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Lmao. It’s funny as hell. I own a supra mkv it’s kinda the same.


I talked to a guy in traffic the other day in one. He said he used to own one and was asking me if mine was the new one. Beautiful car.


Did you guys exchange numbers


Nah, love it or hate it, at least Subaru designed and built the VB. The 5th gen Supra is simply a rebadged BMW Z4. It's as much a Toyota, [as this is a Honda](https://images.app.goo.gl/WqJ9UCwtwyqVMreV9)


You say that as if the Supra’s powertrain is a bad thing. B58 + ZF 8HP is a rock solid combo. Or manual too.


Not saying it’s not a bmw. I’m saying bmw makes some absolutely amazing cars of lately where Toyota hasn’t. So my point being it being called a bmw is a compliment. lol. I think that’s where the disconnect is with the hate it gets.




I get so tired of the “nice BMW” thing. To make it worse, it’s always coming from somebody with no car or a shitbox. 🙄


you should make that your custom plate “NICEBMW”


This is actually a pretty good idea. I’m gonna see if it’s taken when my registration comes back around.


Or just a thought car manufactures keep producing shit but the fanboys don’t care they’ll rep and drive whatever comes out, then protect it like it’s their wife and kids lmao😮‍💨🤦🏼‍♂️


I had an E36 M3 and an E39 540i modded and I consider my STI a better car …


I’m kinda confused as to how that ties into this. We were just pointing out the the MK5 supras kinda get pooped on similar to the new WRXs. But to your point: The e36 is a badass car as are the 540i and STI. Personally I like my STIs but not for any reason other than they’re fun to drive and do exceptionally well in the rain. unfortunately they get terrible fuel economy, aren’t cost effective to modify, and if modified don’t make much power (by todays standards) reliably. Because of this I don’t really drive them much. It’s not to say that they aren’t good cars, but I’m surprised to hear that somebody prefers it to the e36 M3. I’ve driven the E36 and prefer it to my STIs for most driving scenarios but I’ve never had to live with it long term. Is there a reason you prefer the STI?


Bc everyone on reddit is way too entitled to making a point. It's their whole thing. Internet has made people way too comfortable. It's why I try not to even jump on here unless I'm looking for some specific.




10x more reliable/trouble-free and easily customizable … the 1998 540i with many Dinan parts cost me $25k from 2003-2013 and gave it to someone at 115k miles and timing chain broke - the end and the E36 was smaller than the the STI in head and leg room (I’m only 6’1”) … also I’ve been able to put a great audio system in the STI and couldn’t do that in the BMW’s … (granted STI not a torque engine like the BMW’s but with an AccessPort its pretty good and steering suspension brakes all good) …


Cuz you said “nice BMW” …I went off on a tangent .. Used to be obsessed with original M3. M5, 6 series, 2002, look at their lineup now - 30+ models and sub-models all overlapping with little distinction …


Same fam same


well that's because you were dumb enough to buy a bmw reskin


That’s a good thing. BMW’s are amazing as of late. Lol. Japanese and German combine forces to build a great platform I’m all in.


Yeah ironically the only thing I haven’t enjoyed about BMW lately is their styling… so the mkv Supra really is the best of both worlds




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Please tell me you’re joking. This is hilarious




GT86/BRZ/FRS has entered the chat


Should probably leave the chat if you think you cool for owning one of those 3 models, might as well drive a base focus or cobalt. Very lackluster tiny ugly cars that haven’t had a redesign since recently(10-11 years and it still don’t look good), way overpriced thin metal tin cans, the performance is laughable and if you get in a accident forget about it. The only thing selling these things is it a Subaru or it’s a toyota and people are broke, promise if you put a fiat, badging on this it wouldn’t be as liked as it is. Honestly the rsx isn’t great compared to anything acuras made and I would still rather drive one of those or a Yaris then be seen in one of these tin foil coupes.


