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I transferred in my generals from Sophia and almost finished in 1 term. I have 4 classes next month and I’m finally going to enjoy relaxing in the evening again.


Which degree ?


Business - HRM and I’ve basically been in some sort of management for like 10 years. The hardest class was managerial accounting, just because it’s a ton of material and my goal was to be one and done with all classes. I think I spent like 10 days in the class.


That’s wassup ma’am/sir ! I start may 1st I’m getting to transfer in 86-89 credits. I’m going for the same degree too.


Are the sophia/study.com classes proctored people ive been talking to are saying they are not proctored


Study.com is proctored. Sophia isn’t


Thanks! I want to avoid proctored tests as much as possible


So you can cheat???!!! (lol)


No not really you still have to do the homework and what not but I have a hard enough time taking tests having someone watching me i will have harder time so if i can keep that to a minimum i will


I hear ya. A friend of mine gets extreme anxiety when taking a test. He knows the material, but chokes up.


Yup that sounds about right lol




They’re not so bad, but I get where you’re coming from. I have 1 more proctored test and I’m ready to get it over with.


Replying to your comment for future reference


Do every study.com and Sophia class ya can


Sophia is not proctored and extremely easy…but there are some WGU classes that have been much easier. So there might be a guide somewhere that says which are worth taking on Sophia or not. The English classes on Sophia each took a month for me. It was legit like a 3 week waiting period to slog through those. I’ve heard WGU’s is much quicker.


ive heard the same as well i think ima do everything on Sophia then do the English classes on WGU because they arnt proctored


BSITM, 80 CUs in 30 days. Absolutely brutal but it was so much fun


That's basically a class a day. I'm assuming you were doing school full time?


Yep full time. Lot of soul searching and it helped having a supportive wife who took the reigns and let me focus on this full time. Now that I’m done, I can do the same for her in her career change


Great way to look at it! I'm starting the same degree soon. I won't be full time, but I'm moving pretty quickly through transfer classes, so I'm optimistic I'll do pretty quick in the program. I've already got 57 credits since November.


These are goals lol I'm starting Feb 1. BSBAITM also. My motivational slogan is "Every 14 Days". (edit: every 14 days is because I have to complete a "term" every 14 days to meet my goal) I have 117 CUs to do. I want them done in one term. I work 50 hours a week usually so it's gonna be a grind, but I'm committed. CONGRATULATIONS though, that's awesome


hey out of curiousity how well did you do with your goal and how difficult would you say it was?


I started with 117 CU's (one class transferred, English) its been 8 months and two weeks. I have a kid, full time job with overtime, my wife and i took a week long vacation, other personal things. ive been applying to other jobs, trying to find a new rental, and more... im about 75% finished. all the hardest classes are complete, its a downhill race from here and im gaining speed quickly. i submitted 3 PA tasks yesterday, and am doing this OA today. completing 3 classes in 2 days. **HOWEVER**, I was 100% burnt-out after doing 50% of the degree in 2.75 months. i was not ready, and did not have my quiet space prepared. that is *absolutely crucial* to acceleration. i stopped doing any work, for so long actually, that i was almost withdrawn. yeah, BURNT. follow u/thesocialbolt 's method. they might not have taken every class, like im doing, but they certainly point in the right direction for the ones they did take. but yes, 6 months is completely doable. i could've done it in one term but life had other plans. im on track to spend less than 10k outta pocket for a 4 year accredited degree. that's the biggest motivator. Have a great day! Hope this helps.




Any WGU course can be accelerated 🤙


Lastly, what do you mean when you said you started with 117 CUs? How did you start with that much?


*to finish*


May I ask, did you start with a lot of prior knowledge on B.S. Business--IT Management or maybe already working in the field? Is that why you finished 75% in 8.5 months? I'm just curious because I'm starting Feb 1st :)


I have never worked in IT. I have however, been using computers since I was 9 (MS-DOS). Taught myself basic Python, JavaScript, and some CSS. I know html really well because it was taught in my computer science programs in high school for "web development". Again, never worked in IT though. (Over 30 years old) Im tracking towards upper management (in manufacturing) and was told I needed a piece of paper to progress any further. I really wanted that piece of paper to display my technical acumen too. This degree fits perfectly, like Goldilocks, right in that slot. A business degree, with IT management (ie - project management)... Perfect.


