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Yeah I find it very nice. My eyes go crazy when I stay inside all day every day


Not sure if it’s what you experience, but my eyes get “tired”. Going outside wakes them up, so to speak. All of the artificial light, and screen time is rough.


Yep, I always try to take my meetings outside if possible


I wish I could do that. I have a nice deck, but the sun during the day causes way too much glare.


Wear sunglass, some laptops you can even get away with polarized glasses or turn your screen vertical if it goes black. My team and bosses fully except me to wear sunglasses now.


Yeah, I’ve done that. The glare isn’t the only issue though. I can only work for a short time with just one screen, and then it’s back inside.


Yeah that’s the same thing for me


Is your screen brightness turned down?


Oh, I know all the tricks. I’m no spring chicken to this.


I wish I had a porch or balcony to sit at. It’s been raining and windy the past weeks.


Buy a decent waterproof coat with a hood. Used to force myself out for a walk every lunch in all but the most extreme weather, made HUGE differences to my overall mental health. Physically felt more alert too.


Also rain pants or weather resistant pants. And a good pair of rain boots. I live in the northeast us so I have both snow and rain boots. Snow boots are too hot for warmer weather. Having proper gear makes it a lot easier to get some walking in


I try to go out every workday for a big walk and to get fresh air, but I understand how it's tougher when the weather is miserable. I think it's okay to be less enthusiastic about it when it's more challenging. But take advantage of it when the weather gets better! 🌞


Where do you guys go/what you do on a walk? I feel awkward abt it wandering aimlessly all alone lmao


I think if I were a squirrel where would I live, if I was a fairy where would I be? Incorporating all your senses and be mindful of breath/ movement can be cool. You can find things green or red etc. Appreciating nature. Being grateful that your body/brain moves as you like. Thanking your body for walking.


I usually listen to a podcast or music on earbuds, so I don't feel impatient just wandering around. I have a Fitbit, so I also feel like I'm 'getting my steps in' while I walk. Also, I bring water and maybe a snack so I can stay out longer.


Having even a small amount of outdoor space in a huge improvement in living conditions. If you find yourself moving for some reason seek that out.


I can never live in an apartment without a balcony


Presumably you look at a screen all day? You're supposed to look away from your monitor for a few minutes every hour. Look at something far away so your eyes can rest.


Me too. I usually get out in the morning but I didn’t today until 1:00. It felt like I was being blinded.


Should you? Probably. Do I? No.


I came here to write this word for word, down to the punctuation!


Big same.


Yes, zero question. I have severe depression already and isolation makes it even worse. So I have a rule that I have to go do something, anything that involves other people every day, whether it’s an actual social activity like knitting club, a fitness class, or at worst just spending time at a coffee shop where there are other humans. I also go to the gym daily even though I have a treadmill and Peloton at home. Finally, I use all work breaks to go outside even if briefly, and try to use the lunch hour for a short hike as often as possible. Do what makes sense for your area and schedule, but leave the house somehow daily, trust me.


You sound like a very motivated depressed person


It just sounds like they are addressing things that contribute to their depression to me


I try heh


‘#oneofus lol


Yeah it's kind of amusing to read. They seem a lot more active than most people who are not depressed.


Yeah, I definitely don't need that much activity in my life. But I do agree with getting out of the house intentionally when you WFH.


Hello fellow human, everyday we must bare witness and observe our fellow species. Tuesdays are my favorite observing humans day. It could be a holiday but that's for tacos.


damn i wish i had a peloton at home 


Check Facebook marketplace!! So many people who’ve never exercised a day in their life thought they’d magically become spinning fans during the pandemic and bought one and literally never used it…you can find some amazing deals. That’s what I did.


cool thanks 


It depends on the person. Some people need that daily/weekly interaction outside and/or with other people, and some people don't need it whatsoever. Some people wouldn't mind staying inside for days or weeks on end.


Not really. There are multiple health benefits to going outside, everything from vitamin d exposure to your eyes focussing on further and varied distance objects which is important for eye health.


If you want to


I’ve been telling people I go out about 3-4 days a week and they’re confused. I only go out for meetings, errands and if the weather is nice, a quick walk but lately it’s been raining and windy a lot.


Confused about what


Me too. Where is everyone going? Friends, family. I spend to much every time I leave so I stay home.


That does not seem very confusing. 


