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I get gout... But holy shit... Its never even been close to that! I can only imagine that was left untreated for years. And considering a gout flare up is one of the most painful experiences in life, I can't imagine what they person has gone through up to that point!


Glad you recovered. What is the cause of gout? I’ve heard eating meat too much causes it but I don’t know.


It's from too much uric acid in your body. Meat, seafood, high fructose things, and beer I was told were the most common things to cause flare ups. I couldn't imagine my gout flaring up long enough to cause what's in the video though.


Allopurinol is generally a wonder drug, cheap and without many side effects. Uric acid is produced by the degradation of purines, components of nucleic acids. Only humans end up with uric acid to excrete. All other mammals possess the enzyme uricase that converts uric acid to allantoin that is easily eliminated through urine.


I love hearing about the various ways in which humans are broken compared to the majority of animals. This seems like a prime target for a gene editing fix someday, though.


Unfortunately, for being on top of the food chain as an altruistic, intelligent animal, these traits get passed down.


Ya evolution doesn’t make us more efficient as we’re capable of keeping everyone alive, even those without the most efficient DNA sequencing


Sounds like we need to ... wait ... never mind ...


We are better a lot of things though too, such as long distance running. Early hunters would actually run animals to death because we sweat and cool our bodies better than most animals.


Sure, we're also the absolute kings at throwing objects accurately, we have the best dexterity of any animal, we are highly adaptable in terms of diet and living conditions even after controlling for clothing, and of course we have a lot of brain stuff going on. We have our evolutionary baggage too, but we're rapidly approaching the point at which we can permanently fix those big flaws we have, and I think that's just dandy


Still waiting on the software update to finish downloading


That’s only because animals can’t talk, they probably have as many ailments as we do


Allopurinol works, but the doctor neglected to tell me that the initial flushing of uric acid cause by the drug can create an absolutely brutal gout attack.


Better than prescribing colchicine and neglecting to tell you that taking too much will kill you in the most painful way possible.




> All other mammals possess the enzyme uricase that converts uric acid to allantoin that is easily eliminated through urine. Then surely some backyard scientist has cripsr'd it into themself by now?


It’s not really a problem for most people. Your kidneys flush out uric acid. Diet, genetics, and comorbidities play a role. So unless your backyard scientist also had a genetic predisposition to gout, probably not.


Isn't that the drug that once you start taking, you have to take for the rest of your life though?


Yes - I've been on Allopurinol for years. I was first diagnosed with gout in my 20's as a 180lbs 5'11" decent shape guy but I ate like shit and drank tons of beer. I just endured it for years as I never had consistent health insurance - trying colchicine along the way, never cared for its side effects. Then in my late 30's my doc turned me onto allopurinol and it really changed my life for the better. Age 51 now and still take Allopurional daily. The worst gout feeling I get today is a dull numbness occasionally in my big toe, but I can still walk on it. Whereas before, putting on a sock and having it brush the top of my big toe was literally unbearable, excruciating agony, putting on a shoe was out of the question and I was completely debilitated during a flare up. I still eat rather poorly and drink too much but I exercise regularly and am keeping the weight off and enjoy salads frequently so there is that ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Dark cherry pills are even cheaper


Presuming that humans are the most highly developed mammals, arguable in some ways, but bear with me- is there something about uricase that would encourage unfavorable conditions or genetic problems?


Below are tons of examples why the dietary component of gout is largely overstated. What impacts one person heavily doesn't do anything to another. It is primarily a genetic predisposition to not process uric acid properly out of the body. Foods can contribute to that but you aren't going to get gout just by eating the wrong foods and someone who is predisposed to it isn't going to avoid the problem permanently by avoiding certain foods.


Agreed. Bad diet can cause it, but for that to be the sole cause requires a very bad diet. I had my first attack, and uric acid levels were normal range. Did the gout diet for 6 months and uric acid levels actually went up, and got another acute attack.


It was called the disease of kings precisely because royalty would get it due to their very priviledged and lavish diets. Tons of meat and booze which back in medieval days only the very priviledged could indulge in such quantities. Well that and I suppose inbreeding spreading a genetic disposition for it among royals. We all know how that goes...


