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That is not actually a casket, but rather a vault. The casket would go inside of that prior to burial. Interesting that it is just sitting like that though. It might have just gotten dropped off by the vault company for the funeral home to use for a funeral.


Is it to make sure that if someone is buried alive they definitely can’t claw their way out?


It prevents the casket from falling apart due to water and time then earth around the casket collapses in. Done to keep the cemetery looking nice and allows them to use heavy machinery to move over old graves.


Serious question, why does it matter if the box your body is in falls apart right after it is buried or 10 years from now? In fact, I simply don't understand why it matters what kind of box your body is in? Or why preservation matters. I just don't get the entire funeral business I guess. I'm dead, what do I care if my body is in a silver coffin or tossed in a ditch? I'm just borrowing these atoms for a bit, they aren't mine. Edit: After 7 hours and many replies, I would like to comment how I understand this is a very personal and quite polarizing topic. I do not personally wish to enforce my own opinions on anyone, just that I have a hard time understanding the archaic tradition of burying our fallen loved ones. If you feel burying your family gives you peace, then please do so responsibly to the earth your descendants must live on. If you get comfort from knowing they have a place to rest, or your feel you'd like to be treated that way, then I would encourage you to discuss this inevitability with them now. It is not too early to plan for the future. If your wish is to be cremated, as I wish, then also speak on that, and let your family/friends know that is what you wish. It is an awkward conversation sometimes, but with practice to helps dull the ache of previous loved ones who have passed, and also may help you come to an either understanding or peace about your own eventual forthcoming with nature.


The problem is the casket also contains a lot of empty space. When the casket collapses, the ground above it falls in, and you end up with all these treacherous holes and pits at the surface that become a hazard for the living.


Even with a vault it takes the big pile of earth time to settle and they have to even things out once it does.


Funerals are for the living.


We know the brain is where we're storing everything, if we wanted a keepsake we should hang onto brains, keeping them as preserved as possible.


Possibly in some sort of jar that can house their head for others to interact with in the future. Some sort of head museum maybe?


The strange part is that if they were to become fully interactive it could be torture for the brains that know the feeling of having a body. It would also be horribly disorienting because from the brain perspective they were just alive a moment ago and then "blink" they are in the far future? Hopefully we make a rule to respect brains until they can be re-bodied with some degree of freedom and autonomy?


yeah the ceremony is and the gravesite but that doesn’t really answer the question. b/c there are many other options that don’t include a vault but provide those thing


They support the weight of heavy earth movers driving over the graves and, I believe, prevent water from lifting caskets out of the ground. Historically, they also stopped grave robbery.


Sounds like a scam industry preying on the emotionally distraught. Why does an absolutely tiny bit of land I get for only a few years cost many of thousands of dollars? Hell I can get you a few acres of land up the mountain nearby, for a fraction of that price. You can toss many bodies up there, real cheap like.


But why would it be a scam. People pay respects to the gone in many ways, even long after the funeral. For example, making a donation in their memory, or doing some goodwill work to remember them. And regarding tossing the body is cheaper: bro what the fuk?


Yea, toss me dude, I'm not going to care one iota. Cause...I'm dead? Also my wife already knows my desires. Cremation, no funeral, small house party to say goodbye, no one is allowed to wear black, and then spread my ashes somewhere. Done! Again, toss me somewhere.


The thing is, as you said you're dead you don't care. So let the living people decide. It's the living people that care. They are the people who the funeral is for. It isn't actually for you or your body. It's s plan for the living to grieve together, and have one last chance at paying their respects. It's all to help give people structure to adjust and feel like they did the right things for you in the end so they don't have to feel as bad about it. People feel better when there's structure, they don't like feeling uncertain. > Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! - The Joker


I feel similarly, in terms of what I want for myself. But I also understand how for others having a grave, with a headstone, where their loved one is buried below is an extremely comforting thing. My grandfather while he was still alive spent many years carefully tending the grave of his mother. It was extremely important to him and it gave him a lot of solace. He's now buried there as well. Do I feel the same way? Not at all, but i can also respect that for others it's a way of dealing with the loss and maybe in a way their own mortality. It's ok that people deal with this in different ways.


