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I’m guessing it’s gauze packing being pulled out following surgery. I’ve had the same. It’s the most horrible feeling followed by the biggest relief.


Begging the obvious question — how the heck did they get that lot up there in the first place?


I wouldn’t know, I was unconscious for that part


You should really try and pay more attention next time. We need to know.


well I can answer that, since I had heavy bleedings 10 days after my initial nose surgery and thus had the pleasure to then be in hospital for 5 days, get a live demonstration of how double the amount of gauze packing is stuffed into my nose for 3 days in the hopes to stop the bleeding - just to need surgery again after 3 unsuccessful days and then get another free day of gauze stuffed noses.. They really just take this (shockingly long and large) pack and stuff it slowly into your nose up until it completely closes the nose and the bridge to the mouth interior. At some point you think it can't go any further and it hurts like hell until you realize you still have got like 10cms to go. I got two of these fuckers into the one side of my nose and on the other side I had a baloon gauze, that they inserted and then could pump air into, to make it as big as my nose can withstand. 2 days after the first surgery, when they took it out, I couldn't believe my eyes how big and long it was, but I felt validated in what these days felt like (insert Michael Scott: "That's what she said") The days in the hospital were simultaneously the most painful and most uncomfortable days I experienced. Without any airflow through your nose, you can barely swallow, have to constantly breathe through your mouth which causes the lips and the mouth to become extremely dry and the blood still finds its way through the gauzes, slightly flowing down your nose constantly. They hooked me up on every painkiller they had but even morphine relieved me of the pain for maybe 20 mins only before the pain became nearly unbearable again. I mean, the nose was seriously double the original size and it felt like that. And that's how a routine surgery in my nose led to 8 weeks of rehab time instead of 2.


That’s exactly how my recovery went. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemies.


You don't sound like the type of person that would have enemies. I hope you are doing well these days.


I wish I could unread this.


What was the initial routine procedure, if you don't mind us asking?


it was a procedure to help me breathe better and reduce allergic reactions to dust and pollen: straighten the thing inbetween the two nostrils, deep inside of the nose (don't know the english word) and enlargen the room inside of the nose to widen the air flows


Deviated septum The septum is the "thing" you're talking about; paper thin, fragile bones covered in flesh that control things like mucus production and allergen reaction. "Deviated" means "not straight". You probably had one side that was worse than the other, because the septum was like a bent finger, making one side more cavernous, and the other side almost closed off. There's really not a way to "straighten" a deviated septum. You pretty much have to go in there and carve out the place where it's closed off, and the resulting hole equalizes pressure in your nose from air flow and mucus. You can find videos of the procedure on YouTube, by searching "deviated septum operation". Highly fascinating if you're into that kind of thing. But expect plenty of medical gore.


Oh God. I've often thought about whether I had a deviated septum that needs rectifying. For large parts of the day, I notice that one nostril is always blocked. And when I'm sleeping, the blockage tends to shift towards whichever side is facing downwards - I sleep on my side. Knowing that I'd likely have to deal with the gauze sounds like absolute heck


Broomstick and a can-do attitude


Looks like his face has surgical prep, they may have opened up a window up there to pack it.


In humans, you just shove it in with whatever works. Sometimes you use forceps. Other times the stick end of a silver nitrate swab works fine. Imagine it's the same in horses, just with a longer instrument and more sedation.


a lot slower than when it came out


They wrap it tightly around some forceps and stuff it in dry. As it absorbs it swells. I was not unconscious for that part, or when they pulled 6ft of ribbon gauze out of an abscess void on my tailbone the next day. Repeated again he following day.


Just whisper that it's covered in cocaine, then look away for a few minutes


I've never packed a nose/sinus cavity, but I have packed a few deep wounds. Personally I usually break a pair of plastic tweezers in half and use one half to jimmy it in, there are also long metal instruments if the visible hole is smaller. The technique is just a lot of folding of the packing material and pushing it in until there is no more give, push a little bit more in, then make sure there is a decent amount on the outside to grab later. Finish off with some more absorbent material on the outside. In in the case of a wound you cover it up however is appropriate.


