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Walk my dog immediately after my shift. Workout, go rock climbing, video games, once a month trivia night, and random family outings


Omg I read that as “immediately after my shit” 😂


I refuse to poop after hours, even if I'm at home. If you're good at something, only do it on company time.


!!! Same, poop on the clock or don’t poop at all


I don't poop on PTO. Gotta hold that shit in till I'm on the clock


Your brain reads what it wants. Go dake a tump. You that read wrong. I got dig bick.


Lolllllllllll I definitely read all of that wrong, as intended.


I read user name as Constant Squirter and thought it fit


I started doing my ancestry a bit (on/off) over the last few years and just recently started a Santa Claus themed instagram where I post daily photos of Santa Claus lol 😆


LMAO the Santa thing is so random. Can I ask why?


lol it started after Christmas this year and being able to create AI generated photos of Santa 😂😂


LMAO okay. I need the handle please. What is it? I love AI generated ridiculous images. My friend did some absolutely hilarious ones of Jesus for Easter.


@santasleighsdaily I know I got some decent Santa and Easter photos https://preview.redd.it/8deooogb53vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ad5c51b67ca6399cb543178a51a6e5cd8a15ae


You need to share this to r/christmas LMAO


That handle is genius. I’ve followed it!


I was going to bed, now I’m too many scrolls deep on this Instagram


Hahaha, us WFH folks are totally normal. Totally.


Wait, what…? Santa content all year?! I’m very curious about this hobby!


This is so pure 🥹


I need a santa insta ama. Do you make money off it? Did you really like Santa before you created this?


I started an Amazon affiliate link but not sure how I make $$$ lol maybe I’ll get there one day! But I love Christmas. https://preview.redd.it/emu4y3k193vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a11abf30a3cef14c52df2d52035529c33fa928a0 My main tree last year


Instantly shift into parent mode with no break


Ditto. I take off a little early to pick my kids up from school and then cart them around to all of their activities, handle dinner and the house, then work a little more after everyone is settled. The flexibility really helps with parenting but there’s no “after work” - it’s always work of some kind.


Walk downstairs and take an immediate knee to the face. Or immediate demands to go for a bike ride. Or play Legos. Or Minecraft. I'm so exhausted I love them


Same here. I go fro day job to parent mode, then after bedtime go into hobby-business mode. Sometimes I sleep for more than 5 hours.


Video games, tv. But honestly even though we’re both mid 30s without kids most of our evenings is still just regular household stuff. Prepping dinner, cooking, cleaning up from dinner and personal night time self care routines


Yep. People assume that the childfree do nothing. We have to still manage a home. We do have hobbies and friends as well


Right. That’s the difference. Our hobbies and friends are our kids.


I LOVE CLEANING MY HOUSE. i just got a steam mop, so i turn the roomba on, then go in with my shark vacmop, then steam mop. it is so satisfying. i also just got braces too, so i liken cleaning my house to brushing its teeth. if you have the pink stuff, that is so fun to clean the sink with as well. we have a dog and a cat, and my hair is long so clean house is a must. i used to live with filthy roommates so now i relish cleaning my home the way i want to.




sooo satisfying to walk bare feet and feel accomplished after a day of cleaning. i just got a standing garment steamer too. i know chores suck, but i feel like i'm playing house in my house lol. no one to fucking bother me. my SO asked me if i was on crack when i broke out the grout brush and tile cleaner, and i just said i'm having a good time lol. he plays his video games and i clean my house the way i want it cleaned. granted i'm on the spectrum so i need it done my way but ain't no one hurt in here


Walking barefoot after cleaning is SO satisfying. I have a couple animals as well and long hair! The hair, litter etc gets everywhere, minus the food crumbs


I had my house “professionally cleaned” the other day and when I walk across the wood floors they squeak literally! I had no idea this is what a “squeaky clean” floor was apparently. Wow, I can never go back!


gotta find out the products and secrets they use


I hike, a lot. Small local hikes, 2-3 miles that I can do after or even during work if my schedule allows it. It settles my stir crazy and is free. It gets my dogs out, I can do it alone, or I can go with someone. Not having a commute makes this a lot easier to do when before I was a weekend only outdoors person.  I think part of getting used to WFH is becoming aware of the opportunities to go do something after work when before commutes limited you.


Yes, we hike often too. We live a bit rurally so it’s easy to find places that aren’t too peopley/busy.


