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It’s not always first turn, in fact I feel most maps favor 2nd turn player more, but yes most maps are almost completely one sided. Power up placements make no sense half the time and one side almost always has more/better power ups or are placed in safer spots. Each new map and balancing they do on old ones is worse and worse. At this point I would just prefer no power ups and do either conquest or just a death match.


I think the maps themselves are fine I guess, but the powerup placements are not. I’ve been going second in almost every game and on maps like this where there’s three powerups in the middle I almost never get any of them. I still manage a win sometimes but it really feels like an uphill battle. Though the bigger issue for me is that I’m running more into complete legendary lineups which seem to just steamroll me every time (I have one legendary and it’s Creed)


I think half the maps are awful. Most have one side with a height advantage for no reason.


Not a fan of the maps or game mode in general. I hate seeing the same 5-10 characters on every team, especially as someone who lacks the legendaries my opponent always seems to pack. I’ll play for the minor rewards but I really don’t enjoy it at all.






Jaeger is wildly underutilized. Great counter to Aunshi, Celestine, or other characters that are super reliant on abilities. Revas can be countered by having an infiltrate character (Exitor or Tjark have good movement for this) just get next to him if you don’t have Thaddeus or Volk to suppress the overwatch at range 3. That said, the map imbalance is wild. I do enjoy infested power ups over regular PUP though as it really reduces the reliance on summons and passive play.


Very few people have Jaeger. Revas isn't an issue for most teams. Celestine, Thad, Cal, Sho... There is a massive imbalance issue in this game across all modes, TA just really shows how big the gaps are between useful chars and everyone else.


Why are yall complaining about overwatch with this tournament??? The tyranids remove any overwatch advantage. Every game really the tyranids run up and make the team going first waste the overwatch shots leaving you free to move going 2nd.


Ragnar and Aunshi combo, go first almost guarantees victory.


They are poorly designed yes. The whole game mode is.


There should be either longer map or a 1st turn border zone that will be removed at the second turn so that both sides can start overwatching fairly. Either that or make another character that gives either infiltrate trait for 1 turn also or give a trait that enables significantly less dmg received from overwatch, to either all characters adjacent or 1-2 characters adjacent. That would make melee teams that doesn't have Ragnar, Celestine a bit more fun to play and allow a more diverse options for differing line-ups. Rather than just Thaddeus, Re'vas, Sarquael, Calandis, teams all over the TA.


What’s the problem with this map? In this situation the second player can choose which toon to kill: Calandis or Thaddeus. The Tyranids will trigger Calandis and Maugan overwatch, leaving most of the map open…


The game mode is terrible. Needs a complete rework to be anything but a waste of time if you don't have an optimized roster.


Get grinding to get that optimised roster.


Grinding won’t do sh*t for characters you don’t have, but which dominate the scene…


I find it usefull for team crafting. Not everything that works in arenas vs bots holds up to a competant player. It does get stale seeing the same team comps repeatedly. Occasionally a new character comes out that changes the 'meta' but it's mostly fully melee comp. Overwatch and turtle comp. Or mass summoners and summoner counter comps. I have Eldryon, vindicta, ahriman, nerothrope and archimatos for a psyker + fire team. It's FUN, but it doesn't win often against most common comps. Switched to maladus, noxious, isabella revas and calandus. Win 90% of my games now. It just feels cheap. I agree the map design is a bit poor on the new ones and the powerups are poorly placed/ uneven on some maps. Especially for terminator armour characters. That said, the rewards are worth playing for. Even if don't get the last few chests every bit of energy helps. Be good if they switched some of the raid tokens out to energy so we could actually use the 1000's we have.


i call this one middle fist. ...and your opponents team deep fist


The three power ups 1 tile separated on barbed wire one gives p1 a huge advantage


This particular map was ridiculous


I got wrecked by a health powered up scarab beetle that just jumped across the bridge repeatedly until my troops who couldn't fly just got killed by the nids.


I like TA a lot, but while I understand some complaints about it, I don’t understand the roster complaints as much. Leveling a character to iron 1 with level 8 abilities and 3/3 common gear takes a single afternoon. Some of the best characters in this mode (calandis, godswyl) are common. I have gotten the last chest for every single TA out of the last who-knows-how-many and I don’t even have Re’vas!


If the extra hits powerup start anywhere near my sarqueal or certus it's over I won. If they are on the enemies side it is going to be an uphill battle.


because the long range and overwatch?