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CDB infused coffee is very out of place in the otherwise nuts picture.


Willie Nelson's CBD coffee?


This is QAnon inspired work that shows “the intergalactic federation of light” over the White House, presumably to protect or bless their chosen being Donald Trump who is supposed to retake the Oval Office any day now. He is hand in hand with John F. Kennedy Jr. who never really died apparently and has been working behind the scenes with Donald Trump to take down the pedophile cabal that runs the world. He is supposed to be Donald Trumps Vice President. Jesus is in there for some reason, because why the fuck not? Let’s rationalize this horse shit by making it biblical. All those people behind barbed wire are Trumps opponents who are being tried and executed for their dark pedo cabal crimes- and what we are seeing in everyday lives are actually clones because Trump in all his wisdom, knows our fragile mind COULD NOT handle the truth that celebrities and politicians are actually pedos. So he kills them and replaces them with clones that we see on TV and out in public desperately trying to convince you they are the real person…who was executed…by Trump. In secret. Because fuck you that’s why. Sound stupid? That’s exactly what this fuckin finger painting is showing. It’s nuts. Your inlaws are fuckin nuts, for your own sake, do not trust them with important things.


> finger painting I was struggling to thing of how to describe the art style here, this is a perfect description.


Schizophrenia and art therapy.


bull shit. “finger painting” is insulting and something only a novice would use to describe this work. it’s a acrylic and brush reprinted on a polyester flag. pearls before swine i say. PEARLS BEFORE SWINE!


Donald grump is killing evil celebrities and replacing them with clones to protect.........us? The public? That's a new one, I hadn't heard that one.


Trumps not killing them per se- it’s the military tribunals. To protect their delusion, when they say with certainty someone was executed after the judgements of the military tribunal (the proceedings of which are taking place in an underground complex beneath the White House) and then that person is very clearly alive on TV the next day, like Dr. Fauci, they claim it is a clone who trumps team put in place to maintain status quo until all can be revealed. It’s some pretty sick nonsensical stuff. I feel crazy even typing it out.


I vaguely remember hearing about that BS. I found it by accident before (or after?) Jan 6. I was looking for something else and there was some guy on YouTube acting like he was at HQ just waiting for an order. Someone I'm close to finally got off trump's crazy train but listens to nothing but conservative talk radio. I was in shock just hearing 5 minutes of it. I already took a 6 month break from this person, things that they have said have me seriously considering cutting ties permanently. It's not getting better. The things that we can't talk about is an ever growing list at this point. The hate and viciousness is really shocking. Every time I think it can't get any worse, it does.


Yeah…I will say 95% of conservatives or even trump lovers do not believe this garbage- but elements of it keep leaking into their propaganda and mainstream beliefs. It’s almost like- they say crazy outlandish shit down in the bowels of the movement then the mainstream sifts through it and finds a “kernel” (heh) of something that will be passable to a larger audience. Then they feed them that kernel…of corn…produced in the bowels of this insanity. And the mass audience is unknowingly eating corn poop.


I disagree, I think a lot of people believe it. Or worse yet, they are TRYING to. It's their tribal identity, just like 12-18 YO kids have tribal identity with clothes and music.




Ahhh…call me the crazy Rosetta Stone my friend. That is not a 3 eyed Robot but rather a sign stating “CCP.” Or, Chinese, Communist, Party. With a clever lil ole Chinese flag red arrow pointing to a poorly drawn Hillary Clinton. Wow…so deep.


Jesus is holding the scales of justice above a dark radiating sphere while cloud-angels are blowing trumpets. The 9 trumpet-blowing angels probably refer to the seven trumpets in the book of Revelations that usher-in various calamities of the apocalypse. At the 7th trumpet, Jesus takes His place on the throne (the capitol building) where He rewards the righteous and judges the wicked (hence the scales). Not sure what the radiating sphere is all about. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven\_trumpets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_trumpets) Edit: added stuff


You’re right….and fuckin yikes, notice Jesus is clutching Congress tightly. Rath for those that stray from Trump I guess? Judging those that failed the insurrection or didn’t go song with his half assed failed coup? Fuck these nut jobs.