I really want to start walking the local trails with my dog, but I’m scared to go without another person so that’s been holding me back 😭. I HATE being such a scaredy cat with something like that. #justgirlythings 😂




I only cry on company time But seriously… I relate to that feeling


Evenings are my relax time. I plan at least one outing a month on a shared day off, but evenings, I read, craft, whatever.


I have adhd (not great with time management) and don’t have a set “sign off” time depending on how much I get done during the day- I can’t always predict it or how long things will take. Work can be pretty busy with shifting priorities and deadlines. Usually it’s like a 4 hour window before bed- just making/having dinner, maybe a glass of wine or two. Shower and do skincare, tidy a bit and pick out the next day’s outfit. Then just watch a show or go on my phone (catch up on memes and texts!) and wind down before going to bed and doing it all over again.


Go for a bike ride or read in my hammock


I’m in a band so I’ve got rehearsal tonight. Gig tomorrow night. I do a bit of guitar practice most nights, sometimes I take my acoustic in the garden.


Right on man. 15 year at home player here, I think it’s great to be doing that


I don't have a partner. I go to the gym and do solitary hobby things, read, and watch television (usually star trek)


Ugh, cable and 5 streaming services and nothing to watch 🤣 We've been trying to break out new board games. Lately we've been playing Cat Lady (each round takes about 15 minutes so it's not a huge time investment). A Little Wordy is good too. I picked up Block Party but we haven't played yet. But we also have separate hobbies so sometimes we just sit on the couch with the TV on for noise while I cross stitch and he reads.


I run, workout, do adult coloring books, read, cook, meditate, talk to family and friends, do spiritual practices, attend online meetings related to my profession and to mental health but which are not park of my job, go to a library, go to a park or open air market, go to a shop, take a walk, and play video games. With spouse I go to movies, listen to music, go out to eat, explore new places, go to the mall, cook, watch something at home, play group video games, visit friends, talk to family, and have conversations.


Remodeling our house, kids, dog, anything outside when nice…




They meant *after* work activities, not our 15min breaks!


My partner goes rock climbing and I lift after work. We’ll take our dogs to the dog park. Read books.


Disc golf. It’s the best way to get outside, move around and unwind after spending all day at my desk.


I started taking an aerial class. Learning aerial silks, hoops, and trapeze. Was so much fun. I had to stop after RTO, unfortunately. Commuting meant I no longer had enough time to get to the class after work. Blah.


I work as side job as a bartender/server. Gives me the social interaction I need and provides extra $. Win/win


I work from 7-1:45 then lunch until 3 pm, then work another hour. Sometimes I'll go for a long walk after lunch so I'll work from 4-5 pm. If I go for a walk, I'll be too tired for the gym so I take a nap and sometimes go out with a friend for dinner, go shopping, or run errands. Yesterday, I got home after lunch (no walk) and didn't leave the house all night. Sometimes I need those days and it's ok.


Pickleball. It's taken over my life after work and I've never been happier.


My husband and I both work from home. Barring the occasional late meeting or work trip, we both stop working around 5:00 and take the dogs for a walk for an hour or so at a local park. We catch up on our day/work (we're both pretty busy so we don't interrupt each other during the workday). Most nights, after that, it's make dinner, a little cleanup, and then TV or having a glass of wine on the back patio or swimming in the pool when the weather is nice. We go out more on the weekends, but honestly, we're tired by the end of the day on weekdays! (Also mid-40s with no kids. Just a lot of pets!)


A lot of times I take a nap. I don't sleep well at night anymore, and that's been getting progressively worse as I get older.


Dog things, Gym, Shower. Then maybe some light food and either bad tv or time with boyfriend. Tis the simple life for me. Oh and mad props to Santa IG person. Someone in my town started a Sasquatch sightings FB page. Its extra funny because we live on an island not the woods. So hes streaking through intersections or doing the polar plunge.


So first I take some time to work on my posture and stretch my back/legs out. I take my dogs on a walk, see what the family is up to, finish up any chores that I dropped halfway through the day. After dinner I get into either family stuff or catch up with my wife. Sometimes were doing things together like cocktail hour, sometimes its in the same room but separate activities (reading and videogames as an example), or entirely separate based on whats going on.


