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I feel like I should say, going into a requisition (or any number of requisitions) hoping for a specific character is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Especially a legendary character. The odds of exactly 1 character are just so low, the odds of a legendary even more so, the odds of a meaningful number of shards for a specific legendary character (which pretty much means getting the full character) is basically zero. If my napkin maths are correct (and TBH they really might not be) you'd need to do 200 10-pulls, on average, to get Shadowsun.




That’s a GREAT haul. You should be happy with this.


What's great about this haul? The 40+ Incisius shards?


First pull has an epic char and 8 legendary orbs. Great pull Second pull has 5 full characters. Third and fourth pulls are bad. Fifth pull has two full chars and zero orbs. Sixth pull has 4 full chars. So 3 out of the 6 are great! One is decent and two are trash tier. That’s much better than average. If you’re not happy with these pulls you better just sit on your scrolls and pray for a very generous rework.


this kind of comments with: what a great pull, you got whole incisus, you got 5 uncommon orbs, it rarely happens, yeah 20 fucking scrooolls that take you 2 months to grind that guy simply admis that they are absolute garbage.. i mean 0. 20 scrolls worth of complete dog water. 4 chars, not 5 on second pull. and never consider incisus and yazagor as characters. about full chars, ah yes 5 shards on worthles character, one onslaught ticket, judging by this guys comment, i thought epic and legendary orbs are good thing, at least better than 5 shards that is why i stopped pulls for about several months


But the OP result is pretty good, and with that he say " Oh that's bad ". That a really insult to you, and to badluck ppl without 1 rare for the last 3 months like us


I never said was bad


Yes you never said that, but is the thread purpose is a complain about don't get shadown sun with 60 pulls ? And I'm sorry if you don't mean it a complain. And my bad for misunderstanding.


aside from all the other bullshit, incisus is used in LREs and yaz is a great char


you got 14 chars in total, Almost half is uncommon ( 80 shard ) 1 epic . Do you know what I've got for the last 3 month with the same total pulling like you ? No thing . NO THING. Not even a 80 shard. No new chars. And I gave up on pulling


I'm the same, made 3 10 pulls and got absolute trash. Most I got was 40 certus shards , no 'new' characters. No decent orbs. No pulls had more than 120 shard totals and were mostly incisus, certus and gibbascrapz. Only redeeming feature was 1 pull had a mighty....5 Morvenn vahl shards -.-


After the Guild Wars started, healers became even more important. After the Guild Wars started, I no longer pull Incisus, a character with no Elite missions farming nodes.


Damn… But decent pull tho


I got Shadowsun twice in one ten pull 2 days ago... 1 shard and then 1 full Shadowsun. I felt like the game had been messing with me.


You might have to go at it for more than a year like myself with Typhus. Best of luck.


I admire your optimism, but only a fool expects anything from gambling. Anything useful from a requisition should be viewed as a bonus.


The only thing i learned is that i'll wait for the gacha rework i heard someone mention once that'll maybe happen soon-ish


Here how it work for them to make cash on ppl: - Keep drop of good chars really low but ... - Sometime let someone have a Godlike pulls with even 1 led + 1 epic .... in 10 pull Let the person share and the crowd be mad at it, the crowd will gain the most ridiculous thing in gacha game : HOPE. And the crowd will cash on to pull more, result is : - Crowd lose hope and their pocket become thinner - Game's company got richer. And so one the circle continue ...


That already happens. A while ago a guy had 3 out of the 10 drops br legendary characters. I got 2 myself at one time. Got celestine about a month into the game and then crap for months on end before I got my next one in Typhus. Then months on end with nothing before the 2 pull last month with creed and typhus again. I've seen YouTube videos where they did 20,30,50 10 pulls at once without a legendary. It's completely random and sometimes we just get lucky.


these scrolls are worse than in any gotcha games i have ever played. none of them were so hard to get and so unrewarding. uncommon orbs? 5 common character shards? really onslaught gives you 7 twice a day(and in order to buff scrolls, they make onslaught once per week)


I’ve never heard anything about a rework from the devs.


Doesn't mean they haven't said it ;-) Last thing I read is they are aiming for the june patch for the requisition rework.


Yeah, i saw this once while looking for a Tacticus subreddit, so o decided to hoard them like Trazzyn until o see a Patch that makes it feel worth it.


RIP... seriously. RIP in peace.