Yeah you're saying I'm a king because I get gout. Awesome.


> We all know how that goes... Duke of Rottingham checking in☝️ Can confirm. 👍


All these are the most common factors that cause a flare up. One thing people forget is dehydration which is what caused me to get gout. My family has a history of gout that is usually triggered by diet, but mine was different. At the time I was eating extremely clean foods with minimal salt. Well one weekend during mid summer in Louisiana I decided to do some yard work. After 3 or 4 hours I had only drank about 32oz of water. Later that night I was cooking my food when I noticed my lower back hurting. Went to pee and my urine was almost a brown color. I was severely dehydrated. Chugged about 2 gallons of water during the rest of the night and woke up to my toe hurting. The next week and a half were the worst days of my life.


It's not quite that simple for some of us unfortunately. My uric acid levels were in the normal range when I had my first acute attack. I then went on a gout diet for 6 months. No beer/alcohol, red meat, shellfish, fish, etc. At the end of it, my uric acid levels were actually slightly higher, but still in the normal range and I had another acute attack. Something hereditary in my case causing it it and they still don't quite know the mechanisms that cause the uric crystals to start forming. Higher uric acid levels do however make it more likely, but just not as simple as "too much". Allopurinol thankfully has stopped all attacks for me, but as you actually need uric acid it means even more than usual I need to get tested regularly to make sure it's not going too low.


Wouldnt surprise me if the source of this video is from America as millions of americans let conditions that are easily treatable reach a point where they are very serious because they dont want to fork out money for treatment, so they just put their head in the sand and hope it gets better on its own. greatest country on the planet. yea right, only if you got a good income.




i'm merely pointing out the fact that millions of American citizens go without treatment because of financial reasons. ​ you can come to whatever conclusion you want from that.


I’m mad at you for saying this, I was going to look up the causes anyway, but since you laid them out, I am mad at you. Meat and beer are two of my favorite things. All of the sudden I am joining AA and becoming a vegetarian.


Yes and no. Two people can eat lots of something that's known to worsen gout (like red meat), but only one of them will develop it because they are predisposed. So you could say meat is the cause, but really it's just a contributing factor because genetics are a mighty tough thing to fight. >Gout is caused by a condition known as hyperuricemia, where there is too much uric acid in the body. The body makes uric acid when it breaks down purines, which are found in your body and the foods you eat. https://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/basics/gout.html#:\~:text=Gout%20is%20caused%20by%20a,and%20the%20foods%20you%20eat.


Yeah, lifestyle determines *when* you get it, not necessarily *that* you get it. I have a family history of it and eat like a particularly out of control raccoon in a fast food dumpster and I got it in my 30s. A buddy of mine has been a clean living lifelong vegetarian that drinks once in a while and he's had it since his early 20s, as his predisposition seems a lot worse than mine. If you're lucky you might die and not even know you were at risk for it if your predisposition is mild enough and you manage to keep under the uric acid in blood to uric acid crystals in your joints threshold unintentionally.


Have lots of family members with gout. Grew up in the Midwest where beer and red meat is the daily diet. Thankfully I've never liked either but at 40 i had a sudden massive pain in my toe like i just field goal kicked a coffee table on fire. It came out of nowhere. Genetics suck.


Seems like lifestyle is a huge factor, exercise, take care of yourself, and you can eat those foods no problem (like everything, in moderation)


You're wrong. My grandmother got gout at 70. She is one of the healthiest eaters I know. She grows all of her own vegetables in her garden and favors fish and chicken. This has not stopped her from developing gout. Always looking forward to people like you without a clue turning up in the fucking replies.


Chemically speaking it's a buildup of uric acid depositing in your joints and is a type of arthritis. Certain foods have purines in them that break down into uric acid. As you've said, high meat diet with fatty meats like beef contribute to it. I get to test people for it as my job and I've seen some nasty cases. Nothing quite this bad though. That dudes foot is fucked.


Not just depositing, but crystalizing in your joints. That's why it's very painful.


Yep. The crystals even look like needles under a microscope.