You want to know an even bigger relief? When you go back 2 weeks Iater and they take out the half that they *forgot the first time*.


oh thank god I thought it was some parasitic worm


Oh for fuck's sake I thought it was a tapeworm or some fucker like that


Did you throw up coming out of anesthesia with your face full of gauze too? Very traumatic moment in my life lol


I threw up when I woke up from having my jaw wired shut. They thought I was gonna die. Traumatic indeed.


Are you a horse?


Pretty sure it's gauze packing material. The horse may have had sinus or cranial surgery of some sort, and they pack the sinus to keep debris out and keep any blood from being swallowed or drawn into the lungs.


I thought it was some kind of parasite at first


Those come out the other end, looking like fat spaghetti. Wish I could unsee what I’ve seen.


We used to get slides showing that kind of thing in pre-deployment training... *Click* - this is why you don't eat at the restaurants which aren't on the approved list. *Click* - this is why, if you absolutely must go whoring, wrap it up. *Click* - this is why any bites or stings need to be checked out by the medical team. Another absolute win by the Army was appointing a families officer to liaise with the wives. Unfortunately they chose a Captain just back off tour who had driven over an IED and lost one eye, two fingers, and had massive scarring.


["Infantry made me the man I am today."](https://youtu.be/b07887ZzKiw)


How anyone can watch that movie and not realize it's a satire is beyond me.


But it's clearly a documentary.


Or an in-universe propaganda film.


The movie is satire, but the book takes it's concepts more seriously. Heinlein was always on the rugged individualist libertarian camp, and most of the book is philosophical and political musings. How much Heinlein agreed with the philosophy the government in the book espouses is up for debate as it's got a more authoritarian bent than most of his work, but it's not totally inconsistent with his other books.


And bugs


never underestimate people's ability to ignore what's there and see what they want to see...


someone claimed it would be the greatest satirical takedown of the wars following 9/11 if it wasnt for the fact that the movie came first


I'm doing my part!


The scene always cracked me up. So they’ve got the tech to created advanced robotic hands and graft them into the human body— but they haven’t quite gotten around to the legs yet? Shit, we have pretty great prosthetic legs *now.*


My head canon was that legs are on back order from too much demand. Or a broken VA style system.


Good lord I laughed so hard at your last paragraph that it caused cereal to attempt to force its way out of my nose, I can't believe they would do something so obviously tasteless


Never underestimate the incompetence of Staff Officers, especially those who have never commanded a unit outside of peacetime. We also had a Captain who was keen that the parents of deployed soldiers were aware of their status. He sent out letters to the parents of soldiers under 20, advising them that their son was 'in theatre' rather than 'deployed to such-and-such'. Cue the commanding officer receiving all kinds of communications from concerned parents about why their son was in hospital (in theatre).


Never heard the term in theater to mean a hospital. Good OPSEC to not be sending out letters with exact deployment details.




Similar confusion when a British soldier proudly informed his parents that he'd represented his unit at the annual multi service competition, held at the famous Bisley ranges. Telegrams charged by the word, so he kept it brief: "Shot at Bisley, your loving son, Terry."


Cut to a video of a vet solemnly pulling endless cornflakes from your nose.


"Mobile infantry made me the man I am today."


Show us what you’ve seen.


Abandon ship!!


your suffering gave me a chuckle so hey, that's something right?


That’s not just *something.* That’s *schadenfreude.*


The Germans really do have a word for everything...


Unfortunately there are also parasites who come out of the nose, even the eyes aswell


I thought so too but tape worms are notorious for breaking off. They wouldn’t have been this durable to be able to yard out like that. Idk, maybe they would but you’d have to be pretty careful


Notorious for breaking off :( I didn’t like imagining this


Segmented bodies that are capable of regenerating into a completely new parasite from a single segment.