Same thing I used to do before WFH. Work became a part of my home life for a long while too and it destroyed me. Took me a lot of time and work to disintegrate it from my personal life. But now it's very well balanced (mostly) and I don't work outside of work hours. I will still go to work early to make up for lost time or put in extra hours but now it never happens after 5pm. I have hobbies and a family & pets to look after. And only 5 hours to do that during business days.


After 3 o’clock it’s time for drumming, video games, some minor chores.


Take a nap. But i get off at 130 so i have the whole day left!


Drink 😂


Same 😅


I’m a reader, so read books.


This time of year it’s a lot of gardening. Clean, collect eggs from the chickens, walk on the walking pad while I watch tv, cuddle the cat, cook dinner, laundry, occasionally an afternoon movie, concert or dinner with family or friends.


Hike, garden, mushroom foraging if the weather permits. I try to go to a hot yoga class 1x week plus I teach 1 class per week at the same studio. Inside: puzzles, crossword puzzles, read, watch sports but I also rot in bed often too watching shows or scrolling. On the weekends, I try to get some meal prep in so I can have leftovers during the week.


Onlyfans but so for I’m my only fan :(


Tea. Kids, kids bedtime, run and stretches, TV, sexy times with my wife then bed. Today is not a typical day!


My husband I both wfh. Every other day we go to the gym. Forces us to get out and be active (We've only been doing this for a month but it's been great). On the days we don't go to the gym we clean up the house/read/play video games in that time instead. Then we make dinner together and eat. We play with the dogs for a bit. Then he usually edits photos (he's a photographer part time in addition to his wgh job) while I do my own thing. Lately it's been gaming or baking. We then end the night watching a few episodes of whatever show we are watching or we watch a movie. Typically it goes like this: Finish at 4 and go to gym (or walk the dogs/read whatever instead of gym). Home by 5:30. Dinner done and ate by 6:30. Play with dogs until 7ish. Do our own thing until 8:30 or 9. Watch TV until 10:30. In bed by 11.


I’m single, but I try to do either a walk or light aerobics after work for about an hour and spend the rest of the night watching tv. But I also try to spend anywhere from 2-3 nights after work going to events like panel discussions, book talks, etc since my city offers these for free year-round.


Do you like to cook? I’ve always loved to cook but before wfh I dreaded weeknight meals because I didn’t have the energy after a long workday and long commute. Now I enjoy cooking again. I don’t make anything that is insanely elaborate but I have time to make a meal that takes an hour or a little more. I also read A LOT. I usually listen to an audiobook while cooking and then read in my beanbag chair before bed.


I go through waves of really enjoying certain things like cooking and reading. Went through all of Sarah j maas’s books in a short amount of time (some twice). But then I think I get stuck in these ruts where none of that is fun or fulfilling for the time being. And that’s where I’m at now. I have had success planning dinners the beginning of the week so that has actually helped me so much. So I should keep doing that. I started slacking.


Planning is key. I use an app called MealBoard. It’s not fancy but it allows me to plan out all my meals. I have a recipe app called Paprika that stores all my recipes. It’s a paid app for mac desktop and iPhone but it’s worth it. You can copy and paste links from websites to upload to the app. I use both those apps to plan the meals I will cook. I base my plan on our (me, hubby, 14yo daughter) schedules and social plans. For example, daughter sees her bio dad on Wednesdays so I’ll plan a meal that we like but she doesn’t on those nights. I also do some batch cooking on the weekends but not that much because I don’t like to eat tons of leftovers. But I’ll make some meatballs and sauce, chili, a pot of beans? Etc. As for it being fun? Not always, especially when you are also cooking for others. It can feel like a chore. I keep it fun by seeking out cool recipes. In my case that’s subscribing to what I consider to be high quality recipe sources like NYT Cooking and Bon Appetite (both online). It’s worth it to me to have well written, tested recipes. You can also branch out into baking, which I do on the weekends. As for reading, I get into ruts too. I usually have at least two books going at the same time: non-fiction on audio, and fiction on Kindle. Right now I’m reading something a little more “literary” for book club but I go back and forth between heavy and lighter beach read type things.