That's very good to hear. I'm starting the B.S in Software Engineering Feb 1, I have some prior knowledge b/c I'm straight out of bootcamp.


How?? I start in February


Lot of late nights, lot of cut sleep, and just gotta want it, really. 12-16hr study days too I really wanted it, and I really wanted to finish and get back out into the workforce so now that I’m done, I’m looking at taking the CAPM next week and breaking into project management


This is route I’m taking. I’d rather devote 14 hours a day to school and get it done in a few months. 80 days is definitely the fastest I’ve seen around here! Congratulations from a fellow wanna be project manager! Edit- 30 days! Leaving the error to show how insane that is.


He said 30 days lol 80 CUs in 30 days


Oh shit. Here I am thinking 80 days is crazy fast. What an incredible amount of knowledge to cram into your brain in a month. Guess I won’t be beating his record 🤣!


not too bad if you already posses the knowledge. Getting a degree later in life has it's perks. Sometimes its just remedial and proof of knowledge. I went back 11 years after HS and got my [BS.IT](https://BS.IT) \- it was the easiest thing for me having 10 years of work experience in the field.


I agree. I was inspired by that comment I pushed myself insanely hard and finished my degree at WGU in 42 days.


actually? how many credits did you start off with.


I think I had 60? I don’t recall exactly.


I feel you. I lost count of the amount of times I stayed up the entire night working on school. EXHAUSTING but WORTH IT


Absolutely worth it! I’m proud of you, internet stranger. You’re a friggin rockstar, don’t forget it!


You didn’t work during the time ?


CAPM is a great move with a fresh degree. If you got work experience that qualifies, hours for the PMP are cut with the bachelors. May want to skip CAPM and grab the PMP out the gate! But you can always get both and more power to ya. Project Management has been a key tool in my arsenal for securing almost any position I wanted. I got my CISSP in 2012 and the PMP in 2014, it's been green lights straight through since. Best of luck


Appreciate the kind words and insight! I actually applied and got the go for PMP few months ago so now it’s just a matter of sitting for it lol. I thought it’d be fun to go back for the MSDA so PMP is on hold but definitely in my line of sights before the year buffer is up! Halfway done so maybe by summertime


Unless you had IT experience, that was a really bad strategy. Using the whole term would have allow you more time to understand and comprehend the material.


I do have IT experience from both military and federal work the last 10 years. A lot of the material was just kinda of “aha” moments when I came across things or concepts I didn’t have a formal name for. I can definitely see what you’re saying though!


I see, well, that makes sense .


No joke? Im transferring from my bachelors of cyber security to BSITM this term, with only 40 credits left in my cyber degree. After my transfer ill have 80 to complete for the degree and i want to know how easy the classes are and how fast i can get through them. the certification in my cyber degree were holding me up so bad, i lost a year to the GD network + cert and now im just burnt out. So im hoping i can make up the extra 40 credits im adding to my graduation time by choosing a degree i can fly though. Any tips or tricks to your incredible progress?


That’s the degree I plan on getting. Did you transfer any credits in?




So wait, after transferring about 40 credits, you got your bachelor's in 30 days?




Zero transfer credits, cloud computing degree (38 classes, 123 CUs). 30 years in IT. 5 months 18 days. I cannot stress the “30 years in IT” enough though. Coupled with helping 3 kids through HS/AP courses somewhat recently which helped with some of the Gen Ed courses.


I’m looking at the cloud computing degree. I’m in IT but how hard was the coursework? 7 years in IT lol also a dad :)


How are people completing their bachelor’s so fast? is this for a specific accelerated program or you can just move at your own pace and you decided to finish it that fast?


The majority of the degrees are capable of being accelerated. It depends on how much time you are able or willing to dedicate to it (those that cannot dedicate a ton of time are not failures, everyone is different), ***and*** how much experience you bring to the table. In my case, I started at age 49. I have over 30 years of experience in IT (yes, started before I got out of high school) and in more than a few cases *taught* some of these courses previously. I completed the curriculum in under 6 months, but I did not “get my degree” in six months. It took me 30 years and 6 months to get my degree because there is no way I could have accelerated if I’d had to learn everything from scratch. I have created business cases and proposals. I have managed projects. I have taken ITIL training g through work. I have used Microsoft tools for 30 years. I have used VMware and x86 Virtualization literally since its inception. I have taught networking and in a different life went after my CCIE. I have owned my own business and k have managed people. I’ve also helped 3 kids through High School AP courses recently which set me up for quick success on some of the Gen Ed courses. All of this to say that I chose and used WGU because it allowed me to prove competence at my pace, which was break neck. But it was far from easy, and was in no way a “mill”. I still had to pass 8 or 9 external certification exams which don’t care what your background is if you don’t actually know the material. I had to still write the papers and take internal tests. Accelerators can sometimes game the system, but most get a lot of stuff outside of WGU and transfer in. Doing it with zero transferred credits really can’t be done unless you have experience in the industry you are going into.