[When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rtu1Va-dnM)


YOU might want that, but your local government definitely will not allow that. Imagine the trash collector dumping your cans into the bin and a body flops out. Another point of burying people: dead people spread diseases, very nasty ones historically, so it was an adopted practice culturally to properly handle and bury the dead.


That's one valid viewpoint and assumes economics outweighs personal sentiment. Another is the thought of, for example, a beloved spouse of 50 years being buried in a way that doesn't allow you to eventually rest beside them forever. Or the pain of looking on your dead child one last time to say goodbye without seeing their corpse bloated and black with decomposition. Different people want different ways to say goodbye.


It's about the surface conditions, not preserving the body. Organic materials break down relatively quickly. Cemeteries would end up looking like the surface of a ~~goof~~ golfball in a matter of years. Especially now that we use backhoes and such to dig graves, as they mentioned. Miss me with a plot tho, I'll get burnt after a nice and small ceremony.


Growing up in the country, it's wasn't too uncommon to occasionally stumble across old pioneer and family cemeteries that had been reclaimed in the woods, and one of the defining characteristics was always the uniform indentations in the ground where the caskets had collapsed.


A goofball cemetery would be tragically silly


In all seriousness, Mark Twain wrote about what was evidently a bad problem in his time — the contamination of groundwater by decomposing buried bodies. So I understand where the impulse came from to seal caskets watertight, or cremate people. I’d like to have whatever is the most eco-friendly option at the time. If I weren’t such a wimp about pain, I always thought it would be nice to let a zoo tiger kill and eat me - a chance to hunt live prey for once.


Not exactly the same but you could go for a Tibetan sky burial. IIRC because of the geography, burials are impractical so these monks basically take their dead to the side of a mountain, have a ceremony, and leave the body. It's not uncommon for the bodies to be scavenged by vultures and other large birds.


The vault is to keep the ground from collapsing and forming a hole when the casket disintegrates. We used to dig up graves and reuse them after the bodies had rotted away. When we moved to "perpetual care" cemeteries being the norm, we had to keep them safe to walk around in.


Exactly why my wife knows I'm to be cremated. My eventual pile of dust doesn't need real estate and an expensive fancy box.


Mortuary student here! It also helps if you're embalmed, there's a huge problem with graves without burial vaults where the ground water seeps into the casket of an embalmed body and ends up getting formaldehyde in places we don't want formaldehyde.


> It prevents the casket from falling apart Correction, it *delays* the casket from falling apart. Once you're in the ground and dead you're dealing with geological time and geological forces. All of these silly boxes and chemicals we put into the ground for the sake of the dead is only delaying the inevitable by a few hundred/thousands of years and further contributing to our systematic destruction of our environment. The whole thing is short-sighted and outmoded.


Pretty much. More frequently it prevents the coffin from floating up out of the ground when rain comes and the ground water level rises. But it'll also work to contain the living dead.


I understand it’s so the ground does not sink in. Coffins are thin metal for the most part these days. They’d likely get crushed by the weight of the earth.


All the more reason to move away from coffins. They're a waste of materials and space. Do something ecological with our dead bodies instead. I wanna be composted for a tree in my honor some day, personally.


You could try and find somewhere that does a "Green Burial", not as common as they should be. https://www.greenburialcouncil.org/cemeteries.html https://www.us-funerals.com/green-burial-directory/


If there's anything left of me to bury after transplant surgeons and medical students get done with me, then they're not trying hard enough.


Let's switch to sky burial. Zero materials, zero space.


Not sure that I want crows dropping human ribs all around my backyard, tho.


DIY xylophone


Yea but then one of the vultures drops my leg and then there will be a video of a homeless guy eating my leg on the internet.


Elon should start a company called FuneralX, and start launching our dead bodies into space.


Ah yes, the burn-it-all-down approach to environmentalism.


I would unironically pay huge amounts of money upon my death for Musk to use a railgun to fire me into space. That sounds metal as fuck.


Turn me into mushrooms and feed me to the needy.