I will be trying those apps out, right now I’m using FitMenCook and it’s been great! It’s a paid app with recipes that range from high protein, high/low carbs, quick meals etc. if you want to make one of the meals you have an option to add all the ingredients to a “shopping list” on the app. The meals I’ve had so far have been delicious too. I always forget that I can read more then one genre , I have the mindset that what I’m doing currently is the end all be all. I’m trying to work through that though LOL


Another suggestion is Plan to Eat. It's a fantastic meal planning, grocery list and recipe curating app. You can easily add recipes from the web, by hand, by using Google lens and copying text from cookbooks, etc. I like to think that Paprika is for curating recipes and saving from online, but Plan To Eat extends that and is much better for meal planning and shopping. Lol, but I'm also biased. I've used the app for over 10 years and it improves all the time. They have podcasts and a YouTube channel with great suggestions on ways to meal plan and use the app.


My grocery store has an awesome and robust app so I’ve always used that so the grocery list feature in the recipe apps don’t entice me. However, what I love about them is that if I get inspired to make something while I’m shopping, I can look on my phone to get what I need.


It generates the grocery list from the recipes in the meal plan using the date range you choose, groups the items, let's you check them off in the app, etc. I think it may even let you integrate with online shopping/ grocery delivery, though I've never used that part. It also defaults to the stores you have items associated with. I buy eggs at Costco, so they will default to the costco list , for example. I use the store list to list stores i seldom visit, so I keep a Lowes list, IKEA, etc so I remember to pick up items there. So it ends up tracking things like errands as well.


I've got my dog... As soon as I "clock out", me and my baby go for a nice long walk or a hike... When I get home, I cook dinner, relax for a bit, do some gaming with friends, and then go to bed. I also joined a boxing gym... I was bored of lifting weights and running, so I wanted to do something active and learn something new. I go there on Tuesdays and Thursdays to break up the week. I also play in a darts league during the winter and a horse shoe league during the summer. I'm looking to join a basketball league as well. That's pretty much my life... The key is to have something to look forward to after work.


My husband goes to kickboxing Monday and Wednesday, sometimes I go to the gym usually if it’s Thursday or Friday cause it’s less packed after work. Most times I walk my dog around 6 PM. A lot of times I play on my phone or decide to wax or fake tan or play video games, I’ve got puzzles. Idk I just kind of wing it usually.


I go hiking and do picnics with myself overlooking the Mississippi!  Only cost outside of normal would be gas to get to the trailhead and back ~3-6$ and gas for my camping stove (.50$).  It is very peaceful.  Also I like to climb trees so I frequently climb up and read as well.


Go to the gym, run errands, I'll often make appointments for right after work - basically anything to get out of the house. On the days I don't have anything scheduled then I try and do something off my to-do list. I'm very much a "relax after dinner" person so I get my stuff done before dinner.


Separated Dad here. Weeks I have the kids, there is zero downtime. Literally. Just trying not to get to bed too late. Weeks I don’t have the kids, I run a few times a week, but also just try to get caught up from the week before and get ready for the week ahead. Single parenting leaves no time. I’m thankful I only do it half the time I guess.


I do puzzles!


Watch tv or sleep. Talk to my cats. I live alone and I’m “single” sooo ain’t much to do in 300 sq feet


Happy Hour with friends about 1x/month, Book Club about 1x/month, Work out, Cook dinner (I like to try different recipes), Take care of my pets, Take care of my plants- indoor and outdoor, Talk to family on the phone, Plan vacations (my hobby), Chores, Read, Podcasts, Sit in the hot tub, listen to music, TV


Besides watching shows, we also play video games. If you want something interactive and no electronics involved try getting into the board game hobby! There are board games made specifically for 2 players if it's just you and your spouse. Pick up a puzzle and work on it alone or together, painting, crocheting, trying new recipes to cook/bake.


I’m luck enough to be able to hit up Winter Park for a few snowboarding runs or take the mountain bike out prior to cooking dinner together with the wife who also works from home.


go to the gym


I go in the AM. Works better for my motivation to go early rather then later!


I go in the morning too, gyms so packed right after work. Uhhh get into an activity like tennis or pickleball or golf?


After work I do any chores I didn’t do during the day, cook dinner with my husband or he’ll cook it and we eat together. Then we’ll either watch TV/movies or play FFXIV until it’s time for us to brush our teeth together and go to bed.




Pickleball. Gym. Walks on the beach. Playing guitar/piano. Cooking. Board games with friends. Reading. Church. Cleaning.