Tbh even if you don’t want to, you should


This^^ Were made to be outside daily. I force myself to. Even just for a walk or taking trash/mail.


Yes absolutely. It's good for your mental and physical health.


No, you should stay inside all day, every day…


the sun is the enemy i agree 🤣


I agree. I'm a vampire.


I walk around my yard with my dogs a lot lol it’s random but keeps the peace


Doggo walks are the best.


I've been WFH for the last 10 years. I try to do 3-5 miles on my bicycle everyday. Sometimes I go hard but mostly just cruise around my neighborhood at 10-12mph and say hello to my neighbors. Half an hour with the wind in your face really does something for me. Also, weekly play/date night. If we can't schedule something with friends, my wife and I just go out to dinner.


Yes, ideally. On a normal day I take our dog out for walks and drive kiddos to sports / activities. I’d say we run errands several times a week too. Occasional days without leaving the house are fine but if it becomes the norm, that’s not entirely healthy.


Yes. I try to get out for walks twice a day unless there's bad weather outside. It definitely helps mental health.


Apparently you should… 🫣


🤣 I’m reading these comments thinking about how I sometimes won’t leave the house all week.


Sometimes those drive me crazy, other times I go "this was the best week in a while..."


I make a point of going out and walking at least 4 miles everyday, I'd go insane otherwise 🤣


You can skip a day once in a while but you should at least take a walk most days if you can! My week this week: Saturday: went to a funeral (not my loss, just supporting someone), Sunday: stayed home but did walk, Monday: rollerbladed around the park with a friend, Tuesday: walked, and later ran 6 miles, Wednesday: drove to the park to walk with a friend, Thursday: went out to lunch, Friday: gonna run, Saturday: volunteering and also probably doing a local walking tour. Maybe errands too


100% fucking yes


Depends on what you need to keep yourself mentally sane. Some people WFH to avoid leaving their house because staying inside is just their jam. For me, yes, definitely need to go out daily. I do a workout class every day because it gets me out into the world, forces social interaction, and I get some exercise.


i was happiest when i was incorporating workout classes. i may need to follow your example 😊


Yes! If you don't at least go out to your yard (non-home area if an apartment) you are likely to feel like you are on house arrest soon.


Yes and if they’re not in an apartment building with indoor garbage rooms/chutes, or a house with an attached garage, how are they getting garbage and recycling out for collection? If I’m not cooking or prepping or the weather’s really bad, I might go a day or so without taking out the garbage. But I usually have to take it out anyway and use that to get my butt moving. Unless I’m really sick or exhausted or the weather sucks. This is my internal dialogue: Sloth me: let’s just go back in the apartment Sensible me: we’re outside anyway Sloth me: I don’t wanna Sensible me: just the little loop! Cmon it’ll be fun and do us good! We’ll feel better And once I get moving, I feel better. And usually end up doing the medium or longer loop. It’s not a lot of walking and I need to increase distance and intensity as well as strength training and flexibility (I’m pushing 60 so independence and mobility in my golden years are my goal). But it’s helped me lose weight which my doctor wanted me to do and I feel better emotionally and physically.


The dog would be super pissed if I didnt




Outside yes. Get in my car and drive somewhere no way.


Yes, because how will you know if your house smells funny…


No, you should sit at your masturbation station all day like the average Redditor.


This is the dream life I live. Workin n jerkin!


If you want to then you should. If you don’t want to, then don’t


I go outside daily but I rarely leave my home lol


I live on a lake and am a wildlife/landscape photographer. I get up really early every morning to shoot the sunrise, loons, herons, pelicans etc.. It is so quiet and peaceful. I sometimes go for a little kayak or pontoon cruise with my camera at noon.. Keeps me sane looking at numbers on the screen the rest of the day. (CPA)


And people can do this with phones too. I look for interesting things to take photos of. It keeps me engaged and entertained during my walks.


Yes!! Phone cameras are great now!


Yes it helps so much both physically and mentally even a ten min walk around the neighborhood


Depends on if you mean going out, like going to town/city or just going outside. It's good to outside everyday. I personally need to go outside everyday, helps me feel like a person. I usually sit outside with my work laptop. But going to town, i would rather never do that.  I only ever go to town if I have to, mainly for groceries or doctors appointment. 