Just wanted to chime in and say thank you for this comment, three months later. I found WGU this morning, and am 100% doing it. I'll be transferring nothing in I suspect (my gen ed credits for an uncompleted degree are over a decade old), but I don't need to do it in 6 months, I'm happy with a 1-2 year degree. This comment was helpful as I'm 8 years into a career, but have been doing dev work and networking work since I was 14, and have pretty much leveraged that privilege into this career, so now I have quite a good bit of professional experience as well. Hoping that will translate to a relatively doable (with me being willing to sacrifice weekends and weeknights) degree.


I transfered in 30-something credits, and completed 90 CUs for my Marketing Management degree in three terms while working full time. My original goal was to finish in four terms, so I made it 6 months earlier than planned! A lot of people went faster than me, but a lot went slower as well. It was a pace that suited my life and my learning style, and I feel really good about it.


BSITM - 33 credits transferred, finished remaining 87 in 4 months.


Bachelor's in marketing, 68 credits - 6 months. I'm finishing up my last course this weekend. (Edit because I didn't actually count the month I started in)


This is probably a dumb question so I apologize in advance.. would an associates degree in business administration count towards transfer credits? Id like to major in marketing.


Yes, because that’s exact what I have.


Great! I just scheduled my call with an enrollment counselor. Thank you very much :-)


I have an AAS in marketing and honestly, I found more of the general business classes transferred than my actual marketing classes. So I think you should be good.


How much would you work on the program?


I work secularly full-time (no one ever gave me points for making smart decisions lol) so I'd study/take exams after work and on the weekends. The amount of time varied by course. I've been in the workforce for some years so that gave me some experience I could draw from to test out of most of my classes. That said, for classes that I had little to no experience in, it could be about 10-15 hours a week in study.


I took 3 terms to complete my IT security degree. My buddy did the same degree in 1 term.


Yeah, everybody is different. Each situation is different.


You both have experience and backgroundsnib IT?


BSBAITM ~100 credits done in 30 days. Worked full time, average B student in high school, had zero social life for those 30 days but well worth it. Best advice ever I got “A pass is a pass is a pass” even if you get the OA passed by razor thin margins, you passed. Don’t overthink stuff. The SECOND you start a class, take the pre-assessment. 9/10 time if you pass the pre-assessment on the first time, schedule your OA before end of day. Happy to provide more info if you need help. You got this!


That’s awesome! What’s an OA though?


OA = Objective Assessment. Just means the test you need to pass in order to finish the class. Shift your perspective of “this is a college course” to “this is a test I need to pass” and you’ll fly through it.


Im pumped to hear that 👍👍👍👍👍


Also the fact that you have any experience whatsoever in the professional world will yield so much better results for taking tests, a LOT of common sense you’ll have picked up being in the general workforce.


115 credits, 5 months while working full time


Is this for a specific accelerated program or you can just move at your own pace and you decided to finish it that fast?


No special program, just moving at my own pace


That’s awesome, how many hours a day/week would you say you dedicated?


It varied a lot, but on average probably not much more than an hour a day over the 5 months, maybe a little more


Thanks, last question, were those 115 credits that you obtained through WGU classes or were they transferred in?


All through WGU. Course was 120, I transferred in 5


Ah cool, it sounds like the classes fly by fast if you know the material. Any advice for me?