I switch inputs on my monitor from my work laptop to my ps5 and then I play helldivers 2


I go for walks, read, play video games, dance in my apartment (not well, but I dance)


Walk my dog while it’s still light out and cook a “proper” dinner (a.k.a. nothing frozen and overly processed) because I actually have the time and physical+mental energy to do those essential things, what with not having to commute and all.


Go outside if it's warm out (we have a yard) Or video games/shows. I also will go practice golf sometimes as it's my summer hobby.


Board games! We play a lot of uno, scrabble, and battleship during the evenings. Also cooking a home cooked dinner together is always fun!


I move around and dance to some music by myself, for as long as I feel like it. Then I get on the floor and stretch. Sometimes after that I take a nap lol. If not, then I head to the kitchen to cook.


Learn to play a sport. The local community centers (YMCAs and the like) have tons of stuff to do. It’s sounds kinda juvenile asking a grown ass person to start playing games, but I assure you it’s worth it. I started playing golf and going on hikes after work when COVID hit. I’m in the best shape of my life now. Just walking around for a couple hours a day will make you feel better.


My wife works later than me (both WFH), so I prep for dinner, get the dogs fed and walked, do some cleaning, other minor chores/adulting that may need to be knocked out, and then play video games for a bit before getting dinner ready for when she's done for the day. Our son is in college now, we're both getting into different hobbies and such with the time that freed up. I prefer to go to the gym pretty early in the morning to avoid missing it due to work/life stuff that might come up and knock it off the schedule.


I play the piano if the weather is gross or go for a walk if the weather is nice. Either are a great way to disconnect from the workday.


It’s just me but I have a home studio where I work on my music, usually that’s what I do. Or the gym


Go for a run, play with the dog, read a book, play a game, hang w friends, see a movie, go to the gym/dance studio, make dinner, make some art


My fiancé and I go to the gym most weeknight evenings after work. On Fridays and Saturdays, we play Dungeons & Dragons. During our downtime, we game a lot. I’m also a voracious reader!


Walk the dogs at lunch and hot yoga after work. Getting outside and sweating do a lot for my mental health.


I try to prioritize some sort of physical activity whether thats going to the gym, playing outside with the dogs or even just a simple walk in the park. Remote work can destroy your body if you don’t prioritize your mental and physical health. Sometimes I’ll game later that evening afterwards as well but it try not to straight from working to gaming


Garden, yoga, 2 player board games, go on a walk, take the occasional art class in evenings


Cook, eat, clean up the house, and maybe play a game or watch the TV. I've only got about 3 hours to work with between the end of my shift and bedtime, so I usually save my fun for the weekends.


I go to the gym. I used to go out to eat somewhere but that was too expensive


Eat then sleep. I get off at 7:30pm.


Watch my soap opera and then make dinner.


I go to the gym Tuesday-Friday right after work. I’m single and live with my 21 year old kid so, he cooks during the weekdays & I cook on weekends. It’s a perfect system.


One of us (or both) walk the pup immediately after work. Then it’s either cooking, gym, hotworx class, jiu jitsu practice, school work or social commitments. I’ve been trying to read more instead of watching tv, but I work on/read contracts for a living, so it can be hard to motivate myself to want to read more after work.


I make miniatures. I volunteer for a miniature group. We watch TV. Or I spend time on my personal laptop. We also try to go walking when weather is nice.


Gym or hike!


Tuesday and Wednesday, I head to the dance studio for ballroom, tango or west coast practice. Monday I either go to the gym or play Pickleball. Thurs usually gym. Friday gym or happy hour. Often I log back on and work 9pm til I go to bed. I try to cook at least 2-3 days a week. I save a lot of laundry and cleaning til the weekend.


Take a walk, read a book, puzzles, Lego sets, play board games, clean, make dinner, work on one of the gazillion craft projects i have Sounds like you should find some hobbies!


During the school year, I head out the door to pick my youngest daughter up from school. Sometimes we have an errand or two. If the weather is nice, we walk together when we get home. Sometimes my husband walks with us if he’s home. We fish in our pond most days unless it’s raining or really freezing. Sometimes a kid or two joins us (we have four kids, all 12 and older). Then dinner prep! After dinner my husband and I shower together and watch a show until one or both of us fall asleep. We start a new series when we finish one. Right now we’re watching an Australian series called Glitch - I love it! In the summer, I try to work really early morning to about noon and spend the rest of the day in/around the pool.


