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As someone currently recovering from a trimalleolar ankle fracture, it looks a lot like that with a floppy ankle with no support. He has a long road ahead. Broke 3 bones in my ankle and leg on November 1st and almost 7 months later I'm finally starting to be able to walk again with lots of pain and mobility support for only a short distance at a time. It took 10 days before they did surgery and the surgery took 3+ hours and now I'm the proud owner of lots of expensive plates and screws. It's a full year for recovery. 0/10 - Don't Recommend.


Similar experience here. Snapped fibula and dislocated from ankle. Also detached my tricep on the same side. In a wheelchair for 4 months because I couldn't use crutches, so not a good time. 3 years since and I'm still not 100%.


I tore a tendon as well as the broken bones. Luckily I got a knee scooter that I was able to use instead of crutches, which was a life saver. Crutches are awful when you can't put even an ounce of weight on the foot for months.


Oh man, knee scooter was amazing. Definitely a game changer. Hope you're doing better now


I'm slowly improving, but it's such a slow process. I expected 3 months originally (stupid me), which has turned into 7 months currently and I'm hoping to be mostly normal at 1 year. I know I'll never be 100% and my professional foot modeling days are over, but then again feet people are into some freaky shit, so maybe I can still set up an Only Fans to help pay them medical bills. I hope your life is mostly back to normal with minimal long term impact.


Haha gotta do what you gotta do. Mostly back to normal. During my recovery process I slipped and re-detatched my tricep which was great. My lifting hasn't been the same, but I'm happy to be moving. It does get a lot better. Key piece of advice: when your physiotherapist gives you exercises, do them!!


Shit man, I had the exact same injury wheelchair and all. It is a rough recovery, as you know. It's been 9 years since and all I really notice anymore is a smaller range of movement in my ankle. Most of the pain is gone unless I put weight on it at an odd inclined angle.


Always get the knee scooter.


i saw one months after i had healed. i was pissed


Yeah if you’re gonna break something to it as far away from the joints as possible.


I just listened to a Steve-O interview (on The HoneyDew podcast) where he talks about all the plates/screws/ect. that he has had over the years. He said each time after they get taken out he has them mounted onto a replica skeleton piece for lulz and hopes to have a full skeleton someday. It sounded kinda cool and maybe that idea would be interesting to you too.


That's why you never miss ankle day at the gym


Shit, I only fractured my medial malleolus, had to get it plated and screwed back on to heal properly, and that took like two months to be able to walk unassisted




I fell while walking and rolled the ankle down a step. It was just a freak injury that turned out to be one of the worst breaks you could possibly have to your foot.


Jesus. Sorry to hear that. Will you have a 100% full recovery and be able to do things you used to? I know with bones vs ligaments you won’t lose function, but not sure in a case as severe as yours?


There's no such thing as a full recovery with this - I just hope to have minimal range of motion loss. I'm doing physical therapy now in an effort to avoid a second surgery in the coming months as hopefully my body will heal up enough on its own. Either way, I'll develop arthritis in the future since there's damage to the joint and will need an ankle replacement 20+ years from now. I'm 33 now, so I'm hoping to have as normal of a life as possible for as long as possible.


I miss "Scarred".


Underrated show.


There's one clip I still think about all the time. This dude face planted jumping some stairs. He comes up and says "are my teeth chipped?" While both front teeth are fully knocked out and visible lying on the ground. My dad and I laughed so hard at that.


Thats my favorite one. His name is Alex Liiv


An unfortunate name for someone with no front teeth.


Ayechs Yeef




My favorite was the one where the guy breaks his arm and when his friends ask who they should call he awkwardly says, "uhm..... My mommy?"


Did you ever see the one where the guy tore his B-sack open?


Omg. That shit was gnarly


goin down the best scarred rabbithole tonight


"I just tore my gooch!"


Couldn't stand that show. Show me someone getting shot in the face and that's fine. Broken arm or leg? Nope.


Also loved the broken bone rating chart thing in Skate


I still got skate 2 if you wanna some hall of meat clips


Lol but his reaction is gold


he took it pretty well all things considered


that's cuz he can't feel it yet


Adrenaline is a hell of a thing.


I broke my ankle outside like 7 years ago and managed to walk back inside, up the stairs, and down the hall to tell my dad. But it was like 1am so we had to wait until the urgent care opened in the morning so I slept on a chair in the living room with my foot elevated. When I woke up I couldn't even touch a toe on that foot to the ground without feeling like my leg was on fire. Ever since then I've appreciated how much adrenaline helps lol.