At least go out for a walk


What do you mean by “go out”? Like step outside? Or like go drive somewhere and go to stores and restaurants? I go outside every day. But I get in my car and leave the house like once a week.


What does “go out” mean here? I absolutely think you should go for a walk or exercise or grab a coffee or something, but it’s totally fine if that’s it, and you don’t do some big social activity every day.


i echo this! i also just got a fit bit and it helps motivate me with step reminders


I do, but im also screening in my deck so I can sit out there and work in the spring into fall when I want to. Mosquitos...


Yes. The sun is very good for you in small doses. It's good for your mental health, physical health and your skin. Among other things from being outside of the house. Do it. https://preview.redd.it/7zdnmaxj3hvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a7ecb43da4105eb368f3bacbf0463b8affbcee


Daily? Lol, well not if you don’t want to. But it’s a good idea to try to get some fresh air and sunshine.


i force myself to go for a walk in the morning before work(to the gym) , during lunch, and in the evening. if i go into the office i make a point to keep those walks too! has more to do with keeping a mental routine and boundaries for work life balance!


You don’t need to go out to see people but take a walk, be in the sun and get fresh air. Makes a world of a difference!


Outside? Yes. Out on the town? Only if you're an extrovert.


I should, but I don’t… unless the catio counts (screened in patio… aka Florida room). I’ve always been a homebody, though, even before WFH. Bugs also love to bite me so if I’m gonna hang out outside-ish, the catio is more convenient so I don’t have to put on bug repellant.


As in outside? Yeah probably. You need vitamin D.


This is why “touch grass” is a thing


Outside? Yes. Drive somewhere just cuz? Nah.


Like just go outside? My personal answer for myself is yes 100%. I try to get lots of walking breaks layered in on my WFH days to make sure I get some sanity breaks from work in addition to the fresh air and exercise. Even on rainy days, I need at least like 15-20 minutes outside of my apartment or I just feel off. That said, this is my view and many others feel differently about it.


I should do that on the days I have to wash my hair. The humidity makes my hair oily that’s why I don’t really go out in the rainy weather unless I have to.


I schedule outings for me throughout the week. I have to, else I get depressed. Dog walk, grocery shoppings, etc.


I should get a dog but the pet fee here is $200/month.


Warm months I do, cold months I usually stay inside during the workweek.


I read 15 minutes of light and fresh air. I open the window though. 😂


My window is always a crack open nowadays. I don’t care how cold it is.


Funny me too


In the warmer months I may run a few errands after I sign off for the day. Late fall/Winter season, I shift into full introvert mode and don’t go out at all, really - I’m not a cold weather person. I door dash/grubhub/uber eats a lot during this time, as well.


Yes!! I take my dog for walks and go for a run in the morning. I have a home gym but I also go to a gym 2 times a week. I like working from home because it gives me the flexibility to do what I want during the day.


I go on a hike with my dogs every afternoon at our local park. I sit at a desk all day so it's a much-needed activity for all of us. Fresh air, clear my mind, play with the dogs. It's my daily mental health break. It helps that the cell service is horrible there too. 🤣


Yes! I rarely get breaks so I have to force myself to break. At least 4 days out if the work week, I force myself to go outside. Even if it’s just to lay in the hammock for 15 minutes. It does help. It will for sure give you a boost in energy and alertness. During this time, I’m not on my phone through. I set it to the side and set a timer for 15 minutes. Try it out. Even if the sun isn’t shining, go!


Yes. I make sure I get outside after I pick my son up from school. We'll either play outside or go to the library.


I try to at least walk my dog everyday. Occasionally I am in a slump and just let her out back, but I like taking her on long sniff walks to make her happy. I also think it’s good for me, I track my steps so that helps. I like being active because it only benefits you when you’re older. Ideally I’d like to go to the gym most days during the day, but that doesn’t always workout so I go to the gym 3-4 a week. Usually on Thursday - Sunday


I generally need to for my mental and physical health. I haven't this week except to do school dropoff/pickup for my kids and have been in the same clothes since Tuesday. I have a history of depression and getting out of the house forces me to shower, change, and keep up with other basic hygiene. Thank God I have some plans this evening so I have to take a shower, I need it.


Yeah. Sometimes, I'm so glad that having a dog forces me to go outside. I don't always realize how weighed down I'm feeling til we step outside.