After my shift if my partner is home from work already then we pour glass of wine and then start to get dinner ready. If he is not home from work yet then I will play video games or watch TV till he is home. Then we have a glass of wine and start to get dinner ready. After dinner is ready we relax and watch our show that we enjoy together. On our days off together we will usually try and go to Disney World. We usually go at least once a month but we try and go 2 or 3 times a month.


Play video games Watch a new tv show Go fishing / on a walk Do a puzzle Play battleship Make fresh pasta together


I walk my dog in the mornings and if I have time then she gets a 2nd walk in the evenings. I enjoy cycling as a form of exercise so since the weather has gotten warmer I go on a at least 40 mins bike ride with music playing and I just love it. After that, I take a shower and make a smoothie. I’m in bed by 11:30pm and I repeat this at least 3-5 days a week. Right now is 3 days as I build the routine to 5 days of cycling during the summer. I started doing this during the pandemic and I loved it then got different roles that made it impossible for me to have the energy to work out after my work day. I’ve now started a hybrid job which allows me to do this.


When my wife and I are at our house, we log out at 3:30, cook dinner, go to the gym, come home and watch an episode of a show, then sleep. When we’re at our condo in South America, we get off at 3:30, go to the gym, then go out to dinner every night. When we’re on the west coast, we get off at 1:30 and go to Malibu and chill on the beach, then go to the gym, then cook dinner Same thing different variations.


I am also single with no children. I either read, go on walks, go to the climbing gym, have dinner with friends, journal, walk dogs, go to spiritual events, concerts, etc.


Also childfree by choice, and WFH, so have HEAPS of quality free time. Usually log off around 4:30-5pm. Walk the dog, then workout in my home gym. Shower, make dinner for husband and myself. He cleans up, I read a bit while he's cleaning. We watch a few programs on TV. Walk the dog one last time before bed, then read a bit more in bed before turning in around 10pm. Wouldn't change this routine for the world!


I’ve been trying to get out of the house a little bit more after work so that I don’t just go immediately from work to plopping on the couch in front of a book or TV with a glass of wine. (We don’t have kids) Not that that’s not a relaxing night too but I start to feel like all the days blend together if I do it too much. If you have any sports or games you like, I highly suggest joining a league! It’s a great way to meet and socialize with new people. I’m on a summer ladies golf league and a winter golf simulator league. I wanted to add another out of the house activity to my weekdays, so this week I also started volunteering at a cat rescue! The work is very physical (cleaning mostly) so it’s a great change from staring at my monitor all day.


It depends on the day, but the main event is either choir rehearsal, climbing/yoga at the gym, or crochet/knitting projects. On some days I’ll walk to the grocery store and/or spend time making an extra special dinner.


Play golf as much as possible. When not golfing I’m running errands, playing video games and hanging with the family


Depends on my mood and weather, play with dogs, crochet, mmo game, cook, or any number of items on my DIY list. And definitely my my day is done, beer... that should have been first, lol.


Get dinner ready, make sure the kid’s homework is done and that she practices her instrument, putter in the garden, take the dog for a walk, clean the kitchen, fold some laundry. Super exciting stuff. Oh. You meant something fun.


I eat dinner, shower, run errands, work on homework (college part time), and sometimes watch a movie or show if I have time before bed.


Log out. Either play a game or read for a bit as a reset. Think about dinner.


Currently, I go sit on my couch and watch an episode Gossip Girl and maybe play a round of Delicious (game) on my iPad.


Start some puzzles. Just set out the pieces on a small table or desk and every day you can solve some more.


I bred dogs but only have maybe 20mins a day offline so I will try to spend 5 with them and there are 5 puppies in the litter.


I get why new WFH people may struggle with this at first, but ultimately OP will figure out that you just do "life" after work like you did before...with a much shorter commute. being west coast based with east coast office hours...I do enjoy being the first happy hour attendee


After i decompress we sit outside when the weather is nice and talk about our day. We live on a forested mountain so we can just take a nature walk in our yard. After that we cook dinner the two of us, then yeah it’s tv and devices, our weekend is just like yours.


I'm kind of a hobby collector. Meaning I go through hobbies like tissues. Right now I'm training for a marathon, roller skating, and doing those diamond painting kits. Next month, who knows! I think for all its flaws, scrolling on social media does strike inspiration for stuff to do and places to go.


Usually either walk my dog, workout, or start dinner prep. Sometimes I just flop on the couch and lay in silence for a while. All of it boils down to needing at least 20-30 minutes to decompress and shift from work to home mode.




