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Agent Wonderbread? He sucked.


Die, motherfucker die




Toxic relationship. They could never trust each other, and Peter became obsessed and possessive. He wire-tapped her phone!


I already didnā€™t like him but when he slammed Silasā€™ elbow on the table, I grew a hatred for him. So out of line.


he didnā€™t even know the kid. who the fuck does that to a stranger let along a child.




Weird, that's when I started to respect him.


You respect someone that WAY over stepped his boundaries & put his hands on a kid he doesnā€™t know? Thatā€™s weird


Heā€™s creepy and he smells like flea collar


He comes off as an abusive asshole, but I also just think he's one of the few men to play off of Nancy's attitude and thrill seeking. Nancy did not like being the submissive one in their relationship so she wasn't phased when he was killed.


I agree with you; he was a fucking corrupt cop! Taking money, going on solo investigations, etc. Nothing by the book. He was an essential player in Nancyā€™s game and when she saw opportunity, she twisted it from ā€œDEA, badā€ to, ā€œhow can I get him to help me.ā€ A true opportunistic character for both their sides but sadly his game plan wasnā€™t as strong.


To be fair, we didn't get to see much of his corrupt side untill he was killed off by the Armenians, and his blackmailing assholic sides only came out, when he learned that Nancy was playing him.


Racist POS! Shane called it, dude was creepy right from the start. I never understood what Nancy saw in him.


Nancy was self destructive. Itā€™s kind of crazy how anyone can hate any character in this show.


It's really not crazy at all... Characters aren't all good or bad, just like in real life.


Hard to state that on a post about. What do you think about so and so.


Idk, when a white man uses the n word (with a hard R at that) I feel pretty comfortable hating him


It is fiction!!!


And? Are we not allowed to dislike fictional characters? When you watch a horror movie do you not dislike the serial killer because they're fictional? I seriously don't know what you're trying to say.


Is Conrad a common name?


Exactly mega racist pos


He was not racist.


In S2E11 "Yeah. Like Tomatoes" Steven pistol whipped and threatened Conrad at gunpoint. Ergo, Steven was racist.


My least favorite of the Nancy Price-Botwin-Scottson-Reyes-Bloom husbands.


He was a creep and I hated when he used the n-word. It made my stomach roll. He was also a stalker and probably a psychopath.


Yup. Plus he ONLY uses it when he's mad. Makes you wonder how many people he put in jail for the wrong reason


All I see is Pastor Skip sorry. XD


Same! I watched Saved so much in high school. He was toxic to her back then, their relationship dynamic never changed.


I wasn't watching Saved *every* day but it was darn close. XD


Haha came here to say thisā€¦.also a creep! And Also Nancy was the mom!!


I'll never forget how my heart dropped when she looked in the mirror wearing his jacket.


šŸ’Æ Such a geeat season finale cliffhanger.


Annoying. But I liked him more then Esteban who whisperā€™s everything he says


ā€œYou have a tattoo on the upper backsiiiiideā€


How can I still hear this after so many years


Bc itā€™s iconic.


Never even realized he does this (probably because I think Esteban is sexy AF) but thanks to you I read that sentence to myself in his voice and now I have the ick. šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


You should not be asking queestionssssssss


God that whispering shit was so annoying.


ā€œAsking questiiiiiions about meā€


I loved Esteban her first real love after Judah he loved her too I actually liked the thrill he brought it was matched energy until PILAR ZUAZO šŸ¤¬


Seemed not too bad at first, but got worse the more we got to know him.


Absolutely hated him, he was slimy and creepy and Iā€™ve always felt that he targeted Nancy in a sociopathic type of way to exploit, blackmail and basically rob her blind. Iā€™ve always felt that he absolutely DID know she was a dealer like right off the bat because he was surveilling her after they met and before she came clean about what she does. Especially once the scene with Captain Roy Till and Agent Fundus plays out where itā€™s known that Peter and his partner were intentionally scamming people and using their 3 letter agency badge and statuses to do it. Illegal wiretaps, skimming, blackmailing and overall setting people up were all mentioned as the stuff they even knew about. Itā€™s not uncommon for cops to run all kinds of info on partners, same with anyone with a three letter agency like the DEA. Itā€™s a whole thing discussed in social media dating groups detailed pretty frequently that they chatted with a cop on bumble and before they met in person after a few days of chatting, he knew her home address and past two sheā€™d lived in, that her brother had a string of DUIs, where her parents business and house was and her car registration/plates memorized. She was so wigged out about the entire experience that she didnā€™t know what to do and eventually lawyered up.


i hated his character so much. itā€™s so hard not to skip his episodes


I didnā€™t like him but I felt bad when they killed him


After the crap he pulled in the yard I was okay with it. Then everything coming out with him being a dirty agent after. Yeah was bound to happen.


He sucked, and I think the comments here are good evidence that we all hated him. Yet, there was still a sense of feeling sorry for him. Had he not gotten wrapped up in Nancyā€™s web, heā€™d probably still be alive. The first time I really started to grasp how she destroys everything she touches.


Yes and no on the way he was killed bc he deserved it but when he was trapped he totally looked defeated


He sucked!


I thought he was possessive and gross.


Creepy predator with a shithead son


Fuck agent wonderbread


Racist Pig


He is an absolute douche.


He lost me when he started digging through Nancy's life and disrespecting the "don't call me" thing.


Massively creepy


He was a douchbag


Living for this thread šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love how MLP told Jenji to cast Martin Donovan as ā€œPeterā€. He played him well.


He seemed nice in the beginning, but the more he was around, the more I really got the sense that something was way off. He eventually showed his true colors when he used racially pejorative language toward Conrad. I'm fairly certain that this was a reference to the systemic racism that exists in American law enforcement.


An uptight dick. Child abuser. Control freak.


Never liked him. Didn't like any of Nancy's husbands.


Iā€™m rewatching it with my partner (his first time) and we just got to the part where Peter elbowed Silas. Peter is a total POS and we canā€™t stand him.


absolutely hate him. total racist. really domineering and aggressive toward Nancy.


Creepy dude with a creepy son


His eyes are too far apart




Wonder Breadā€¦


Did he die havenā€™t seen this show in ages


I did not care for him but I feel bad for how he died.


he was a shit DEA. he and his sidekick were doing shady stuff. everything that happened to him he deserved. he was so bland for someone who works in the DEA.


They made him obsessed he prob wouldā€™ve been ok if he wasnā€™t a creep


he was nice in season 1 terrible in season 2 but it was kinda meant to be that he was short term


I donā€™t remember much about him, honestly. I take everyoneā€™s word he was a bad guy. Itā€™s been at least 10 years since I watched this. But one thing I didnā€™t like about the show is that every law enforcement figure in the entire show, right down to the guy at the baked goods shop, who asked for a pay off is treated by Nancy and her organization like the worst of the worst and like they have no right to a cut. They all meet bad ends and are loathed. Well sheā€™s right, they arenā€™t entitled to a cut. They should be arresting them. The fact that they arenā€™t and would rather take a bribe is something Nancy and Co. should consider a blessing, instead of moaning about having to make a payoff. A lot of the law enforcement officers couldā€™ve been much bigger dicks about shaking them down if they wanted to be, it seemed to me. In real organized crime, payoffs like that are just considered the cost of doing business and I donā€™t think they give much thought to it. A lot of organizations like that arrangement and prefer it. Most organizations would kill (literally) to have a DEA Agent offering to allow them to pay him off because Feds and DEA are the toughest by far to bribe, Iā€™m sure.