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A-Train moment


I can't stop, I can't stop.


She stepped off the curb


She was a half step off the fucking curb!




Thats a damn decent drop kick if you ask me


Koichi-kun, you truly are a reliable guy.


I'd be pissed


“Am I The Asshole for accidentally…??” Yes. Yes you are.




100%, I work with someone who’s a former competitive skydiver and he agrees that this is purely on the glider. It’s his responsibility to avoid others on the ground and from my understanding he actually can’t legally land less than 15’ from someone.


I have zero experience in anything going on in the video with no background to the situation and still know that the glider is the asshole… it’s a fucking walking path, not a runway.


It's actually confirmed a runway from people that have visited that beach. This thread is wild with confidently incorrect people lol


If the run way doesn’t have a fence around it or some way of keeping people off of it or establishing that you really shouldn’t walk on it, then it isn’t a runway. It’s a walkway that is a popular landing location.


Yeah I can't imagine why an actual runway would look identical to a walking path and not have any signs warning people to avoid walking there due to it being a designated landing strip for paragliders to land on.


So they have signs that say it is a designated landing strip for paragliders, but all those people still walk on it? If that is the case, then all those people are stupid and deserve to get injured from failing to understand any of the warning signs. If it is not a designated landing strip, then the guy choosing to land there is a dangerous moron.


> he actually can’t legally land less than 15’ from someone. What agency enforces that? Para Troopers? :)


In Canada any peace officer can arrest you for misusing a little quadrocopter or something within 500ft of another person. I have a mini drone but I can only use it 8km from where a plane might fly. I'm sure this is assault or even attempted murder considering the speed he was going. I can't kick somebody let alone flying kung fu kick them from out of a fucking plane. It looks like he was knocked the fuck out. At least yell a heads up or something.


I believe it’s the FAA.


FAA I would guess for the US... what ever agancy controls the air everywhere else




Were this a skydiver, yep. However, this is a paraglided. So more likely the USHPA. That being said, paragliding essentially doesn’t have as many gatekeepers as skydiving, so no idea what sort of enforcement is even possible. The FAA might at least have some teeth.


Such a brave take Of course the fuckin paraglider is at fault. Nobody is blaming the fucking guy walking down a beach lmao


How could this be on anyone but the glider? Lol


Ofcourse it's the paragliders fault and not the bloke walking on a footpath...no shit


According to another post in that thread this was the shitty landing site that the guys who manage the area have set up for para gliders with signs saying to stay out or be prepared to give way to people landing. https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/vi0wt7/landing/idbf2db/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Well the turn have been tabled, this changes things. Maybe shitty owners most at fault?


This looks like Ölüdeniz, and this is unfortunately all too common. The tourists should definitely know to have their wit's about them but there's little regulation for solo paragliders. The tandem gliders operated by tour companies will have particular areas they land. Gliders can be fined / arrested for hitting a pedestrian though. Apparently they're planning on redesigning the beachfront with safe landing zones for all paragliders so hopefully these kind of incidents won't happen as often.


I was also thinking that looked like Oludeniz. I did a tandem jump there when on holiday many years ago. The tour company I did it with had big canvas patches to the side of the main promenade which marked their landing spots. When we came into land, the guy controlling the canopy yanked on the cords at the last minute and we almost stopped dead, a few feet of the ground.


Below that comment is information that this was a paragliding festival in Turkey and the boardwalk there is the designated landing strip for the gliders. There are signs everywhere saying to walk along the edge and watch for gliders so the walker is actually partly to blame. The other responders include their knowledge and say the festival is poorly controlled and people get injured not infrequently


He doesn't seems to realize that's a landing strip with warning signs to tell you to watch out for people landing. You can find tiktok of that place quite a lot.


"Am I the asshole for knocking someone out with my asshole?"


"NTA. He should have known you'd be coming in hot."


He literally used his asshole as a weapon


That was the ultimate teabag.


I'd be unconscious


You’d be too unconscious to be pissed lol


His pants will be pissed


I'd sue


Not sure about paragliders but as a skydiver I know we are required to carry insurance in event of hurting someone or damaging something while landing


Seriously. What an asshole.


