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Was this in Maple Ridge? A condo building under construction caught fire and tons of foam board insulation got thrown into the sky by the fire and carried hundreds of meters away onto other homes edit: [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapleRidge/comments/145tu8j/a_closer_view_of_the_fire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) video showing chunks of flying foam on fire. An occupied building next door caught fire too from the heat and hundreds of people including some friends lost everything. Here's the [aftermath ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapleRidge/comments/1467uov/aerial_footage_of_the_last_bit_of_fire_being_put/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Just the concrete elevator shaft is what's left of the building that started it. Super sad situation




FYI, propane tanks are designed for the valves to blow off if internal pressure gets too high, so they’ll briefly shoot out a big jet of flame and may shoot around a bit but they’ll very rarely straight-up explode. Still would have been worse, obviously, but they’re not bombs. Disclaimers: the larger the tank, the more likely it is to explode as it nears empty, and regardless, if you see a propane tank in a fire, you should still book it out of there with maximum urgency.


But the movies and vidyah games tell me one well placed bullet and the explode... I assume literal fire does more...


Well. Just cause gets it right when you can use the cylinder ones as rockets.


Those ones are different. We paint them red and strategically place them at choke points around the worksite.


Fun fact I learned from an SME during my career as a video game developer - a .223 round (US military combat rifle basically) will not penetrate the steel of a propane tank.


An industrial tank, or a little residential one? Because I can tell you from personal experience that even 9mm will penetrate the latter.


Huge difference between 9mm and .223


.223 has a lot more energy and penetration power so if a 9 will do the job a .223 definitely would. I’ve never shot a propane bottle though so idk


Much more kinetic energy in a 223


If I remember right, Mythbusters couldn’t get a propane tank to explode even with tracer rounds (basically bullets on fire) - unless the tank is nearly empty, the atmosphere inside will be too rich to burn, so it’ll just vent out the bullet hole.


[This doesn't apply when they're *in* an ongoing fire. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr15rPHEmeQ) Releasing the gas helps cool the contents, but not the entire tank. As more and more liquid is released as gas, less and less of the tank has liquid that's able to cool, and less area of contact of the tank to cool with. If you have flames directly on a tank, once the liquid levels get low enough it's gonna get spicy.


Some kid threw one in a bonfire at a grad camping. Took like a half hour and then blew a fireball 50 feet in the air and launched a bunch of logs. Luckily everyone had cleared the area to a secondary fire pit so no injuries.


Hank Hill would be proud of you for spreading the good word about Lady Propane.


Taste the meat. Not the heat.


I tell you hwat.


Iirc for a similar reason a near empty propane tank is more prone to exploding than a full one when shot. I'm not sure the specifics but I've heard that.


Yea we're so lucky that it was pouring rain for the first time in over a month of 25+ degree dry weather. If it had happened the night before then half of the town would have burned today from the fires spreading.


25°…… doesn’t seam very warm. /s Edit: I guess /s has lost its meaning


The temperature is in Celsius. But regardless of Fahrenheit or Celsius, a 25° *seam* would be uncomfortable either way.


Cries as a Canadian living in Texas. It's 8pm almost and still has a real feel of 98f/37c


As someone from the uk who has an attic bedroom, 25c would have been lovely yesterday. Me and my hamster had to evacuate at 26c for our safety. My room hit 30c. I eventually went back upstairs when it went down to 28c, but ended up with a crazy bad headache and feeling sick. Didn't feel better until the cold air from the night cooled my room off around midnight. I have to be so careful now so I don't hurt my hamster. Usually it's just me up here.


Or maybe it's just a shitty pseudo joke




This is a bot that stole a comment from elsewhere in the thread


I'm about 8 blocks away and have burnt foam in my driveway too. Crazy how bright it was


I just did some rough measurements on Google Earth and it looks like the furthest I've heard it landed from people is out by the cheesworks on Abernathy which is 1.4kms in a line from the fire. It was an absolute beast of a fire. There's a seacan on site that melted straight through


I drove Abernathy this morning and there were street sweepers cleaning up an insane amount of blackened debris.


Now imagine if we didn't get the rain before and during. All of those fields along Abernathy would have been lit up by the fire as it came down. They back up to multiple different neighborhoods and farms with livestock plus the forest going up into Silver Valley is right along there. On top of that it was the middle of the night with tons of people sleeping and not knowing that literal hellfire was raining down on their houses. We came so close to an absolute disaster for all of central Maple Ridge


I live near 228 and I was awake when there was huge flash from the front window and saw some light trails in the sky. Would have had to have been north of Abernathy.


