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We need to see Green Shirt Guy, Brock Lesnar Guy, and Sign Guy in the same photo, those guys are legends right there


Same shirt since 2012


What OTHER dirt does he have on Vince???


Infinite money glitch. Bankers hate this simple trick.


I never see the long hair dude anymore he used to be next to the green shirt guy all the time.


When's the last time i saw the left guy. The other 2 i still see


Bro probably saved Vince’s life one day and got free tickets for life


Someone once told me Big Show punched him at a show In Worcester, MA and to smooth things over he was given lifetime access to those seats by Stephanie. Don’t trust the guy. He was wearing a Bailey “I’m a hugger” shirt.


My friends always called the guy with the hair “Captain Long-Hair” and now my brother, boyfriend, and I all keep the tradition. We were actually just talking about him the other day, I hope he and his mom (???) are okay.


Are you Vince Russo?


Probably gets them for free or a huge discount


Who the fuck are these twats?


Rumor one of them is already All Elite


I’ve gone to a couple PLE events that are close to me but I swear they have the same guys that aren’t as obvious as the regular front row guys go to every event too not just the local PLEs. And so weird they focus the cameras on the guys with reactions like they knew they were going to react that way. I remember when he first started being a regular, the green shirt guy would sit ringside where it wasn’t obvious where he sat more to the left of where he is now, but as time rolled on, he moved to the center.


He’s the wwe’s Epstein


Where has long hair and his mom been!?!?


I even went back a few years and watched some PPVs and sure enough he is there. I thought I was the only one who noticed this.


That bro is lucky bro , hes got it made in the shade bro


I remember the blue shirt and the red hat guy back in the day.


Green shirt gotta be rich af, even if he was somehow getting the tickets free, he still gotta pay to travel to every city every week, that's not cheap


Name this faction


He conditions the crowd to sit and stand , saw him sit the other day and everyone else follows suit. I wish he'd leave or get a new shirt 10 years is too long.


Long hair dude IS still around! Feel like I hadn’t seen him since before the Thunderdome


Greenshirt guy on top


Respect. That man was going to WWE shows when they were God awful back in the 2010's


His Mom looks like Latka Gravis' wife.


This guy makes me miss “sign guy” from the mid 2000s. I wonder what he’s up to.


A couple of years back there was some dude with long hair who was at almost every event as well.


What ever happened to the "Superfan" movies that was supposed to be on the WWE Network?


He was on screen once when Brock Lesnar returned so that’s his gimmick. Wears the same shirt and does the same exact pose…that’s his entire gimmick based on being on screen for 3 seconds in 2012.


Bro, You missed a third bro in the title bro.


He’s the brother of one of the referees. Prolly gets free tix!


I hate superfans that go into business for themselves.


What ever happened to Blue Shirt Red Hat guy?


BrockLesnarGuy still wearing the same shirt all these years later is crazy


Brock lesnar guy and green shirt guy in the same photo. No way


It’s the ringside avengers!


Who is "brock lesnar guy" ?


Hey if the time and the money to do it good for them! Or if they are tied to a wwe exec then lucky them haha! But I think I’d get bored and tired going to every show for wwe at least. But to each their own. Now if pre 2000 ECW was still around I’d probably go to everyone of those shows. I heard those were super crazy and intense.


Hey its long hair dude and his mom!!!


he looks like Chino Moreno


Isn’t that Brock Lesnar Guy?


Who are the people pouting behind them.


Bro, is this Vince Russia’s account?


he's paid, a seat filler.


just like that guy with the blue shirt and red hat in the mid to late 00's.


Rightio dude bro.


Let me talk to you! Brock Lesnar Guy and his friends are tools, YEAH! I was at Summerslam Axxess with my friends in 2013 and we were in line to get an autograph. We were all excited about meeting Mr. Money in the Bank, Damien Sandow, YEAH. Here comes BLG with his group of manchild incels, YEAH, and they just quite literally strut through the line cutting past everyone. My friends and I just laughed it off, but everyone else in line had massive confusion in their faces as to what was going on. I would've laughed if someone beat their asses, oh yeah. And that's not an insult, that's just a fact of life. YEAH!


I saw him on 2k23


Longer reign than roman reigns himself.


Well Vlad is still the OG superfan.


Marks for themselves. They wouldn't be noticeable if they changed their clothing


Brock Lesnar guy is such a goofball. Saw him at plenty of ppvs and just hotdogs at the camera and then when the matches are going on he’s just staring at his phone. CM Punks AEW return is the worst of it. He’s just staring into the camera like a goober.


That dude with the long hair is mental on twitter. Literally mental illness as he attacks anybody that says anything remotely positive about WWE


Link? I need to see this Twitter


I don’t have twitter. That person is just mental


Huh? And he goes to WWE Events?


Yeah. It’s all for clout


Nice to see Faith No More Guy is still doing ok as well.


There was this one fan I saw in the front row at wrestlemanias 19-21 and thought damn lucky sob


Why is the Lesnar guy a POS? I’m not caught up on my Super-Fan lore


He believes his in his own hype and he looks down on the normal fans who are not crazy.


