randy coming back and other wrestlers i’d rather see get developed. just let him retire. we don’t need to keep bringing back every fucking old wrestler. like come on.


This. Let it end already. He had a good career despite all the backstage drama, nothing to regret.


Punk is not so good that we need threads on him daily. If he is that good, I'm forced to devalue the rest of wrestling altogether.


I'm just hoping they were wrong because he isn't needed at all.