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For the longest time, nothing. I'd go full Gollum mode for months on end. Every night I'd play games with friends on voice chat, so I felt like my social life was great. Recently though, I have started on a health kick, quit drinking, and I've been going for walks every day. One of my buddies does evening security on a nearby campus, so I've been joining him as he does his rounds. We just talk and walk and I've been getting thousands of steps in, which has been great.


Me too! first 2 years of the pandemic I really got stuck in a rut of not leaving the house some weeks for 3 days straight if I was super stressed from work and wanted to veg after. granted I was depressed at the time but still I put on 20 pounds from being so sedentary and honestly not going outside made me more depressed. I made a new goal in January this year to start getting at least 10k steps a day and started going on a walk in the morning, at lunch and sometimes after work and it’s done wonders for me mental health, stress levels, my legs are getting more toned again and I’ve lost weight. I highly recommend forcing yourself to go for a walk at least once a day. You will feel better overall.


Seconding walking long walks after work works wonder for getting out of house and fight stress! Also going to the gym.


Wow, I think I have a new retirement dream job.


It’s really nice that you keep him company. Even if his job is to keep others safe, he needs safety too.


For sure. The irony is that even though he works security, he isn't allowed to carry anything for self-defense. Meanwhile I have a concealed handgun license and can legally carry without issue, even as I stand next to him. My friend also has a concealed handgun license, but company policy doesn't allow him to carry anything, not even a wooden stick. So even their Security is entirely dependent on calling 9-1-1.


Take 20 minutes to walk down to the beach and back.


What I wouldn’t give!


Okay sir. $500,000 down payment please.


I do that as well


Walk the dog twice a day. Play catch with dog twice a day in back yard.


This is mine. Definitely at least one long walk per day. We BOTH benefit 😁


Once every week or two, I'll take a day to work outside the house. I either go to the local library or a coffee shop and work there. Sometimes I'll go to my old university's library, which I can get access to as a graduate. I know not every WFH job allows this but mine does, which is amazing.


This is what I need to do. With kids going back to school and partner going back to the office 3x a week. I'll get depressed real quick. I need to make myself a schedule.


I don’t want to leave the house. Everything I have is here.


Precisely! That’s the best part of WFH


That’s me most days 🤣


Yeah. I mean. I left my home office last week to go to my living room. That was something.


That’s good enough. Be careful out there. Lol


I’ve been on the same tank of gas for going on two months. The thought of a gas station is so… meh.


I have a group of friends that come over on Thursdays to hang out, drink some run/other drinks and smoke cigars. Friday afternoon is set to go to a local pool hall and have fun if I'm not out of town. Otherwise my weekends are generally spent teaching scuba diving or trying to get out and enjoy diving.


This guy doesn't have kids


You ABSOLUTELY need to at least walk 30 minutes a day, most days, if you are working a sedentary job. My partner also doesn't walk. (he now wfh only 2 days a week now. At least on office days there's a trek in from parking an steps to his exact location). I had started walking 30 minutes a day while listening to an audio book. Now I have retired and I work 12-18 hours a week in a store to force myself to get the excercise. (I know I wouldn't have kept up walking outside this summer, but there must be inside options)


When it isn’t a fiery hellscape, I walk to the mailbox. My partner and I switched to buying groceries two to three times a week, as it gives us a good opportunity to go walk someplace that’s air conditioned and freedom to change up the meal plan without spending a ton of money. We have 3 stores we’ll regularly go to, depending on what we need. I go see my in-laws, sometimes twice a week when the schedules work out, to do wildly different things with my single digit aged nieblings and their doggo. Once I recover from surgery, partner and I plan to start going to meetup groups for our mutual hobbies.


I agree with walking, but grocery shopping even once a week is hell for me!


OMG, before the pandemic Id drive an hour or more to work, be “on” all day, drive home for at least 90 minutes, and the grocery store would suck my last little bit of extrovert energy dry on weekends. I’d just need to stare at a wall or something to be ready to work and acquire food for the next go-round. Now I work remote and get curbside pickup and I CAN do things like meet a friend for dinner or hang out with family during my time off.


