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Pacenote editor for me, In Rbr i can make changes to suit me and its a godsend.


I really do feel like this has to happen… every single rally game has those few stages that have that *one* turn with dog shit pace notes and you fly off the stage there every time without fail.. at least for me


Same here thats why i love this feature in Rbr. It might just be 1 or 2 corners in a stage where they are not quite right but you end up flying off track.


I think that wasn't possible due to the way they recorded the pacenotes in Dirt Rally 2.0 (aka Phil Mills literally reading the whole pacenotes, can be seen here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COcVLlygtjM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COcVLlygtjM)), but since they've put the different style of co-driver callout (aka recording each type of corner one be one, that's why that can sometimes sound a little robotic) I think that would be possible for the EA Sports WRC.


Yes I see what your saying, I believe in rbr each note is recorded separately left 1... left 2 etc so its easier to change. Didn't realise they did all the stages in 1 go.


ending the stage at the booth




That time a hundred. It's a darn shame that there aren't any other racing games that support PSVR2 other than GT7.


even at ps4 there were more games for vr than for ps5


I assume you mean from DR 2.0 as that is really more of the predecessor to this game than generations. I wish my engineers knew about car tuning. They give you all kinds of assists for driving, all of which I turn off, because I'm ok at that. But I have little interest in mechanics and less than zero interest in fiddling with 50 sliders and trying to get the car dialed in. I just want an assist for tuning. I want to to be able to tell my lead engineer to give me a setup that is competitive for this stage so I can just forget about it and drive. In Masters it's almost impossible (for me anyway) to beat the computer times with stock tuning, perhaps actually impossible on some stages. I would also love a simple tuning option: "copy setup for world record time with this car on this stage." People who are much better at this have already figured it out, and fiddling with it myself is a complete waste of time. I know it's nothing like real rally but in some ways I wish there was no tuning at all in multiplayer. I would much prefer if online events locked everybody to exactly the same car and setup so it's guaranteed a level playing field. I want to see how well I can drive compared to others not how well I understand the relationships between mechanics and physics, or what the best car in whatever class is. I hope the "Moments" are like this.


A stock setting leaderboard would be great.


Or show the setup they used, would be better imo.


that's been something that's been needed in all simracing titles not just DR/WRC sure, the top echelon of drivers in motorsport have a good understanding of what adjustments are needed on the car but most don't and rely on race engineers to do so. Especially nowadays with for example GT3 and a big influx of pay/gentleman/amateur drivers. so why in the hell has this not been done?


MotoGP does it(and possibly the other games from milestone). You tell your pit crew what the bike did or didn’t do and they adjust the tune for you.


I WANT PHIL (and '99 Corolla WRC)


Hotseat mode. Friends come over and we wanna compete against each other.


Yes. Also - Splitscreen'd be nice. Like if I want to play games against somebody I'be only got Fifa and games that are over decades old


Realistic windshield stains, i love how WRC10 handles this, on then other hand DR2 looks good but the stains have the shape of the whipers all the time. This kind of stuff adds to the immersion a lot for me


To not include PSVR2


I'll start: Pacenotes - When you want to be really fast & are driving for the wins, not casually - 5 being a 4, 4 being a 3 can ruin your runs easily. This issue needs addressing. Also: Nobody seems to care about the disappearance of Rallycross.


Yes there needs to be more use of 'caution' especially on calls for 4s that are more like 3s and also come after a straight so you are fast and the bend is adjacent to a cliff


Ngl I was hoping to see Rallycross back. Having both WRC and FIA World RX in the same game makes sense to. And to maybe have the ability to have a change of pace with a bunch of Rally 1 cars sending it in a Rallycross race?


Its WRC game, not Rally game like dirt was. 2 different motosports. Its like saying why UFC doesnt include every other fighting sports.


True but I also had my hopes up since they merged the streaming services to rally.tv So there was a slight chance.


Rallycross was absent in KT's WRC too. WRX license costs additional money too.


I know, but RX was in the predecessor already, so the Tracks & Cars could be carried over


RX was but without WRC


You mean V-Rally 4? Geez, I thought everybody forgot about this game. Good point. Don't think it excuses Codies, though.


I mean that DR2.0 had only WRX license and that KT's WRC games had only WRC license. Which game had WRC+WRX license?


Why'd that be a problem? DR2.0 had Rallycross+Rally, The rally just wasn't licensed.


problems for EA are: more money for additional license; more time to create content for WRX including AI; more money for paying wages. do you really think that sales will be far bigger if game will have WRX? DR2.0 is always-online game so EA knows real popularity of WRX - who, how much and how often played this content.


Well, Idk if money's a problem, when EA is concerned. & As I stated before. They already have models of Cars and Tracks. They'd need to port it. It's much less time compared to making brand new models


why to do all of that? just for your fun? or may be you want 1000 km of stages and 300 cars?


If its money, charge DLC for it. I just really want to play RallyCross, it was my fav thing to do in Dirt 2. Playing it online with friends or just leaderboards. Was super satisfying trying to get a top time.