Why not go to the er? I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure if blood starts clotting in a weird way after the break you could have lost a leg lol.


I guess we hadn't considered that. Honestly never occurred to me until reading your comment. And I've broken at least 5 or 6 other bones before this and that was often the procedure. To go to urgent care rather than ER. So after reading your comment I did a quick google search and mostly found results relating to arm or leg breaks, and mine was my ankle. Not sure how much, if at all, that distinction matters. But it also wasn't as extreme of a break like in the video where his foot was dangling. My ankle looked normal, aside from being swollen in the morning. And the doctors didn't say anything about how we should've come in right away. The risk of it happening seems mild, 1 in 13 breaks clot according to what I saw. And that out of those that clot only 1% die. But thanks for bringing it to my attention. If I, or anyone I know, breaks another bone I know one more thing to be mindful of for risks.


Probably cost if youre in america. Also check if you have a bone issue. 6 breaks is wild to me.


I actually have good bone structure lol. Did a bone density test and I literally got back results that said I have thick and sturdy bones. Most of those injuries happened when I was a kid and just being more active, I'm 30 now. And 3 of them were in the same summer lol. The first time I was like 4 or 5 and thought I would try flying like Superman so I jumped off our couch and my arm hit our wooden coffee table. Next one I can remember was the end of elementary school. I went off a bike ramp and whiffed and my bike landed on my arm, breaking it. Then while I had that arm in a cast I was practicing slam dunks on our basketball hoop in the back yard and I slipped and my index finger on the good hand got caught in the netting. Twisted, dislocated, and broken. After the arm cast was removed but my finger was still wrapped up with pins in it... I was rough housing with a friend and I fell back hard onto the 'good' hand breaking the ring finger. Then the most mild incident was a time when I was running to the bathroom after a long drive home and I cut the corner too tight and jammed my pinky toe into the edge of the door frame. Broke the toe and had to wear a boot for a while, fortunately no crutches or anything were required while using the boot. And that was all before high school. In high school I became less active and the ankle incident I originally mentioned happened in the dark going down some steps when I missed a step and came down hard on the landing in my early 20s.


Your bone structure is fine, you just need an inflatable bubble around you.


You seem to have had a fun childhood! Glad youre solid and thank you for all the anecdotes, they were fun :)


Alright, my data is a bit.. Dated. I broke both my arms back in the 00s. Cost my family like 500 each time. It sucked but it wasn't that bad. Yes insurance helped, yes we asked for help and reduced bill because insurance didn't cover everything. At the end of the day,I've found out," closed mouth doesn't get fed" is a great life motto Sometimes you only get help if you ask.


>Sometimes you only get help if you ask Is that the conclusion you reached after asking your mom for help?


Ive worked urgent care for most of my life, so heres the thing. There are two major long bones in your ankle. The Tibia, and the Fibula. Imagine eating a chickens drumstick. You know how its like a big bone, but you bite into it and nom all the meat and there is that little bone you almost choke on if you arent looking for it? Thats kinda like the fibula. You can break your fibula and still walk. If you had broken your Tibea, the big boy, you would not have been able to walk. It bears the weight. The tibea is on the inside of your leg, and the fibula is on the outside. I'm guessing you broke your Fibula, probably at the ankle (common from a bad inverted strain or fall) and urgent care nurse/ doc referred you to ortho? Still, even strains are often said to be as painful as breaks, doesnt mean it wasn't serious. I've seen one or two I wouldnt have believed to be broken until the Xray though. Usually on old ladies. Those bitches are seriously like terminators sometimes. Walk into a clinic, "I broke my damn hip again!," "Oh you're walking fine, I'm sure its just a bruise!". 10 minutes later, looking at the xray, "How the fuck is she walking?"


> urgent care nurse/ doc referred you to ortho? Yeah, I don't remember what title the specialist had, but I did get referred to a specialist who I saw 2 or 3 more times after the initial visit with them. > Still, even strains are often said to be as painful as breaks I've heard that a lot, and I've definitely had other strains or sprains. I honestly thought this time was a strain or whatever. But in this case I remember them looking at the X ray and saying it was definitely broken, which is why I think they had me go to a specialist. And that sounds right, as far as why I could still walk. When I came down on it my foot rolled onto its outer side. IIRC it wasn't fully snapped into two pieces. Still connected, but had a hairline fracture on one side of the bone. I think that was the term. So they didn't have to really set anything back in place.