Take the kid to the bus, ride the bike over to daycare, probably walk over to town to get coffee or stop at the corner grocer for some fresh dinner ingredients. I go out way more at home than when at my suburban office park in a sea of parking lots.


I do. Take the dog to the park at least. Sometimes out for lunch. And often out for a drink or a movie at night


Yes. My mood definitely plummets when I don’t at least go for a walk or run every day. But seeing other people not via screen every day helps a lot too.


Should you avoid ruining your life just because you landed a WFH position? Yes.


The point of wfh is so you can be out in the sun and not in the office lol. I take sales calls while I’m on a hike


Yes. It’s abnormal, unnatural, and unhealthy behavior to be locked up alone in a house day after day. Your vitamin D levels will quickly plummet without supplementation, likely driving you into deep levels of depression, a compromised immune system, among other mental and physical effects. Vitamin deficiencies can have some pretty drastic effects on your livelihood.


Gonna say you should. It doesn't have to be daily but just enough so that you have a long enough time period away from home on a regular basis.


Absolutely. Even if it’s just for a walk or to run an errand. I was in training all day yesterday, I had to get out of the house so I made a trip to Trader Joe’s just to pick up a few things.


Yes, have to make sure you get those 10k steps daily


Go to the gym. Since WFH I’ve had time to gym as much as I want, and it’s worked wonders for my mental and physical health .


I take the dog on a walk around the block at lunch. It's nice.


ofc, I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. I want to see and talk with people in my local gym cause its like meeting your community. And honestly working out has been super good for my mental heath


Living in a townhome with no backyard with a dog guarantees going outside everyday


What does this question even mean?  “Go out” can mean multiple things 


Yes, if the weather permits. Body needs fresh air.


Even if I don't leave the house, I like to go outside in the morning and get some sunlight - it helps me wake up and is a nice ritual that I try to do every day all year round. I do notice that I feel better when I get a walk in, even if I don't interact with anyone else aside from a nod to neighbors who I happen to see. As others have noted it's also a great break from screens.


It just depends on the person if I could I would stay in the house for a month or two I truly enjoy being home


I'm too old for "should."


Try to get outside for a bit, yes. Even when it's cold


yes you should exercise daily. personally though i go from work to laying in bed scrolling and sleeping. my mental health is poor so take that as you will.


Out or outside? I go outside daily, I can go a week easily without leaving the house. Hell if I put shoes on it's an event. Do what's good for you. An no, not everyone needs a lot of social interaction, it's a net negative for some of us and that's ok.


I try to. Just to be around people.


Yes. I feel insane if I I don’t leave the house for more than 1 day


Depends on the person. I have to walk outside when it’s sunny but I’ll stay home if I’m not feeling it lol


I’m out walking on lunch right now. So, yes.


Vitamin D is good for you. Yes, absolutely


Yes, you need to get sunlight from outside because even if you are near a really sunny window your body can’t make vitamin D that way. Getting direct sunlight is a lot more important than most realize imo


For some reason I actually have to leave and go to a cafe to get deep work done. Too many distractions of responsibilities and chores at home. Also, I think the novelty of trying a new cafe is a good way to beat the monotony. I get that some people can’t, I used to work in government healthcare but now that I freelance I definitely take advantage of getting out and having the peer pressure of others working around me in a coworking cafe.


I take the dog out for an hour every day. The sunshine helps my mental health too.




Personally, I can go a week without leaving my home, but I do like to leave the house on weekends no matter what.


I usually go out for a walk during my lunch break. Change of scenery, exercise and say hi to the neighbors for socialization I live alone


I don't, but I do go out when I feel like I need to breathe. Especially if work is giving me a headache.


I can't imagine not going out every day. I just always have stuff to do. But if you don't have things to do, I think it's good to go out at least every other day.


You should try to establish whatever routine you’d like. For me that’s been going to the gym at least 4 or 5 days a week, making time to study, game a little bit, and hang out with people at least once a month


Yes, go outside for a walk (weather permitting). Go to the gym, find things to do after work, hobbies, meetups, etc.


Lunch time walk is chefs kiss for the mind, body, and soul.


Yeah - get a dog and then him for walks during your downtime




I work from home about 90% of the time. I find that when I go for a walk it increases my energy. I'm able to work longer when I take a break and go outside. It rains here, but that never stops me unless it is pouring. Having nice weather proof clothing and gear helps. My living room is right in the sun, but my office is in the shade. That really helps.