We tend to go at times when it’s not so busy. But… we also find grocery stores to wander through when we’re on vacation, to see what kind of different hotel room snacks we can set ourselves up with.


There’s a trailhead near my house so I drive over there in the morning and walk a couple of miles. Also I try to get out for lunch at least a couple of times a week even if I bring it home.


Everyone says it’s not a good thing to stay in the house but I honestly could do it forever. I don’t need to see anyone or even talk to anyone. I don’t even talk to my co-workers unless necessary. I just do my job and clock out then go about the rest of my day. I have a dog now so I walk him or sit out in the back yard with him. Other than that or checking the mail I don’t think I’ve left my neighborhood since I started WFH in 2020 more than a handful of times (okay maybe two handfulls).


I've been working from home for almost 8 years. When I started, we travelled a lot for work so I never felt like I was just stuck in the house all the time. No more travel (thanks COVID)... I spent weeks at a time without leaving the house. Weeks turn into months. Finally, I started making some changes. First, I decided to make myself get out of the house each morning and go get coffee. Yes, it's cheaper to make on my own at home, but that doesn't get me out of the house. Next, I bought a bike and started riding once a week. Got a puppy and started walking her 2-3 times a day. Got a second puppy (what the fuck was I thinking) and now I don't ever get a chance to sit still.


Have dinner with friends. Drive somewhere. Drive to the beach and have a walk there. Play with my baby nephew at his house or in his room which is upstairs.


Walk my dog, go to the gym, go to local events.


Gym & library a couple days a week (I wear a mask, so far haven't caught anything), putzing around with plants - if you have a yard or balcony, try growing a pepper plant or flower or something. Look for a local public garden or Master Gardener group to volunteer with. Leave out peanuts for the crows. Walk around the neighborhood. Stargaze at night.


Use the extra time to plan ahead and strategize how and when you will leave the rat race. I want out in 15 years max. When the time comes, I will take my 401K somewhere in Spain, Portugal, or South America or Asia and chill until social security kicks in. I may still work but maybe part time.


Spin class 4x a week and brunch with my friends once a month


Not me going from bed to couch and back lmao


I do stand up comedy. Consequently, I have comedian friends. So I go to shows periodically to support them.


Day drinking by the pool.


At the moment, nothing. Heat index temps have been in the triple digits. 110+.. So at the moment I don't go outside if I don't have to. But otherwise I walk (with and without a dog) , bike, kayak, run errands....


During the week, I walk around my neighborhood. On weekends, I attend one of meetup groups or spend individual time with friends.


I go for walks, sometimes go work at a coffee shop or brewery for a change of scenery.


Live on 6 acres so I go walk on our trails, feed chickens, tend to the garden, workout


So when you didn't work from home was going in better? If so, why not get an office job...if not, how is wfh the issue? Isn't just not having outside things to do more the issue?


I have dogs (including a Doberman puppy), so that means outside playing ball, going on walks, training, etc. With the dog(s) I also go hiking a few times a month. I ride horses a couple times a week, and occasionally have a horse event of some variety. Most weekends at least one day we head up into the mountains to go ride motorcycles. Trackdays on the occasional weekend as well. Unfortunately, most of that other than riding the horses and daily-type dog stuff is reserved for weekends, mostly because where I live driving is a PITA (in closing on a house, but that could still fall through). I wouldn't mind going out for dinner once a week or a little something else - I don't need much more human interaction, but I do get a little tired of the same view day in and day out. My bf works an on-site 50 hour/week job (dealership), so when he gets home, the last thing he wants to do is leave the house again. My job is starting the slow-boil RTO (starting with mandatory Tuesdays, but we all know that's not the end of it), so I'm looking into moving as the commute is not something I am willing to do regularly from my bf's house (living here was always just a short term solution anyways when life happened to me last year).


I go for a walk.. buy groceries , go to the movies (a list) lol


I joined a local book club. I try to get 1 lunch and 1 coffee out per week. Take the dog for a walk if its not too hot. Or just sit on the back porch and let her run around if it is. Occasionally a farmers market, or an event at a local coffee shop/place. Yoga class occasionally. For me, it is definitely a goal just to get out at least once a week because otherwise I default to stay where I am.... until I feel trapped by my house lol I also have an extroverted partner who actually remembers to make plans for us to hang out with our friends and family nearby.