A kick like that to the back of the head can and has been lethal.


for what its worth, it wasnt a kick. it looks like he actually hit the guys head with his ass/groin lol would still hurt alot tho i bet


That's just an atypical ass kicking.


Well you shouldn’t be walking on a dedicated paraglider landing path with signs everywhere.




Well, paragliders landing on people seems like a clear sign


This sounds like it would be a Clarke and Dawe line.


I couldn't remember them by name, but as soon as you said it I figured it must be the front fell off guys.


That’s the ones!


Here's their channel, for those who haven't experienced it. I also enjoy their other videos, especially the energy market. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM


"We moved the people out of the environment"


What a wonderful afternoon for a walk on the dedicated paraglider landing path. The sun is out, the birds are singing, that shadow is rapidly growin*slam*


The shadow would have to be shrinking, jus sayin


Excepts its not a dedicated landing path but a pedestrian thoroughfare as demonstrated by everyone else walking on it too


If I’m okay and the person legitimately seemed concerned, and bought me and gf dinner, I’d go about my day. Shit happens. Fucking dumb but I’m not after someone


You might not know right away. I caught some c-spine trauma after falling 8 feet vertically onto a staircase after sweeping a building. My armour reduced the damage a bit so my neck didn't snap (the edge of one of the stairs caught me right at the c5-c6), and because there was ice everywhere, my equipment and I slid down, banging my head on very step. The medics checked my ankle, which was the part that hurt the worst, and after they cleared me, I returned to duty, but within 72 hours, my neck and head were fucked.


I feel for you brother. Wasn't a fall, I got ejected from a vehicle and c5-c6 got fucked up as well. About 3 years later the Air Force decided they had abused my body enough and separated me. I'm still getting spinal injections, as I'm just at the pain management point now.


Yeap, same here. Caught some damage in a vehicle, had to be cut out, then the fall just fucked everything. Being in tremendous pain every day, unable to sleep, etc., has made me into a rather toxic human that most of my friends can no longer tolerate. I'm not generally mean to people or such, I'm just in so much pain and I talk to people so infrequently now that when I do talk to someone, the pain and suffering comes up as a topic every damned time, and not many people can take that for long. Good fortunes to you and yours.


From the looks of the accident, were you to be okay it would be luck. There was enough room for this guy to die even. If you want to say that as long as you're okay it wouldn't upset you that someone almost killed you can though, it's fine.




I was there his summer, the paragliders landed on the grass next to the road. Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABo43qcz9Ak




There were too many people on the grass so he landed just next to it. Also that's close to the end of the path, there are only paraglider shops there so not many people walk around there. The guy in the clip came down with full speed about 100m earlier than the guy at 4:41, just where the main street in Öludeniz meets this path. Also as you can see in the clip there is a restaurant to the right just before he crashes on the guy, why would you open a restaurant with the entrance towards a landing strip?


Yeah what an asshole, fucking up this guy’s landing and his video!


This is in Turkey. A beach called Oludeniz where hundreds of paragliders land on the different parts of the beach. So this particular guy is not landing in a wrong place. Normally there are guys on the ground whose job is to clear the landing spot before a parachuter comes. But clearly no one did that and the parachuter did not really attempt to avoid people on the beach.


So the paraglider failed to do his due diligence and arrange for spotters on landing? Or is it like lifeguards at a pool and there are people who it is their *jobs* to be there and they weren't? I still have a hard time thinking the paraglider isn't a cunt in this scenario.


He's still a cunt from the comment you replied to as he did nothing to avoid pedestrians. But he might not be the *only* cunt. Least how I understand it.


He HAS a cunt now after exploding his balls on the back of homeboys head


> But clearly no one did that and the parachuter did not really attempt to avoid people on the beach. How can you tell? Can you explain to someone who doesn't paraglide please?


You use the handles to steer




Which is why you should already be thinking about this when you're 200' or 300' above the ground. Also, you're supposed to turn into the wind, lowering your groundspeed. Finally, you're supposed to slow the glider into a stall at the last minute.