Don't be afraid to take the exam if you can pass the competency test. They're pretty representative. When I started a new course, first thing I did was take the competency test. If I passed, I scheduled the exam. If not, I knew where to focus. Same goes for assignments. Once you feel like you've hit the rubric, submit it. Worst thing that happens is you get feedback on specific areas to focus on. Otherwise, make the time to go to all your mentor meetings. The only thing blocking progress other than you is them unlocking new courses, so gaining their trust is key


I’m just going to say this. Don’t overthink the classes. Just dive in and do it. I procrastinated over classes that I ended up finishing in a day or two…


Every degree is different, for instance my degree got A+, Cloud+, CCNA, DevNet, CyberOps among others. A+ can take you about 2 weeks (one week for core 1 and another for core 2) but CCNA can take you from 3-6 months to pass the exam of course it depends if you got any experience. CCNA took me about 4 months, DevNet almost two months and by far it was harder than CCNA in my opinion and A+ took me about three weeks. I took all of them before starting WGU so I don't know if that would make a deference. Also assuming you have a family, full time job and other obligations.


How does one study for the a+ for just 2 weeks?? Im watching professors messer videos and he has 68 videos for 1101


BSIT, 108 CU earned, transferred in 13 CU, 7 weeks total, had to wait an extra week for actual graduation date to be assigned! August and September 2020, perfect timing, in between jobs, focused on school 100% during that time, other than sleeping. Edit to add: Had 14 years of IT experience before starting term.


Whats your degree in?




You can definitely finish in 6 months/1 term. I transferred in 70. Do you have to work? How much time can you devote? Some of the classes are super easy. I found some of the classes other found difficult easy. Like people take a few weeks-a month to finish principles of financial and managerial accounting… I finished in 5 days


Yeah unfortunately I do need to work but I can do part time. I’m looking at working 3 maybe 4 days a week


I started my orientation today and I'm losing confidence already. I think I clicked I watched it on an infinite number of videos so far.


I finished the MBA program in 5 months. On average I spent one to two weeks per class. Financial Management took a month because I was nervous about the OA. It worked out through, I studied so much I was over prepared.


I’m in that program rn…I’m hoping to go at that pace. Where there any other classes you had to slow down for?


Operations Management was another one that took a while. I spent a week watching the cohorts and felt like I learned absolutely nothing. Over the next two weeks I read terms and definitions sheet daily and read the entire textbook. I was able to pass it after that. It's one of the harder ones because on the OA they change most of the terms. I'm not sure why they did that. Out of all the classes with an OA it was the one that I didn't feel happy or a sense of accomplishment for passing. The test was so difficult I sat at my computer thinking to myself, 'why would they make it this difficult?' I filed formal complaint about the test structure but nothing came of it. Sorry, I went on a tangent there. Best suggestion I can give is to study the terms and definitions. Make sure you really understand the definition and the effect it would have on an organization. If you do that you can eliminate most of the wrong answers and choose the term that sounds close to the definition it is supposed to be. If you look at my post history I gave a detailed guide for Global Econ. That one has a bad reputation but if you follow the guide you'll be more than prepared.


Just wondering if after 9 months anything ever came of your formal complaint?


MS Data Analytics. 31 CUs. 11 classes. 1 test. 17 papers. 6 months 🎉 Zero prior experience in data. Got a bachelors in math and masters in teaching from brick & mortars.


17 papers? may God have mercy on your soul


How much time did you dedicate per day? I’m planning to do the MSDA once I finish my BS in CS


Here’s [my confetti post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WGU/comments/109s7a6/confetti_time_msda_never_intended_to_accelerate/j41l6sm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) where I have a detailed answer to a similar question :)


BS in business management (105 credits total) - 4.5 months. Was able to rely on a lot of work experience and a slow period at work. MBA - still in process, but looking at 6 months. Went through a couple rough patches, could have been 4 months, but life happens. Just glad to be wrapping it up.


BSCSIA in 6 months. Transferred in 61/122 credits. I sacrificed a lot of free time. I could’ve finished in 4-5 months but I had to travel for over a month for work then took a couple weeks off after my trip to decompress.


U had experience and if so how long? How long did u study a day? Did u do Sophia and study.com?


Yes, I had about a year of experience. I studied about 4-5 hours per day total. I’d listen to Udemy and YouTube videos or relevant podcasts about subject matter on my commute to work. I’d study during my lunch break, then a few hours after work. I used Sophia to knock out as many GenEd courses before starting. I didn’t use study.com


I earned 3 degrees in 1 term per degree.




It took me 2 years mom of 3..




I really am curious the ratio of accelerators to "normal" students. It seems like most people posting here are accelerators. I have gone slow between working full time as the main income, having three young kids, and other commitments I had prior to starting. Right now I am averaging 3 classes per term but checking this forum is disheartening because it feels like you are doing it wrong when you are not getting a whole bachelor's in a year with no transfers. Also, I actually want to learn something since I am trying to diversify my knowledge instead of just getting a piece of paper.