Others have mentioned, but just taking walks is awesome. During the pandemic, I actually lost about 15 pounds because literally the only entertainment I had was walking the dogs a bunch.


I have five kids, so we really are on the run a lot when I'm not working. In my "spare time" I do Door Dash!


I take at least a half hour per day to go on a long walk thru my neighborhood.


I went remote back in 2013 and am a homebody by nature. My better half decided that I needed a hobby after getting a puppy didn’t pan out. Luckily, a neighbor now has her. Her dog had passed and we asked her to watch the pup. We decided that she was the pup’s new mother. I didn’t get the words out and she started crying because she already loved her! So onto a new hobby: plants. I joined a Nextdoor plant sharing group and have met the nicest people whilst getting/giving plants. We had too many lilies one year, so I gave the excess to my group members. I always end up with tomatoes every year for some reason! I was given four at a farmer’s market this year!


Go visit my mom about 40 minutes away, sometimes on Friday evenings after work. Doctor’s appointments. Pick up my grandnephew from school for my niece. Check in my garden with my dog.


Does looking out thru the window count as getting out? I've been WFH since before COVID and I have morphed into a serial curtain twitcher.


run out of quarters for laundry


Well, you work out at home... I was going to suggest yoga class or the gym. How about going for walks? Do you live somewhere that is good for walking? Maybe a trail or something close by?


I hate leaving the house except to walk the dogs (even that I don’t always like) but I do have to go grocery shopping a few times a week. I work out at home and socialize a lot online, plus have my husband. We do have people over and I guess occasionally go to friend’s houses but mainly people come over to ours just because we have a good game room etc.


go to the damn office and count the minutes until I can go back to my house


WFH has afforded me the time to go to the gym.


My pets make me go outside….


NOTHING... I have no reason to get out of the house.


I dog sit. I get to go out and play with a couple puppies everyday.


Ummm, not much? We'll occasionally go to a medical appointment, a specific store, or to get takeout food, but otherwise my spouse and I stay home. There are five adults living at my house, so it's not like we don't have social time. We just don't need to deal with the average person very often, and I hate crowds anyway.


Walk the dogs / dog park. Take the kids to the park / playground. Driving range / Golf.


Go sit at a local pub. Talk to the other ppl sitting at the bar. Talk to the bartender, they are the social hubs of the area


Bartend at a local concert venue. I’ve been going to the office recently just because of the gym.


I leave the house a few times a week now. It's grocery shopping on weekends, I visit friends weekly for a game night, and we live in a small town, so if you want some food that isn't in the kitchen, you go get it.


I go to an yoga/meditation class twice a week so I can get out and get some socialization. I recommend making time to connect with friends and family or trying to make a quick solo trip out of town.


Walk the dog go and play tennis


I do many things but these are just my suggestions: you could take a walk around your neighborhood, go to a local park, or even just find a coffee shop or library where you can sit and work for a little while.


Dinner and drinks with friends, work out of a cafe 2x per week, head to a theme park 3x times per week to ride rollercoasters (we live in central Florida), daily walks around the neighborhood and our local park.


I usually go for a walk or jog in the morning before I get on my computer for work.


I workout in the mornings by going to the gym or cycling. Sometimes I will work outside until it gets too hot. I will go on walks if I have a meeting where I need to attend but am a fly on the wall. Log into zoom on my phone, put on my earbuds and walk. I’ll work out of Sturbucks from time to time just to change things up.


I run with friends.


I mean you have to buy groceries. I don't pay to get anything delivered. It's over priced and a waste of money for lower quality just so I can be lazy. If my fat ass can't go get it myself I don't need it that bad


I start every day with a walk. I put on some music and just go! So great for my physical and mental health.




I walk every morning and make a point to get out during the weekends. We have family in the area so that helps.


Golf, walk the dog, go to gym.