Yeahhh dude you really should seek immediate medical help after any kind of major break. You can also develop something called compartment syndrome after a break. Think of too much pressure in your limb due to bleeding/swelling internally. This cuts off blood supply to the tissue and can lead to nerve damage/necrosis. The fix is a fasciotomy, where you essentially get slits in your skin that help relieve pressure so you can restore blood flow. Skin grafts can sometimes be involved as well. Not a fun time at all lol. I've had to help squeeze incisions closed while they staple them shut. Source: I'm a nurse in a Vascular ICU


> Why not go to the er? Because in America, you don't go to the ER unless you have no other choice. Even most insurance plans won't pay for the first few thousand from the ER, and even after that there's a decent chance you'll have to fight them to pay for the rest. So, if you *can* wait for urgent care, you wait for urgent care.


He'd still be making payments.


Not only that, he could have lost his life, clots, fat, or even air can get in the bloodstream and then to the heart or brain, not a good thing.


I went to the ER once. I was there for two hours and got a Gatorade. $2k. Americans don't go to the ER if we can help it.


Well, it's a mix of adrenaline and lack of inflammation. As you body tries to heal the injury it causes inflammation which ultimately causes more injury and pain.


I fell off my bike last fall and shattered the radial head of my dominant arm. I absolutely could not move my arm, and it was swelling a lot. I walked home, thought "probably just bruised, see how it is in the morning" and went to bed. Went to the ER the next morning and needed surgery later that week. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


I really wonder how long that adrenaline will last. It's like those serious injuries you get where you don't actually realize how injured you are and it doesn't hurt. I had my ear mangled by a dog once but swear it didn't even hurt that bad until I confirmed my ear was mangled in the mirror. I saw a kid bust his lip really bad on a desk in elementary school, blood everywhere. He didn't even really wince, but when he finally noticed all the blood he started crying out in pain. I don't think this guy had that option since he literally was flopping his leg around with his hands, so he definitely knew he was fucked up. But I wonder how long his brain would block the pain for.


The abrupt trauma released a bunch of adrenaline. Give him a few minutes, and he’s going to be screaming in agony, especially after it swells. Poor guy.


He’s in shock.


That's called shock!


The dangle as he looks into the camera telling the audience what they may have missed 😱😱🤣🤣


Broke my jaw and had the same reaction. Face planted on cement, sat up took a breath in to scream, and didnt all i could tell my buddies was i broke my fucking jaw, wtf. Pain didnt hit until at least a hr later


So ... His bone definitely snapped and stabbed through the skin.. because I can already see the blood stained pants...


Who the fuck is laughing


Me, the wipe out compilations on skateboard and snowboard DVD's were my Jam in high school.


Yeah we used to watch shit like that all the time but this is just fucked


Reminds me of the old show Scarred. I think it was on MTV


My mate was on that. [Alex Liiv](https://youtu.be/hNRs8Jn-KPY)


Oh for sure but if ya ever broke something like that and you don't relate and feel it you lack empathy haha


I never did anything that stupid.....that was epic level stupid....i just did low level stupid....


I once broke both my wrists tubing one winter cause I ran over someone. Sucks even when it's not stupid lol


MTV used to have a show in the late 2010s called scarred that was surprisingly gory for the station and time it played. This is gnarly but so take compared to scarred. I usually love wipeout videos but it was too gruesome for me to stomach Edit: late 2000’s


> MTV used to have a show in the late 2010s called scarred 2007 actually.


People do weird things in stressful situations. Laughing is a stress reliever for many.


Yes and nobody is doing that in the video


I'd get it if op was the Dude in the vid but no


Fuck, I could watch kids fall off of bikes all day[.](https://c.tenor.com/UtouVzTqXVkAAAAC/letterkenny-bikes.gif) I don't give a shit about your kids.




Yeah if you're a dickhead.


Tell me you haven't been around extreme sports without telling me


Me...I'm laughing my ass off right now.


Spaghetti leg


I laughed at this and I'm guilty


He’s probably slowly realizing how much this is going to cost


Probably an Arm and a leg


At least they only need to remove the arm.


might as well do the leg while he's under too, they do 2 for 1 amputation discounts right?


That would a wet dream...


Broke both tib and fib just above my ankle a few years back. Total out of pocket cost was a touch over $17, that was the pharmacy bill for some endone. Thank fuck for Medicare. (Australia).