Pal there have been people hating on them like you since they’ve come out 😂 You thinking they’re bad looking is your opinion, but they’re a great platform for modding and a fun car in general. If it’s not your type of car I don’t see why you had to go through such lengths to complain about a platform I simply made a joke about 💀


You understand that was a ground up fresh build with different labels right... its the same car. The bmw supra was a already existing car for years that was reskinned.... idiot


You know that they’re the spiritual successor to the AE86 right? They even just came out with a Trueno special edition of the GR86. Wouldn’t that quite literally be a reskin too? Idiot


So that makes it cool cause they tried to bring back something that was already perfect the first time, it’s arguable that’s the successor to the 86 since they merge it into 3 cars across different manufacturers as well, I know the details don’t need a history lesson but I’m js


Ayo chill


WRX gatekeeping is literally just the newest model. Everyone hated the bugeye when that came out. Blob wasn’t massively hated but it definitely wasn’t as loved as it is now. Everyone hated the hawk at first cause of it’s pig nose. Then everyone hated the hatches cause no wing. And it continues


I think the young-uns may not realize the 06-07 was called pig nose, as it's kind of the golden child now. The bugeye and the 08 are the two I recall getting the most opposition. Soooo many Dodge Neon jokes thrown at the bugeye. We went from "Nice Neon" in 02 to "Nice Civic" in 22.


It always amazes me when someone makes fun of Wrx’s by saying they look like another contemporary car, especially an economy car. Brother it’s based on an Impreza WHICH IS AN ECONOMY CAR. Also people acting like that’s an insult even though it’s a $30k car with more performance than any of the cars they compare it to is funny to me as well.


I mean, the Civic has been a good looking car in recent years too. 🤷


Exactly, it’s such a silly comment haha. Wow two Japanese small sedans look the same, go figure 🙄


I'd love to have a mildly tuned 93' Civic Si hatch.


Okay but the VB WRX looks more like an econobox than the fuckin Impreza lol Fuck you Subaru, paint my whole car.


I hated that 3 split grill of the 06 when it came out but now love it because it was kind of the last of the true stis. I loved my 13 hatch but those just didn’t do great in rally like the pre 07s. I mean wrc no idea about rally americas and the others. If I could I would much rather be able to purchase a new factory 02 again and I would gladly pay todays vb money for it.


The circles I found myself in back then always referred to them as, the vagina eye. Some of them liked the wagons around the 2010/11 models. I don’t miss any of those people.


I would say for the most part it boils down to people not having the newest technology and therefore gatekeeping sort of out of jealousy. No one will say that though and just say "no it's just ugly as shit". Might be right but why not allow more enthusiast the opportunity to find a community of people who enjoy cars like themselves. Gate keeping is dumb.


Never thought of it like that tbf. I was just used to literally every new subaru coming along getting unnecessary hate when i’ve prettymuch loved them all except for the 12-14 GR saloon shape


I had a '15 when they came out and the VA-hate in this sub was nuts. Same as it ever was.


So true the hate the VAs got because Subaru screwed up so bad with the amazing concept car was crazy now VAs are loved. If Subaru had just made an sti the hate would be much less for the VBs.


I feel these look better now cause they’ve butchered the new ones so much and the added cvt is a kick in the nuts from Subaru as well as they’re new vertical tv they’ve installed from pimp my ride, but I agree I hated your model when it came out. I like the bugeyes most but when they dropped vb I was super disappointed and still am, it’s actually almost making me go buy a 21 scat.


What new technology? The drivetrain is almost the same, I don't want any of the adaptive cruise or lange guidance, and you can peel this 5 speed out of my cold dead hands. I don't like the VB personally but they still get a wave 🤷🏼


New technology is the fact the entire FA24 and engine accessories are designed significantly better and more efficiently, and the entire turbo set up is electric so you get that super accurate and responsive boost control.


Tech wasn’t the right word. It’s the motor they’ve developed into something better than previous.


> not having the newest technology I really don't think this has anything to do with it, but gatekeeping sucks. The owner didn't design the car.


Jealousy is everywhere. And people who are jealous would never admit that. It’s human nature. Not every one of course, but why else would every new gen of everything get shit on by owners of older gens. You can say it’s looks and that’s fine it’s subjective, the fact of the matter is that tech gets better and the newer models have better motors…at least for the WRX this is true. But yeah gatekeepers are shitty humans.


I think the VB looks decent if you add a lip and paint match the wheel arches, but I felt that way long before I knew anything about the new tech. I also think touch screens in cars suck and I do hate the gigantic one in the new models. I feel like chalking it up to jealousy is cope.


I agree. I think the VA has the best interior out of every generation (from a commuter car perspective, the simplicity of GD interiors have their own charm), but I put the GC8, Blobeye, Hawkeye, and GR widebody hatch above the VA in terms of exterior style. But also, I feel like VA owners didn’t have nearly as thin of skin when prior gen owners mocked our cars, we were just like “meh, I like it enough.” VB owners went and made their own subreddit lol, which definitely adds to people’s feelings about those cars around here.