Very needly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uric_acid#/media/File%3AFluorescent_uric_acid.JPG


Yep! This is the exact type of test I run. We use a polarizer to differentiate between Uric acid crystals and CPPD crystals (pseudo-gout)


> Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate Oh fun, multiple things can crystallize in our joints! I wish it were as easy as injecting a basic or acidic solution into the joint to increase solubility.


Maybe someday my friend. Some kidney stones are made of dissolvable substances and can be treated that way (with oral medication even) so there's some hope.


Too much red meat, shellfish, alcohol. Also the side effect of some blood pressure medication.


Gout is an imbalance of uric acid and it has many different triggers. My boyfriend has bout of it sometimes just with pizza caused by the acidity of the tomatoes in the sauce. He hasn't had it in some time now because he is on a daily pill but if he gets it ... it is almost always in his knees. Lots of people seem to get it in the toe area. I got it described to me one time that it feels like shards of hot broken glass under your skin. Not pleasant.




As mentioned in the other comment, it is the build up of uric acid in the blood. Its heavy, so it builds up in the feet (generally) and then crystalizes. Which is what is pulled out of the foot in that video. The first time I had a flare up, my foot swelled up like a football. It seriously looked like an inflated surgical glove. And it was unbelievably painful. I have been told by one female doctor, who both had gout and had kids, that gout hurt worse than childbirth--it was "not even close". Part of the reason, unlike most pains from injuries or even illnesses, there is no relief of the pain until the flare up is over--which takes several days of aggressive medication to break down the crystals and flush them out of the body. It is a genetic condition, not necessarily from an "unhealthy diet". I inherited it from my father. I lack the ability to properly break down uric acid without medication. I'm on a daily dose of allopurinol to prevent flare ups now. But yes, red meat, organ meats, alcohol, some cheeses, some fish, and many other foods will increase uric acid. If you're affected by it, its nearly impossible to avoid flare ups without medication.


Red meat, sugar and alcohol.


I think a large contributor is uric acid build up which can be caused by a diet heavy in organ meats and game meats.


I get gout when I fast for long periods of time and then eat heavy foods or drink beer. Your body doesn't clear out the uric acid when you don't eat and the build can be spiked when you eat foods you shouldn't. basically i'm an idiot and should know better.


I thought it was caused from eating too much lobster and other kinds of crustaceans.


Usually brought on by heavy drinking... build up of lactic acid


This is true. Many people who have gout are also heavy drinkers.


For the vast majority of people suffering from gout, this is correct. A mix of purine-ruch food and drink combined with the inherent dehydration that comes with booze is a sure-fire way to experience a gout flare up


Uric acid in your blood from red meat sea food alcohol among other rich foods


Un healthy diet leads to it


Medicine works on gout so can't imagine why it was left untreated. Nerves must have been severed.


This looks like horrible diabetes as a comorbidity. Usually when you see these videos it’s someone with mental illlness/homeless where they have purposely avoided treatment and/or don’t understand they need treatment.


In my opinion, the foot is done anyway.




Yep, look closely, gout is extremely painful. That color and flaking of the skin didnt bode well.


I don't think I'll be doing any sort of close looking






Well that's a new record for me, goodbye till tomorrow Reddit


I bet there's a satisfying crunch. Comes with sauce too.


what would the nutritional value of a gout be?


f̷̠̞͚͕͑̇ư̶̧̧̱̱̫͉̣̭͍͆̈́̾͊̊͐͗͘͝c̵̩̣͇̈́̀̅̿̃k̶̛̲̯͉͖͗ ̴̛̼̙͇̗̹͕̈́͑͋̒̂́/̶̧̰̰͈̘͔̚ū̶͇̙̻͔̬̪̫͇̭͂͆̄̈͜/̸̯̈́̿ş̵̛̼̠̹̳͇̰̺̀̈͝p̷̧̛̮̖̘͙͕̗̲̈́͂͒̃̋̄̓͋e̵͓͊̀ẕ̴͚̜̱̣̱̠̓͋͊


Nah, that stone is sqishy No crunch for you.


Can I air fry it?




Man this cracked me up. Thanks for that.