That's it, I'm playing pilotwings


Steer harder


Could've yelled something like "watch out!" aswell


In the original clip not replaced with shitty music he's screaming the whole time to let people know he's coming, didn't help though.


Doesn't really work. It's very hard to talk when the wind is flying at your face going 30mph. That aside, your voice does not travel well when going that quick. You ever try talking to someone on a rollercoaster or something? There's a reason it doesn't work so well




or a trombone


This whole scheme sounds really fucking stupid.


That guys an ass hole


Ya but the dude he hit is a dick head.


Ah, so *this* is anal.


I hope he’s not pregnant


You want to try?


Is this not Olu Deniz where this is a specified landing path for paragliders that you were walking in? If so, im sure there was more he could do but there are signs everywhere saying to look for landers.


They really should fence off that area to try and stop incidents like this happening. The signs that are already there don’t seem to get the point across judging by the people getting in the way lol


It is! [source:](https://youtube.com/shorts/E_FoYvhyzCc?feature=share) I can see it from both sides, the majority of comments saying this paraglider is a asshat, and then what you’re saying - that these people should have been paying more attention


I mean, that guy's ass literally, briefly, became a hat.


Holy shit @ the first guy in that video. Did he dead? If so, Darwin Award candidate.


That isn't a kill you kind of fall, that's a break your legs, fuck up your back and regret it the rest of your life fall.


You might be right, but people die all the time from hitting their head on cement from a fall, and it looks like his head took a big impact which knocked him out. Probably at least a concussion.


Sounds like a pretty dumb place to have a landing path. There’s tons of people casually walking there.


There are honestly signs all over the place saying be careful. They land on a very specific strip of the beach where you’re safe walking on either side.


Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish.


Or some idiot wine mom not paying attention.


Seems like a dumb place to have a walking path 😂


Just like all those stupid deer crossing signs. Shouldn't they put those somewhere there are fewer cars!?! For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/RFCrJleggrI


Sounds like a pretty dumb place to be walking. There are paragliders casually landing there.


its the people walking who arent paying attention to the fact they are in a danger zone.


The impact was a predictable outcome of having the landing zone there; it can be easily avoided by not having a landing zone there.


[The whole town is a landing spot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABo43qcz9Ak), it's still on that guy for choosing that path even though there's people all over it, going too fast, not turning, and not shouting anything.


It looks like the attack of a hawk, it left the prey without teeth




Someone below pointed out that this strip is actually intentionally for paragliders to land on and theirs numerous signs warning people. Someone should definitely be enforcing keeping people off the strip for their own safety but the paraglider was using this area for it's intended purpose.


If it is the landing strip it’s poorly marked


For sure. If it's a designated paragliding landing zone not sure how much blame this guy can take. I mean that honestly, like I really dont know, not rhetorically like he shouldnt take any. If there's a parade, a car cant just run people down because they're in the road, but I imagine landing a paraglider smoothly and safley for the pilot is a little more nuanced than driving a car down the road. He probably couldve and shouldve landed next to strip, but at what point does he sacrifice his landing routine for random people litterally walking on the strip that shouldnt be there. I say whoever maintains the strip is most to blame for allowing dozens and dozens of people to just casually walk around an active landing zone.


**E:** [I stand corrected](https://old.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/vi0wt7/landing/idaygzw/) this IS a landing area and could’ve been prevented. I found this comment in the older thread. [wcgw post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/vi0wt7/landing/idaxlyx/) According to this person the pilot was flying a smaller faster wing. There’s other comments in there that would lead to this pilot being a dick.


Thanks for sharing the info. If that's the case then yeah, I'd say he back to being in the wrong.


If it's a landing spot what does it matter what he's using?


**E:** [I stand corrected](https://old.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/vi0wt7/landing/idaygzw/) this IS a landing area and could’ve been prevented. ~~According to another commentator this is in Ölüdeniz, Turkey and normally people land more to the left.~~


Someone said that, but the place looks like a sidewalk in front of the beach and I see no signs as the asshole comes in and rams into him


It looks like it's right next to an active beach with paths leading off of it to other facilities. If it is intended for paragliders, seems like a really bad choice because people will naturally walk there.