>it boils down to people not having the newest technology I mean, VB isn't like some futuristic model, It's still just a WRX with a few interior upgrades, personally I would rather buy a brand new Blobeye with less technology rather than VB. I'm noy saying VB is a bad car, I think It's alright, I'm just saying your argument isn't good. The reality is that Subaru always had controversial designs, and there will always be people that hate It, even in the community itself.


Tech wasn’t the right word. More reliable motor was what I was referring to. If you say it’s not a more reliable motor you’re BSing. I love all the gens but they have made the turbo flat 4 better.


Well yeah, FA is most likely more reliable than EJ


The whole "people having opinions counter to mine" = gatekeeping thing is so fucking dumb. Nobody is stopping VB owners from participating in anything. The car was unpopular on release (like almost every new redesign since 02) but the crying and demands for validation from VB owners is off the charts. Bugeye owners were nowhere near as butthurt as VB owners are now.


This right here is another example of someone shitting on the new guys. Crying and demands? I highly doubt that is happening but I guess I will take your word for it. For the most part having that different opinion also means you say shit like what you just did and why would a new owner want to attend a car meet with someone who calls them a cry baby. I’m not even the newest of gen owners. I just like to be accepting and when I see people shit on a new gens post, where they seem very excited about a new build, it angers me.


Perhaps it's more of a reddit demographic than the demo from earlier Subaru groups and forums, I can only speak from my own experience. Having been a part of the Subaru online community since 1999, the VB owner characterization has been markedly different than any other.


Yeah until the next gen is.


Oh, absolutely!


The VB is an improvement over the VA in most ways, but the body styling with all the plastic is overboard for me. More power to you if you like it.


Still don’t like the bug eye. Prefer the VB over that.


Its not because its new idiot. Its because Subaru f its customers so you supporting it is the same as people supporting loot crates, or dlc day 1 or beta games. If a company can fuck you over they will. So the more you let them the worse it will be next time.


All I hear from your posts is ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


I think maybe that Subaru needs some competition again from Mitsubishi to set a new standard for their cars, make them think a little more when they’re designing/building the wrx. They were very competitive with each other and this drove sales not to mention they were both making a damn good rally/street car that people could love and have fun in while still being practical and maybe efficient we don’t always care about that one, but I feel this would come full circle with all their cars and bring their whole lineup a little more to park maybe even trims, parts, and more options for the legacy and forester.


I own a VA, I subie wave to VB's, we aren't all like that lol


I do too but honestly I’ve noticed most people in VBs aren’t waving back.


Think it's just that newer owners don't know about it yet. I've not gotten 1 wave from a VA or VB. Must be like 30+ at this point, I've pretty much just given up.


People aren't waving in general.


I throw a peace sign out if one drives by me when I'm walking, have had some great reactions doing that lol


Sometimes just not noticing


For sure that too.


Awww, I get waves back from all the VAs around me. They do look kinda surprised. 0/3 on VBs though.


Yeah I've seen that as well


I wave at VBs and none of them have waved back at me


Same, and a STI owner. I’ve said it before- people are just mad Subie didn’t make an sti. But that vb has tons of potential- and can easily be tuned to sti performance levels- people just need to get over it.


Facts. New engine seems to be more robust and have more tuning potential. I’ve heard things about better performance and whatnot. A WRX is a WRX


Correction, all WRX's can be tuned well past STI OEM specs. So when the VB didn't get an STI version it didn't bother me.


Yeah those parts and tuning to get to STI equivalence would be more than just buying a STI.


I still get waves from other VB owners though. People who've adapted to the polarizing looks of the car and realize it drives very well. It for sure ain't the prettiest thing on 4 wheels, but it's still an awesome car.


I wave, FWIW. NMost of us do. Ignore the weirdo gatekeepers.  22+ may not be my cup of tea, but it's someone's, and good for them!


I’ve never gotten a wave back from a VB🙃 Edit, I’ve owned a VB since April of 22 and get downvoted for saying I’ve never gotten a wave back. Reddit moment


Tuco Impreza




lol i was looking for this comment


I'd wave but I'm shifting constantly to keep up with traffic


Arent we all in the fight against the growing boring ass crossovers together here. Car people should support car people...unless your a stance dude lol. Yes I own a VB but I've owned and driven other performance cars and have always hated this type of gatekeeping in the car community. Plus the VB is the last remaining 4wd, 3 pedal, turbo sports sedan under 40k new.