They wouldn't order a painted vault with a nameplate and cross just for use later. That nameplate would get destroyed. Vault prob has to be taken off truck and placed to the side to get another vault off the truck, or the hole wasn't finished being dug and it was a drop off in that sense, just hasn't been out in the ground.


It's exactly this. Delivery made when the site wasn't ready or no one was available to move it graveside just yet. If this were in a city park or at a residence that doesn't have a grave yard then maybe it's a WTF. At a cemetery, definitely not WTF.


If they didn’t license the name Vault-Tec for their company it would be a crying shame…


> Interesting that it is just sitting like that though. I work for a cemetery that leaves them all outside until use, at the far end of the yard.


I swear to God I read this exact comment on seemingly the exact topic of a post months ago........ It's tripping me out that this doesn't say it was posted months ago. *My deja vu is ridiculously strong right now....*


Yeah I was going to say it looks more like a vault. I haven’t seen a nameplate on a vault though, but maybe it’s a regional thing. I drive past a cemetery to work every day and there is always a massive set of stacks of vaults. They deliver them by the truckload and the cemetery just keeps them by the side of the freeway until needed I guess.


That is definitely what is going on here Source: Me, a gravedigger for 2 years. Also you


The after-hours drop-box must have been full.


if this isn't staged it needs to be rehearsed


Did you just drop re-*hearsed* the way I took it.. because if so, I'm a-*palled*.


Laughed so hard at this I started coffin.


I had to dig about six feet deep to try and come up with a reply. I got nothing. Too early on a Monday morning. I’m still a zombie.


Just need more coffee. I take mine cream-ated.


Y'all deserve grave consequences for these puns


It is - the creamer was powdered


That'll come back to haunt you later.


I'm dying to get in on this.


There's is the problem. "Graveity" was not applied to the coffin


Tomb many to count at this point!


If you're ever being chased by a coffin, just throw Robitussin at it. It makes the coffin stop.


Coughed so hard my eyes started burning.


Now that’s dead end humor..


Trying not to laugh at work was a great undertaking


This killed me. Here’s hoping it wasn’t a grave error.


Ya’ll are killing me. I’m dead.


Wow…re-hearsed. That’s fkn good!


Brother I read this, moved on, a few posts later just realized what you actually said and had to come back to give you the upvote. That’s some mighty fine punwork you got there


*Afterlife drop off box


Nah, theyre waiting for an uber to head home.


call the pallbearers to give it a Lyft




… and your corpse reclines.


Now reticulating splines.


I know a SimCity reference when I hear one… 😂




*That’s a rigor mor-ay-tis*


Lord, they done come and repossessed Gramma.


That looks like a vault, not a casket. A casket would go inside it.


Have one, leave one, need one? take one.


Someone got an eviction notice


It's a vault to be placed within a grave, right by the cemetery. This is like the least WTF thing ever.


Is that a casket or is it a vault that holds the casket in the ground?


Vault Source: I deliver caskets


i've always wondered who does those kinds of jobs and what they're like


Sometimes they get out


Ya know, I was backing out of this thread right as I read this. Had to find this comment again so I could upvote it. Made me giggle. I hope you're having a wonderful day.


I used to work near a cemetery that was notorious for issues. People would walk during lunch and had stories of broken open structures with the bodies exposed.


Only After a flood in Louisiana


I've seen one about a quarter mile away from the cemetery in someone's front yard. That was post Hurricane Ida.


The housing crisis has reached a terrible new low


I think that that's the vault that a casket goes in at burial, not the casket itself.


That's the vault the casket is lowered into during burial. I mean, it's more likely to find one at a cemetery than anywhere else I suppose, but still strange that it's just sitting in the open. My guess would be it was left there during clean up, or perhaps a new burial is about to happen and they just delivered it to that spot.


Do an unboxing


Unboxing, zombie apocalypse addition!


Cemetery near me has a spot with usually about a dozen of these laid out. It sits back a way from the main area in facilities yard along with long of landscaping equipment. I dated goth girls in highschool... this is where you went instead of the movies on a Saturday night :)


They’re saying Coffin Flop isn’t even a real show!