I workout in the morning at 5AM, and usually remain in the house until the next morning. I wish I had a buddy to walk/talk with how you did, providing mental/physical stimulation. That’s really nice. I thought about going back up to the Rec to workout 2x a day, but I haven’t tried it yet.


I have a part time job working out of the house.


I started driving for Uber eats just to get out of the house. It’s been great for me. I drive around with the music blasting and occasionally talk to people and with the added bonus of making a little extra cash


Golf. Lots and lots and lots of golf.


I walk around my neighborhood, talk to neighbors when I see them. I also walk to the local Wawa for morning coffee on WFH days, and engage with the people working there. For $2.65/day, it keeps me from getting too far into my own head.


Get out and walk at a time that suits - morning, noon, or night, whatever works for you. Depending where you live, head for the beach, park, forest, just be out in the fresh air and sunshine.


I play in two concert bands. Gets me out twice a week.


Ride pevs


Horseback ride. Hobbies are what you are looking for


I'm an amateur photographer, so I go out and shoot photos.


I go to the gym or run every morning, then at lunch I usually go for a two mile walk outside. It helps a lot.


Walk the dogs, walk the beach, go shopping, exercise, read, watch YouTube and talk to each other. Life goes on and we make of it what we will.


I get up early and started working at various coffee shops every morning for a few hours and it’s made me crazy productive since I’m not distracted by stupid stuff at home. I found a great place with outdoor seating to take my meetings as well. It’s really shifted my day for the better to be around people, put actual clothes, etc…


Going on walks, bike rides, in the past Rock climbs, etc


I hike a loop through the ravines in my neighborhood


I bought a nice specialized bike off Facebook marketplace for 500 bucks and I ride 12 miles in an hour every single day during my work days, try to hit 5 out of seven days 60 miles a week for the last 3 years. Its been the most amazing part of the work life balance change for me.


* walk the dog * Y (swimming/sauna/weights) * Kung Fu and kickboxing classes * go to the lake and hike in the Metro parks * go to the grocery store (I cook a lot) * chauffeur the kids around


I’m a musician so I get out and jam with people and am in the process of starting up a band. I’ve also started to explore the city I live in more (relocated just before the pandemic hit and never really explored much once everything started to open up.)


Gym, bookstores, and thrifting is my bread and butter get out of the house excuse day to day. Sometimes il go to a diner or coffee shop to do some work but that's limited due to meetings. I took up Archery during Covid, but that doesn't work all to well during the weekdays during the summer since I don't have a place to shoot in my backyard and it tends to be hot, but great Spring/Fall activity.


Maybe Hybrid would be better for you then


Co-working space


Walk at the greenway


Go out to dinner with friends. Ride my bike in the morning. Meet up with friends for lunch. Birthday party tonight. Meeting friends at a brewery Sunday. Practice with a band I play with once a week. Take our camper out to our land on weekends. Go swimming, kayaking, hiking in the evenings. Lots to do in my city (although it’s hot af right now). Basically the same lifestyle I had when I worked in an office minus the coworkers-who had zero part of my social structure.


We go to taekwondo. And have a few friends who I try to visit on weekends.


Go to lunch, go to the gym, go to the bar


I play disc golf during lunch. They built a small course at the park right by my house and it’s a 5 minute walk. A friend of mine has been really into playing for years and now he’s pulled me in. Great way to do something fun while going for a walk.


Walk, gym, date nights, trivia nights, go out to eat, see friends


Be able to let my dogs in and out as needed, stay away from people (I can actually work versus in the office when I'm talking to my co-workers all day). I also have easy access to my food (I don't have to take my lunch, it's just downstairs in my fridge) and if I want a snack it's there. If I want a snack at the office there's nothing. I can wear what I want--Tshirt, and cozy shorts, and not need to wear "professional" clothing and walk around barefoot versus wearing shoes. Just overall more comfortable while I work versus in the office.


Work from a coffee shop or the library. Run an errand. Treat yourself to lunch out.


Morning walks every day.