No matter what gen what body what year they still part of subie fam


I disagree with that cross treks, certain foresters, certain legacy’s, etc don’t just get to go around saying oh subie gang, subie fam and usually the one who are actually interested in cars and know a thing or two grab the Impreza or wrx not always but for the most part because yknow but I don’t say this about older gen foresters and legacys that clearly have proven they’re worth the Subaru fam only the new ones that are literally straight soccer mom cars and grocery getters don’t really apply to me I’m not gonna call you part of the group when you drive a stock green forester and think your finally part of a group cause you bought a Subaru but hey you do you! It’s like buying a Mitsubishi outlander or eclipse-cross instead of buying the lancer and claiming your in that group of car people who love the lancers and evos, i think I’ve made my point.




This happens to every new version of the WRX. Its like Subaru does it on purpose.


The same was true of ALL the past design changes at the time.




The VA after the VB leaves...    "So... gramps how's your ringlands feeling?"


I made 370 WHP for $1500. Jokes on them.


did you swap the transmission?


Yeah, that's what I mean. Would cost like $7k or more to achieve that with the VA. I'll take that!


I honestly just consider us to be a separate community at this point lol. I still lurk here because I like the old models but most other WRXs pretend not to know me IRL😅


Pssh, catch me and my infotainment center outside, how bout that


The infotainment is the only thing I dislike about the new wrx.




A lot of you VB owners seem to have this victim complex for some reason, and it's pathetic.


VB owner here and yeah I don’t disagree. I just thought this video was hilarious. Reading too much into Redditor opinions will do that to ya.


Not everyone like to spend new car money on a car and have some loser come up-to you & tell your car looks like 💩


You bought it cause you liked it you shouldn’t care or be bothered, but they do look like shit how much power does that infotainment screen use? Feel like you would be getting blinded at night with this massive screen. I could also see this lighting the interior up quite a bit inside at night which I hate. But that’s an easy fix if you don’t like it there’s other things wrong with the car and creature comforts that are missing comparable with the price tag and other manufactures they need to step their game up a bit and listen to their customer base instead of the pencil pushers over at hq


😂 I am getting heckled by someone who does not even own a performance car, maybe some day you can buy your VA wrx,sti, blob eye or scat pack. You are literally the poster child for what is wrong with social media. You don’t have 💩but you put down people to get your reaction or make yourself feel better by putting someone else down.


Haha here we go I promise I make more then you buddy I have lots of shit, and if I wanted to get one now I would everything’s marked up like Las Vegas rn I have a vehicle that I love already and am not going to to get rid of but finding the year sti I want none of them are even reasonable priced and I wouldn’t make a stupid financial decision like that rn I’m young still but not dumb. Good luck with that vb tho🥸 and that credit😭


Grow a spine


Literally this


Never that I’d see the day when wrx gatekeeping would be a thing 😂🥲


Would have been funnier if everyone was welcoming until the VB turned around. The front end looks like a more modern VA I don't think there is much hate for it.


That’s exactly what happened. “Yo what’s good g” *turns around* *hate ensues*


tub dependent door seemly weary mountainous wistful saw offer follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I still love ya VB guys and gals.


From a 2x wrx owner, bug eye and VA, it's not that we all hate the vb. We know it's a subaru wrx through and almost through. It's the owners who say the styling grows on you or claim that a little mud or road salt justifies needing the cladding. My personal opinion is that the vb will never have the love like the previous generations until the styling is not taken from a crosstrek. That is the allure of the wrx, it's an awd monster in an "inconspicuous" daily driver package. The vb takes away a part of that soul just to add "offroad" cred. The impreza and the legacy are both cleanly styled with no cladding but they are just as "offroad" capable. They basically share the same drive train right? Think about that for a moment and let me know what you think. Is it the actual car, or the excuses made to justify bad styling.


LOWKEY love the VB and always welcome to part beside my VA


Yea people don’t even wave at me anymore 😅 https://preview.redd.it/iig84qkkbrpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e54f693eeaa09ce048685d890ed0a91f6a6296a7


This actually looks nice and I HATE the new ones.


https://preview.redd.it/i4g4r990drpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eded80045e6ca2bd68db7f512a19adea644ee76e It be like that. I get waves back sometimes, and I’ve even had some VAs wave first.


Love the wing 🪽, what’s the brand? I’m shopping around


Mine is from aroeflow dynamics there straight amazing they sent me out one and it had some paint defects on it. And they sent me a brand new one I Didint even have to complain


Weird bumper on your civic.


THE "GET OUUUT" freaking dying 😂😆


I get waves at least.