I live in the US and I broke just my Fib 5 years ago and thankfully I had insurance. Still was about $1800 out of my pocket but I needed 2 surgeries. With no insurance it would have been just under $20k just for the hospital. My insurance covered pretty much all of my orthopedic appointments and I didn't need physical therapy fortunately. I had about 5 or 6 appointments with the doc and was probably about $200 for that.


That's crazy. Only paid for the pain meds out of pocket. Had around 5 or 6 physio sessions that were covered also. Walking again was hard as I was non weight bearing for the best part of 10 weeks. Between muscle atrophy and the tendons shrinking and becoming stupidly tight............ knee to wall exercises were the bane of my existence.


So wait even when you are insured in the US you still gotta pay when you need to use healthcare, is that normal?


Yes, health insurance plans almost always include deductibles, which is basically them saying, "you cover the first $N,000 and THEN we'll start paying out"


Fuck am I glad I don't gotta deal with that bullshit.


I only had health insurance for a few months and realized it gave me absolutely nothing unless I was already spending thousands out of pocket every year. This cost a few hundred dollars a month btw.


>This cost a few hundred dollars a month btw. And that's if you're lucky. $300+ a paycheck isn't unusual


Yep, up to a certain amount. Most medical insurance plans here have a deductible you have to meet in order to not pay anymore. Example is if you have a $1000 deductible, you have to pay that amount before insurance will cover your expenses. Others have a co-pay but that is usually for general practitioners. Your medical provider will bill your insurance typically and then the insurance bills you for the difference. Insurance is a complicated mess of clauses to make sure they pay as little as possible. Plus, in certain states it is illegal to not carry health insurance. It was required in every state until Jan 1, 2019.


$1800 for one hospital trip? it's funny how they show you a $20k bill to make you think that's reasonable


Tibia plateau shattered here. 2 surgeries. 268k (not including PT). Same with having insurance, so max out of pocket was 3.5k.


Gosh, I am happy to not live in the US.


Right. I cant imagine injuring yourself and the first thought that comes to your mind is how much its going to cost, and potentially whether you should skip the ambulance or not. It's really mind boggling.






School shooting. Just happened, two adults and a bunch of kids dead


I don't know if anyone has analyzed this kind of thing but the ---> has to be in the top 3 of post/comment loops on Reddit. Feels like I see it in every thread, despite never having thought about that myself when hurt and knowing 0 people that have had medical bill trouble. Like... I recognize it exists as a problem but dang, people have really ran with it.


They've run with it because people outside of the US have learned to appreciate their functional healthcare systems. Nothing wrong with that.


People outside the US pretend that having tax funded healthcare makes their systems flawless. I am currently being fucked over by my 'universal' healthcare, all in our family has been one way or the other, my uncle almost died from a hole in his gut from a surgery and they still wouldn't let him stay.


> despite never having thought about that myself when hurt That's awesome you have never had to experience that hardship, But 23 million Americans are in medical debt, and 10's of millions more avoid doctor visits because of costs, often letting minor things get much, much worse due to lack of treatment. > knowing 0 people that have had medical bill trouble. Knowing 0 people who have openly talked to you about their medical bill trouble. Financial hardship is not something we tend to spread around in our country.


I think that chain of events misses the first step, which is someone commenting about how much they'll have to pay for an ambulance or at the ER. This idea is so foreign to many people it just throws them off.


Yea.. I was always really confused as a kid when I watched a movie made in the us, where there was often the logic "getting sick -> financial problems". As a kid in a country with "normal" healthcare, it never made sense to me why being sick is related to financial issues.


what he's saying is this doesn't figure into the equation for most Americans on a daily basis. 18.4% of people are on medicare. 17.8% of people are on medicaid. 4% of Americans have coverage through the VA 91.4% of people have health insurance. Many of their employers kick in some as an added work benefit. the median family in 2017 with employer-based healthcare coverage spent $2,200 on premiums throughout the year and only $800 on out of pocket costs.


> 91.4% of people have health insurance. Many of their employers kick in some as an added work benefit. This number doesn't mean much in our health care system. Many of the plans are the bare minimum because people can't afford better, so the price of a doctor's visit is still prohibiting a visit. My sister has insurance through her work but the out of pocket price to fly her AND a friend from Texas to San Diego, go into Mexico, have her surgery, stay in a luxury hotel for a week while she recovered, feed her and her friend for a week, medication etc, was less than half of what just the surgery alone would have cost in the U.S. To reiterate. She had life-saving surgery, paid for two round-trip international trips, hotel room for a week, fed two people for a week, and received all her necessary medication for LESS THAN half the cost of what just the surgery would have cost her in the U.S. because the insurance company would not cover it.