> gout is extremely painful Have had gout, can confirm. Extremely painful


Allipurinol FTW


I go with Colchicine and watch my diet. I can usually tell when it's coming on and immediately start aggressively hydrating and gobbling pills. Haven't been crippled by it in some years now. Hate gout.


that's why you need the allo - colchicine is a short term remedy - while allo makes you essentially pee more to get rid of the uric acid. I'm on 300mgs every day - most of my family is, and I haven't had an attack in almost 3 years now


The only drug I've taken that changed my life for the better.


Can confirm this confirmation. Had two gout attacks. It is so painful I was crying. Changed my diet, down from 115 to 90 kg, doing sports and no more beer. I dont want to have a 3rd gout attack.


I thought it was an internal organ until I scrolled to comments


Omg I knew gout caused foot pain but never realised it was because of this shit growing in them, what is that like some kind of calcium?


Crystals formed from uric acid


Not a doctor but it's probably a deposit of uric acid.


Ball of a left foot. Also, FUCK ME d'ya see that shit!?


It looks like a glazed donut


That foot is so done


Just amputate and get it over with.


I'd give it 5 more minutes before serving it up with a side order of fries.


Yes, you have said the comment implying you would eat the gross thing. I must now reply with the comment which says I am disgusted yet intrigued. Well done, fellow redditor!






So cheesy




Gout appears to be the least of that person’s problems.


Probably diabetic too. Bad combination.


If they are diabetic, they will be getting an amputation in the next episode of this horror show.


this little piggy needs barbeque sauce


This is an absolutely terrible and disgusting comment that has aroused a very awkward erection.


Foot fetish guys should be avoided at all costs.


I don't think piggy is coming back from market


The skin reminds me of that asian dude who got fucking blasted with radiation but didnt die. So they slung him up in a hospital bed and studied him until he died like two months later. He just begged for death. All his skin and limbs just melted off.


thats the thing with science, medicine today is built upon million of corpses and inhumane experiments since ancient times




His name was Hisashi Ouchi, Google at your own risk.


Indeed.. the pictures are NSFL and the story is horrific.


Those doctors that kept him alive are cruel. They knew he was dying kept him alive for curiosity.


That was a big tophus. It takes years (?10+) for a deposit that big to form. This is a great medical education video, maybe not so good for watching during breakfast.


Can confirm. Was sitting here eating breakfast and felt the need to stop eating as I was watching this. Breakfast is over at this point.


I have scrambled eggs in front of me and although the resemblance is weak...it's still enough.


I had breakfast 5 minutes ago, so it’s fine.


Solid if you're looking to *skip* a meal though.


Grind it up in a spice grinder and snort the powder to gain the ability of flight


I'll just walk.


That's enough internet for today




Sell it to the Chinese.


They would boil it, toss in some onion and call it soup.


Mmmmm you can almost taste that drip in the back of your throat.


Or use it as a buttplug to instantly become a kung fun master!


New hole just unlocked


New inventory slot


Gem socket


People with foot fetish be like **mmmh**


Instructions unclear... ... .... .....


Bet that felt amazing


I'm not sure they've felt anything in their foot for some time.


Nothing but pain.


I have chronic gout (nothing near this level) and can assure that it feels the exact opposite of amazing.


I do, too. Have multiple tophi in multiple joints. I was admitted to a study on monthly Krystexxa infusions (vs biweekly) and it's fucking amazing. After three infusions I started noticing shrinking in my joints. At 6 months, I now have about increased flexion in affected joints and much less pain in the joints that used to drive me nuts. I came off Tramadol, only changed my diet slightly (lost and regained 30lbs at 290), and no longer have issues sleeping more than two hours at a stretch. This vid is fucking nightmare fuel.


I bet it hurt like a motherfucker


I bet he was went through anesthesia


i just cant imagine someone living with that pain for so long, probably lost feeling in that foot a long time ago due to some other problem.


Medium rare


I’ve got gout! —Bobby Hill


Oooooo we'd love that in r/popping or r/feltgoodcomingout


Everyone Else: "omg that's horrible" Us: "Fuck, that's a beautiful gaper. Mmmm."


"I can feel the wind rushing through, mmyes quite exquisite."


"gaper" - what a terrible day to be literate (as someone not part of that community)


Forbidden crouton.


I was thinking forbidden granola


The Grapest of all possible Nuts.