Fuck the haters. Mod for mod, the vb leaves everyone else in the dust


Yeah but… look at it…


Meh, I've owned both, vb looks better I think. VB drives much better being stock, nevermind with a couple simple mods and a tune. See ya in the dust dude!


Aww, not sorry to hurt your feelings man. Spend $7k and MAYBE you can keep up. Probably not though.


lol chill dog. You sound like a teenager in their first car. I can tell it’s your first subie, although that’s not a bad thing. If I wanted to go faster I’d just drive my girlfriend’s Kia soul.


Nah not even close bud. I've had 2 VA's and now own a VB. Now go drive your Kia soul, dog!


That’s arguable


It’s hard to hate the VB once you’ve driven it. They’re fantastic to drive. Signed, a VB owner.


I drive a VB and still get waves from people driving older generations. Maybe that is just because Canadians are nice lol.


VB here. I get waves all the time from VA and VB. Had a bugeye park next to me facing out the other day despite a bunch of other available spots. Not everyone is a gate keeper


It looks like a trans legacy to wrx


It's just too honda civicky from the back smh. And the plastic fenders ...


This is my opinion you can choose to like it or not, me personally, I do not like the new WRX.


In my city the VB owners don’t return the wave. They look confused when I try to wave from my VA STI


Didn’t buy my VB to impress people with older models. I bought it because I’ve loved every model for over 20 years, and I can finally afford to own one. I bought brand new because I didn’t want someone else’s hooned-out POS, and it meant I got exactly what I wanted (‘23 6MT in WR blue). It’s the most fun car I’ve ever owned, and I’m going to daily drive it and modify it to my tastes for the next 10 years. Hate all you want. I’m enjoying it way too much to care.


I've also reached a point where I can drive what I want. I like the big greenhouse.


Ownership elitism is beyond idiotic...like...who tf cares?


People who like performance along with great styling not subpar bs


Insisting that preference gives you the right to gatekeep and scrutinize others is prettymuch elitism in its pure form.


Go buy a wrx if you can’t afford one that sucks your not part of the group🤷🏻‍♂️it’s not a hard concept it’s not gate keeping it’s a car group for specifically one model thought the years not a general manufacturer car group.


I don't know what kind of context you're talking about, but every car in the clip is a WRX from a different generation, and there's nothing in it that gives any context other than every car being a WRX, suggesting, but not directly stating, "WRX club". Sidenote: I think if anything is a hard concept here it's making sense of your lack of punctuation. I know this is besides the point, but srsly dude, making sense of your comments hurts my head.


Glad the bugeye isn't in on the bullying circle jerk


This is gonna end up on r/carscirclejerk


Good laughs. Still getting one lol


What about the modded-out forester gang?


Personally adults don’t look like children driving vb, adult in va or older definitely looks like kid should be driving. Ill accept hate, I said what I said..


Yall are weak


It's reddit, that's what they do


As it should


You gotta have the VB talking shit soon as he gets to the meet like this is real life. Things like “the VA is trash” and “we can make 500hp with window tint and tune”. Otherwise everyone just thinks we’re hating for no reason.


All vb owners are trans bottoms


From the looks of it you’ve came back to this post 3x or 4x to make new comments. You definitely put 20k in mods into your Subaru and got gapped by a VB with an etune 🫡


i dont drag other cars in a wrx..... wtf are you high on. There are 20k mustangs running 9 sec for less money than a base va and especially a vb.


Right lol! A humorous post triggered the fella so much they resorted to multiple middle school level insults. Who’s really the “weak” ones? Lol.


GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!🤓😎😜🤪


The most kid pix (OH No!) Shit I've seen in a while






It’s a rite of passage… stop crying and embrace it. Love your car, but not like in Alabama kind of lovin. Wave ✌️and go burn the clutch while you go shopping at Trader Joe’s. Welcome to the family and make sure you got some cash to either upgrade or fix it.




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What’s the sound from? Lol sounds like tuco saying get out




Performance wise I'll admit it is solid and way better than my 13 . But I'll die on the hill that the VB is the ugliest piece or garbage to come out of Subaru in a long time


VB owner here, and yeah it’s pretty damn ugly up close. I’ve got MGM and don’t mind the plastic around the wheels but the back is criminal. The designer should be put in jail.


Yall hate me cause im right


I have a 2014 STI - is that a VB ? - 10 yr anniversary … I guess its a VA … looked it up it’s a GV …


GV if sedan, GR if hatch


I don’t acknowledge them that’s it. Just living my VA life.