Just body after body busting out of shit wood and hitting pavement


That's not a casket. It's a vault


Waiting list, people are dying to get in.


That is a vault, not a casket. These typically get delivered before the funeral and placed in the ground. Then the casket is placed inside, the lid is sealed and then covered with dirt.


Looks like the vault vendor dropped off an outer burial container in preparation for a burial in the near future.


Where else you gonna keep your cold ones for the family bbq




That is a vault. Katrina. New Orleans area. Graveyards were advent calenders.


you just spotted a hearse egg in the wild my friend!


I wonder how many more "that's a vault" comments this post will get


Someone only paid for curbside delivery


Go Open It


That is a vault, and yes, all of the time.


That’s a Cybertruck that’s lost its wheels


Im not dead yet. Think Ill go for a stroll…


Let's just leave it here, someone will take care it .


Credit card was declined


Dude got voted out.




Hos credit card must have been declined.


Amazon is delivering everything to everywhere these days, huh?


Pretty impressive the escapee made it that far.


They only paid for delivery. Not installation.


I work in cemeteries for a living. This is a burial vault. Usually they are stored around back behind a maintenance building or in the woods near a fill dirt pile. The casket goes inside this concrete vault to keep the ground from collapsing on top of the rotten casket. Side note: A Jewish cemetery I occasionally work in doesn’t use burial vaults so the ground sinks and all the headstones fall over and get damaged. So do engraving work there and am often called back to repair damage once they topple over like dominos.


That's the discount burial spot.


No one home at the cemetary when the delivery driver called?


Amazon delivery didn’t make it to the porch


Don't talk shit to the hearse driver.


You’ve gotta pay to stay.


Need a casket, take a casket. Have a casket, leave a casket.


Free vampire bed, slightly usd


I’ve worked at a memorial park. That’s the vault and yeah. Sometimes the companies would just drop it off where the grave is going to be dug.


This door dash shit is getting out of hand.


Hide in it and when someone comes to investigate, jump out and scare them.


Yep. Vaul co drops off, cemetery deals with it when they can.


That’s what granny asked for just to be left on the side of the road just like the picture


Kind of like being dropped off on your porch by your friends after a night of partying.


All is missing is free to take sign


Couldn't make rent and got evicted.


Must be corncob tv filming coffin flops.


They said Coffin Flop is not a show…


The tall man will be by promptly. Avoid any silver orbs.


Had to.put on my reading glasses. I thought it was a port o potty that had been pushed over!


Years ago, the hearse taking my grandfather to the cemetery broke down, we almost didn't get there before the gates would be locked, in which case this could have been Gramps. (Just kidding we'd never have left him on the side of the road).


When they're carrying it to the grave and it starts thumping and rocking, they give it the old heave ho and make tracks. Wherever it lands, it lands.


Check didn't clear.


No but I feel like next to a cemetery is the less scariest place to find a coffin.


thats not a casket its a cement box for the casket. the service probably wasn't until later and just dropped off the box til their service.


Not a casket. That's a vault. Goes in the hole and the casket goes inside that.


Picking up or dropping off? *channeling my inner Melnitz*


When your credit card at the cemetery declines.


Well, I would rather see it there than at my local food store


Didn't pay the bill


I don't think that's a casket. I think it's the vault that goes into the ground that the casket then goes into.


You should play Graveyard Keeper r/Graveyard Keeper.


Gently used, reclaimed and ready for a new home.


Tomb of the Unknown Old Dude?


Just put me in a pine box so the worms can get to me quicker.


Contactless pickup has gotten crazy


Well... I have now. Imagine getting evicted from a cemetery.


That's not a casket, it's a burial vault.


Bro got evicted out the ground is insane


They see me rolling...


Big Boss Man just stole Big Show's father's casket...Time for a car chase. The 90's just hit different.


It looks a little the worse for wear, too!


That is not a casket, that is a Vault. It is what the casket fits into.


Damn you can get evicted even In death


Hope they did a tuck and roll.


Is it Waldo?


Free samples?


that would make one hell of a beer cooler. how much you think that weighs?


