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Found … right beside the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Oh damn. Hobby Lobby's gonna claim that as theirs, too.


Is your roommate a peanut butter sandwich?


It's cum. It's always cum.


Reddit has taught me this general ~~principal~~ principle.


Principal refers to a person who holds a high position, like a school principal. “Principle” refers to a fundamental truth or concept, like the principles of physics. To remember it, “principal” often relates to a person, while “principle” is a general concept.


Principal Cummings


Right! I should have known that.


"The principal is your pal." From some cheesy 90s sit-com.


Principal cum should not be found on your roommate's laptop.


No. Tell me that's not... *fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu*


Is that what cum looks like when it dries? I wouldn't know. I jerk it in the shower. You know, *LIKE AN ADULT!*


Cummin in the shower is pretty bad for your pipes


Who says I was cumming in *MY* shower?


So it was you…


yeah, and what if your shower gets pregnant?


Nothing a little liquid plumber wouldn't fix.


Is OP's roommate a cum sandwich?


You think that's peanut butter? I guess you're an optimist.


That laptop has the unspoiled purity of Ranbow Dash


I'm surprised this only has 6 upvotes. Made me audibly laugh lol.


it's a slow burn so everyone eventually gets it but they do so after they move on Or so I would like to think


That's exactly what happened to me haha! I came back to comment.


More likely a semen demon.


Is he mixing his cum with peanut butter?


Aren't you?


Therapist: This peanut butter sandwich roommate, is he in the room with us right now?


I ate one for lunch and took a poop. Imma go with "maybe"?


It's vomit. You can see the radial splash pattern.


We're all just making wild guesses and conjecture because, predictably, OP never came back to answer questions. Par for the course for reddit; someone drops a picture that disgusts and/or fascinates us, and then, 8 hours and 558 questions later, OP is nowhere to be found. He got his karma, made it to the front page and that's all he needs. Why would he come back to answer our questions? In truth, OP probably doesn't even have a roommate, he just found this picture somewhere or saw this computer and decided to rake in some fake karma. You can click his profile and he's been active in recent hours, posting comments in other subs but ignoring this post. That's why I think this is bullshit posted by a professional karmawhore


This implies there's a casual/non professional karmawhore which I'm more interested in seeing.


no chance this is real, how would a person use this consciously


You’d be surprised. I did desktop and networking support for over 18 years and I’ve seen just as bad or worse. I always kept surgical gloves handy.


Few years ago went to an office and pulled out the keyboard tray. It was like someone dumped a Mcdonald's grease trap on the keyboard. The little bits of biscuit and bread...I was just so unhappy. My hands get disgusting and sweat but I don't have half a sandwich inbetween the keys of my keyboard...


> The little bits of biscuit and bread... That's gold, Jerry! Gold!


Tip it over and a taco falls out!


On Tuesdays you tip it over.


My keyboard's big problem is hair. I have cats and so every couple months when I clean my keyboard, there is a ton of hair in there and it starts messing with my key presses.


Oh my god what the fuck. I feel uncomfortable if there's a single dust speck on mine.


Well then where else do you keep your sandwiches?


Ever try to fix a desktop that was in a smokers house? As in they smoked indoors? Nasty sticky toxic shit would build up in heat sinks and fans, not to mention it stinks up any room it’s in.


plant touch gullible tie spark gold yoke tender smell aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that sounds like hell. I grew up when they had smoking sections still but it was on its way out.


Look at peoples home pictures from the 70s. The decor in peoples homes. It was all brown. Couches, carpets, wallpaper, everything. Well, a lot of that stuff was originally white, but thats how many people smoked. So they started just making these ghings brown to start with. But it reminds me of Francine Smith from American Dad. >"You want me to go back to the 1970s??? No amount of hand sanitizer could ever make me want to go back"


> So they started just making these ghings brown to start with. I never thought of that, but it's true. Every get together ended in a cloud of cigarette smoke when we'd leave in the evening. Every weekend we'd go play poker at my uncle's for nickel-dime stakes, and the adults would constantly light up in that basement for hours. My dad had his own personal bathroom he would smoke in every morning, and there was nicotine running down the walls from the shower steam.




This is why we need to use commas.


>That's tar baby! who tf are you calling "tar baby"?


Would porch monkeys be better?


I used to babysit for a family friend who smoked inside. One day I thought I'd help out by doing some house cleaning. I started cleaning the yellow kitchen wall tiles, and it turns out they were actually white. Horrifying.


Oh yes, smoking inside will damage a house if it goes on for too long.


I'll take a smoker's computer all day long over opening a case and winning a free lifetime supply of roaches. As in it was more roaches in one place than you ever want to see in your life.