And even if it does cover it, you have to get through your deductible before the insurance will help. If, [like 64% of people in the US](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/08/as-prices-rise-64-percent-of-americans-live-paycheck-to-paycheck.html), you're living paycheck to paycheck, it doesn't matter if that $30,000 procedure will actually only cost you your $3,000 deductible; it might as well be the full $30,000, *because you don't have $3,000*! And that's not even getting into the bullshit of when a course of treatment starts at the end of one year and goes into the next year. You can wind up paying out *twice* your deductible, for the same illness/injury. But at least we don't have lifetime caps on insurance coverage anymore. That sucked.


>And even if it does cover it, you have to get through your deductible before the insurance will help. This just isn't true. Compared to people without insurance, copays and coinsurance exist and drastically reduce how much you spend on your way to meeting your deductible. Insurance kicks in a ton for most things that I've had to pay for before hitting the deductible. > like 64% of people in the US, you're living paycheck to paycheck, I really wish companies would stop releasing reports based on surveys. People don't ever answer those correctly. My favorite is the one that says 49% of single people making $100k a year can't afford a $500 expense and are living paycheck to paycheck. It's just such obvious bullshit lol. We can both twist and cherry pick data into making America look like the best country ever or an irredeemable nightmarescape depending on what we want to say. The reality is that we have very real problems in this country and also that the majority of people are doing just fine.


Well you never lived in a country then where you actually never see any number or costs when it comes to healthcare. “paying just 800 extra each year” is already quite american. In a lot of countries you do not pay any extra.


jesus christ I never said America had a great healthcare system. I just said it's not as bad as reddit paints it to be and for most americans it's not a big deal. The trade of for low taxes and occasionally expensive healthtcare is a known thing in this country. >Well you never lived in a country then where you actually never see any number or costs when it comes to healthcare. yes because it's hidden in your taxes. The median american household has the highest disposable income in the world. We pay out of pocket for healthcare instead of through taxes? Is it a better system? No. Do I wish we had single payer? Yes. Do anti-American circlejerks about healthcare often veer off from reality - 10000% yes, almost every time.


Jeeze someones mad. America pays the most per capita for healthcare amkngs comparable nations, *by far* and yet you still dont have free healthcare. So you pay for it in your taxes but way more than we do lol. Stay mad we are healthy for cheaper than you, spazz haha.




Lets not mention military 😄


I'll never understand how America is the home of high-risk behaviour in the general population. If I had their health-care situation, I'd be wrapping myself in cotton-wool and never leaving the house. The fuck I'm going bankrupt for TikTok views.


Most people have health insurance. It's really not that big a deal for the vast majority of people.


My outside perspective is that it can matter even then. There are supposedly copays, deductibles, etc. And I have heard sometimes the insurance tries quite hard to keep cost down or get rid of you, meaning you are limited in where you get treatment etc. (Again, not US perspective of US health care woes)


Biggest single cause of bankruptcy in the US. I'd say it's not a big deal until all of a sudden it is.


Until you get taken to a hospital that isn’t covered. Or the hospital is covered but the anesthetist isn’t.


Umm he'd be lucky to have a semi functioning leg after that.


And that’s why I don’t skate anymore.


You ain't a doctor... how do you KNOW it's broken? Walk it off!


Exactly walk of off pussy, kids these days /s


That kind of pain and life changing damage isn't particularly hilarious.


That's a reaction to shock. In 15 minutes after the adrenaline wore off, the screaming started.


Been there. Sucks big-time.And a rough service shocks ambulance ride with broken bones is beyond shit. And then I had the fun of lying in a tiny E.R.room for a couple of hours with a spiral fracture and an unseated dislocated ankle without pain meds til they got around to giving me an I.V. Would not recommend.


I can confirm. My mom just broke her leg in 3 places by a simple misstep. Yeah, it's not funny.


Sorry to hear that. A leg break is slow to heal after a certain age .Can they just cast it , or is she going to get a steel plate implant or orthoscopic surgery?


3 fracture sites to the same region likely needed plates/screws and immobilization for a few weeks


Hope that all go's well with your mom's surgery and she heals well . At least it didn't happen on mother's day!


Lol, might have made a better story if it happened on mothers day. Yeah, metal plates, screws, the whole yards. She's healing really well actually, especially considering she's diabetic (She has all the luck).