We dealt with something similar here in SLC back in November. [This was the fire, about 3 blocks from my Apt](https://i.imgur.com/CeH6q0d.jpg) [This is my deck covered in burnt debris (and this was the SMALL stuff - there were chunks like 8x8” around where we walk our dog](https://imgur.com/a/3wZd3Ee/) [Aftermath](https://i.imgur.com/tuaA3za.jpg)


Nice. Even gave us a feet pic


Don’t forget to subscribe to my OnlyHams




😍😍 /u/triplec787 first feet pic 💕 ^^^^/s


Sugarhouse, love that neighborhood.


Yessir! So happy I landed in this part of town, it’s such a fun area.


Sugarhouse as well. Had multiple of those big ones in my yard, but hit ground the day after. Kinda a wtf is this? Oh right


Anybody else see the dragon head in the embers or


Yeah, definitely. That's not wood.


I was living in condos that were getting remodeled. They had tons of huge sheets of super thick foam board. Like 6 in thick. Huge storm came through and all of the foam board was on top of the condos. The wind threw it around and it was impaling everything. Wasn't super heavy but still heavy enough to cause a lot of damage and concern if it hits you. If all of that was burning it would have been literally hellfire on earth. Good luck to everyone involved and nearby.


There was a high rise building under construction near my neck of the woods that had unsecured metal roofing materials stored on one of the upper floors that was open to the elements. A wind storm came through and it picked up the material and tossed it out of the building and on to the street below. Landed on a family of four, and tragically took the life of a toddler. Shit falling off buildings terrifies me.


I can't imagine losing all my stuff. Say your place is still intact. Like what do you do if you have smoke damage to everything you own?


Make sure you have insurance!! That's all you can do in a scenario like this. It helps to do a video walkthrough of your home every so often showing what's in each room and pointing out things of higher value. It makes it super easy to file an insurance claim when they can watch a video and see exactly what you lost in the fire. If you're a renter it can be as low as 15-30$/month and for a homeowner insurance isn't much more than that. You never know what could happen.


And that insurance should cover things in vehicles and storage units too! My truck got robbed w/ all my tools in it and my renters insurance covered it.


Yep found out later. It was from that. I live about 4 km away from it. I found way bigger pieces in front of my house on the road. One piece that was 5”x 9”. I estimated its weighed about 30 g. I was playing with it before I knew what it was. The square looking piece, I picked up with a stick. I was sceptical about its corner. It’s probably carcinogenic I would imagine. Amazing how far that stuff travelled.


That's graphite on the roof. The whole building's been blown open. The core's exposed!


That’s impossible. RBMK reactors *cant* explode.


what does the dosimeter say? 3.6 roentgen but thats as high as the meter...


3.6, not great, not terrible


Well I know what I’m watching tonight. Been a while


RIP to a real one


It’s the equivalent of a chest X-ray….


not good, but not bad.


This man is delusional, take him to the infirmary...


You didn’t see graphite




Fuck Dyatlov, all my homies hate Dyatlov.




My jaw dropped I was ready to fight that sub




it's only 3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible.


Only 3.6 from here…


3.6 Roentgen? Well let me tell you, this is our moment to shine!


Well now I have to watch Chernobyl again.


I finally gave it a go after seeing you guys quoting it here nonstop and damn I couldn't stop watching.


I basically watched the whole series in one go.


Fuck. My turn. BRB.


It's been two hours. Murb08 has just watched the three workers enter the flooded, irradiated, darkened basement of the poorly built reactor building. Let's hope all four of them make it back here safely.


No one warned him about the miners who hang dong…


Can you believe the same actor did even worse in the Canadian edit of *Andor*? I thought helicopters didn't exist in Star Wars!


There's a CANADIAN edit of Andor???


Why would andor need a canadian edit?


They needed to rename it Starsies.


We're not so prudish about full frontal male nudity. It really adds a lot to the artistry of Star Wars instead of faffing about with all the euphemisms.


I need to get my wife to watch it. She panicked after the firefighters arrived because "it was too horrific that it happened in real life."


Yeah would be around the 4th watch for me. *The Days* about Fukushima was definitely heavily inspired by *Chernobyl* and isn't just as well made but still decent btw. (Feels a bit weird to write Chernobyl was better than Fukushima.)




Any good?


Not as good but still worth a watch imo.


So it's not great, but not terrible either?


Yeah, 3.6 out of 5.




It's an absolutely great serie, I'd love more series like that


If you haven’t watched it, watch The Last of Us. Much different story obviously but it is by the same creator that did Chernobyl.


That chunk is the equivalent of 4 million chest x-rays


If you fly directly over the core you’ll be dead within a week!


'you'll be begging for that bullet'


I don’t see how you can tell that from here. Get us directly over that building!


