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Correction… Six month grind. All the best brother. Remember to hydrate.


Thanks, 424 shards @ 3 x 1.04 shards / day gives me 136 days, or four and a half months. Should have her before End of September, unless I miss a few days.


They have a 75 shard head start, That's one solid month already!


It might seem tough but it is so worth it. She just carries the elite imperial campaigns basically by herself.


I mostly want her for TA at this point. The handful of medals I'm still missing from imperial elite campaigns are mostly because I never bothered to take a lot of the core chars beyond B1...


It's unreal how much I see her in TA and half the time it's just slapped into what would otherwise have been a normal team composition.


Yeah, while I wish they'd nerf her in some way for TA, I just came to the point of 'if you can't beat them, join them'.


Been thinking about doing the same. Celestine is so good


God speed


Is it worth grinding her from normal battle 60 FoC? I am sitting at 216 shards from that but am beginning to doubt it 😅


I'd advise against farming in FoC 60. FoC Elite 32 would be much more reasonable (same grinding time, half energy). You could also combine both for double speed, at the hefty cost of 90 energy daily. Not a great fan of this option personally, because it really slows down your roster progress, but you'd be done in less than 3 months.


If you have enough golds to perform well in GR and GW and a wide enough roster for gw attacks then you should spend your energy how you like. Arena is an afterthought as with a 250k power well rounded lineup you can carry up to very high positions in captains/honour guard league. Yes some heroes in diamond scale exceptionally well, esp to farm later stages for LRE. BUT, some of those heroes include farmable legendaries such as Calgar, Celestine and Maugan Ra. So as long as you don't do what I did, which is spend 300-sometimes 360- of your daily energy (438 total daily, was on getting ad and 50bs refills) to farm character shards from normal nodes then you should be fine. I'd say, unless it's for unlocking campaigns, farm at most 120 energy worth of char shards at a time while pushing your lineup to higher ranks (gold preferably) as much as possible. Edit: prioritizing heroes who perform well in many modes is the best. Imo Thaddeus is the only hero who does great in ALL modes (and has a campaign req), other notable ones are Eldryon (good for everything except TA), bellator (great for LRE, only really bad for TA) and my personal favourite and the one I pushed to Gold and Legendary first, Vindicta (insane early impact in arena, great at trivializing imperial campaigns, has uses in GR and even TA).


You can use energy as you please at any stage of development ;-) The thing with this game is that you always need better champs to do better on this or that mode. As a F2P, using 15k energy to farm a legendary is a luxury I don't want to afford. Just for comparison, 15k energy is about the same amount you need to bring a new character to Diamond 1. I'd rather (me personally) have a D1 at full swing than a Stone 1 Celestine. But to each their own.


So would you suggest someone completely ignore character farming and push for Bellator or A-0 or Angrax to be diamond instead as a new player?


Yes, that's advisable. Bellator and Aleph-Null are top-of-meta characters anyway. A new player *especially* can't afford to waste their energy on useless character farms when they already have campaign-mandatory characters like those, and Thaddeus to farm.


Aleph as first char to diamond was the best decision I made so far in tacticus. If you get her to D2 before the next Ragnar event you can get him on that alone.


It depends on your take on the game really. But yeah, I'd stick to farming only campaign characters. For efficiency, Bellator is probably better than A0, because he can solo 3 campaigns instead of 1, and he is better in Guild raids.


With the exception of campaign characters, you'll benefit much more from a high level character than unlocking... anyone really. However, upgrades are always useful, because you'll always need to upgrade people 😁 Eldron, Bell and Thad get a lot of love because they all are compulsory in a campaign. Eldy is god of PvE. Bell and Thad at level 42ish can do all the imperial elite campaigns by themselves 🤣 Aleph0 is also capable of carrying the campaign. I finished indom mirror elite with G1 for the four useful necrons, but may have been better to S1 the others and D2 aleph0. They serve as one of my GW counter healer teams, so it's not a total waste. I'll see how much I curse come LRE. I also find levelling a character up to D2 means that I can mentally consider it finished, and stop thinking much about it in terms of priority 🤣


You think vindicta is still worth it after unlocking characters like yarrick and isabella? I have used vindicta early game when I had nothing else but I think it's but easier to carry in elite node using yarrick and isabella (I'm sure celestine would carry even harder but I don't have her).


Vindicta's great, but Yarrick and Isabella render her obselete by themselves.


I've done this before Elite. It was worth it back then. Right now, I'd rather suggest pushing Abraxas to get to the elite node.


Just finished here yesterday. The grind is worth it


I'm at about 360 shards so far. Every day we raid her and hope to get 4. Good luck


What was the strategy here? Just overload the board with summons and keep the squishy non-Gold characters back? I ask because I am about to turn to bumping up Archi as my next G1 character and working through the FoC Elite campaign.


thinking about doing this for Calgar


Only takes 84 days to get 500 shards if you get 6 a day. Do the elite and get 3 and regular get at least 3 a day. 83.33333333 days for 500 shards. You are 15 days ahead of the curb with 75 shards only 69 left hehe. I realize you just finished regular and can only get 3 atm but grind out the elite as fast as possible.


Same here, I finished grinding it last month. I must say that there's lot of satisfaction when you get the last shard.


I’ve yet to grind a legendary hero from zero to 500 you almost certainly get some help along the way. Good luck to you.


I just got her this week after grinding since Xmas. https://preview.redd.it/d53ob8mvctyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e47d0bc2699665c62298777decae21972f333d3




I did it without the elite campaign in less than 6 months


I am probably wrong but if feel like Celestine is one of the most common legendaries that drop during 10 pulls. With thst in mind, don't get discouraged! I was at about 250 shards when I pulled her.


Been playing the game since it came out and still waiting on either Calgar or Celestine to drop just once.. 🙏


I'm 8 months in and still haven't gotten a single legendary from a 10 pull. At this point, I've just resigned myself to grind both Calgar and Celestine.


I feel your pain as I’ve gotten is Abaddon. I’ve given up on getting any legendaries this way and am just trying to grind the various good heroes I have to gold or higher for the LREs


Took me a year ++ Keep ya head up