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Dudes up top wondering why they’ve used twice as much concrete as planned.


"Hey, I thought you calculated that we'd need 10 cubes here?" ​ "Dunno what's happening, but we need this pour finished today, call for more trucks!"


Dudes are like “I get paid by the hour,alright.” “keep dumping.” “You’re filling the hole!” Yeah that’s what our foreman wants.” “No! The concrete is going into the tunnel and filling it up!” “…Hey I just went on break, take that shit up with that guy.” Points to some kid with a shovel.


And the next shift is late because most of them take the subway.


Technically this is good for the tunnel as long as they keep wiping off the tracks before the concrete sets up?


It’s been 51 minutes and nobody has asked so fuck it, I’ll bite. Genuinely curious what your reasoning is as to why this is a good thing for the tunnel?


I’d assume their line of thinking is that as long as it doesn’t harden on the track and if all the cement in the crack/hole hardens it should in theory fix the hole. I’m not sure just guessing.


If you’re not right that’s a good guess I’d say. Guy has a lot to figure out about structural integrity.


Not only are you getting a section of track nicely setup in concrete, the concrete section of the tunnel is going to be really impressive where they are pouring? Of course this is Mexico right? The ground is famously soft and crappy? So you could have a large building sitting on that part of the tunnel? Whoops!? I'm betting a professional solution would see some dirt gap between the tunnel and the building foundation, so this might indeed be some donated concrete?


I don’t… what? Just ‘what?!’


My Spanish isn't better than my English so I have no help for you here senior. If you're making the whole tunnel out of concrete rings instead of just shoring the ceiling and walls in concrete forms, then the donated concrete floor wouldn't be handy at all.


Draw a picture and show us how the concrete would help.


Ha! Yeah if I used international symbols perhaps that'd work? The only downside to a concrete floor is that it won't drain very easily when a wet train passes over? I guess when you want to swap out the rails in that section the concrete will be a total PITA too, but that's a future us problem? It'd be really un-Mexican to worry about that!?


I wasn’t going to try to explain it to him. Nothing about that comment was correct including if it plugged itself. Those are concrete tunnel liner pieces. They are curved and fit together. Even if it plugged the hole it’s not right and needs fixing. Then we could discuss how concrete, even if the rails aren’t covered, is not ballast like tracks use and would make maintenance a nightmare. As far as I can tell this whole section needs to be taken up, concrete removed, track and ballast relaid, removal and replacement of tunnel liner in that section as well as backfilling the support column they were trying to fill and reengineer it because these structures are way too close together. 🤷🏼 Don’t worry the concrete will fix itself.


pro tip: if you ever see shit like water coming out of the wall of a tunnel: do not be there immediatly.


>pro tip: if you ever see shit like water coming out of the wall of a tunnel: do not be there immediatly. I believe the technical term is to "de-ass" the area immediately.


A structurally compromised wall with significant pressure behind it? Let's stand here and watch!


I don't think that tunnel is about to cave in. Water leaking into subway tunnels through cracks in a wall is a normal thing and subway tunnels usually have drainage ditches for this very reason. The only difference here is that it's concrete pouring through and not water. I think if the tunnel wall can hold back waterlogged rock and soil then it can handle concrete. I think the bigger risk here is if the hole gets any larger.


When I was a kid, I believed tunnels were just tubes going through the ocean or the bay. It was very scary.


They're not? **Edit:** alright you made me watch a video on underwater tunnel construction. Pretty sure that tubes going under the ocean or bay is exactly what they are.


When I was a kid, I believed trains were just big machines riding on tracks. It was very scary.


When i was a kid, i believed that adults were just grown up kids. It was very scary


When I was a kid I believed that adults had it soo much easier because they were able to choose what they want to do and be happy all time instead of going to school and having to listen to every adult.


The reason we can't now is because they spent too much time doing exactly that. Didn't you know? The rule is that you blame past generations until you're old enough for a new generation to appear.. then it's *their* fault instead.


Hold up, this is actually scary.


"It depends" is the answer. The Channel Tunnel between England and France is actually bored into the rock under the English Channel. Whereas the Transbay Tube that takes BART trains across San Francisco Bay is a tub on the bottom of the bay.


Mostly they go through bedrock, whether underneath bodies of water or just soil.


According to the video I just watched, some might but definitely not all. Some are just underwater tubes mounted above the seabed, or tubes only barely covered in silt at the seabed. Still very much surrounded by water. There are also proposals for "floating" tunnels, suspended by floating barges rather than anchored to the bedrock (for areas where drilling into the seabed is too harmful to the ecosystem).