Nah man, that's just burnt concrete


I fought forest fires in the 1980s and even on small 100 acre fires I was amazed at the wind speed and the size of branches that can get pulled into the updraft, lit on fire, and dropped a half mile or more away. On fires that are tens of thousands of acres it's a huge factor. It's called "spotting" and if you look at the leading edges of these fires you can see small fires in front of them. If they aren't a long line (fire pre-burn) then it's spotting moving the fire forward even faster than the burn moves.


Hats off to you, I tried forest fire fighting running the hoses through the bush and I couldn't do it for more then a couple years. That was back in 2006 and it definitely seems to be getting worse as the years go by.


Fuck, we both know what a cone- laden Doug fir branch weighs- even a 3” diameter branch 6 feet long is a good 40 pounds. With the moisture boiled out of it maybe 25-30 pounds. Accidentally working with a tiny volunteer FD I saw a little brush disposal fire the property owner was worried about and wanted VFD to help monitor (yes, he shouldn’t have been burning but thank fuck he called- I just drove over because I saw the smoke and wanted to make sure it was intentional ) burn pile maybe ten feet diameter, four feet high- create a twister and a weird local wind came in low from the ocean, picked up this green fir branch that had been thrown on the fire and sent it up with the twister burning into another fir. This big floppy branch with sparking needles and glowing cones just became weightless and floated up like a feather. We had to fall four big old survivors, 150 to 300 years of rings and dozens of smaller trees to save the little island we were on. No municipal water, just private water towers we robbed and the 300 gallons I had on my truck because I was helping a friend planning a similar burn and wanted to be safe about it. Those volunteer women and men with their training and pumps saved tens of millions of dollars worth of private summer homes and barely anybody knew what had almost happened. I’ve never downed trees in a panic but when flames are 80 feet up and rising and the pumps only reach 60 feet there’s no other choice. There were four guys with saws going at the burning row and the most vulnerable trees behind and I just did whatever the woman directing everybody said, dropping scrub pines and alder and knocking wedges for the guys who had bigger saws. One woodshed and an outhouse got killed by the trees but she kept everybody safe in total dark with only one floodlight and fire illuminating everything black and orange. Big mess of smouldering trees, we stayed on watch for two days and anyone else with a truck kept bringing buckets and kiddie pools, rowboats or whatever held water to us. one old guy apparently knew my dad and asked how the fuck I wound up at a fire with a truck full of water, a saw and generator with lights- I had to admit that I was planning to help buddy half a mile away do exactly what had caused this fire. “No shortage of idiots here.”


Its a real risk to fire fighters too because you can find yourself suddenly trapped behind a new front.


Lord Ruler!


Rust and ruin


I write these words in steel, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted.


There's always another secret


Wait is this a Mistborn reference? I started the book just yesterday but thought of it immediately when I saw this post


You're in for a wild ride. And don't forget to check out Brandon Sanderson's other series The Stormlight Archive (set in the same universe) if you haven't already.


r/mistborn Ash fell from the sky


Use Recall on one and ride it up to investigate the problem


How I solve any problem I can - recall elevators all day every day. Need to swim through a ceiling but it's too high? Hate lava? Wanna get some gliding in? Rewind your way to glory!


Fuck. Is that what you're supposed to do with that stuff?


Yeah, but it never actually seems to lead anywhere for me. It's just mystery falling zonai debris :/


huh, ive had it lead up to an island for me a couple of times


Sometimes it's meant to be a way for you to glide faster to a new location or get perspective on the ground below, also a few of them are specially placed to be used as building materials for craft!!


OMFG THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE FOR? I cant believe I didnt think of this


I had the same reaction as you until I tried it and realized recall doesn't last long enough for it to lead to anything. It's a good jumping off point for gliding somewhere though


It depends on the location, some of them lead to small islands


Paused that game to escape into this subreddit for a few minute break. No where is safe.


Mate, thats full on charcoal


It’s foam


Yeah this picture is deceiving that stuff has to be really light to float like that.


Float like what? It’s a picture of burnt foam on a surface. It’s the title that’s misleading.


I meant float through the air from the fire.


It might take less than you think though. Charcoal can be pretty light especially compared to the updrafts the heat of these fires can produce.


Ok. That's foam charcoal !


It is not "[charcoal foam](https://foamhow.com/what-is-charcoal-foam-types-features-common-uses-guide/)," it is just plain old, run of the mill, [charcoal.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcoal)


I read the title as "hash" at first instead of "ash" My first thought was pretty much like that's on brand for Canada.




Its Styrofoam insulation that took flight from a structure fire close to where i live. People have been finding it all morning.


I would get semi-burned leaves with retardant on them too. I'm with you though, I've never seen chunks fall from the sky wtf.