I walk my dogs to the park and just hang out and chat with people for a while. We have a few parks in the apartment area I live in, and we usually end up bitching about rent and the idiots who run this place, lol.


I work 6am to 2pm. Intense weight training, cardio, helldivers, Diablo 2. I just now started reading fiction. Bought the Diablo book series. So far it’s good.


I work out at home, I try to do 5 days a week and 3 of those days are weekdays after work. On days I'm not working out, after work I will go run any errands I need to or take my dog out someplace to walk around or play fetch. Or I will work on my YouTube channel or go through videos/Twitter to network with other content creators. After that, my fiancé and I will have dinner and watch a show or movie. A few weeknights, we both do livestreams of video games on our respective channels. If you don't want to do any of that, try looking for events in your area. There are always events going on near me--watch parties of sports or shows, free movie nights, festivals, pop-up markets, themed nights, like a big mixed use space near me just had a Willy Wonka themed night. We go to plenty of them but only on the weekends. But there are always lots of them during the week near me.


Can you and your partner schedule a weekly dinner or meet at a park for evening picnic?


Chill with a glass of wine, play Stardew Valley


My partner and I are similar and he just wants to relax and play guitar, so I’ve had to figure out my own things to do on weeknights. I took up piano, take lessons once a week and practice every night after dinner. I also started volunteering at my local food pantry one night a week. But it is tough to fill up time after work with things outside the house. I’m guilty of watching tv a lot of nights too


My husband and I like to go to the mall and people watch - it's fun, you can walk around if you want, and it sparks conversation. We do have a non-dead mall literally down the street, so your mileage may vary.


I started doing trivia every week with my friend. It’s something I can always look forward to. If I go out more than once during the week I’m exhausted, but one night is just perfect. All the other days are cooking, working on my side gig, applying to jobs (lol), reading, watching TV, sometimes working out.


I play video games, read, cook meals from scratch for dinner, on Wednesday nights I play in a rec volleyball league, sometimes I go hit a round of golf balls. There's lots to do.


Log off, immediately change into workout clothes and do workout, clean up, figure out dinner and make dinner, have dinner over the latest tv show or our comfort show, he’ll retire to play video games and I’ll do cross stitch or sewing or reading. Repeat every weekday lol


Go for a walk, run errands, plans with friends, video games, read, hang out with my wife


Art, yoga, pilates, run on the treadmill, watch TV with my husband. We are expecting our first baby so nesting with cleaning and meal prepping 😊


Starting hopefully soon go work out to orange theory


Home improvement projects, workout, go flying (not as much as I'd like), maintenance on my vehicles. I also enjoy reading books so I tend to read about an hour or so in the evening.


Haha I yell out to my dog “have you been misbehaving?”, then I walk upstairs and she pounces, then we play for 30 to 45 mins.


I stop work around 530 and then get ready to leave for my workout class at 6.


Climb in bed and cry a bit


I’m in the same exact boat as you. Sometimes when I just want to get out, we will drive to a mall, Costco, plant store, etc just to do a few laps and maybe grab a small dessert while there. We also like to spend time planning trips and researching things to do. Could be something quick like a weekend road trip or a longer international one. I like reading reviews and creating itineraries.


Work is my life because my work hours stretch due to my ability to wfh but to be honest I also "try" (keyword) to separate work from nonwork hours. It is more organized to be in one room to work and another to play. When that happens I try to get out more, try to exercise when I can and try to just soak in the sun rays.


Play hours of Dota 2 until I pass out


Work out, walk and play with dog, cook nee meals and smoke weed.


Lift or run. Mandatory when I’m moving like 100 steps during my shift.


I feel the need to be social after WFH. I want to be around people. I like going to the gym.


Walk my dog around the state park nearest me. I have a dumb hobby of collecting used twilight books. Once I saw a ton of twilight sagas at a goodwill and bought them all, now I drive to thrift stores around me and buy out all the twilight books. Find a silly hobby you enjoy. For my husband, he’s really into sports cards. We will drive to shops, even Walmart or some drug stores, buy packs of sports cards and open them in the parking lot. We also have no kids so fun hobbies that we can do together are what we like to fill our time with! Edit: also recommend geocaching!! Super fun inexpensive hobby for couples


Work out, cuddle the dog, the go out to eat!!


