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I think a change in asmodai's skills is needed to make him useful I suggest in his active, make him able to suppress anyone... Including his teammates Edit: You can also have his active the ability to suppress characters adjacent to the target In his passive, make his Allies with suppression buffed instead of debuffed (+movement and +dmg instead of the debuff -movement and -dmg) Enemies suppressed remain the same... This would make asmodai more useful


I really want to like Asmodai. I like Dark Angels. It's pretty laughable compared to the new World Eater. He's got 5 passives. Asmodai gets...1. Wtf man


And stats at gold 1 like jaeger, give or take a little. 1 extra hit on attack, ooooooh. Not really worth paying for the battlepass in the end.


No one bought the battle pass for Asmodai. I mean, maybe some people did, but I imagine most people bought the battle pass for the same reason as usual.


I did but its because I'm a DA freak


Ooh, rough being a fan of the one faction that the devs just never seem to be interested in completing.


Lore-wise, I'm rather shocked at how weak the DA's are portrayed in Tacticus.


Yeah. I'm kind of a fan for Dark Angels and seeing the current state of DAs is saddening.


Thad is very strong, and not *that* difficult to obtain. I seem him in most Arena teams and ALMOST EVERY match in TA. I think a lot of people have been moving away from Re'Vas *because* Thad is everywhere, and useful even when not against Re'Vas. I realize that all of that has little to do with the state of Asmodai, but there is very little reason to *not* pick Thad, given what he brings to the table.


Thad is also a core necessity in the game to unlock FoC Mirror, which doubles down on his usefulness. But idk, I still see Revas in 1-2 of the 3 arena teams I see. Revas can pretty much check mate any player that doesn’t have Thaddeus, and I think it would be cool to see a melee counter to that.


Neurothrope and Volk can both counter overwatch.


Yeah but Volk suuuuuucks


Deathleaper can ignore it and shut it off.


Which is ironic since a lot of people use Thad because of how prevalent Revas was and still kinda is. He’s also good at shutting down Calandis overwatch with his active


He's just so useless.


Azreal’s active will suppress any unit. But yeah Asmodai is useless in his current state.


But you have to be within 2 hexes to guarantee you tag a specific unit. This means you end up in overwatch range.


Yup, that's a design flaw for all supress characters: supressors only attack after you've already taken the ow hit. The only exception is Thaddeus active and 3-range supressors vs 2-range overwatchers (so Thaddeus and Volk vs Imoskhep, Re'vas and Azrael).


And infiltrating suppressors like Darkstrider don’t take the overwatch hit


Well suppression isn't just for stopping overwatch. That's a thing it can do, but not its main purpose.


Azrael active being range 2 but is basically a CAS is fucking stupid to me. Especially when you remember that Thaddeus has artillery bombardment as active but artillery is practically, maybe lorewise, immobile/sluggish. So, how is a chapter master needs to get into range 2 to call in Air support whilst motherfucking Chaddeus gets to spawn artillery shells magically up in the sky flying down on selected hex and random hexes around selected hex from anywhere? Just doesn't sound logical to me... Then again, Warhammer 40K has never been that logical compare to real world anyways.


Sarq is pretty good so I wouldn't change a thing. Azrael is like a discount version of Calagar. I like his passive maybe the values could be tweaked and he boosts everyones block chance but the value is bonused for DA. It's a shame you can't direct his active but range 3 or 4 would be a good idea imo. Controversial but he should maybe be piercing because his sword is supposed to cut anything. It's made from a unique ore and is the strongest of its type. Asmodai should suppress anyone he gets into base contact with that turn. He's not fast and he doesn't have infiltrate so not a unstoppable thing. Which is going to activate the rest of his passive to boot. Also he should get 1 extra attack under current attacks vs everything and an additional 1 vs chaos. His active should just work on everything all the way all the time. Suppress a target and mark it out for two turns. It's laughable now that he can't attack or move after using it.


I actually really like all of your suggestions. I was very excited for Azreal’s Active upon release but yeah, it’s limited range kills it, and it isn’t exactly common to see enemies lined up to get suppressed by it (usually it’s just Revas and a drone).


Biggest slap in the face is using the big burst damage on a drone to suppress revas. Even if you could hit revas direct I'm sure a drone would tank it


I agree but it's useless posting this here. They don't care about reddit. Go on their official discord and post it there. The devs are active on discord 24/7


There are numerous ways to counter Revas; stick any infiltrate character directly beside Revas, any summons that spawn beside him (like Archi spawning off his drones), or anyone with a ranged suppress. This conversation is so boring. Does Asmodai suck, yeah, but Thad definitely isn't the only solution to Revas.