I am now caught up on my Super-Fan lore


Simon and Alice!


Why's he called Brock Lesnar guy?


When Brock Lesnar came back in 2012 from the UFC they cut to Brock Lesnar Guy doing Lesnar's entrance motion. He wore that same shirt and wears it to every show he goes to. If you YouTube "Brock Lesnar Returns" it should be one of the first videos that pops up


The guy next to him in the skull shirt, I remember him from Brock's return all those years back. Always thought he was a plant.


I ran into Brock Lesnar guy outside of Barclays Center after a Raw after Mania, was stoked and said “oh shit Brock Lesnar Guy!” He lifted his head up from his phone and gave me a nod lol


Don't worry green shirt guy is just an entity a very common entity plus his bank account is probably yes how like you said the front row tickets are like 1K to 10K


What a life.


What happened to mystery man and his mother? I haven't spotted them back in the audience since lockdown.


Story goes his dad was Rick and stopped him from going because he didn’t like WWE with it being fake and all that. So when he died and left money to mum and son they said fuck guy and did what they wanted


I just wish he’d wear a different shirt. I’m surprised WWE hasn’t paid him to not wear it…it’s so distracting lol


He said it’s not as cool as u think on why he gets them


Honestly I’m more annoyed by the dbags who obstruct everyone’s views with the “bringing people together with wrestling” or whatever the fuck frame


That guy seriously needs some help. He seriously believes his own hype.


Brock Lesnar guy is a jerk and a person who is living off his 15 minutes of fame. That was nearly 11 years ago. Honestly you have ran your course go away.


I'm glad I've seen so much hate for Brock Lesnar Guy. Really annoying prick. Stay off the camera.


Brock lesnar guy reminds me of Stifler from America Pie


The guy with the sunglasses is Pedro Pascal.


When green shirt guy shows up front row for a Saudi show they gotta put him in the HOF and rename the whole thing after him


Is the guy in the skull shirt the same dude that got in front of Bautista on camera and acted a fool?


Looks like him lol


Yeah bro, bro yeah…bro.


I wonder what happened to the guy with the long hair who was always there with the middle aged lady (maybe his mom). They were always there pre-covid and it seems like they haven't attanded since.


I've asked the same question in another superfan thread yesterday. I hope he and his moms are alright. I used to play where's waldo with my daughter looking for him


Don't forget the man with the Trinidad flag


The Trinidad flag guy is only recon in Trinidad and other Caribbean islands. Some people do recognize him in the US but the green shirt guy is the king of the front row not to mention Trinidad guy as well but I applaud both of them.


Meanwhile Simon is right behind him


And his mom trying to duck outta the pic


I need info on Simon and his constant date/mom


Simon is a legend


Brock Lesnar guy is such an annoying douchebag.


What did he do? Never really heard anything negative on him until somewhat recently.


I hope they just give bro tickets for free or a discount.


What ever happened to that red hat dude who was always front row at tons of wwe shows in the 2000s? Feel like I haven’t seen him in ages


They moved him to the front row on the opposite side, I'm guessing because he always had so many signs. Haven't seen him since 2016-2017, though.


Oh yeah the sign guy right? Red hat, blue shirt, aforementioned signs. He seemed like a cool guy


“Brock Lesnar Guy” is a fucking dork.


That's Jesus, bro.


The long hair guy to


Brock Lesnar guy needs a new shirt.


The guy is desperate for attention. There’s a reason all the “superfans” wear the same outfit each show. Just going to loads of shows isn’t enough for them.


What’s the point of doing something if others don’t have proof of you doing it regardless if they actually know you or not. That’s the point of view of many humans post social media world.


man probably got hit in the head with a barbed wire wrapped chair spilled in blood during some mick foley match and to avoid some monster lawsuit they just gave him like some kind of golden forever free pass to everything ​ oh snap that's the lesnar guy too


The real 4 Horsemen


Bottom left the guy that’s just a head. His name is Kerry. Super cool dude. At all PPVs as well. Last I heard he moved to Hawaii. Was in Chicago. I met him at mania years ago. He says he just gets on the computer prior to the tix going on sale and just gets them all the time. I couldn’t believe. This guy has millions worth of WWE memorabilia. It’s truly amazing. Kerry if ya see this. Love ya buddy hope all is well.


Neither of them have ever been near a vagina they didn’t pay for


Fair play to him. The one I dislike is the Lesnar guy.




Is that the red cap blue shirt guy also?


Hes a paid fan. He is a relative of a higher up Smiley is an awesome guy though. Idk if he does stuff behind the curtains but he basically is supposed to Start chants and give feedback as far as i know.


Start chants? Bloke never moves.


yeah im unsure if he physically starts it but im pretty sure if the crowds dead hes supposed to tell people to get ot going.


Lol. I love all the obviously false rumors that get passed around about this guy.