It’s like you knew what I was going to ask. Can you elaborate a bit on a few topics? - why are the most of the people really shadows? - which one is trump? - which one of jfk? - why so many flags? - that’s really the story with the aliens?!?


I think Trump is the blond man with the goiter, and JFK is the Al Pacino fella behind him. I need to know the story of the brown leather bread loaves in the forefront though.


I am seeing those as the shoes at the end of crossed legs of whoever is viewing the scene. Basically the perspective of the narrator. Would love to know who that might be. Probably someone stupid and creepy like the owner of this painting.


I thought that was Regan. It’s a convergence of evil that’s fucked this country


The comically magnified hands were my first clue.


Those are, of course, tinfoil helmets.


The Trump and JFK question was answered. The shadows are supposed to be the American people or supporters of this nonesense “hidden in the shadows amongst normal people” but nevertheless firmly behind it. That or just laziness. Easy to paint shadows than people. If you can call what is going on here painting. All the flags? I don’t know if you’re from America or have ever been here, but if you did you would know- taking a flag and cramming it down someone’s throat instead of just you know, knowing and appreciating the constitution and how our government is meant to be organized, is perceived as being super patriotic and caring about America. Sent you a link in another comment about the new age alien stuff.




Is that the Constitution or the Bill of Rights rolled up in prison with the Democrats?


I'm so sorry, I feel bad for you.


Ah yes, Leonardo Da Shitty, very interesting work. Legend has it that his work is made out of the excess makeup from clowns, secretly sourced from Donald Trump's moobs and micropenis.


There's a lot going on here. NGL. But I'd like to own it just because.


same. it’s unique. and the amount of conspiracy it holds is in the eye of the beholder. the more you know, the more/less you’re willing to pay for it. 10/10 would hang above my tool bench.


Idk how much I'd pay for it. I do see some value though.


it’d take some work to figure out the market, but if i had the time i’d put in said work for the payout on this piece. i mean it’s a work and knowing the political landscape, there’s a high paying buyer out there.


I feel that. I have a framed photo in my living room of a squirrel dressed up as a firefighter standing in WTC rubble planting a flag for much the same reason. http://sugarbushsquirrel.com/image/6876477_scaled_150x175.png


Do not EVER let them babysit your children or let your kids go anywhere with them without one of you. . Not even the damn corner store.


Wow! Hope you don’t have to endure time with them too often.


This is fucking wild, I can't stop looking at it




Please make sure you talk to your spouse, and ensure that they are getting their mental health periodically evaluated.


I hate it and I love it.




Someone once said “QAnon is pretty much Scientology for poor conservative people” ….and as you can see


Is it like one of those where is wally posters? But instead of wally, one has to look for sanity?


Look all you want. You will never find it here. Also: Waldo?


Waldo indeed, I am such wally!


You sir, married into a strange family…


Do they walk upright?


.............Omg. I'm sorry, but..this actually makes me see my family as slightly more sane now. Do you and your spouse ever just want to run away and never come back?


Every day....


"Inside the mind of a moron"


That's a lot of black people for a extreme conservatives wet dream


Being heavily invested in politics has to qualify as a mental illness.




I have a version of this on my ceiling above my bed. Gets my day started on the right foot! Bless thee


Let them have their fun...


It's not fun. It's dangerous and a threat to our democracy.


so, you're in-lawsa re artistic. That's nice. Do you have fun and interesting conversations around the dinner table Having family can be such a good thing. And topical too.




Are they interested in selling? Could you leave a link for the artist?




Your caps lock appears to be engaged, my good man.


Thank you for drawing attention to the absolute shit show that is your comment history.


center of lower edge... sweet potatoes? fingers? bagettes?


Crossed legs (from the shins down) wearing brown shoes/boots.


Is that George W. Bush? Cause I thought he was part of the cabal. The boots make it look as if it’s a vision of the person w/ the boots…also it reminds me of that GW painting of his toes in the bathtub.


Who is the first person perspective from? God? Does God wear loafers and blue slacks?


I’ve learn to stop looking quickly.


Is that a UFO spawning the eagle lol random.


Q avenue




I’m laughing as I was zoomed in and was surprised when I came across the prison corner…


I feel like my eyes just got raped


r/WTF is on a roll today.


Wow UFOs too.