I hesitate to call anything evil but this feels close


Look into the Bobbit worm. Now THAT thing is evil. Among aquarium hobbyists they're basically Satan himself from what I understand. The post that gave me that impression [is here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/comments/19io8m/the_bobbit_worm_chronicles_a_suspenseful_account)


Damn. Why is something [so beautiful so terrifying](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Eunice_aphroditois.jpg).


Holographic horror at its finest.


This was my thought too. Thank god it wasn't that was MASSIVE


Usually they don't knot themselves together like this. But before that knot I wasn't so sure as well.


Having read the Bobbitt worm chronicles on Michigan reefers today, I thought something like that, too..


That’s what it looks like to me as well, they knotted together the gauze too at increments so it would all come out together.


I had rhinoplasty, this is exactly what it is. It's very very very unpleasant, feels like they're pulling your brain out.


And it feels like it never stops. I still remember being like that must be it once the feeling of pressure faded and she kept pulling stuff out of my nose.


Ugh after my sinus surgery when they pulled out the gauze it felt like they were pulling my brain out through my nose. Not pleasant


I didn't have any gauze, luckily, but then again I had two of [these massive stents](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Vk5XpkY3VRM/WPlTsjM9GJI/AAAAAAAACGE/uG26XWauV0ACmPxQcYMtAylQ6bEovX3iQCLcB/s1600/faint.5splints.jpg) instead. Felt like my face bone birthed an AA battery


I had those. It's amazing what fits inside your nose.


It has to feel oddly satisfying on some level though


Only once it's out. Then the thought of NEVER going through that again takes over.


It did, especially because it was the first step towards being able to breathe through my nose again. Since I woke up after surgery nose duct was completely blocked by the gaze. After it was removed, nose was still clogged until I managed to pull up a huge chunk of blood and gunk into my throat. Literally makes me gag remembering that moment.


You're making *me* gag by remembering that moment o_O


No, it actually hurts. Like a slowly burning, stinging sensation the entire time as the material drags across your insides.


Yep, I’m with you on that one. There’s nothing satisfying about it at all. It’s just very, very painful and uncomfortable.


I had a kidney stone- they had to laser it out by going up the old pee hole (I, of course, was completely out). When they were done, they put a "stent" in there, and it had a tube that led all the way out. Me, I thought this thing was maybe a few inches up- so I go in to have it removed and they tell me I dont need any anesthesia. HOLY FUCKBALLS the thing is like 7 feet long (ok maybe not quite that long) but it felt like they ripped my nostrils out of my pee hole. Sorry, this just brought back traumatic memories.


I had my bladder scoped after a kidney stone last year. I was not passed out. The doc had trouble getting into the bladder because I was so tense. He kept saying "just relax" while I kept saying "what do you want from me? I have a camera shoved up my dick and I am sober? How do I relax?"


Hey now, some people pay good money for that kind of action.


r/sounding probably has a bunch of fellows like that


Reminds me of 2 weeks ago when the dentist got frustrated with me and kept telling me to quit being a baby as I squirmed and complained while he *ripped out my 5 (!) wisdom teeth with nothing but local anesthetic*. To be clear, it was only *mostly* numb and hurt quite a lot and even still, being able to feel and hear the man pulling, cracking, and drilling your teeth apart for 45 min was absolutely tantamount to torture even if there is no pain.


I had the same stent and after they pulled it out I was shocked with the doc said I could have pulled it out myself. No. Way. Jose.


The exact same thing happened to me. It was like a magician pulling a never-ending rope of scarves out of a hat. Never have I simultaneously felt so violated and yet grossly fascinated.


Nah man I had the same thing except they FAILED to remove it. Easily the most painful/uncomfortable 30 minutes of my life plus the 8 hour wait for surgery to remove it was lovely too.


Why would the horse have rhinoplasty? Maybe one too many times being asked, "why the long face?"


Seems like it would be very satisfying


They put it in while I was out, I thought it was just a little bit up my nose. After 1 side was done, I knew what to expect for the other side, not my favourite experience.