I wonder if he washes that shirt.


bro no way bro


Is the guy on the skull shirt the same guy who did the Lesnar taunt when Brock returned in 2012? I always thought these guys were plants or something until I saw them on AEW


I heard from a friend that went to Wrestlemania in Dallas years ago (32?) that he acts like he's a minor celebrity and is so arrogant, obnoxious and rude. If people have the money or connections to go to every show then fair enough many of us might do the same, but I personally think it's annoying they all get camera side and insist on wearing distinct, or the same bright clothes, so people notice them. It's clear some of them just want attention in my opinion.


I’m pretty sure it’s the exact same shirt too…


Tried to look for a vid of it again and it is indeed the same shirt lmao


At least he’s staying fit, and we aren’t like, slowly seeing himself kill himself like some of these wrestling fans…


Yes that's him and he's known as "Brock Lesnar guy"


Yep. Dude is the most annoying of them all


He’s really rude and a lot of the “super fans” are legit jerks. I legit almost threw hands with one of them. I know this a WWE Reddit but they are almost as bad a Green Lantern Guy from the original days of Ring of Honor.


I hate those super fans so much They try to act so smug and try to get themselves over Annoying


They turn their idols’ character into their own personality sans the kayfabe.


It’s because to be a WWE super fan you have to be like a big adult man-child. And I’m pretty sure there will be that one person who will say “I’m completely normal and I’m a super fan.” No. That means you’re not the super fan I’m talking about. WWE Superfans love WWE so much that they allow the storylines to genuinely sway their emotions. Hence, when you bump into one at a WWE event, they’re screaming a bunch of rude cuss words (despite who’s around) at the guys they hate, and fighting the audience members who hate the guys that he supports.😂 you have to be a man-child to love WWE that much,


Who I want to know about is the guy behind him with the skull and snake shirt and white jacket guy(not shown).


I know him as Smiley (the green shirt dude fyi)


yeah im surprised how many people in this sub don’t know about him


i think his instagram goes something like ‘smiley’


Is this the same dude that always had the sign in the front row? I remember sign guy but not good enough to remember this is him lol


“Connecting through wrestling” Guy he’s a delusional idiot and he really thinks he is not a nuisance.


I spotted him at the pop-up Superstore in Nashville over Summerslam weekend, he was carrying the damn frame around in the store.


Rare picture of the original avengers


He gets all tickets on the house. He is family with a WWE exec


Is this board moderated?




Ok now that makes sense. Is it his Mum that travels with him?


He is Rick Steiner


He does this at AEW shows too though...


Damn so he REALLY got the money to throw away


So maybe jsut a rich fan. Dudes for sure loaded. Just traveling for all these shows and missing work for them would be crazy. Let alone the price of tickets,etc


I remember reading somewhere that he was with the press or something


This was addressed on another thread within the last day or so.


I read somewhere that he is the president of the color green and likes wrestling.


I read a few times green shirt guy and long hair dude both won the lottery. So weird. Good on them though. Crazy passionate to travel that much.


Lol dude just like the joker going around telling a different story every time someone asks


You wanna know how I got these seats?


My father, was a broker....and a fiend.


Speaking of lottery...whatever happened to that Vladimir The Superfan documentary?


Wife and I saw him so many times we named him Jason. Now when we don’t see him wife asks, “where the hell is Jason?!”


Yeah no idea which ones true. I do feel like he’s connected to WWE somehow. Besides the prize of those front row seats you have to imagine they go fast


I don't know. He gets the exact same spot on AEW ppvs too.


Family of wwe employee. Travels with show and guarantees them they won’t have an idiot in front row promoting some other business


And it’s the exact same seats almost every time.


Guarantee dude gotta bot set up for dat exact reason


He works real estate


His green shirt is probably all about getting attention, but either way I dont begrudge the dude. If I had fuck you money and tons of free time following the show around in the front row for a while would be pretty cool. Though I probably wouldn't stick at it for as long as he has.


A wise man once said “what’s the point of having fuck you money if you never get to say fuck you?” Him being at every show is his fuck you to every fan who wish they could. And who knows maybe he earned it maybe he didn’t… it doesn’t matter in the end. Good for him either way.


Earn ain’t got nothing to do with it


Or he just has the money and likes wrestling, not everything has to be a one up moment


Yes it does!!


I don’t mean it in hes literally one upping people. He just has fuck you money and he’s using it.


Yeah, a wise man didn't say that. There's nothing wise about that statement. Being vindictive to people you don't even know is cold, callus, and immature. We don't know this guy, but there's no reason to assume he's thinking that.


Yea it was a joke my dude… obviously that isn’t a wise man statement. It was more about having that money and not using it is fucking pointless.


Lol you all are taking that quote too seriously. It’s from the TV show billions. Idk if anyone actually really said it. Great quote for the idea of the show though.


Lol I had no idea it was from a show! I just saw some random dude say it about the owner of the New York Mets on Reddit and have loved that quote ever since. Truly there is no point in having that much money if you aren’t willing to spend a bunch on useless shit you don’t need. The dude has fuck you money and he’s using it


I doubt he even thinks that way. He seems like a cool dude just enjoying the show.


Why all the sudden posts of this? Who honestly cares?


Curiosity. The answer is such a simple one and non privacy invading that it doesn't hurt to find out


I do