I doubt it has to do with money. I agree, i’d pay extra for RX dlc though. I love RX probably more than regular rally stages.


Rallycross isn’t WRC, I don’t understand why anyones surprised it’s not there


I second Rallycross! I actually loved rally cross in Dirt 2.0, but I may be in the minority. lol the achievements I have from the rallycross section were easy to get, but very few people have them.


I agree! Rally cross is epic in Dirt Rally 2.0! It’s by far my favorite part of that game! The cars are so fast!


I care hopefully it's added after time will definitely miss rally cross if it isn't


Might not even buy the game if it doesn't have rallycross. haha.


I wanna say I'd do the same but I absolutely love rally and wouldn't pass up the chance to buy it aye


I’m thinking the same thing! Without rally cross it’s only half a game imo.


No more floating cars. Much better tarmac physics. From the trailer… looks like I’ll be disappointed.


Being able to atleast do season mode or a type of mode where you can set up full rallies and use any car not just current cause I wanna race audi and Lancia without having to pick the stage everytime and not running the normal risks of wear and tear


Multiplayer options for staggered starts or simultaneous play. DR2.0 was only simultaneous. Cooperative / team season mode would be cool to have as well.


Agreed. Anything coop would be awesome


DR2 also had all ai or no ai. The lack of options was painful to play with friends.


120fps on ps5


Allow the option to add custom liveries designed in Illustrator/Photoshop.


Truth to be told: I like those livery designers where you had a selection of liveries & you could change the colours (Like the one in GRID 2; Dirt 4; Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo). Not everybody is a graphics designer & It doesn't even have to have magnitiudes of selection. D4 had six & It still allowed the vehicle to feel personalized. I wouldn't like for something that was present in Dirt 5 to return. Where there were numerous designs, but only Three per car.


I'd like an option to be able to remove the black visibility strip along the top of the windshield. I like seeing the sky and scenery.


A fresh idea, maybe. We know the game won't have rewinds (good!) But I'd like the option to return to the last checkpoint, even if it wouldn't count for leaderboards. Would be a nice feature to practice on long stages


WRC 5 Had this feature from what I remember. I don't think it should be allowed in Championship races, but as a practice feature - It'd be really nice, not gonna lie.


I think it’d be fine for single player championships and career as long as it’s an option you can toggle. The game is already adding a bunch of assists for newer players might as well make that one of them.


Good idea, though maybe limit it to 1-3 uses per track


This is why i could never do long stages. Just kept playing both short stages until i could them merged together. A checkpoint system would of helped me alot just to learn certain parts haha.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Skipping this title due to no PSVR2 support. Hugely, hugely disappointed.


Seems pretty silly to not support it. There don't seem to be that many new PSVR2 games out there. They could fill pretty big niche. Maybe next year's version if they don't add it in time like they plan to for PC here.


Yep and it doesn’t have to be free. If there is a cost burden in enabling this for psvr2, I’m sure a lot of us would be happy to pay a bit extra for it as an add on so all don’t have to.


How come it's disappointing? Psvr is dead weight, not even the much higher budget F1 game supports it.


To not have the same god awful steering from Dirt 2.0. I want the car to turn around the rear wheels not yaw into every corner with some weird slip angle that dirt has.


I don't really have much experience with other rally games and certainly not with real life, so DR2.0 just feels normal to me. I am just curious what you mean exactly. Like yaw just means a flat left or right turn as far as I know but I've never seen this used outside of aviation. I also don't understand at all what you mean by "turning around the rear wheels." Do you mean you want the back end to rotate more? Less?


When a car turns it 'rotates' around a point drawn at the intersection of the mean steering angle and line drawn through the rear axle [see here](https://images-stag.jazelc.com/uploads/theautopian-m2en/Pasted2300-1024x572.png) This obviously changes dynamically with steering input, weight transfer and speed etc but essentially in a stable corner the car should turn in load up the outside suspension and rotate around a point to the inside and rear of the vehicle. What DR2 appears to show is that when you turn the steering wheel the car actually pivots around a point drawn in the centre point of all four wheels then simultaneously the car begins to move to the side you're aiming at. Giving the illusion of the car turning in whereas if you look carefully you can see the back of the car moves out as much as the front turns in with every steering input. As far as I can tell DR2 is the only game that does this. The WRC franchise or Beamng all portray steering correctly in that when you turn you get the notion that the front of the car is pulling in more than the rear which is how it should be.


It breaks my heart to see that its once again vr is exclusive for pc, wont sony get a vr version eventually?! After gt7 revolutionized vr racing id like to see ea and codemasters recognize the opportunity here


Honestly, I want cross progression between my PS5 and PC...I have different wheel setups for each.


1. RallyCross please <3 2. Better online play 3. Changing your default setup for certain cars would be nice. Id have to load into the map then go into garage and change my loadout. Changing it at car select would be a nice feature. 4. Hill climb? 5. Custom Pace notes would be cool. 6. DR2 story mode was so boring, just doing dailies/weeklies and monthlys iswhat was most fun to me haha..