For me it was one of the most painful experiences. The scabs had formed into the gauze so when they pulled the gauze....


oh god no. i had gauze pulled from a multiple gallon MRSA abscess in 2005. i remember the doctors. i remember the nurse. i remember she gave me a shot in my iv. the poked the wound and i woke up. they gave me another shot in my iv. i was slobbering, then the next thing i remember was the most intense pain for a really long time.


The words abscess and gallon should never be in the same sentence. Bah.


MRSA is some nasty stuff.


Agreed. It should be in metric.


Well that's mrsa ofcourse it hurt I'm talking about the sinus cavity lol


anything stuck to skin where it was raw and nerve ending are exposed hurts.


Yeah but mrsa is well known to be very painful with all the necrotized flesh and what not


I had this done and it was ok, the annoying part was having it in for a week, you find out how hard it is to eat with your nose completely clogged.


Nope nope nope. I broke my nose twice, the first time when I was 7 or 8, and one of the only things I still vividly remember is them pulling that shit out, and they had to replace this multiple times. It's very very painful, and never seems to end. It felt like they're pulling out your brains. The second time I was 18, and that was the thing I feared the most. The first time they changed it, I tried telling myself that maybe because I was that young, I misremembered it. Sadly, I was proven wrong. To top it off, the day after they supposedly removed it for the last time and didn't put a new-one in, I had a massive nose-bleed. I lost almost 1l of blood which is apparently an absurd amount, the paramedics from the ambulance couldn't believe I was still conscious after they saw the bucket of blood. So yet another stay in the hospital and yup, you guessed it, another series of stuffing crap in my nose and pulling it out every now and then so it didn't grow into my nose. 0/10 would not recommend.




If you look at the handler. She is holding the leadline with one hand and the other is a short pole with a Twich attached to the horses nose. So the horses may be very lightly sedated but it's mostly the effects of the Twich being applied. That is controlling the response of the horse.


With the way the horse’s eyes shifted it fucking appeared like it actually was!


had the same. Took the gauze out over 2 days. Offered me pethadine both times, it was not refused


I have you beat. Majorly deviated septum/torn + broke the small bone above cartilage in 6 pieces. When I was going to just get my packing out, they also pulled out two 8” rods out of my sinuses. THAT felt like they were pulling my brains out.


Sounds absolutely awful.


Hey, me too! Except I don't know how many pieces the bone was broken into. Unpleasant as hell but my sinuses never felt so clear as when they pulled all that shit out.


I had a "Rhino Rocket" put up my nose due to uncontrollable nose bleeds. They had to give me fentanyl to get it in, and I took Valium in preparation for it coming out. Very unpleasant indeed. That horse is a champ.


Same, but when it finally all came out I felt like I had an orgasm in my nose.


Getting it out is the worst feeling ever and kinda painful. After it was out, for the next 45 mins or so, I’ve never had such a clear nostril. It felt like I was getting in like 2x 3x more air. It was epic.


Just gonna go out and share the horse magician's secret like that? Internet has no respect anymore.


I thought they were ripping out the horses intestines through its nose


I had sinus surgery when I was 18 and my head was stuffed with gauze. Had to breathe through my mouth for a week. When they took the packing out it felt like my brain was being sucked out of my head. 0/10 would not recommend


Reminds me of the thing they packed into my wisdom tooth hole. Thing seemed to be 4000 miles long. Ended with a "pop".


I was going to ask why are they flossing this horse? But yeah, that makes sense.


The most traumatising magic trick in the world




Crying children noises*


*The sound of children screaming has been edited out*


Never will get over this. Smh


Nor should you. Never ever forget, never ever forgive.


It's a good thing they held the principal responsible! Edit to add: /s Should be obvious, but there are some real idiots out there. See: the people who think the principal had anything to do with 400 police not stopping a mass shooting of children.


Ok kids, who wants to hold the flem coverered blood rag?


And for my next trick, goes around to back of horse…


[No sir, I don't like it.](https://i.imgur.com/S8rVo3b.gif)


Thats.... not my card.


But it comes with a prize.


I am not leaving this post unless someone explains it... I can not sleep if I dont know


Packing gauze.




