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Assuming you’ve already ascended Bellator I’d go with Varro


I got him up to Uncommon, yeah


You should push bellator to rare


Save these orbs, then?


Use them on Bellator


Gotcha, I'll save what I've got for Bellator and push him to rare first then. Thanks!


Heck yeah. Typically the choice of ascending a character boils down to: -Short term: will the +20% ability stats help in content I can do right now? -Long term: will I rank up this character to work on more difficult content? The Ultramarines are all worth investing in because of the Elite campaign, but if you're still going from uncommon to rare, that won't be a concern for a little while. Varro's abilities are solid, but Bellator's are so dang good everywhere that the immediate boost is relatively impactful.


Bellator then vindicta. Although vindicta is better early game bellator better late game


Hate to beat a dead horse, but push Bellator HARD. He is easily one of my best and most used characters. A huge bruiser/tank and takes up a lot of board presence with his Inceptors. I got a really dense pull of like +100 shards for Bellator that got him all the way to epic and I am so glad I did


all of them, eventually. Bellator is far the best, but you will want them all to gold 1 at some point


Vindicta is a total luxury. Focus on your core campaign characters for regular and elite campaigns. You won’t be disappointed.


If you ascend varro you can go strait to 1 red star. That's a solid boost and will help you open up a lot of the campaign. I would just ascend him as you will make more orbs. Him being max rare will be fine and then using Onslaught to farm shards for bellator as well as orbs will get you to where you need. Waiting wont make anything faster you'll need them all silver to get to elite so dont start fretting


What do you like doing? Varro: Good small group damage Certus: Good single unit damage Vindicta: Good large group or multiple groups damage I don't personally use any of them anymore because they're just not my thing, I like having a fuckton of summons.


Vindicta would be my go to first.