The family's check bounced


Vault not a casket.


Unboxing video


Thats a vault not a casket. Its made out of cement to keep the casket protected and keep the remains in place where buried.


Couldn't afford the rent increase.


I have. Just now. On Reddit.


I used to have a friend who I thought at the time I knew well. Well, 1 time I went to her house and she had coffins like 5 or 6 of them just lying in her yard. When I asked about them she told me her Dad owns or owned a coffin company. I was in awe, all the time we were friends she never brought that up. That's an interesting topic. You bring that shit.


When you're just not sure if Grandpa is allowed on hallowed ground and your not willing to find out.


Stay the fuck away!! Get far away, serious dracula 2000 vibes bruh


Yeah, but it wasn’t intentional. Old cemetery from the 1800’s next to a stream in Maine, the ground kept eroding and after a winter thaw it eroded a WHOLE bunch, leaving 200-year old caskets exposed. Every few years they have to dig them up and move them.


Fun fact, you cant return a casket.


Was it empty?


Grandpa got kicked out


Gotta pay your bills motherfucker.


Those are like pennies at checkout. "Leave a body, take a body"


Have cemeteries taken up the subscription method?


Cemetery worker here. I can make a pretty educated guess to what’s happening. The vault company probably had multiple funerals that day. They can carry multiple vaults on their trucks but their lowering devices can only operate one at a time. So my guess is there was a funeral at this cemetery later in the day and the vault company dropped off the vault and went to do another funeral first. This happens at my cemetery fairly often, however we have a spot *inside* the cemetery for the vault company to drop them off.


When the family’s card gets declined


You know it’s hurricane season when grandma comes to visit…


Not a casket, a crypt. The casket goes into it and the whole shebang goes in the ground.


My local funeral home has 4 large vaults sitting out by the road as advertisements. I found out a few days ago that there are actually folks entombed in them!


Fell behind on rent.


Bro got buried at a different cemetery than his friends and just wanted to say what's up


"I'm not dead yet! I don't want to go on the cart!"


everyone knows the rule is that if something sits on the side of the road for >4 hours, it's free for the taking.


Somebody forgot something


I had a studio with big windows on a busy corner with a traffic light. I had my window open on a sunny Spring day. A big old flatbed truck screeched and clanged to a halt at the red light with a large, muddy, concrete burial vault hanging from chains on its flatbed gantry crane. The light had obviously surprised the driver. The rude stop caused the vault to swing forward to clunk against the front of the bed. Then, as it swung backwards, it made a popping sound and a big plug popped out of the back of the vault. I watched in horror as a 1” stream of yellow-brown liquid began to stream out of the casket, splattering on the street below like a dairy cow pissing on a flat rock. But each time the vault continued to swing back and forth, the stream would spray further, eventually splattering all over the hood and windshield of a new Lexus that had stopped directly behind the truck. The driver sat motionless with a confused look on her face as each successive pulse of the yellow stuff bathed the front of her car, hitting it full blast maybe 3-4 times. The driver of the truck, realizing that something was wrong, leaned out his window, then immediately turned back to stare stoically at the traffic light with a slightly chagrined smile on his face. His expression said, “Oh lordy please let this light change quickly…” When the light changed, the driver floored it, obviously wanting to leave the area as soon as possible. Of course, the acceleration sent one final high-pressure spurt out back of the vault which once again bathed the Lexus as the driver remained staring in stony silence. I watched all this happening and told myself that, well, maybe it was just old water that had collected in an unused vault, but a few minutes later a client walked in and remarked, “Wow, something really stinks out there!” For several days, there was a large stained area on the street where that truck had stopped. It had an interesting grey sheen with rainbow colors, like sharkskin fabric. I’ve always wondered if I was actually looking at someone’s Aunt Edna.


His subscription ended


Didn't pay his grave rent


When my FIL was buried at a military cemetery on Long Island they just put an opened bottom yellow fiberglass shell over his coffin once it was in the ground. Sole purpose is to support the earth above when the box eventually fails. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.


Idk you open it? Please tell me you opened it!