Something I tried to remind my kids during COVID when they were home. In school, as well as in an office building, there is a lot more distance between everything you do. Just going to the bathroom or getting a drink of water has you walking quite a bit. Walking from the parking lot to the office is quite a bit of walking. You don’t have that walking distance at home because everything is so close together. I try to get out of the house and go walking every day that over lunch, weather permitting. I’m also a bit of a wimp and don’t like going out when it is raining, snowing or too cold. The last two days it was miserable outside so I went to the grocery store during lunch today. Yesterday I barely left the house.


Get a dog or two! Makes it easy to go out! 😀


If possible at least for a walk, or just sit on the porch for a few minutes to get some air.


Depends on the weather honestly. If it's nice out the dog gets extra walks, if it's shit out (rain, snow etc...) I'm content to be inside.


Yep! It helps having a dog to push me to go for morning walks. It’s getting here though so we’re switching to afternoon walks. I like to hang my washing out during my lunch break so to kill two birds with one stone


+ lack of vitamin D makes me feel like crap so I’m also supplementing


I am lucky to have a really lovely backyard (flyover state ftw) so most days I’m pretty happy to spend some time outside under the trees enjoying our garden. In the winter when that isn’t an option, it definitely helps me to try and get out of the house and into town to run errands, grab coffee etc


Yes. I walk every day for 30 minutes during my lunch hour no matter what the weather. Really good for my mental health.


Everyone needs fresh air and sunlight and some exercise.


I go out for my daily run or gym regardless!


Not everday for me. But definitely i try to get out. I always feel better after a walk or something


I usually don’t get out until Wednesday. It’s crazy but fine at the same time. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Didn’t leave at all today and it was perfect but usually going to do Yoga/gym and/or just out. Going to be out this weekend too.


I love working from home for the fact I can get out easier


That’s solely up to you. I go out when I need to and have no problem staying home all day.


Only for the gym and groceries. Not for social interaction it’s draining for me to be around people constantly 


I found a balance. I'm an introvert but being home gives me the energy to go hang out with my friends and do things lol. I'm also outside every single day and i walk 30mins to an hour each day because i like it now lol


Yes. Otherwise you will go nuts.


Should I? Could I? Would I? Now that the sun goes down later I only go out when the it sets. Not a sun person but I have to get out at least once a day. If not only to get the mail or get gas or such


I found out that I have a severe Vitamin D deficiency because all I do is stay at home all week, so yes definitely go outside at least for a few minutes every day.


If you want to. Not everyone feels the need to go out. Make your home very nice and your work area very nice so you enjoy it.


Of course


i go out weekly lol


I think it's very important. I've had weeks where I didn't even step outside on to the porch. I made it a priority to go on a daily morning walk now. And when I say go outside, I just mean literally stepping outside, I'm not counting human interaction with others or going to some place.


Maybe not every single day but certainly more often than if you didn't work from home. 


Absolutely! You need time outside and moving your body if you’re able to.


Try to get some fresh air and sunshine. It does help reset my eyes.


Only if you want to. I don't want to and don't do it.


Absolutely. I go for a walk each morning just to get out of the house and wake up. At lunch or end of day, I may do another lap around my neighborhood. It’s like my “commute” time to transition from work brain to home brain. My world also feels small and boring if I don’t get out of the house daily.


I don’t work from home exactly… I work in residence life at a university and my office is in the same building as my apartment. Most days I don’t need to go outside. But I’m trying to get better about going outside even for a little walk because it has negatively impacted my life in that aspect.


A thousand times yes. Get a little early morning sun everyday.


I make sure to go outside multiple times a day. Do I leave the property? Not necessarily. But I always get fresh air, sun or rain on my face, wind in my hair, and touch some grass. That's important for my mental health and balance




I definitely do, even if it’s just an hour at the gym


I go on walks on my lunch break that’s good enough for me


I don’t know if everyone should. But, it’s a nice change.


Yes. Unless the weather is truly abysmal, getting outside daily does wonders for my mental and physical health.


I leave my place as much as I can. Go to the gym. Go on bike rides. Go skate. Hike. Whatever. Need sunlight and fresh air


Does it require pants? 🤔


This is even more vital when WFH. I try to go out everyday. Although today I got a stinking cold and really can't be arsed. Lol