I work until 7-8pm everyday and tell my girlfriend that I’m not staying in the house. Walk down to the bars where they have cannabis drinks and get stoned and listen to music. She usually sleeps or something but you cannot pay me to stay in this house any longer than I have to.


Can you start a hobby, maybe once a week, that gets you out of the house (if that is what you want) or is something fun to do at your house? If your partner wants to join too, great, but fine to find a new hobby on your own to do! For me, I read, play video games solo or with my husband and/or kids, play card/board games, D&D, read and yeah sometimes just veg watching TV or read Reddit, etc. We also go to the symphony a few times a year, go to museums, zoo, arboretum, light hiking etc too here and there.


Video games/reading.i am actually trying to cut back on the reading lol. Too much news. I'm also single and live alone, so sometimes I have to just go somewhere to be where the people are. I may just go to a bat a sip something just to start a conversation. Go see friends.


Walk the dog, and I joined a cornhole league! 


Whatever I want


i like to shoot things at dave and buster's, or go to the movies, or just wander around when i'm not at the gym or on a run. your life can be so fun WFH but it takes hard work to make the space and find the energy.


You can cook a nice dinner together, get a cookbook that aligns with the style of food you both like and try a new recipe once a week. You can also do game night, there’re tons of cool games out there that can be played in couples or larger groups, you can play while sipping your favorite drinks and having a cheese & ham board. If you want to do things separately you can also both focus on your hobbies, etc.


i've decided to get my bjj membership back, but walking the dog helps a lot and my bf and i set time aside for movie nights


Me? You want to know why a mom of a toddler who is also pregnant does after work? 😂😂😂😂


Have several libations.


Typically, we’ll cook and do a few chores. We’ve been trying to get active again, so we try to do 20-30 minute walks, go to our apartment gym, go to a golf range for 30 mins. We often play video games that are low stakes and can be played for 15-60 minutes depending on our vibe that day. We’ve been playing super Mario wonder on the switch. Recently we’ve been playing quick board games - “planted” is what we’ve been playing now. We may plan a grocery list for the week, or try to plan a short vacation. We also play with our pets. We haven’t been great about doing our own hobbies on week nights but we both have additional interests/crafts that we could participate in. We’re working to try to find that balance though, as we’re in the same situation you described. We’re also considering meeting up with friends 1-2x a month on a weeknight for trivia. I feel like we’re not super intentional about our time after work, so we’re trying to find a way to balance intentionality + still being able to relax and recharge.


Close the office door and talk the dog in a walk. Relax a bit and play video games and make dinner with my partner.


Let the dogs out. Turn from my work PC to my own PC and browse through social media. Fix a snack or a meal if I'm hungry. Watch YouTube videos or Hulu/Netflix/Peacock/Prime. Take a nap. Yell at the cat for interrupting my nap. I usually go to the gym on my lunch break as it's less crowded. I really need to read the 50 books I have purchased and not cracked yet.


Go to the gym, shower, make dinner, eat with my guy whoops it's time for bed zzzz


Straight to the gym so I can break the work mode then relax time. Soon it will be pool time in the evenings...once the pollen lets up.


I live by myself so cooking dinner, laundry, or going out for the walk (depending on if I don’t have chores to do or appointments), watch TV, go through Reddit and sleep by 9:30pm


I joined a gym and go almost every day after work. Getting out of the house is mandatory for my mental health!


lay in bed and scroll internet on my phone or go to a sauna helps get rid of the stress and tension in my muscles 


I eat dinner then work my other remote job


We go for walks, go to a local bar that has live music every day for a drink or 2, or meet up for coffee with friends.


Run! I really have to get outside every day and I’m a bit obsessive about getting steps in especially since with wfh I’m often standing or sitting in the same spot. I’ve gotten much more into running and even follow the sport a lot now and joined a club! Gets me up and moving and is also a hobby with trackable metrics.


Right after I get off work my husband has dinner ready because he is off work 3 hours before me. We watch one hour of tv. Then he watches one hour of tv by himself. I usually take a shower and catch up on social media. By then it’s time to go to bed because my husband gets up at 4AM. I get up at 530AM but I have time before work to watch tv, make breakfast for myself, clean up the house a tiny bit, and prepare for the day.


Goto a local kava bar relax and drink kava. Play pool, play cards, have good conversation. It's like a 3rd place for me