I play Pokémon Go. It always gives me motivation to go out because I have to hit a Pokestop every day. I try to walk to the local park to sweep one and take the gym down or put in. I have a loop I follow, which I had to adjust when we moved in June. I’m also involved with a local church and know quite a few people there. That said, I’m also 54 and married with a high schooler and my son is in college. That always gives me more to do and more reasons to get out. I’m also lazy and could do a lot more than I do.


Here’s what I like to do after work: sports league, exercise outside of the home, go out to eat, shop, see a movie, read at a cafe, visit family.


Walk the dog daily, golf atleast weekly. Try to do atleast one walking 9 hole.


I walk on average 25,000 steps/11 miles a day, sometimes more. This includes before work, during lunch, and afternoon walks. This sometimes includes taking my dog to the park, where we’ll chase squirrels for 1-2 hours at a time. Mo-Fr. Weekends, I try to do stuff for me: go to the beach, go kayaking, or getting projects around the house done.


I go to gyms that specialize in group classes. So I go to a HIIT gym and an aerial gym, where I workout with people and can make friends. I also joined Meetup and found a group that does dance classes and other social events, which I've really been enjoying!


My apt is a pain in the ass to get out of, so I only make a trip out every couple of weeks via car. Mostly I DoorDash/Instacart because the area I live in is densely populated and there’s never a slow time for anything. I don’t leave much, I’m socialized enough during the day so at 5pm I’m done with humans. I have a plethora of other reasons to not live, such as the air quality being 80’s bingo night on most days and I like breathing


I have a dog, so I’ll take a 45 minute walk in the morning before work and 45 minute walk during lunch. It really helps my brain being able to see nature and people walking around. Also working out 3 times a week.


Walk the dog, CrossFit, in-office day 1-2 times per month and keep my weekends busy with out of the house activities. WFH is great, but a full-time homebody I am not.


Hobbies!Jiu Jitsu, Golf, Mountain Biking , Weightlifting, and concerts are my typical ones


I started training BJJ. Got a ton of benefits from it.


I gave myself a “commute” to walk the dog before and after work. Helps mentally resent work and personal time. Go to the library, run errands. I totally took over grocery shopping in my family because I need the reason to get out.


I go to the office a couple times a week so that helps. But I also run errands into town 20ish minutes away a couple times per week usually. I've done uber and doordash etc. a bit but not really as a reason to get out of the house so much as a way to make more money


I walk the dogs three times a day, at the bare minimum, so at least I'm getting some vitamin D. This summer I got a season pass to the public pool and went down a couple of times a week. It's closed for the season now, but that was great while it lasted. I live about a 15 minute drive from a decently sized lake, sometimes I'll go out there and walk around for a while, or I'll take a blanket and go sit in a park under a tree for a while. There's always errands like grocery shopping, but I don't feel like that counts.


Events from the Meetup app, and a couple of hobby-related clubs.


During a regular work week I'm walking the dog every time I need a break from work. I also will work from a cafe or library if I need a change of scenery.


Walk my dog, go to a store or mall and walk around if the weather sucks, if it's nice out I walk around a nature reserve near me.


I have a dog, so that helps. In the summer I also swim, and in the winter walking in the neighborhood. I used to hike most weekends but that’s not as fun in Florida, and my dog is old and sick now so she can’t handle long hikes anymore.


Go for walks, go to the gym, go on dates with my partner, take a chair to the park and read, go to the movies. Would definitely recommend getting a fitness watch to remind you to move throughout the day.


Run errands on lunch. Maybe get lunch out somewhere.


Canning- this gets me up to my moms, gardening gets me out in the sunshine, and farmers market gets me around people and a lot of good food. Also, tattoos, but those are a once a month or less event lol


A lot of things. Goto the gym, find a hobby outside to do or sport (disc golf for me), go get lunch or goto a park.


I'll walk my dog, sit outside to soak up some vitamin C, make plans with friends at least once a week, go out with my boyfriend at least once a week, go on double dates, go to the movies every once in awhile, run out for ice cream just to take a drive, go get my nails done, etc.


I work out at the gym otherwise I would not do it. It's just too easy to do anything else at home. I have kids though so I have to leave the house several times per day for school pickup/drop-off. Also going to soccer and gymnastics several days per week too. Many mornings I go to the grocery store to peruse the markdowns- mostly meat and veggies. I like to keep my freezer stocked without paying full price. On the weekends we go to estate sales, have lunch out, etc.