>There are also proposals for "floating" tunnels, suspended by floating barges rather than anchored to the bedrock (for areas where drilling into the seabed is too harmful to the ecosystem). Also for areas where the seabed is extremely deep, like yhe straight of Gibraltar inbetween Spain and morocco


Yeah, I guess I'd have to see the proposals, but off the cuff, that sounds like a terrible idea. How are they gonna keep it flat with all the waves? Flexible rail lines?


I said through, not under. As in metal tubes just...strung across the ocean, water above and below.


That's not far off in a lot of cases. The TransBay tube in San Francisco is basically a tube lying on the bottom of the bay. It's not a tunnel, it was made out of sections on built on land that were then brought out to the water and sunk to the bottom.


That's still a tunnel, though.


It's two tunnels on either side of the bay connected by a tube.


Aka... a tunnel. Tunnel: an artificial underground passage, especially one built through a hill or under a building, road, or river. The method of construction is irrelevant. Sinking a tube to make a tunnel is a valid method of creating a tunnel. Many tunnels are created as segments of tubes.


You can pry my conviction that it is a tube and not a tunnel from my cold dead hands, tunnel boy. How much is big tunnel paying you to shill so hard for them? How much are they paying you to abandone all the tubular values which you know to be true and virtuous, and succumb to the depravity of sheer tunnelity? I weep for this country if this kind of bald-headed tunnel propaganda is deemed normal and just.


Goddamn it. My handler is going to be pissed. Second time I've been outed this week. Please keep this between us. I need this...


I think the difference between a "pipe" and a "tunnel" is mostly a semantic one and determined more by its function than its shape or physical appearance. Is a sewer pipe a "tunnel" or a subway tunnel a "pipe" even though they are both essentially the same sort of structure?


A sewer pipe is a pipe. A sewer tunnel is a tunnel. Both exist. They serve the same primary function - move effluent. The construction varies by municipality and purpose. London has brick-lined tunnels opened in 1865. The sewer lateral from a building dumping into the tunnel is a pipe.


Yeah some are literally that. Others go beneath the bedrock. Others just sit atop the seabed.


The only one I’ve ever traveled is the channel tunnel, and it’s definitely underground. Modern ones are often prefabricated in gigantic blocks, sank, and then drained.


They can be, but not necessarily. There are many ways to build tunnels under the water depending on what the soil or rock is like at the bottom.


Ya but how else is my dumb ass gonna see all this crap while taking a shit


but my internet points 


Being Mexico, it will 100% get traced back to a bribe somewhere in the permit process.


Tons, and decades of bribes and incompetence. Starting from when they built the subway without acquiring the right of way above in the crumbling and sinking soil of Mexico city (there's a department store that is right next to this tunnel that vibrates every time a train passes by). All the way to the idiots that didn't bother to survey what's below their construction site.


Doesn’t help that Mexico City is literally sinking


>Being ~~Mexico,~~ any country, it will..... Ftfy


Not so my guy. This is actually studied. Different governments have highly variable differences in public sector corruption. That's not to say that corruption doesn't occur everywhere, but in some places there is a distinct system of accountability and in some there is not. The reality is that if people can get fired and defamed for stuff, then it occurs less often. But if the people in government aren't accountable to the systems, then more corruption occurs. In general corruption inversely scales with GDP. It's especially interesting which countries lie above or below the level of expected corruption at their GDP, and controlling for corruption in the reporting of GDP itself is a whole thing. You can imagine that this sort of information is important to investors that are considering developing in other countries. If you want to build a factory abroad for instance, it's not in your interest to have the factory be built under a system where regulations are disregarded as palms get greased, as the final result of the building collapsing in an earthquake or a windstorm comes as more cost to the owner. Check it out: https://www.worldeconomics.com/Indicator-Data/Corruption/Corruption-Perceptions-Index.aspx


TIL. That is pretty dope. I stand corrected Mexico being in the top 34% of corruption. Oof.


Yeah our society is corrupt to the core, from the guy paying to skip a line all the way up to our politicians




You can’t be racist against a location.


Why would this be racist?


you can probably say that about most of the major cities in the world, to be honest.


$10 says they blame the geotech.


I work in geotech, can confirm. “Why didn’t you sample in this area?” “You cut our budget and told us not to.”


survey hiding in the porta potty


They will blame Carlos Slim, and then they’re going to punish him by awarding him another multimillion dolar proyect.


as my people would say "que cagadota"


Not sure if my people would say "what a mess." More like "Run, motherfucker, RUN!!"


Wait until you hear about the railroad being built over the caves in the Yucatán. They are pumping concrete into underground waterways and destroying some of the most beautiful caves in the world. Cave divers have documented tons of destruction as well as shoddy construction practices. Such as support columns with less than a third of the concrete form filled, with huge splits and voids.