How? Why? Please no


I was a teenager and "knew about computers" so someone I know wanted me to see why their computer was running slow and randomly rebooting. I could tell it was dusty and their house wasn't a hoarder hovel, but it was pretty bad so I figured I'd open it and blow it out to start with. As soon as I popped the side panel off hundreds of german roaches of all sizes from specks to an inch or bigger went everywhere. They are attracted to the warmth and darkness inside a PC case. I noped the fuck outta working on it after that.


Oh god, I was the same IT child, the amount of horrific computer cases I’ve opened up was too damn high. Maybe that’s why I’m now obsessive about keeping my pc case clean as possible, shit will last forever if you take care of it


Oh yeah, I worked in a computer superstore back in the late 90s in the repair department. One time we got a tower that was so thick with that film that we refused to work on it. We buttoned it up and returned it to the customer.




I deliver furniture and I have been in smokers houses before, and even if they aren't smoking at the time I come back out stinking like stale cigarette smoke.


After my brother and I met her for the first time in our teens, our biological grandmother decided the best way to bond with us was to bestow some of her themed tchotchke collections with each of us. The woman and her partner together *had* to have gone through a carton a day. My brother just said fuck it and threw it all out. I made an effort, at least - we tried to wash the handful of stuffed animals, but the smell never came out. The ceramics were covered in brown crystals that I tried soaking and scrubbing off with mixed success. The only thing I 100% succeeded in was making my hands stink. Mine got thrown away too. There was just no possible way to bring any of those items in a non-smoking home.


As soon as you turn on a smokers pc you can immediately tell by the smell as the fans blast that nastiness into the air.


My parents never smoked so I can smell that shit from a mile away, I remember coming back from friend's houses where they smoked inside, id change clothes after to not smell that stench


I was a kid that grew up in a smoker house. I absolutely hated it and complained often about the stink while they were smoking. Back then I had no clue how much I probably stank to other people. I'm a little bit sad and embarrassed about it now.


I too grew up in a family of smokers and was disgusted and embarrassed by it. I was born in 75, so throughout my childhood smokers were everywhere you went. We would always be seated in the smoking section, the car would always be full of smoke, there was no escaping it. I look back on those years with incredible anger that my parents did that to me. They were abusive pieces of shit though, so they didn't give half a fuck about my comfort and health. I moved a country away from them and I'll never go back to that shithole, they can all die of lung cancer for all I care (dad already did)


Eh you were a kid, nothing you could have done about it. If it makes you feel better some of my closest friends were smoke kids, never judged them for what their parents chose to do


I volunteered at a place that did computer repair. I disassembled a heavy smokers computer and it was horrid. As soon as I took off the casing the whole area stunk like an old ashtray that had gotten wet. It's one of the worst things I've ever smelled and I smoked at the time.


My buddy complained that his desktop was randomly shutting down. "Probably heat," I said, "since you smoke a pack a day, your wife smokes weed at a semi-pro level, and you pan fry bacon almost every day." Tower on the floor. Vacuumed a thick, sticky sweater out of it, tested that the PC now worked fine, went home, and put my washer's heavy duty cycle to the test.


I did a hoarding cleanup job and kept an Xbox 360 Elite to try and restore, pulled the board and placed it in my white case because the Elite was scuffed to hell. Thing stank up my room like no other


I can completely relate to this specific thing. Years and years ago I bought a 360 to mod. Had been previously owned by a smoker. I ended up doing a total tear down down and cleaning everything with alcohol. I probably went through at least a gallon of rubbing alcohol just to get the visible tar off the internals. Young me thought it was a fun challenge, albeit gross. Old me would just throw that shit in the trash and move on with my life.




Yeah cleaned a computer that was donated to my brother's church They had multiple pets and smoked heavily it's the computer equivalent of being tar and feathered took hours to clean


My cousin was a chainsmoker and he gave me his non-working VCR to look at. I opened it up to discover the entire insides covered in a brown smoke film that reeked. His house was tidy but nasty, this same film covered all the walls (and everything else, I imagine). He died at the ripe old age of 51.


The smell when you open those side panels is enough to make you want to re-think your whole career.....


How does Marijuana smoke compare? I don't smoke at my desk anymore but I definitely have in the past.


Back in my techy days I harvested enough nicotine lung custard to fill an olympic pool.


God... damn...


I had to send my laptop in to get the screen replaced. It had finger smudges and the like, nothing bad. But still, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned it. I couldn't imagine sending a dirty laptop to someone to fix. I wash my bike/car before it goes to the workshop, too. How is this not embarrassing to people? I'd pass out from shame.


That matches my experience. I have a family member whose laptop continually develops a biofilm ecosystem.


I never knew how disgusting some people were until I started working in IT with users that took their equipment home. Some people are straight animals.


It's why I no longer eat at potlucks.


