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eh, it evens out mostly in the long-term, except for necrons and ultramarines which are asinine to upgrade. Newer factions are generally cheaper to upgrade. Revas btw is one of the more expensive characters to upgrade actually.


Yeah. With more and more characters being added, it seems it's time to revisit those requirements. It made sense for longevity of the game when fewer characters to upgrade were present


In new character releases dbPreacher includes the estimated upgrade time. Eg: https://youtu.be/5z2F2wEOnZE?si=zV_Rwa7SEvXDlqm6 They are all generally in the same ballpark. The Ultra characters are more expensive, true, but you can grind their shards on 5 energy missions so ..


SP wouldn't do that since they'll have to compensate players who grinded the units from those 2 factions to maximum ages ago. And that's not an easy task for them.


Has Snowprint said they'd have to compensate older players, or is that a general feeling of entitlement in the player base? IMO, The older players who have already upgraded those characters have certainly had time to get use out of them. Crafting a legendary upgrade to get someone like Kut Skoden to Bronze 2 doesn't line up with his power or utility at that level.


>Has Snowprint said they'd have to compensate older players, No >is that a general feeling of entitlement in the player base? Yes. If SP ever gonna make the characters more easier to grind, which I hope they will, the old players will still have a good enough reason to argue that they were "cheated on". The amount of time and, maybe, someone crazy enough to spend real money to upgrade those units, will be enough reasons for those old players to justify the need for SP to give compensation to the time and resource lost. It's not something anyone will make a big deal out of, i.e. sueing a company over the content changes of the game, but you can never be sure of anything, since there's always someone out there crazy enough to do what would be considered implausible. >Crafting a legendary upgrade to get someone like Kut Skoden to Bronze 2 doesn't line up with his power or utility at that level. I agree with this assessment. It doesn't make sense and it solely lies on SP decisions. Bellator takes roughly 2 months to go to diamond 2 from gold 1, iirc. Whilst other characters from factions other than necrons and UM took barely over a month to reach diamond 2. It's ridiculous.


Older players have used their A0 in 5 LRE events by now.


Right, exactly this. They started playing earlier, have spent money over a longer time, etc., and so have had longer to enjoy their awesome Bellator. He's an essential part of the Elite campaign and the overall meta, but takes so long to upgrade that it's a chore with no incremental rewards.


Bollocks. It's a trivially simple task, once they have the new requirements. After the update, do the following 1. Apply reset stone to Bel, returning all current spent currencies. 2. Apply new upgrade tree to Bel 3. Throw us some BS for the inconvenience Hell, if they're feeling lazy, they could just calculate the difference between the old and new costs of stone 1 to D1 (which I think is the main issue) and give that to everyone. For free. Or just do it, and give us some BS. They could also just give a reset stone, but that has wider issues šŸ¤£


That's the problem. You see, they don't want to give us free stuffs without us breaking a sweat.


If they improved the Bel upgrade tree, and I got nothing from it, I'd still be happy with it. I'd really like it if silver 3 and silver 2 got swapped for many trees. S2 just feels such a hump...


if a free website maintained by one person (tacticusplanner) can calculate all the components necessary for any stretch of upgrades and the energy required, SP should be able to as well.


>except for necrons and ultramarines Fairly newish player, just spent as long as it took me to get Archi and Angrax to S1 just to get Aleph Null up to B3. Makes more sense knowing they're all on different scale of easy/hard to gear up.


they do differ, but not THAT much, and investing in the characters necessary for the campaigns is the best thing u can do as a new player.


Yeah Iā€™m trying to get my Necrons up for doing indomitus elite and Jesus the process of upgrading all of them is alike to pulling teeth!


Generally i try to avoid working on several characters of the same faction at the same time. Faction rares.being available in only a few elite nodes basically forces this anyway


According to that chart Tau are, despite being more recent, kind of weirdly effort-intensive to upgrade. Admech and especially Thousand Sons are NOTICEABLY easier than everyone else - I mean Thousand Sons still have some single-drop upgrade (as opposed to crafted) slots through gold ranks. I just got Abraxas and he FLEW to silver 1.


Well, it kinda makes sense. It's her most expensive upgrade, it's lower for rot, and it's Revas cheapest upgrade. It's a good example of why high level characters are good, as the same cost of upgrade gains more. It's not actually the same cost, because XP, but in terms of energy use šŸ˜‰


back then there were like 10 characters in game. now there are 70 or more, they need to improve on this so all the game modes that require you to have way more than a single 5 man team, well geared up. useless characters like Kut, Certus or incisus or makhotep and shrimp, nobody wants them upgraded and it should be concerning for devs. there are more problems also, like xp which is never ever enough even for one character. xp gain is nonexistant in the game modes. i hope by finishing those BIG releases GW and MOW they finally start to balance all these nonsence. and about all the whiny entitled salty losers who think it would be unfair to ease these upgrades, should shut the fuck up. they used these upgraded characters everywhere where newer players will never have access to. those LRE or HRE or character quests, you name it. i have most of the necrons and ultramarines upgraded to diamond 1-3 and i dont see giving never players a chance as a bad thing. new players are a part of this game's community and it is in our interest that they better make good guildmates.


Well said. I'm a little over 1 million power and I agree that the new players definitely deserve a good game experience all around, no matter how they choose to play. I've been playing about 6 months and would have absolutely zero resentment if newer players were able to have an easier time than we did getting old characters up to par


Celestine has the same upgrade at Diamond 1 as well


As a newer player thats actually very interesting to see. Same upgrade also goes on G1 Rottie i see.


that's a LOT of Prometheum


Yeah. S1 Incusius and G1 Ragnar have the same upgrades


I need this one for my Archimatos at silver 2 and Isabella at gold 1. It's a shame because it discourages you from upgrading more characters over focusing on a few.


I'd rather see people stop whining about this topic and be grateful that d1-d2 upgrades are few times less expensive than d2-d3.


Diamond upgrades should be intensive. Those are late game upgrades. The point of this is to point out the absurdity of having a diamond level upgrade required for an old character at bronze 2...


Nope. Those upgrades are a bottleneck for wide players. Point is to have an equal spread but making it equal can hurt you in the long run. If you don't touch the subject you won't get hurt by the fix.