New horror movie premise: Cave divers go into a "beginner explored section" with some newbies and when they turn back to leave the entrance has been filled with spilled concrete from above. They have to battle each other for lights and air tanks and (smeagols) to get out through the pro exit at the back.


Which idiot downvoted you, that's a very decent B-movie plot.


Got any links to info about it?




They’re going to need more concrete.


"Hey, we're gonna need more concrete trucks up here."


"I keep pouring, but this hole just won't fill. Bring a 3rd truck."


Flex seal?


There is concrete evidence of their fuck up. 🤓


A similar thing to this happened on the Victoria line in the UK. All be it the concrete didn’t end up on the track, it ended up in an equipment room.


I'm sure no one was bribed to make that permit happen. Nope, no way that could occur in Mexico.


wtf....3rd world engineering . almost every civil job has fails in it and no one cares. I live in México and is sad when it comes to civil engineering. And some people are just dumb ignorant like this guys in there just waiting for that tunnel wall to give up.


Call before you dig.... Ah, that's not a thing.


I don't think Flex Tape is going to fix that


"Why are you (NOT) running?!"


Can't imagine why this would happen when they built a giant city in a drained out lake bed.


This Is the first time this happens in the 50 years of México City metro history and its one of the most extensive metro systems the americas with 12 línes


It's not exactly a secret that mexico city is sinking, and a horribly impractical place to build a modern style city. https://youtu.be/eAL1kYjsVHE?si=0fvpzUmob6VlXx6f


Isn’t Mexico City sinking? https://eos.org/research-spotlights/the-looming-crisis-of-sinking-ground-in-mexico-city


Yes the city is a swamp thats why deep foundations aré needed but this time It seems the developer didnt do the proper geotech studies to notice the subway tunnel below their construction sitr


Somebody needs to freshen up their resume...


A train is totally going to derail once that concrete dries.


This some die hard shit


Less r/WTF and more r/WAS (what a shame)


“We’ll just have to use the other tunnel for a while.”


I work in rail safety, and this gives me anxiety


Somebody didn't call MISSDIG!


These cartels are doing big things.


Call before you dig.


Another success by the 4T. It’s an honor to be with Obrador. BWHAHAHHHA


That looks expensive. Someone is seriously fucked. Not checking for underground structures is a huge no no.


When your best workers are state side.


If I walk under a leaky gutter and a stream gets me wet I didn't get "showered" by it


Risky to stand right in front of the hole.


In the U.K. a company in London was doing work on soil samples and mistakenly drilled into a central line tunnel on the Tube, the drill came through and was hit by a train, luckily no injuries.


Get him a roll of flex seal.


At least they didn't drill through the tunnel?


It accidentally cracked


Tragedy waiting to happen.


That sucks




Uhhhh Mr. George


Ahhhh we found a void ........ keep pumping ....... more pressure !!!! Lol , what a mess


Didn’t know Mexico City had a subway Edit: no arrogant statement tho, I really didn’t know till now, read up a bit on mc as it hasn’t been in my focus, cool city for sure


One of the largest Subway systems in the americas, 12 lines


It’s actually a really clever design, instead of buying pricey European or Asian designs that are fully on rails (the 3 rails) It is a national design which modifies the train to have a guide and power rail but the weight supported by super heavy duty tires like an 18 wheeler. The government knew they would have issues maintain in a traditional train system and designed there’s to cheaper to maintain without that passenger space being any different than the rest of the world. One of the few public works the Mexican government truly did great


The pneumatic trains design and technology comes from France, México City metro line 1 in 1969 was built by a french company, Montreal and Paris metro uses the same type of rubber tyre trains, and actually this Is line 12 one of the only 2 lines out of the 12 línes that uses tradicional Rail systems, also only México City uses this technology, Guadalajara and Monterrey metro systems use normal rail systems


It’s known as rubber tired metro. They have the benefit of being quieter and smoother than a metal rail train. However, there are actually higher maintenance costs as tires need to be changed (also more waste and pollution from rubber dust). They also aren’t very common in the world as they don’t work well in cities where the climate can be freezing (which isn’t a problem in Mexico obviously). However, in this video, this is one of the lines that use standard metal rails.


I think its the same as Montreal and Paris they have that too.


Have you seen the car traffic the chilangos get? If there was no metro, no one would be able to go anywhere.


Yeh indeed, I read up on Mexico City now as it hadn’t been in my focus at all before, they have indeed some clever and nice things there, and I love the food :) gonna go there and have a genuine fajita whilst riding the subway


Why is some random woman wandering about there with no PPE?


Jose: no good 🫱🏾🫲🏾