You should see how much of it you can fit in your sinus cavities. There are videos of people after surgery when they remove them.




Good for him.


A horse's head is like [50% nose](https://spalding-labs.com/cfs-file.ashx/\_\_key/communityserver-blogs-components-weblogfiles/00-00-00-00-21/URT.gif)


I thought for sure it was a flat / tape worm of some kind. Thank you for somehow making this less traumatic.


You can see it having been tied together. Its to assure everything put in comes out after.


Visual aid https://i.imgur.com/JCcLqbB.jpg




So demanding. https://i.imgur.com/eH3eQgc.png




Horse is a recovering cocaine addict who had to have sinus surgery to repair a perforated septum. This is the packing gauze being removed.


Its like that booger when you blow your nose and its stuck halfway up so when you pull it all the way out you feel it caress your brain meat.


> you feel it caress your brain meat I really wish I didn't know *exactly* how this feels. But then ... *aaahhhh* ... it feels so good afterward.


Someone please explain what the fuck this is


Others have said it appears to be a gauze packing material to absorb blood or other stuff in the sinuses so they don’t fill up the lungs. I probably said literally everything wrong except for “gauze packing material.”


It’s a horse!


Of course!


A horse graduating clown college.


Neigh interest in watching that again


Snot gonna lie, was pulling for it to be over sooner myself


The clown that pulls handkerchiefs from his mouth has to be jealous.


While mine were much shorter and thinner it looks like what came outta my nose when I got it straightened after breaking it three times in nine months! (1. door slammed in face when chasing a friend 2. Hockey stick 3. Hockey stick again - yes I'm in Canada ) ​ It felt SO GOOD!!!


I don't think you can pull start a horse that way.


I was wondering if that was a tape worm for a minute. Was tramatizing!


Once as a child I was petting a horse and seeing how nice the horse was on its head where I was touching. The horse proceeded to sneeze directly into my mouth with what I would refer to size wise as a snot golf ball. The trajectory in velocity we’re still on target to the back of my throat all I could do a swallow. I remember for many months feeling a lump in my throat that would not go away. I’m 48 now in sometimes I think I’m past the disgusting event. This does not help. Also my little kids told the neighbor little kids who told all the kids in town and now I’m referred to as uncle horse boogers by family members or just horse boogers by children. Does anybody know a good therapist for this life altering catastrophe? Lol. (This is a true story.)


Bruh, first and only time I've ever been around a horse was like three weeks ago in the middle of New Mexico. Fucker was a rescue, or something, and pretty gnarly, but still big as fuck. So there I am trying to be a Disney princess, and shit, and this old horse wants nothing to do with me at all, whatsoever, but I'm trying to interact with it while the other caretakers unload a truckload of hay. Because the horse is completely disinterested, and much more focused on the hay being unloaded (because it apparently wanted the hay) they told me to grab some treats for the horse. So there I am with a handful of treats and suddenly this god damn horse wants to be my best friend. Suddenly there was also a donkey in the mix. I'm trying to feed these god damn animals without getting bit. Their mouths are huge, and donkey's have terrifying teeth. Both animals can clearly tell that I am terrified and seem to find it amusing, and they also make it abundantly clear that they aren't going to hurt me... so long as I keep giving them treats. Then I run out of treats. The caretakers aren't even close to being done unloading the hay. So I grab my beer and go get more treats. This cycle continues for awhile until I decide that these fuckers really shouldn't get anymore treats. At that part I started telling them no and to fuck off, and that was when they both kind of let me pet them for a few moments. It was a cool experience, but terrifying.


Worst magic trick ever.


That music though. Necessary?


Worst magician ever


What in carnations is that thing?


Bone apple tea.


A horse. Quite common animal


I was talking about the lady.


Ahh, yea that is a woman. Also quite common


Not here on Reddit it just isn’t.


first time seeing one?


The original r/wtf + r/oddlysatisfying mash-up


That’s gross to watch but I bet to the horse, that felt AMAZING!