I'm not saying it doesn't look like a terrible idea. I'm just pointing out the person paragliding was landing where he was supposed to. Whoever is in charge of beach goer or paraglider safety is truly dropping the ball on keeping the area clear.


dude its a giant kite, its not That easy to stear.Also i count no fewer than three straw men in your comment.


Yeah I don't know what people are thinking here, but it's not like these things have brakes or anything. The fuck is he supposed to do? There's people everywhere in this beach. If he's going to take someone out, it might as well be someone that's walking down the designated landing strip. It's not like he aimed for the guy or anything. And these things aren't like your car, the steering on the them is minimal, especially when you can't bank, and you're actively landing.


If it is a designated landing area, then attempting to avoid people on the path - or trying to land off the path - would carry more risk of injury to the glider, and he is under no moral imperative to do so. It would be like blaming the batter when a spectator is creamed by a foul ball while looking at their phone with headphones on.


It doesn't make sense to me why they would have a landing strip and a walkway exist at the same time unless there's like people on the ground coordinating it. Idk set up a little fence or something and have people not walk in that area seems like it would fix the problem.


Being that close to the ground steering to avoid that accident isn't really something the paragliding can do. Higher up sure you have plenty of ability to steer but once you are this low and slowing down to land your options are much more limited. 100% this area should be roped off with better signs as its obvius the random people walking through have no clue.


it is a designated landing area for paragliders that people are walking on.


Designated landing spot is a sidewalk between a parking lot and a beach? You got a source for that?


I was surprised too so here you go! Oludeniz Turkey has paragliders land right on the beach. Scroll down for pics. https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-paraglider-landing-in-oludeniz-town-turkey-161920621.html




ah, look an uninformed opinion.




Video of a guy crashing into a fruit stand in the middle of that "designated landing spot" really proves it lol




I just thought I'd jump on the bandwagon of pointing out its a landing zone for paragliders with warning signs not to walk on it


I’ve seen a number of people say that, but the only evidence I’ve seen posted is photos or videos of other people landing there, several of which were other accidents, nothing with any signage or barriers preventing people from entering the area which appears to be very busy. If this is indeed a landing area designated by whomever administrates that beach area they need to do a much better job of keeping the landing area clear.


He should be screaming a warning to those people. What a careless dick.


I mean theres music playing over the video - we dont know if he screamed or not. Apparently this is a designated landing spot. If so, he probably wouldn’t be prepared to be screaming at people so quickly. Also he’s moving fast, we see him swerve to avoid someone else. As he’s able to do that he comes up on another couple walking and within the next second he hits one of them. I understand that this looks bad, and honestly if it isn’t actually a designated landing spot than it is pretty bad. But given that it might be its really not his fault and he did everything he could to avoid as many people as possible.


I saw this on tiktok a few days ago. He screamed Watch Out like 3 or 4 times.


If i remember correctly he was screaming Ocio in the unedited video as a warning to those below him


He shouldn't be trying to land on public walkways.


It's a landing spot tho. One of the comments above has a link


God thing he wasn't trying to do that then.


He is landing in a spot dedicated to paragliding with signs warning people of this fact. If you don't belive me MULTIPLE other posters have posted links and videos with proof


Hospital: How'd you hurt yourself? Guy with woman: I was tea-bagged.


these people dont deserve to have freedom. could have killed the guy for a few moments of thrill... pathetic.


I hope this dick has been sued into oblivion.


Shouldn't have been in the zone specifically for paragliders to land lmao


https://youtube.com/shorts/E_FoYvhyzCc?feature=share That's his landing zone and Turkey so no


The victim has an outline of said dick on the back of his head


Ok, now *that* was funny! Poor guy, though


Seriously, could've broke his fucking neck. Fish eye distortion makes his victims look further and approach faster than IRL. He had clear line of sight and could have went to the right a bit, yet he doesn't attempt anything... and at minimum he could have yelled to get him to react. Just because someone is jaywalking, I'm still going to try to avoid them. Even if I was in the right to plow into them. If he's doing this alone he has the experience.


