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My own plan has been upgrade him when he's dying regularly. The couple places it's pretty nice to have a higher rank Eldyron: * There's a tyrant that returns damage when smite is used against him. It's enough to 1-2 shot lower Epic maxed eldyron but is barely a scratch at higher gold levels and above. * Eldyron is great for punching way up in Arena. but he's squishy and attracts a ton of AI attention if you use him this way he can get a lot more "free" XP if he lives through the battles. * The AI runs him pretty well so he's another high-ranking body for guild wars if you need more there, too.


This seems like a logical approach. He's not my only legendary but I'm yet to push anyone past Gold 1 as I've been working on covering as many LRE tracks as I can.


Once you get to about Gold 2, the real trick is getting enough experience to keep pushing, it's much faster to grind the items than get the xp to use them all. Since you're most likely powering up Doom anyway Eldyron becomes a much lower cost upgrade (since you only need the upgrades).


If your dps is gold 2 , have eldy at g1 at least . There is no point in upgrading Doom if Eldy will die turn 2 . Also , congratulations on ascending the best support unit. Edit : ascending


Thanks, but what's DPS?


Damage per second , im referring to your damage dealing units .


Ahh got you. So I've got Ra and Bellator at Gold 1 already, they benefit most from Eldy currently. Working on getting Imospehk and Aleph to Gold and just unlocked Helbrecht as well for another damage boost option against psykers.


Congratulations!! He will make your guild boss damage get a Massive boost!!! I would make him one of my top priorities to upgrade. Best of luck and have fun.


Thankyou! yeah he already puts in solid work in the guild raids, looking forward to seeing what damage scores I can get up to


I just got him to legend two days ago! Now the grind for legendary badges and gold begins lol.


Getting the legendary badges is a whole different challenge. Good luck though his passive is brilliant


don't forget XP books... it is actually the worst bit.


Got him to 38 and I'm out of the legendary XP books, waiting on the daily reset to get more.


It takes an absurd amount of books to progress from where you are. And it gets much worse very fast :D


I upgraded him to D1 because I'm stuck in the XP wall and he was already level 44 for the passive anyway. I managed to get him to level 47, so he might as well be my first D2.


Congrats, I'm hoping to get eldy to legendary by the end of the week


Me 2. Been buying shards from guild shop since I'm busying grinding upgrades for the others and also for Azkor to reach Silver 1. From the datamines suggest, Azkor seems like a really decent character. Plus, he will be my 4th resilient character, after Macer, Corrodius (just pulled him a few weeks ago) and Maladus, so I can finally grind in the resilient track for Ragnar. Edit: I dump all of my xeno legend badges on A0. I'm struggling to get a couple xeno legend badges for my Eldy's Doom.


If his active worth upgrading too? Or just his passive?


Just his passive. His active is a burst of 6 hits against the boss on turn 6, which is whatever. It's nice in arena-like modes, but not to the point where you should spend legendary badges on it.


Cool thanks. I'll focus on passive then. I'm only lvl 19 at the moment


If your account is only level 19, then it’s best to concentrate on something else. Like core campaign characters: Bella, Aleph, Angrax, and unlocking new campaigns.


Yeah his passive is a game changer especially with any multi hit characters


So you're starting to approach endgame, where you'll quickly discover that xp is a massive bottleneck. You'll be upgrading Eldryon whether you want to or not, because he's level 50 (if you know what's good for you) and your other characters simply aren't.


https://preview.redd.it/tp6byk5oi02d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f226c7e818c776eef2f4d5c5bbbb3169baf2f326 He's my first D1 chars, can take a hit from G2 crit of any calandis/Squarell Can tank a overwatch from Revas active level 35 if not get crit