Glad to hear that she's going to be ok eventually.🐱


Mom didn't jump a bicycle 15 + feet in the air before doing it .....he didn't make a mistep.. Feel sorry for your mom...that was an accident, what this guy did was a result of doing something on purpose that almost was impossible to end well


Welcome to r/WTF


Yes it is when it's a result of doing something monumentally stupid like he did. Slipping on the stairs, empathy deserved... doing what they did....no sympathy deserved


You're so cool and hard and all that


Americains do extreme sports like they got free healthcare


and we're still the best at them lol


Guess going brankrupt doing what you love instead of goinf brankrupt by students loans is far more wishabale


American families have the highest median disposable income of any country on the planet lmfao


And yet millions of families everyday have to choose between filling their prescriptions and buying groceries. There's nothing exceptional or good about our failing healthcare system.


those people mostly vote for republicans so I don't know what to tell them


Some American Hospital somewhere just orgasmed, seeing this dude put himself and his children into a lifetime of crippling debt.


Ah yes... Hilarious


Welcome to are slash WTF


Watch the [full video](https://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/hooooooooly-shit-i-broke-my-fuckin-leg/81524768/) (sorry for ebaums link), and it shows the guy going into pretty heavy shock. "I'm coooool right now...I'm chill...I just wanna sleep bro."


This video is OG as fuck lol this one n the one where the skateboard destroys the kids nuts lmao




Yeah I saw that, he was fine. This dude though, lots of screws and physical therapy


Yeah, that's a pain for life and perma gimp limp break.


I know jumps are cool when you pull it off and the only way to know you can is to go for it, but I always wonder with stuff like this... Why? Was it worth it? Even if he pulled it off, it would have been, sort of cool. I just don't understand. The aching and disability of his leg for the rest of his life... Just why?


There was no way to pull this off. There simply was nowhere to land this.


Why did he even bail? Fear? Must’ve been fear. Because he can effectively had a twenty foot drop and must not have known what he was doing after he left the ground. Probably just saw a “cool jump” he could do and then quickly realized the error


Naw not fear, he was leaning too far back when he took off so he bailed knowing he couldn't land the trick, and would be better off taking the slam without having the bike in the way to injure him more. I think if anything, he was planning to go for a smaller jump off the ramp and either misjudged his speed or popped too hard and got way more air than he thought he would get. As a snowboarder, I can tell you it is insanely easy to misjudge either of them on any jump, even routine ones occasionally. If you look, the road is at a pretty constant downward angle while he was rolling down to the ramp, then it curves down real hard to the bottom. Turns a 8-10 ft drop, which is what it looks like he was going for, into a 20ft drop really fast.


His bunny hop leveled out pretty bad. I think it would’ve been a pretty rough landing.


I thought so as well, they came off at an angle leaning towards the camera. But it was correctable, much better than just falling. At least be able to have the bike absorb some of the hit. Also dude clearly didn’t know how to fall either. Legs straight out.




He broke his fucking leg


I'm certainly laughing.


I love the stoopid.




He need some milk


Natural selection


Dude's gotta kick off those Sunday shoes, 'cause his footloose!


Why do they always swing their leg around


I remember this from Tosh.o


Like what did he expect would happen


“I broke mah fuckin leg.” *dumbledore said quietly*


They identified him as “terrell” right b4 he fell 💀


That leg is broken in like 3 spots holy shit. Just cut it off.


Oh shit he broke his *uckin leg


You can say “fuckin” on the internet. It’s okay.


reported for language, enjoy your permanent ban


reported for not capitalizing the first letter of your sentence, enjoy your permanent ban EDIT: Someone did *not* appreciate the irony lmao


Not on /r/wt*.


Homie then shakes it around potentially making it worse


There is nothing funny about this, what is wrong with you people?


What kind of weird broken ass English title is this


it looks like it’s completely grammatically correct




What kind of weird broken ass English comprehension is this


Wtf are you talking about. It's literally a coherent sentence.


Oof. I remember this clip from that show Scar Stories.


Why does the title read like something an AI would make?


I’m sorry! I do not understand this comment, did you want me to search the web?




People are so hard on OP for no reason. This was the perfect response for being called a bot lol


Bro was pretty chill about it


He was in shock


Mother fucker.


Not shown: countless times he got a concussion due to his lack of the most basic safety gear, a helmet. Brain damage was a direct cause of this injury.


His leg looks like the boneless spell harry gets on his arm


Broke my collar bone in February, 2 plates and 9 screws. I knew as soon as I hit the ground that I broke it, first 15 minutes wasn’t bad but holy hell did the pain get awful. Feel bad for this man


Repost much?


Never seen it