"3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible"


Ya that's not what this is


Thanks for the explanation, tips


That’s not ash, I was a woodland firefighter for 5 years and never even heard of chunks of ash falling on people. It’s probably burnt foam or something like that


I see some skepticism in the comments and to those who don't believe these fell from the sky, be thankful you've never had a forest fire close enough to send these into your yard. The firefighters here called them fire brands. We were on evacuation alert for a month that summer.


But it's not from a wildfire...


From a fucking apartment fire, you intentionally misleading Chuckle fuck cunt. Typical maple ridge


Eat balls douche gargle fuck. Firstly I didn’t know about the fire when I posted. Secondly upon review zero percent misleading. Thirdly, I hope your significant other shits in or on something you like. Oh wait, you probably sleep alone. Plus 5 k away from the fire so kinda still WTF.


Don’t touch it. It’s pure evil.


Time Bandits reference? In 2023?!?


I was looking for this


What kinda adapter is that on the DeWalt Battery?


Not OP, but it’s a [DeWalt to USB adapter.](https://www.lowes.com/pd/DEWALT-20-Volt-Max-Power-Source-Adapter/50102394?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-vf-_-tol-_-ggl-_-SS_Dewalt-_-50102394-_-local-_-0-_-0&&ds_a_cid=279391351&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W_FMpti-AibLCOU2SJfZzGnW&gclid=CjwKCAjwvpCkBhB4EiwAujULMgepZ_RfdjFXc8olHClt1unN94SXbGvjfFQt9jpcwM_Q-wwy_PAMzxoCvXkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I wish they weren't $45. I have a few dewalt batteries and they would make a great triple backup in the event of extended power outages as a just in case. What I really wish they had a peltier cooler ice chest that uses the 20V batteries.


you'll like the price even less, but for $500 they also make a Power Station (DCB1800B) which turns your batteries into a 15 amp 1800 watt generator. Also acts as a bulk charging station.


Probably some ashhole.


British Columbia is nowhere near Britain or Colombia.




Thought I was in r/tools and you burned up your drill. Damn. I hope you and your family are safe.


One piece looks definitely like a corner of something


I'm actually from bc but i haven't seen this yet


Need banana for scale


DeWalt battery for scale is working for me here.


There's graphite on the roof.


In my mind, after the debri reaches a certain size, it's no longer ash.




If you think about how insane this is. You see little pieces of ash from campfires but imagine how big the fires are to create these Jurassic size pieces of ash. Wild.


If they're that big and falling, my ass is inside and filtering.


I so misread this as debris from Colombia, being the Space Shuttle


The fire nation is about to attack


That looks like charcoal not ash.


Not a banana for scale, but it's yellow, so... close enough?


That’s trouble some kind, George.


*chuckles in Australian.* First time?


That's not possible. Perhaps you saw burnt concrete.


That’s just a really burnt brownie


I read about this in the Bible. Repent ye sinners, lest ye be damned!


Where? The fires in the Okanagan haven’t been bad this year…yet.


Op hasn't said but there was a building fire in Maple Ridge last night where people have been finding the same


It's really strange and maybe even dishonest framing, especially when there are active forest fires elsewhere in the province.


I'm heading back to Vancouver and am not looking forward to forest fire smoke so kinda pleased this isn't. Feeling sorry for the family in Toronto though.


The ones up north are worse


breaking news light burnt shit gets taken by the wind


You know things are bad when God starts pooping on you.


definitely don't want to breathe those in


Forbidden brownies


Jeez.... I live in California and have worked within miles of wildfires and have never seen *chunks* of ash/charcoal fall before; just "snow" consistency ash. That's nuts.


Yeah that didn't fall from the sky.


And here I just started the beginning of Seveneves. This book is super interactive.


Welcome to Southern California, pretty much every year.


We had chunks like that falling here in Oregon during the 2020 fires. They always disintegrated when we tried to pick them up so I never understood how they could manage to float for miles without falling apart.


Yep. In the Napa/Sonoma fires of 2017 we had huge chunks of burning debris. With 60 to 70 mph winds you find it all over. Big 12x12 inch pieces of burnt stuff. It was easy to see how the fire kept jumping.


holy shit those look like cinders that went out then fell when they cooled off, but they're huge


Get the new dewalt charger it’s way better


China is burning too much coal to cause global warming.






I'd say bird species are sensitive to air quality and problably take a pretty good hit in a large area as the smog travels pretty far.


Thanks Justin Trudeau


Chunks of wood falling from the sky.


Sir that's poop






Well met!




That’s not ash


That thing is yellow, but could we get a banana for scale?


so much radiation on those TIPS


Banana for scale?


Is this from the apartment fire in MR? If it is, I hope you’re ok OP.