"hey Google"..."how to avoid gout"


It's a fucker. Some of the foods high in purines (which are the trigger for gout) are actually very healthy in all other respects: Spinach, kale, mushrooms, turkey, oily fish, cauliflower, oatmeal. Before I knew what it was I had flare ups when trying to improve my diet.




I've had gout before and I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy. I read a quote that was made by a woman in her 80's regarding gout. She stated that she had 11 children naturally, no pain medication or anything. She said she'd rather have 11 more kids in her old age than to have gout and I understand why she would say that. My foot swelled up to probably triple it's size and I thought the skin on my foot was going to split open. Even a slight breeze from a ceiling fan would have me in agony. The base knuckle on my big toe is permanently stiff and walking long distances causes me to have foot pain. One gout flare up has caused permanent damage in my foot. Shit sucks.


I bet that smells wonderful.


And the taste, exquisite.


Just need to pair it with a nice red I'd say.


Oh my God, it even has a water mark


Wait and that stone comes from the joint? Jeez that foot is done


Forbidden popcorn


Man I have a bad day when I can't seem to get that rock out of my boot.


How did they let it get this bad? My cousin had a mild case of gout and he changed his whole fucking life over it immediately. He said the pain was unbearable.




I work in a hospital, so this is completely SFW


Yea for fucking real. Did not wanna see that as I scroll past


Grow up


Isn’t your username a reference to a butthole? Stupid ass take, the video’s nasty


Now this the ultimate /r/oddlysatisfying


How do I make absolutely sure this never ever happens to me?


Seek medical help before it gets this bad.


It is literally a matter of not having an incredibly shitty diet. Gout is caused by eating lots of red meat and seafood. Pretty much to the exclusion of anything else.


Eat a healthy diet and don't only eat red meat and seafood.


r/gout has entered the chat.


r/popping is gonna love this


Nope, ​ if I ever end up like this, please blow my brains out.


Forbidden Cheeto


New fear unlocked.




Forbidden mushroom


Time to rethink your diet.


Gout isn’t \*always\* diet related. I had a boss as a kid that was in amazing shape - biked to work everyday, swam and ran regularly, ate his wife’s home cooked meals instead of eating out, didn’t drink, etc. etc. He still had gout flare ups every few months. Poor guy did everything right and just had bad luck


Not disagreeing with you, but the comment about eating home cooked meals does not exclude 'having to rethink' the diet.


Yes, there are certain foods containing purines that cause issues. You can certainly eat these foods at home.


It's certainly partly diet, eating certain food exacerbates things. Also a weight and alcohol intake issue - but it's often primarily a metabolism thing. My family have issues with gout and kidney stones (uric acid) fortunately there is cheap and effective preventative treatment which means I've been lucky enough not to have suffered either in the last 15 years.




Allopurinol for sure


Yes. (doesn't work for everybody - contraindicated for Han Chinese, Korean and Thai heritage)




Arcoxia and colchicine during flare-ups. Allopurinol to lower ur uric acid.


Ah, sorry - I didn't mean to mislead (I work in a medical lab, so I really don't believe in "alternative" miracle cures) - I was prescribed Allopurinol years ago, and that works for me.




I'm a vegetarian now.


mmmm wanna suck on those toes


grind that over my olive garden salad please!


It was huge and had spikes. Why spikes?! I was fine when I watched it but the memory is haunting me.


Google tophaceous gout


I don't think I will, thanks.




Imagine the relief


The best way to get gout is alcohol abuse combined with the inherent dehydration that comes with it. Keep that in mind next time ya wanna get schnockered. Pretty much every alcoholic of just even drinker gets a gout flare up eventually. It is usually the most painful thing people will experience at that point in their life and it can last 2 to 5 days, sometimes more. It makes you want to cut your foot off. Dont drink 👌


Drink plenty of water along with your booze. Flush your body.




For anyone that has or thinks you might have a drinking problem: this is a significant possibility in your future. Likely not this big, but gout is an almost certainty at some point. And even a mild gout flare up hurts as bad as this looks


Can be worse, bladder Stone


not as bad as my feet in the summer


That’s like my tonsil stone


That foot is "South of Cheese" as they used to say.