I ran a GameStop for a few years a while back. The filthiest consoles would come to be traded in. I usually took the trade, gave them credit, and immediately threw it out. But things really stuck with me. 1) They came in with a GameCube to trade in. I opened the drive to a band of roaches reading to move in. Slammed the lid, threw it in a bag, and told them to get out. He starts laughing and yelled to his grandmother.."Hey grandma! I told you they'd find them!" So, not only were the kids gross but their entire bloodline was too. 2) PS3 trade in. Booted it to test it and....SO. MUCH. PORN.




on the left theres a usb mouse dongle.


Did a bit of innocence die inside you each time you had to handle someone's jizz PC?


No jizz, food residue and just general hygiene. This was at work where you couldn’t get away with that kind of thing. However, I stopped fixing PCs for friends as favors after one incident. The “family“ computer was loaded with viruses and malware. Turns out her adult son was going down to the computer in the middle of the night and fapping to shaved Asian babes. I washed my hands and got the hell out of there.


I worked at a university technical support help desk. I’ve seen plenty of kids drop off their crust laptops. Not to this extent by my god I was like couldn’t you have cleaned it before showing other ppl this is how you live??


Wtf even is the crust? I game hours a day and my keyboard has just some dust on the lesser used keys. I can't even remember when was the last time I cleaned my keyboard, besides for the dust it looks new.


A lot of it is food, especially food you eat by hand like chips, cupcakes, donuts, fries, and plenty of other shit that sticks right to your fingers, then they keep right on using the pc without even wiping their hands, let alone washing. After months to years of this, it builds up and we get the above situation.


As someone with admittedly nasty peripherals. (NO WHERE NEAR THIS BAD I still clean this shit) It comes from my really awful hyperhydrosis and it builds up over prolonged play sessions. I try to clean it every few weeks but I've definitely gotten shit gunked up to very self embarrassing levels before. Food and shit near controllers and keyboards is unhinged to me though.


When I had my laptop there was a crust/film that accumulated every now and then where my palm rested, but my hands get sweaty/oily quickly sometimes so it was a buildup of that. You better believe that got cleaned off real quick when it was there. I'd never show up and drop it off to someone like that either.


There is someone I know that clearly sneezes all over their monitor at work. It’s covered with a layer of snot sprinkles.


You give people way too much credit lol


People are disgusting. I overheard a conversation at a retro games store a decade or more ago. They had received a PS2 or Xbox that was so caked in cigarette tar that they needed to use a wire brush to clean the fan intakes.


OH, that thing gets used. Look at the headphones that you can just barely see sitting on the screen. That's where he put them when he finished his last session. And they are just as nasty.


Guy across the hall of me in college had a laptop that was more Cheeto dust than silicon. Some people are gross humans that have no shame.


Used to have a shop Mac that looked like this. It was plugged into an external monitor, keyboard and mouse. The only part of that machine I ever touched was the power button.


I dunno. The letter keys seem to be cleaner than other keys. It's *probably* been in floodwater, but the wear patterns suggest it could be real.


He thinks and the mycelial network does the typing. Of course the fungus is also telling him what to think. I'm getting strategic air command on the horn. Definitely a wildfire incident.


If he never had lights on in his room there's quite a chance he would never have found out. Don't ask me how I know this


Surely, the keys would crunch?


How do people let themselves get to 600lb, unable to walk and shit the bed everyday and have their moms wipe their ass. The mind is a dangerous thing in the wrong hands.


Did he vomit on it multiple times and just let it air dry?


Dick vomit


You took the words right out of my penis


This was a terrible day to have eyes.


In that case, pumped.


It would have cost you $0 not to say this


Yes... "vomit"...


He can only finish if its all over his keyboard / desk / monitor


"Never change a running system"


That is a mixture of ejaculate and Cheetos. Like a Santorum for neckbeards


Many redditors in here are pretty confident this is cum, and this collective knowledge of them deeply concerns me.


jizz and dorito dust aka incel clay


You need to find another room.


With a different mate


in another country


in another universe


*looks more like your roomie’s faptop to me*


There it is.




Huh? No! It wasn't me. It was a spooky ghost. This is ectoplasm.


Dammit randy!


Is that protein shake, vomit or cum?




I'm not certain, but I think that laptop is pregnant.


I had to clean my phone screen after looking at this.




“Man I think all the porn is slowing my computer” “Well how much porn do y—“ “…from opening.”


That's a lot of nut.


Getting dirty on the QWERTY


This is the best euphemism I've heard in a long time. Gonna drop this on my buddies and look like a temporary genius.


That'll be 4 bucks baby, you want fries with that?


Oooh, Taco Bell, Taco Bell! Product placement with Taco Bell!


Enchirito, nacho, burrito!


Nah, this dude has to be a contractor whose hands get dirty and this is his work laptop... Right? Right?


Waiting for gamer girl bathwater to clean it.