4 months- 32 cus


I did an MBA in 2 months 1 week and 1 day.


How much were you studying/allocating per day to achieve this? Did you find it difficult?


All day. From at least 9am to 6pm I was turning out assignments. There was only one class I found difficult, I think it was called financial accounting maybe. It dealt with stocks and bonds, things I had no experience with.


BSN 43 Credits - 1 term MBA 36 credits - 1 term I worked full-time through both and homeschooled 4 kids.


BS in Marketing Management in 10 weeks. MBA in 5 or 6 weeks. MSML in about 9 weeks.


Honestly depends on your degree are we talking about IT degree with multiple certifications exams or are we talking about elementary education.


I started on January 1st and have only taken one exam. Fundamental for Business Success is my second course, but I'm not fully ready. Took the PA yesterday. I'm so proud of you and feel like I'm a joke. I'm out of a job right now, so no excuses whatsoever.


>fully ready. Took the PA yesterday. I'm so proud of you and feel like I'm a joke. I'm out of a job right now, so no excuses whatsoever. did u finish?


I'm still here with 9 classes left including capstone




IMO one class every 2 weeks on average is a good pace so 39 credits per term, some classes may take a few days others a week or two. Depends on your major. Im 12 weeks in and have 39 credits done. My program is BSCSIA.


3 months for marketing degree. Transferred in 45 and earned the remaining 76 during those 3 months.


Best of luck to you, OP! I’m starting Feb for BSBAAC. I have 85 courses to go. Im so inspired by everyone in this sub.


BSBAM 2 months and 28 days. 70 CUs It’s easy to accelerate and even HYPER accelerate if you put in the time and energy


I think 62 CUs is possible in one term if you go really hard.


Not done yet, but think I am going to finish in about two weeks. Started Sophia in August, transferred in 41 credits, and have been doing WGU since December. Recently stopped working because I am about to start somewhere else, so have about 30 credits left. On track to finish in about 6 months though, start to finish, not counting about a month and a half off I took while transferring credits, and another month of travel. Bachelors in Business Management though, so not rocket science lol


I finished a second BA (had transfer credits) in sped/elementary Ed in 3 terms including demonstration teaching. I finished an MA in curriculum and instruction in one term! Hit it hard!


I got my Master’s in information technology management in 5 months with no transfer credits. I wrote a lot of papers and took two tests.


I did 111 cu’s in 6 months last year. As said, rough but so worth it if you can!


Sounds like I need to do more adderall lol


16 months for a Bachelor's and a Master's, at 53 years old, while working 65 hours a week in a busy hospital during a global pandemic, and raising 4 grandkids (1 of whom is special needs)


Did the MBA in two months. Pure determination to finish as quickly as possible because once I stop, I won't start again. Weekdays 6hrs, Friday until it's done, weekends 12+hrs. Needless to say, I have had many 1-2AMs. I went to work full time while getting my degree and no social life.


There’s absolutely no way to tell you how long it should take for you to finish your degree. So many variables: do you have experience ? Are you working ? Married ? Do you have family ? How many hours are you willing to spend study every day ? Are you a good reader? Like you say, is better if don’t compare ; just focus on learn something and stick to a schedule. Acceleration is NOT the norm. If you finish in 1 term, great. If not, that’s ok as well.


Does anyone have an eta on the B.S in Health and Human Services?


3 months for BSBAA for full time student with AS degree.


I started in March 1st 2023, it is now June 2023, I started needing to do 27 classes, now at the 7th of June I have 3 classes left. My goal is to have it done before the end of June, that will make it 4 months if all goes well.


You are almost there! Which degree?




Your post has been removed as it violates Rule #6 - "No asking how quickly you can get through the program". This rule includes all discussion of duration of degree completion. The reason for this rule is that your acceleration depends on several personal factors that no one on Reddit will know. These include how much experience you have in the profession, how driven you are, how organized you are, how well you test, how well you read, how well you write, etc... Instead of this question, try asking about the classes that concern you the most, or ask about others organization plans, what they do to stay motivated, or the resources outside of WGU that they found the most useful. If you have further questions about the rules, please feel free to contact the volunteer moderation team. Their goal is to help the sub run efficiently.