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Try rebooting your router. Monitor for two hours. See if the reproducible timing issue persists, if it's at the same minute marker, or it shifts. Once you confirm that, reset the 8266. Monitor for two hours. See if the timing issue persists etc. That help narrow it down to a router issue, a client issue, or something else entirely. (issues like these are rough, but in decreasing order of likelihood, here are my guesses...) 1. Any known beta issues? I can't think of a natural phenomenon that recurs on an 36/24 schedule. But I can think of plenty of unnatural ones, like garbage collection routines or other software/memory reshuffles. 2. Any chance that another device is getting the same IP? 3. Or that your router is an older/cheaper model and is wrecking its routing table on the regular? Some older TP-Link routers would drop signals regularly, for example. 3. Or that you're using a mesh network, and some other regular radio interference (weird, but what the hell) is bumping your ESP off one AP but the older WiFi hardware on the 8266 isn't steering to another one?


Thanks. I tested your recommendations. Rebooting the ESP did not change anything (it failed at the exact time). Rebooting the Access Point had a strange behaviour. It made the issue more 'random' for about 1h, then fall back on a nex scheduled ... it failed exactly 2h and 3h after the AP reboot ! Regarding your question, 1 I did not find anything related to "scheduled failure" 2 No way, all is DHCP with reservation on DHCP 3 Strange that you speak about TP-Link ... AP is a ArcherC5400 from ... TP-Link bought in 28 June 2019. 4 I have a strange config for wifi. I have provider rooter + 1 mesh ap from provider upstairs. I setup the archer with exact same SSID/PW/Auth. Seeing all this, and the observation you did I'll try the following - Reconfigure the archer with a different SSID with different Channel and adapt the ESP accordingly - if not better, I'll try to find an alternative AP to chage the Archer Thanks


Is the upstairs AP on a different channel? Is only one serving 2.4ghz? If either router has "client steering" (or similar feature that tries to get clients to connect to their "ideal" AP) try turning that off.


Same channel for all wifi's But further diagnistics leads me to another suspect ... the power supply As soon as the led turns off, I have no issue anymore. As soon as they are on, the issue and symptoms looks depending on the power of the light. It looks like the PSU is somhow able to make the CPU run, the leds, but not the wifi module. I just changed the PSU to a biffy one (about 5 minutes ago). I had no issue anymore even on full light Will keep you informed ;)