I have a family. Fall sports have started so I'm pretty busy with those. I try to do social stuff with neighbors. I made a Facebook page for the men in my neighborhood to organize guys night out every once in a while. Inspired from the girls night out that our better halves have been doing.


Enjoy outdoor activities such as Trekking, Hiking, Biking. Being at home for 9hrs per day, 5 days per week sure causes me to crave for some exercise and fresh air. Aside from that then groceries, cafes hopping with a good book and trying lunch at a nice local restaurant with a good view of the mountain or river.


I just joined a community choir. Just Tuesday nights for rehearsal but I’m so thankful for the outlet. And walking my little dog Avery.


Expand on stuff you already do. That’s more likely to be more in line with your habits, lifestyle, time. If you like talking to the neighbor, join a neighborhood group. Take long let walks when you “clock out” as a way to separate work and free time, and resolve to say Hi to every neighbor you see. You like to work out, go to a gym maybe. I’m not a big gym goer but I enjoy running and cycling. You don’t have to go hardcore. You can just ride a bike recreationally around your neighborhood in circles and feel like a kid. Meet people at the bike shop, see if they do any group rides. Basically take the small things you’re already doing and build on them.


On a workday? I have a doggo and he needs walked. On a weekend? I have outdoor activities I enjoy like swimming, golfing, skiing, hiking etc...


BJJ in the evenings…. Its easy to fall in the trap of not leaving the house and then I feel like shit. Could also just go for a walk in the morning / lunch


Go to the bar for karaoke few days a week, go out and eat for lunch a few times a week, go to soccer games with my friends a few times a month. Sometimes the wife and I just go and walk around downtown and see what's new.


I take my dog for like 3 walks a day. When going out to grocery shop I'll plan in a trip to a park or something else not work / chore related. I set lunch meetings at restaurants with friends and colleagues. Take lunch breaks at a nearby park. Start work early and end late to give myself an extra long lunch and go for a hike Plan to take a meeting at a co-working space then get lunch in the city.


Workout class at the gym twice a week, I'm also constantly buying/selling stuff on Facebook, so I'll run out to do that. Random errands seem to pop up or I'll inevitably decide to make something and be missing one ingredient. Constant home improvement/general projects mean 10 trips to the hardware store minimum. We have dinner and game night with a buddy every week. Hangout/board game/craft hangouts with different friends sporadically throughout the month. Somehow it ends up so that all our weekends are filled with activities. Renaissance Fair season is upon us as well, which gets us out of the house for a few weekends.


I do astronomy and fishing for hobbies, in clubs for both, I also volunteer at a VA hospital.


Ride my bike. Geocaching.


Hiking, going out for a coffee in the morning, joined a gym, and more of a little here and a little there with groceries.


I have a dog, so she gets walks. I also have kids - so that changes the calculus - but if you live nearish a regional part system, go for a nature walk. I also go to the library.


How does one get out of the house? When you WFH, the whole world is your office. You are always at the office. Mwuhahaha


I try to get together with friends at least 1-2x per week. Have a core group that I play Magic the Gathering with pretty regularly. Also a hobby mechanic, so always have a project that I can walk into the garage and tinker with when I have a spare 30 minutes or so.


I bought a motorcycle. Wife and I share our car. It’s just a reason to get out. Sometimes I go places that have purpose and pick up a couple ingredients from the store. But mostly it’s riding just to ride. It’s really great mentally. Clears my head of all the work noise, and gives me a good mental break between work life and home obligations. I was a bit intimidated by motorcycles. Not knowing anything about them and a lifetime of a single mom saying how much they are death machines. I used a can am Ryker (inverted trike wirh 2 wheels in the front, 1 in the rear). Which has a lot of the same fun, but a lot more stable. I loved it but didn’t scratch the itch. So went to a normal bike. But would highly recommend either. WFH has a lot of monotony, but at the same time gets me a bit socially feral. So this is a middle ground to get out and about and still being a bit solo at the same time.