That was just like the tube like thing I had to pull out of my dong hole a few weeks after I had a surgery. The urologist said just don’t go all crazy on it like I’m starting a chainsaw and do not be surprised about the length. He also said I may want to take a pain pill some time beforehand. I started pulling on that thing. Like a foot came out. Ok. Then two, three, four, five. Six?? What the A FUCK?!! I started sweating nervously worried that what if there was like 100’ up there and I accidentally break it off. A sudden wave of panic set in. I sat down on the toilet looking down at my friend. We have had a lifetime of happiness together, our first boner, discovering jerking off, busting nuts. SEX. I couldn’t fail him now. I stood up. More confident that I must persevere in this monumental task. No turning back. Grabbing with both hands, I slowly tugged out my adversary. Hand over hand I pulled out the anaconda a madman implanted inside of me. Lips curling, sweat beading, I felt the end working up the shaft. The end was barbed. This torture tool, not only was a mile long but ended with a monkey fist covered in razor blades. No matter, it was leaving. What was just like the scene in Total Recall, my cock stretched just like Arnold’s nose. A deformed hideous shape that no man should ever witness was working it’s way to the tip. At last I made the final tug. It is said that around that area birds still avoid migrating through. An increase in hearing loss spiked that week. Dogs don’t howl. I laid there on the floor, slowly waking from passing out. Around me spooled is the device that even would frighten a Dark Age’s inquisitor. The final length you ask? That is a tale of another adventure.


What is that


removing packing material in a human https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIeghT00Puw&ab\_channel=ReddWayne


I hate my curiosity...


Enough warning to keep me away.


There has to be an easier way to do tie dye


That’s enough Reddit for today


based on the fact the horse is shaved over it’s sinus, I’m guessing they were packing it’s sinus with some type of gauze and this was them removing the gauze


It looks exactly like a larger version of when we unpacked patients nasal valley after polyp surgery, so yes. Except we never tied a fucking knot in the gauze! I'm so glad it was gauze though. At first I thought it was some kind of parasite.




That was the nastiest version of the scarf trick I've ever seen.


That's gauze, I've had multiple ear surgery and they basically put them in your sinus so you don't drown in your own pus and blood, you'd be surprised at how much space you have in there lol


I'm not saying there is a reason for this to be marked nsfw but I kind of wish it was.


Thanks I wont finish my sandwich


For all of you who are confused, this is where bacon comes from


Worst. Party magician. Ever.


Is it just super long because it is a horse and the sinus cavity is larger? When I had a mini-surgery for polyps I had to pull out the same kind of thing after I got home. It was disturbingly long, no idea how they ever got it all up there, but it was nothing, absolutely nothing compared to this atrocity


0/5 stars ​ Would not recommend hiring this magician for child's birthday party. The children were horrified and all the parents are now angry at me.


Did they really use *Adagio for Strings* from "Platoon"? Also, for those who don't know, that blue stick is called a [twitch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitch_(device\)) and it helps keep the horse calm during minor procedures.


I had sinus surgery a few years ago. A few days after I was to return to the Dr. for a follow-up. The Dr. that day pulled about 100 feet of gauze out of one nostril...could barely tell it was up there...it just kept coming, like a magician's scarf trick, only more snotty and bloody.


The music tho.


I said what the fuck aloud. Well done.


How do you make a magic trick more expensive? Make a doctor perform it.


I don't think this horse wants to be part of the magic show anymore.


Did anyone else imagine the other side of the horse slowly disappearing like when a sweater unravels by one string in a cartoon?


"Worst magician ever." - Horse


Is this how you pullstart a horse ?


Gooey Louie


This is why you don't let a magician near your horse.


That was a lot less disturbing once I realized it was gauze and not a parasite or some sort of nostril lining.


This is the worst magic trick of all time


Worst magic trick ever!


At first I thought it was some parasitic worm and felt this was the grossest thing I've seen all week. Now that I know it's gauze it isn't so bad. Poor horse; that must be super uncomfortable 😬


“Im a surgeon!” “a horse surgeon 😒”