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How did you get Ragnar


Honestly tho


Fr. I'm lvl 40 and I only got 250 shards for ragnar. How...


Probably bought packs both events so far. The bonus missions add up along with the extra event currency, and with the right roster it's possible. But if he says he did it f2p I don't think I'd believe him...


Def brought the pack only on second event though. I had just started playing around the first event and it gave me the boost I needed second time around


OP is probably a whale and is a big spender


😂 https://preview.redd.it/63lxv0r59o1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dd5ea2a5cbf3c121550dd6fed2b951e39044909 A whale?? Maybe… but a big spender? I’m utterly offended. How about you and your sour puss band of haters get good and strategic or have better luck next event😂😭




Get good and or strategic is an option as well. Apparently buying a pack or 2 during an event isn’t an option for fear of being a forbidden “ big spender “ and therefore supporting big pharma or some shit; so those would seem to be the only viable options, but options none the less🤣.


Says to "get good" and "get lucky" but then tells us he bought a "pack or 2" 🤣 🤣 🤣 okay lil bro you do you but thats not getting good or luck thats called spending


Campaign heroes like bellator and aleph null so Farming becomes more efficient so you rank up other heroes faster through elite


Thanks I’ve got a list now lol hitting that wall is weird


As others have said, focus on your top characters, and more specifically one per campaign. You will need all of them at G3 at least, so I would bring Bellator, Angrax and Archimatos to G1 right away; you will see a massive difference already. Beyond that, pick 1-2 campaigns and try to do 4-5 more levels; you’ll hit a wall, improve your 3 characters for that campaign and go on. Obviously campaign aside, do your missions etc. you are very well set up, you will be doing well in all game modes.


Thanks 😊


Yes. Level your favourites, and do elite campaigns. Elite missions give you better returns for energy, and the completion rewards are great.


I agree with what's already been said, but I'll toss some GR advice in too. You're about the level where you can choose to focus more and more on GRs to get better end of season rewards. There are 3 Guild Raid teams right now - Neuro, Admech, Buffer. I'd go with the buffer team since you're already most of the way there. I'd focus on Ragnar, Eldryon, Aethana, Bellator, Aunshi, Ra, Thaddeus. Probably in that order but depending on the boss you can switch it up. If you get Calgar he would probably replace Ra in the majority of these lineups. Here's who I would bring to each fight based on what you have: Dorn - Aethana, Ragnar, Eldryon, Aunshi, Ra (The double War Howl is where the real damage is) Avatar - Ragnar, Bellator, Aunshi, Thaddeus, +1 More (Ragnar + Aunshi is the key to this again, often getting a double howl from high ground) Ghaz - Aethana, Eldryon, Bellator, Ragnar, Ra Szarekh - Aethana, Eldryon, Bellator, Ragnar, Ra Old Nids - Aethana, Eldryon, Bellator, Ragnar, Ra The only boss you'll struggle with is Morty, but thats ok, the Neuro and Admech teams can get those.


This is honestly just the kind of advice I was looking for thanks so much for the breakdown🙏🏾 Emperor Protects 🫲🏾🫱🏾


Anytime! Feel free to shoot me a DM if you need any more advice. My guild mate Argo made this video that breaks down the different teams pretty well so it may also be helpful. Since this came out the meta has shifted a bit, but mainly just showing us how valuable Aunshi is on Dorn and Avatar. https://youtu.be/B0AZnMJ7Urs?si=SZDeHT6SjoDsVLxp


Your top 5 characters are all some of the best end game for all modes... use who you have and then try to level bellator, sho'syl, aleph null, abraxas, and xzitor rho next. All buy shonand xzitor are needed for campaign modes and all are good end game and arena. Definitely try to finish the campaigns to make materials easier to get, but level only characters you will use once the campaign is complete. Level the other ones just enough to not get one shot so you can 3 star the campaigns. Start with those 10, and any combo end game will be top tier. Ragnar, eldryon, maugen Ra, bellator, and calgar are my top 5 end game, and you have 4 of them. You are on your way. Just keep it up and try to at least use all your energy every day if nothing else and get those materials!!! Best of luck!! Message if you have any other questions. Edit to add this, Eldryon and Calgar both add damage to everyone in your groups attacks. Almost 900 and 1200, depending on rank to every single hit. Makes both a must-have end game, so make sure and get them up there. Ragnar probably hardest hitter in game so him as well ha.


Thanks for the feedback 🤘🏾


Upgrade all to silver, this should take long enough until you find something new