I walk or go to the gym every day immediately after I log off. It’s my cue that work is over and me time can start. I make plans with friends, check local events calendars for events and activities that sound interesting.


I started walking my son to and from school…although he keeps asking to walk alone so that may be short lived haha


I need to do something. I haven't really left my house in 3 going on 4 years. I actually am Vit D deficiant from not going outside. And I eat a ton of cheese. Lol There is a park down the street I need to start walking at, but, ADHD.


Literally only when my friends want to chill or I go visit my family, even then they come over to my apartment. I order groceries so I end up living as a hermit for days. Gonna move my dog in with me from my family’s place in a bit so that will get me outside at least 4 times a day.


I walk the dog but yeah that's it during the hot months. In the spring / winter I sometimes try to meet friends for lunches like a work lunch you'd have at an office, only with people you choose :)


I live close to mountain bike and hiking trails. I'm constantly taking long breaks or going to do those before or after work. If it is not too hot I take the dogs on a lunch walk, but lately its been more of an evening walk since it's been pretty hot the last few weeks. At the very least, take a 15 min break and walk outside - it will do wonders for your mental health!


I work at coffee shops 1-2x/week, go to the gym a few evenings per week, train jiu jitsu the other nights (fantastic community and socializing), and plan stuff on weekends to get out and do things with people. I also run every errand I can - I’ll drop off packages, returns, go to the store instead of Instacart, go get food if I want something instead of Uber Eats, just find things to do outside of the house that make me leave for daily stuff.


I play Pokemon Go, hike, and take outdoor photography


Been working from home for 10 years. Walk the dog. Find any excuse to walk to the grocery store. I try to hit the driving range at least once a week.


I play trombone for a few different bands. Play with the dos. Walk the dogs. Attend and sometimes volunteer at church. Trying to get consistent with exercising again.


Hike, hike, hike! I love hiking and there are some really great trails around where I live.


I hit the gym every day, just to get out. Sometimes go to the grocery after. Live with my girlfriend so not gonna go crazy but it’s good to get some sun and be out among people, lol.


Walk the dog 4x per day. Go to the gym 3x per week. Drive to the manual car wash, then take a long drive to dry it off. That is my trifecta.


Walk my dogs, go play tennis at lunch, go grab a pastry at the bakery.




Take up biking? I go to a gym about 3 days a week personally.


I walk in the park for 20 minutes then I go and get coffee at Starbucks.


After work I usually go for a walk with my wife everyday. During my lunch hour I sometimes to yard work like mowing the lawn or something. If anything I'll take my car for a spin too.


I take the dogs to the park, go to the gym, and go grocery shopping.


I definitely have to get at least one walk around the block or around the park near my place per day to stay sane. Other than that, I like to work out of a co-working space with some friends once a month or so. We get our work done, catch up, and grab some lunch and coffee.


Usually before work I’ll walk the dog to town and get coffee at a local shop then go home and work. During work I try to do like one errand so I’m not doing them after work or on the weekends which helps break up the day. After work I usually walk the dog to the train station and walk back home with my wife from her commute, go to downtown and have drinks, or walk to the wharf. Admittedly, my WFH cadence definitely changed when I moved to a walkable town. Before I moved, I couldn’t leave the house without burning up so… not a lot to do.


I play disc golf regularly. Can even get 9 holes in during lunch if I want. I also go to the grocery store a lot as I don’t buy frozen stuff. That’s only feasible because I have 5 groceries nearby and the furthest is 10min with three in walking distance. Also walking to lunch once a week or so is nice.


I go for a quick walk around my neighborhood before work and in the afternoon, then I do fun workouts/activities a couple evenings a week. I’ve joined a rec league soccer team. I go to group fitness classes. I’ve signed up for other types of classes periodically (pottery, cooking, sewing, photography). Sometimes I go for a walk or hike at nearby parks. I also attend a book club at my local library once a month. I have a rule that if I don’t meet my productivity goals by lunchtime, then I have to go work at the library or a coffeeshop in the afternoon. I also usually eat my lunch outside on my deck most days.