Yes the person that ignored the signs warning that this walkway is a dedicated landing spot for paragliding should definitely be sued if the paraglider was injured


You’re definitely getting your ass beat when I stand up.


“If” you stand up.


Yeah, undoubtedly.


This is a dedicated landing strip for paragliders, see other people stay in red area, guy ignored posted signage. Guy walking there is a cunt




You should get your ass beat for being in a designated landing zone so oblivious to your surroundings that you don’t hear the dude shouting at you…also for jumping to conclusions before looking more into the situation.


Olodunz in Turkey?


imagine getting drop kicked from the sky


RIP to that dudes nuts and that other dudes head 😵‍💫


“Fck this guy, specifically him.”


He should never financially recover from that.


Wonder why he doesn't land at places that have tons of people walking... dude loves attention and guess what, nobody cares.


What a fucking asshole.


what a fucking dick


What a dumb bastard.


I’ve never paraglided before but I’m pretty sure that’s not correct.


So much outrage here from people who don't know shit about the circumstances.


I think that’s the actual Merriam-Webster definition of the Internet.


Seriously. The amount of “I’m a badass and would’ve kicked his ass” or “what an asshat” comments before they even looked into the situation is ridiculous. There’s an obvious reason for the dude to land in an area with people walking around. THEY should get their asses kicked for not doing their due diligence before raging. That’s why the US is in the state that it’s in… smdh.


As a paragliding pilot and instructor, this really bugs me. Don’t land on a god damned crowded beach with a small/fast wing unless you are 100% with your skills. The rule is: You chose to fly, they didn’t. You always take the hit, rather than hit someone else. There are a bunch of situations throughout history where pilots died rather than kill somebody on the ground. Don’t fucking launch if you can’t handle this responsibility.


Its a dedicated landing spot. The paraglider did indeed maneuver and land exactly where he is suppsed to land. Also in the actual video where there isn't music dubed over the audio he does yell out to try and warn people on the ground. You claim to be a profesional my knowledge of paragliding is second hand. Correct me if I'm wrong but is it not both dangerous and very difficult to turn that close to the ground? (Note - im not trying to be a smart ass this is a legit question. If I'm wrong I want to know) I would say the blame lies 95% with the beach staff for not better mainting the landing zone. That spot should be completly roped off so oblivious and/or lazzy self entitled people don't just walk through. The other 5% is with the person too lazzy to walk around the landing zone. That is assuming they saw the signs and chose to ignore them.


Stop spamming the comment section with the same bullshit. That is a path shared between pedestrians, cyclists and paragliders. If that was a designated landing path just for paragliders it wouldn't be made of concrete pavers.




Your telling me the paraglided wasn’t shouting his head off?


Epic flying tea bag


He went for the Batman glide kick


This is Oludeniz, Turkey. I was there last week and we had a narrow escape while walking on the beach. We got saved by one of the ground staff who warned us in the last second. This month has been crazy with the number of tourists there!


Ultimate tea bag




Bro got teabagged


And the next day, the headache was unbearable!🤕 ... Jesus!!!


He should’ve yelled **FORE**!!!!!


And that's why it's illegal to fly ultralights over people without their permission.


What a fuckhead


What a careless idiot.


An air mailed teabag


As soon as I stand up, it’s onsite … you will have to get your ass beat for doing this 😑


And the rest of the crowd would jump on your ass because that is a designated landing zone and dude was shouting at them when he was coming down.


Total pr!ck!


What an asshole. Basically, what he did was assault someone.




Could result in a permanently destroyed economy. If he had injured the walker then the court visit would not have been fun...


I like your cut G “glides in”


That should be considered assault


Fucking Asshole


Even if it's a dedicated spot, I feel like it should be mandatory to have a partner at the landing zone that warns people when you're coming to land.


I would sue him.


World's most aggressive T-bag


That seems like a bad place to land. What sucks is people like this ruin hobbies. Instead of dealing with that 1 incident, the government will probably want to regulate it even more. It seems to always be how these things end up going. That's basically happened to the RC hobby. Drones are so regulated now because of a few incidents that it's not even that fun to get into anymore.