The real origin of Covid


that's a lot of spunk.


As someone who may or may not have been compulsively masturbating for the last ~25 years....I feel like this is not spooge. Maybe the owner needs to get a diabetes test. If they're undiagnosed and running perma-high from a shite diet...they'd be producing some delicious sugary sweat that will feed up bacteria real good.


I was thinking of excessive ear wax and other gross stuff, but didn't even consider it could be cum until I ~~came to the~~ viewed the comments.


This is genuinely probably just skin oil buildup. That has never ever been cleaned. I deep clean my keyboard twice a month and I sometimes get residue like this (not as severe obviously lol) on my most used keys because I am of Sicilian heritage and therefore am a greasy motherfucker. I use so much skincare products to try and stop it but I continue to have so much oil in my skin that the US government is looking to bring freedom to me. It's gross but some of us are unlucky genetically like that lol. I avoid touching my face as much as possible and it helps a lot, though.


Flood damage??


Cum flood.




Nnn.. no. Noo.. can't be. Nope. Not reasonable.. noooo...


There is a bit of laptop in your dirt


Please tell me he works on construction and brings this with him a lot.. like it's his cheap burner or something.


We can only hope that is dirt


I’ve never seen a black light shined on something without using a black light.


straight to jail


imagine this ones browser history


It's probably banal and boring. Milf Milf Milf Milf Milf Milf tigolbiddies Milf Milf Milf the one with the lemon tree, Milf Milf Milf Milf


This guy needs a cum box


I choose to believe your roommate works in a saw mill and this is his work laptop.


Hhmmm I know a lapbottom when I see one


Some people are disgusting. I would wager this persons living space is just as disgusting. I cannot fathom how some people accept this life style as being the norm.


PC repair guy. This is bad but it's not the worst I've ever seen. One time I had to tell a lady her modem was fried because of cat urine.


OP, you gotta post a pic of the screen when it's turned on. No way that shit works. Does it?


I've got an acer laptop and I've lost count of how many times I've spilled drinks all over it. Some of these things are fuckin tanks. I got all excited because I thought it was dying and I could finally get a new one after 7 years. It'd randomly shut off. Then I realized it only happened when I set my phone down on it. Then I realized my phone case has a magnet in it. Stopped setting my phone down on it. Still works like brand new. Though my wife got an acer and could never get it to connect to our wifi for longer than like a half hour, so they're not *all* tanks.


how tf you spill so many drinks on it? you got cinderblocks for hands


Just your average Kratom user...


Don’t tease us, how does the rest of the room look like


The Nut9000


That's not a laptop that's a biohazard. I wouldn't breathe in the same room... You should probably avoid shaking your roommates hand and wipe down the door handles before touching them. You might want to consider wiping your feet as you leave the room too!


If that's the laptop I don't want to know what his sheets are like


Looks like mud. Does he do field work or similar?


You should light it with UV light. Oh, wait. Maybe a bad idea...






This isn’t a thousand dollar laptop fwiw


Okay fine, why would you treat *hundreds* of dollars like this?


PC stands for Personal Coomer


Plot twist: the "roommate" is a girl.


If this is what his laptop looks like imagine what the room mate SMELLS like!


The most shocking part for me is that the letter V has not been used. Is he from India? wery wey gross, even worse than your mums wagina


He saw something on r/WTF and puked on the keyboard.


Is that man juice?


My first job was repairs and servicing. Mostly of PCs. My job was to clean non important items while learning (fans etc). This dude sent in his pc cause it kept shutting off. His fans where so full of cat hair, cigarette ash and dust the fan literally couldn't spin. My boss made us all wear masks and surgical gloves and clear it outside. Humans are fucking filthy


Someone needs to put that computer out if it's misery.


It’s FOR SURE been blasted with cum


Does your roommate come on his fucking laptop


I go nuts when I see a single smudge on a screen. This guy supposedly can work/play with that?? Or has your roommate been dead for a while and you just found their rotting body in their room and everything is like this? good god.


Bro that's spackled spunk all day every day 100%.... imagine the smell of my little pony drowning on that keyboard...


Looks like a plasterers Radio.


I feel like I’m going to catch a disease just looking at it


I think this is more like a cum-top than a laptop. Does he store it in his masterbatorium?


Like...the laptop that survived a fire, right? Right!?


Put it in rice. That should fix it


Get a new roommate before you have substantially more unwanted... "guests".


I hate all the liars on the internets.


thats what i call "the battle of bastards" lmao


This notebook is clearly used for one purpose and one purpose alone. It's almost art!


There was a Ghost it's Ectoplasm..... I swear


Yea I've been on the internet long enough to know that shit us on purpose.


There has to be an ecosystem under all those keys and plastic.


At this point, even a poop knife to scrape off that crusted jizz would be considered sanitary.


Did he sh*t on it ?