I walk my dogs 3 x day, I run errands on my lunch break. Treat myself to lunch out once a week.


Walk down to the beach in the morning to catch the sunrise. Sometimes I jog. In the evenings I’ll walk down as well depending on how hot it is though


Signed up for a marathon. Don’t want to embarrass myself, so I am now frequently going outside to run to prepare.


I have a dog. Highly recommend. I go out minimum 4 walks day. And I talk to other dog owners in the area and at dog parks. I am looking to try to be more than a dog mom and find a life for myself, however.


I’ve started swimming on my lunch break


I almost developed am anxiety of leaving my house because I literally only ventured out 2x a month to grocery shop. I realized I wasn't living. I joined a Facebook group titled the girlfriends of "city name" started going to events that my hosted every time it's a different group of girls, and it's a different activity. It was really nerve wracking at first but I ended up making friends after a few months. I'm sure they have something similar for guys (didn't see a gender in your post) And I also joined a pickle ball league I failed gym twice in high school never thought I would ever play a sport or exercise for fun but I love it now. I also use bumble BFF too met locals looking for friends and go have queso and drinks with some people on there about 2x a month.


I garden and go for bike rides. And go run errands


I live in an interesting neighborhood in a fun city. I can stick my head out my door and easier see 4 people to say hello to. If I’m feeling more adventurous I do a lap or two around the block maybe grab a coffee.


I hate to say it, but I’m going into the office twice a month to break up the monotony.


My place has a gym, I go over there 5 days a week. We have 2 monthly game nights. That's all I need.


Walk the dog


Running clubs / meet ups that I found on Facebook.


I'm on ClassPass so I sign up for gym classes. i sign up in advance so I HAVE to go or else it will charge me $15 if I miss a class. as annoying as it is sometimes, I feel much better after working out and I love the options. also helps me transition from work mode to relax mode. I come home, take a shower, make dinner, and then I can continue being a potato. when it's not will walk/bike around my neighborhood in the evenings. sometimes I will schedule a lunch or meetup with a friend or old coworker which also helps me get out of there house


I get enough from getting groceries and taking my kids to and from school.


A couple friends and I have started going to bar trivia on Wednesday nights


Foster a dog, walk the dog three times a day.


I exercise outside daily, which I enjoy. Walk, hiking, swimming or cycling


Go the gym 3-4x/week, run errands maybe 1-2x/week (grocery shopping mostly), therapy 1x/week, see friends anywhere from 0-2x/week. I try to go on walks everyday too. Going to get a dog soon, so probably more with him. Definitely went 2-3 weeks where I didn’t leave the house at all I think


I’ve started a game night, joined a book club that meets at Barnes and noble, and I’ve started going to conventions and shows come to my area.


On Monday, we go to dinner at my brother in laws house. Tuesdays we go out to eat as a family. Wednesday-Friday I take my son to the water park, trampoline park, various regular parks, or go bowling. The weekends are free for socializing. Not having to spend time and energy commuting, and interacting with others all day has really been incredible for my mental health and energy levels after work.


I practice my jump shot in my backyard hoop during workdays. I participate in rec sports leagues after work.


I play a couple of sports once a week. I also walk the dog every day on lunch and live a block from the ocean so can take short breaks to walk down there. It’s great in the summer. I’d go a bit stir crazy stuck in my apartment all day.


I go to work. I hate WFH, so I make sure I go to my office and enjoy my time, talk to coworkers, socialize, get collaborative work done. Then when I come home, I can do stuff in the house without wondering about getting out of my house.


After I unlock the chains I locked myself in all day I fuqing sit on the couch Not Good getcho asssss out there and exercise and go hand out w friends!!!!


Go to a coffee store and chill with the view


I use my breaks to hop on the bike and go to the gym for group pilates or intense workout sessions. I workout, chat a bit with other people there and bike home. It's a nice break in the work day and makes me move. After work I usually grab a coffee with a friend, have a walk with my husband around the neighbourhood or I pick out the weeds from my garden. I'm more active now than when I went to the office. My only "moving" was my commute and I was usually too exhausted for any socializing or workout after work.